Let the chips fall where they may.
Karen Hudes has been reinstated as Acting General Counsel for the World Bank.
Why would she accept that position after all she has discovered pertaining to the corruption in the World Bank, and the entire Fiat Theft System?
Some contend that Hudes is a shill for the Fiat Central Banking Cartel, akin to a Snowden 'whistle blower' - serving, in reality, as controlled opposition.
The World Bank is still a major component of - part and parcel of the Central Fiat Banking cartel, which Hudes claims is coming to an end?
From the IMF, to the World Bank, the Fed, the City, the BIS - central banking is the predator's playpen, all of which MUST be abolished if Human Beings are ever to be free.
In this interview, Hudes promotes the worldwide emergence of LOCAL BANKING with LOCAL CURRENCIES, with value of said currencies being determined at the discretion of local communities.
Published on Jun 30, 2014 By SGTreport.com
Sorry for the drama, just trying to do right by our listeners.. Here's the original interview with a short caveat.
The interview begins at 6:05.
Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the World Bank joins us to discuss the impending collapse of the international criminal banking cartel which Karen says is "imminent".
We discuss the worldwide BOND FRAUD, the 9/11 false flag event, and the fact that Karen says China isn't bankrupting the FED, we are.
The American people and a U.S. DEBT-FREE currency will rise from the ashes after the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE collapse - and that day is right around the corner.
Karen's site: http://kahudes.net/
For REAL News & Information 24/7: http://sgtreport.com/ http://thelibertymill.com/
RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY -- Karen Hudes
Top Comments:
NSA Troll 'armando espinet' (with a Masters in Economics - LOL!!) replies:
"...Like any good disinformation agent, this lady speaks in half-truths..."
'Armando' should know the game if anyone does.
It's his job - what he is paid by the NSA to do.
armando espinet 3 hours ago
Sean: For whatever it´s worth I´m a recently retired US Naval Officer (with a Masters in Economics). The Liberty Mill is the first place I go to each morning and I´ve been listening to you guys since you first started. During all this time seldom have I disagreed with your opinions, but I have to be honest with you, I´m realy disapointed! Contrary to my better judgement (but out of respect to you personally), I´ve forced myself to listen to this full interview - I´m sorry to say that my oppinion of this lady has not changed for the better. Despite this, I´m going to do my best to put this interview you´ve done of one of the most obvious disinformation shills behind me and simply hope that you come to this same realization. Like any good disinformation agent, this lady speaks in half-truths, much of what she says goes well with what we know - the problem is she seems to make up most of the rest of what she says. Once trust is established, I can respect someone´s opinion and possibly take controversial statements at face value even without hard evidence - the problem is that Ms Hudes has done nothing to merit this trust and has NEVER provided proof for anything she says. When someone makes such outlandish claims as she does without providing even minimal proof, any logical person should remember - ¨If it walks like a duck...¨ I hope you end up seeing the error of your ways and we are spared of any further distractions from this lady, in any case my time is too valuable, I will not listen to her again, on your site or any other...
Best Comment of the day:
Dean W 4 hours ago (edited)
In defense to Miss Hudes, unless I've totally been out of it and completely brainwashed from the day I was born, then anything is possible at that point.
Che Geordievara 5 hours ago
Karen Hudes info on the World Bank website:
Karen Hudes Responds To Negative Comments...
2 hours ago
- or just ask the people who reinstated me, the Dean of the Board, Dr. Merza Hasan, and the Chair of the Development Committee, Dr. Marek Belka, or the US Congress, which refused to approve a capital increase for the World Bank until the effects of retaliation against World Bank whistleblowers are be eliminated:
§ 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here:
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Whistleblower+provisions+in+Appropriations+Act+of+2012.docx and
§ 7048(a)(1)(B) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, (Pub.L. 113–46) http://beta.congress.gov/113/bills/hr3547/BILLS-113hr3547enr.pdf
Karen Hudes 2 hours ago
I just sent these agreements out.
Write your ambassador in Tokyo instead of being a crybaby, for heaven's sake!!!
Karen Hudes 3 hours ago
What exactly did I say that is not true?
Karen Hudes 3 hours ago
Or this:
http://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/margaret-hodge-filthy-social-workers-and-the-vip-child-abuse-connection/ BANQUERA HACE REVELACIÓN / / PODRIAN ESTAR VIVOS MH370 AVION DE MALASIA minute 8 1/2
Karen Hudes 2 hours ago
That was taken down by RBN.
But here's my response since this seems to be dying a slow death:
Karen Hudes 3 hours ago
http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/exhibit5.pdf; Reply
---------------------------- · Karen Hudes 3 hours ago
Sorry, I was just notified that this was up, or I would have posted all the documentation.
Exactly what is it that you need proof for?
Karen Hudes 3 hours ago
You forgot the third possibility: I am right!
See the power transition model I listed in the third post above.
It's not over till the fat lady sings.
Karen Hudes appears to me to be one who can not be trusted to tell the truth. The Chinese are sending teenage boys to Central America and now in the news you're hearing about Central Americans coming here to America by the droves. Well when I put two and two together what I come up with is that the Chinese are planting as many Chinese in this country of America as possible, because they intend to take this country away from us and kill us off. There are already Russian and Chinese soldiers hiding in the woods in our country. The Chinese and the Russians are in with the Secret Societies and Secret Government in my opinion.
The FED appointed itself by stealth and was never sanctioned by the people. To say that China or any other nation including America is bankrupting the FED, well it is a sweeping, senseless and unqualified statement to say the least after all the nations have had to endure and suffer.
Kate, I'm really sorry that (government paid) shill's did this to your interview,
The only reason the video was pulled so fast was due to these shills,
The channel owner didn't seem to be up to speed with the latest tactics being played and thought that the shill comments were from real posters, right now these government paid shills are "ghost banning" real poster, (blocking their post from being seen by the public, check you spam filters) and posting lies and disinformation in an attempt to mislead and discredit, both people and valid information,
You can see where they are trying to take this, as they try to block all valid posts, while posting lies,
They have also slowly and sneakily been removing the PM system from youtube, quietly phasing out this line of communication for a few months now, (getting harder and harder to use, i'm guessing their excuse for its final removal will be "but no one was using it anymore....")
Its very sinister, but don't be disheartened, as more people know about this, the less it will work,
(its very easy to prove this is going on to those that doubt)
They know people are waking up,
they are trying to slow it down,
Do you research, become aware, and spread the news,
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