Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thoughts from Papajack at OOM&F Late Saturday Morning

[Papajack] Good Morning everybody how are things this morning?

[Papajack] My computer has a mind of it's own this morning

[Papajack] The bad guys are probably listening in on me,
but they are going to jail soon I hope.

[Papajack] They don't like it when you expose their evil ways.

[mrbiz] The Good Guys are listening too

[Papajack] By now everybody knows where I stand, they run for cover.

[Papajack] I've been in this thing going on 7 years, it sure has been an education, and Okie has been in it longer than I have.

[Papajack] Don't worry about interrupting me there's not much to say, everybody does their job to get the RV done and the Cabal always finds an excuse to derail it at the last moment so they can continue their Smoke and Mirrors conman games.

[Papajack] Here's one for you, when we are born they issue a Birth Certificate in all capital letters so they can say YOU are a corporation and under their corporate fraud and their fraudulent legal system so they can steal from you all your life.
Then they issue a SSN so they can steal more.

[1166] straw man issues

[darkeningskies] Papajack yes, and use you as an asset for the corporation, and at the same time smugly claim that slavery is no longer a problem within the USA

[Papajack] But if they keep dumbing down the kids they can keep the shell game going.
Their greatest fear is America finding out the truth. Keep this in mind when you exchange post RV, they won't suddenly just become honest.

You are most likely going to have to stand up for yourselves as most of our elected officials are on the bad guys payroll in both parties.

[Papajack] Admiralty Law is the British legal system under the Cabal,
that's why lawyers have to pass the BAR which means British Accredited Registry which is against our Constitution, again a deception but we were all born into the fraud.

[darkeningskies] 1166 and use words that have another meaning then normal folks think. I understand Blacks 4th edition law dictionary, is considered the best one to look at.

[Papajack] These are just a few of the things the NEW REPUBLIC will change,
we go back to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that was hijacked by the Act of 1871. So for 143 years the bad guys have been scamming America.

[Papajack] Just think how different things would be if they taught the truth in our schools.

The reason we are still waiting is they are working to do away with the Cabal financial system we know as the Federal Reserve which wants to keep the fraud going while the rest of the world is trying to get back to an asset backed currency system. You see the FRN's are just paper backed by nothing but promises of the people we know we can't trust.

Thus the reason we need the TRN's so we exchange into the new system.
The bad guys want the old system to keep going that is rigged in their favor known as the PETRODOLLAR which requires all natural resources worldwide to be traded in FIAT dollars. This is what the BRICS are fighting and why we need to keep an eye on them.

This is what the GOOD guys are working on behind the scenes on our behalf. I hope this helps you all know what we are up against in getting this adventure done.

I know all the delays are frustrating but when you know why the wait is more tolerable.


You don't want to exchange into a crooked system and have your blessings stolen the Good guys want the blessings to make the world better.

[darkeningskies] Papajack because soon we in the USA will become a Republic again

That beats the devil with an ugly stick.

We are on the winning side and history will prove it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[Papajack] Here's one for you, when we are born they issue a Birth Certificate in all capital letters so they can say YOU are a corporation and under their corporate fraud and their fraudulent legal system so they can steal from you all your life. Then they issue a SSN so they can steal more.

WRONG! Lots of BC's are in upper lower case. Not all are capital letters. And they don't make YOU into anything. There is no magic. You are a living being and nothing can change that. It isn't about YOU! It is about the LEGAL NAME! A TITLE! Not YOU!

The Name is a TITLE which is commonly referred to as a legal name. They create the legal name, issue you their certificate of it for you to USE it to operate in commerce with. Everything you do in that legal name automatically vests as property in the STATE because the STATE holds the original certificate that created that legal name.

Because YOU "believe" and you "think" that YOU are that actual legal name YOU give the STATE your CONSENT to be the surety for it. Stop making false claims against STATE property and let the STATE have its legal name while you just USE it. The STATE then gets all liability as surety for holding title as legal owner while you then get the USE of everything without charge and without liability. You now become FREE instead of being one who VOLUNTEERS themselves into SERVITUDE!

They abolished INVOLUNTARY servitude, but never VOLUNTARY servitude which is why they ALWAYS MUST get YOU to give them your CONSENT before they can hold you liable for their property!

Stop making CLAIMS. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and free yourself from VOLUNTARY servitude! It is as simple as that!