St. Germain: Our Twin Flame Project - Converting
Lucronexia (greed) to Freedom and Light
I bring greetings of Love in abundance and Light. This will be a week
in which we offer you complexities, puzzles and challenges to tickle your
minds and jump-start your heart. The reason we are opening all the
windows and doors and helping you to air out your psyches is that we are
embarking on the first wave of the abundance packages. With this
massive change will come startling shifts in the way you will need to deal
with your lives.
Life as a wealthy person is very different in this world from the life of a
worker. There are completely different considerations and choices to
make every day - and I don't mean what colors you will choose for your
Porsche, your yacht and your three mansions. That would be a very 3D
way of approaching wealth. Do not forget for a moment that you have a
mission. It is not about being rich; it is about being generous, and
Your goal now should be: How can I best use these blessings to have the
maximum positive impact on the world around me? What projects touch
my heart deeply? How would I like to use my own expertise and
enthusiasm to make a lasting change? Remember the old Chinese
adage: "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him
to fish and he eats for a lifetime." What can you teach that
will provide something for a lifetime? Of course, you don't have to
teach it yourself, you could join with others to create a program to help a
chosen family, group, or community.
Perhaps your interest is housing in inner city areas. Who will you
partner with to create a program that will not displace the lower income
people who are already there in favor of wealthier families who can afford
new housing? How will you create change without repeating the ills of
the past?
What about education? Do you have the expertise and imagination to
create new programs that will break away from the current stultifying
bureaucratic and authoritarian public school system (in the U.S.) to allow
students a self-directed, individually focused program which will bring out
the unique gifts of each child? If you are not an expert in some
level of progressive education, do you know the brightest and the
Do you want to fund programs or projects that are already in place and
deserve recognition and financial help? Educate yourself carefully so
that you are certain you are assisting the most honest and reputable
groups, especially if you are working in a country or neighborhood where
you do not know the organizations and individuals by long-established
reputation. If you wish to truly understand the workings and intentions
of an organization, talk informally with a number of its lower-level
employees. They will tell you the level of Light and decency on which
the business is built.
Focus your energies and your resources in such a way that you have the
maximum impact for your contribution, and above all, do your research so
that you are sure you are not throwing money at the front organization for
some political despot who will use your blessings to increase his political
war chest, or a scam artist who will siphon off the money for themselves.
Unfortunately, there are still plenty of Dark Hat-trained minions who are
aware of the blessings coming, and who have prepared themselves
If you decide to contribute funds to a non-profit organization, go
personally to observe the work they are doing. It will lift your
heart and create an energetic connection to the people on the ground who
are carrying out the good work. You see, it is crucial that you now
not only give of the money, but that you instill the new energy of
constructive purpose into the energetic field of the money itself, to
change the purpose and intent for which money is used.
For centuries, the concept of money has been fraught with bipolar feelings
of power and powerlessness, self-indulgence and want, greed and
deprivation, gluttony and hunger. There is an emotional illness
affecting the modern consumer which has been created by the dark ones to
serve their means of production and wealth. It goes beyond yearning,
desire, avarice and greed to a pathological condition you may call
You see, beloved Warriors for the Light, we are in the business now of
curing a disease which has been rampant on the planet. There is no
one who has not been touched by the unhealthy feelings of greed which have
been redefined to describe it in a more socially acceptable way: ambition,
or drive for success, under the neutral term: capitalism. Since
money was originally designed to be the tool for subjugating the masses,
the notes and coins themselves have become imbued with the energy of those
intentions. This is where the term "dirty money" originated.
You and I, Dear Ones, are now launching a program to cure ourselves and the
world of Lucronexia. This is the underlying purpose of the Prosperity
Funds. Creating a program which will flood the world with money is, of
course, a cure for the disease which requires scarcity in order to
flourish. When all basic needs are met, it allows space and freedom for
individuals to decide for themselves whether they wish to pursue "the
Almighty dollar," or whether they will turn instead to fulfilling the
dreams of their heart.
No longer will you hear an artist decrying the lack of means to paint, or a
musician giving up her dream to study music in order to "get a real
job." Being a parent will no longer sound the death knell for
young peoples' dreams to create, study and thrive personally. In such
a world, children will be surrounded by adults who are pursuing what they
love. No child will have to feel like a burden, and no parent will
find themselves resenting marriage and children because it meant an end to
their dreams.
The Prosperity Funds and Programs are far-reaching in their intent.
We intended to cure the suffering caused by poverty, yes, but there is much
more to our plan than that.
This is one of the reasons the release of funds has taken longer than we
originally planned. Our long range goal must be kept as the primary
cause. If we had released the Revaluation of Currencies earlier, it
would have been absorbed into the old system, reaffirming the Lucronexia
problem, the way so many lottery winners end up after one year in worse
shape than before. If the funds had been stolen, siphoned off or
diverted by the dark ones who still had power in the monetary systems - as
they revealed in the early tests - it would have been devastating to all,
as hopes for real change would have been dashed. This would have far
outweighed the short-term benefits for a few very deserving Lightworkers.
We are in a better position now, having gathered the damning evidence
against the perpetrators who would have destroyed the benefits for
all. We can now look forward to a new kind of abundance and
prosperity as the global reset rolls across the world, lifting all boats.
We did not intend to make new millionaires, in the old mold. We want
instead to eliminate the feelings, the thinking patterns and the ingrained
reflex which inspires all of you to assign star status to anyone who
happens to have a large pile of "dough."
You are learning, in the throes of controversy and conflict over who
Kathryn really is and what her intentions truly are, to awaken your hearts,
join with those whose love for you is true and heart-centered, and lift
yourselves into the Light of common sense, as you might call it. Here I
will add a bit of interesting information for those of you who have been
confused, disillusioned and disoriented by the accusations and dire
warnings about us (Kathryn, me, Sananda, and others she is
The one you know as Kathryn also lived another very controversial life in
which she championed the cause of freedom and "Common Sense" as
the author whose words inspired and propelled the American and French
Revolutions - Thomas Paine. In that life she also gave of her resources,
her Heart and her drive to freedom at great cost to her earthly
comfort. She is one of the unsung founders of the Republic that arose
from the American Revolution. I recommend that all who have not had
the pleasure, to immediately read "The Rights of Man," one of the
seminal documents on freedom and human rights; it is most relevant to our
current times.
As I give this message to Kathryn, I am also called to respond to Sananda's
last message, "A Call to Help Our Kathryn." Lightworkers
around the world have sent their prayers and their offers to channel on our
behalf. We will accept their generous offerings of friendship,
solidarity and Love. It is a beginning of new cooperation which will
set the tone for the exciting work to come. The first of those
messages is one I have given to Aleasha Lewis, a clear and loving channel
who has beautifully captured the essence of my feelings and my
message. It is posted on our Facebook page and on the home page of
our website,
There will be more of these loving messages to come.
We wish to create a clear and trustworthy Light for you to follow through
these difficult days, as you tread the path toward Ascension. We hit
a bump in the road recently, when we were blocked from communicating with
so many of the followers who were growing and learning as a result of
reading our messages. This was unfortunate, but we know that as soon
as the dust settles, and the word gets out that we are fully and lovingly
behind our beloved Kathryn, that the family she helped to create will find
its way back to unity and Oneness.
We tell you with great hope and love in our hearts that there is no
foundation for the "cooked" evidence which is constantly and
relentlessly being presented to the world concerning Kathryn being
"compromised." This is as nonsensical as suggesting that I,
St. Germain, have fallen into darkness, ego and pride. We are one, my
twin flame Lady Portia/Kathryn and I. She is as much of the Light as
I am, and she is as much a part of this Prosperity and Freedom package as I
Raise your sights, Beloved Ones, to see further, to feel more deeply and to
open your minds and hearts to new possibilities, greater and more inspiring
truths than you have ever imagined. It is a time of soaring, or
releasing old feelings and ideas. Find your balance by anchoring in
the center which aligns your heart, mind and soul with All That Is.
Reach. Do not be pulled down into the dark feelings of doubt and
confusion which was the fertile ground for the diseases of alienation,
depression and Lucronexia (the far extreme of greed and materialism).
Dire warnings and fear of the dark are designed to sweep you, unawares,
into dark feelings, away from the Love we are offering you.
We thrive in Love, which is the opposite of fear. Love alone will
carry the day, now that we have been successful in stanching the flow of
darkness across the land. Do your part by helping others to free
themselves from all control - even the control presented as love.
Listen to the urgings of your heart, and join with us in joy and harmony,
for it is the beginning of a brilliant new day.
Please come to join us this evening on
The short link is
I will have another message for you then.
I wish you harmony, joy, love, laughter and friendship.
I am ever your servant, your St. Germain.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, July 9, 2014, 6 PM EDT, New York
Permission is given to
copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without
additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the
1 comment:
Sure would like to do some of this before I die. Death makes it a little more difficult.
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