Thursday, July 10, 2014

Time To Revoke Government Corporation Charters

Sheriffs and Larry Klayman,

Time To Revoke Government Corporation Charters as you can NOT Impeach a CEO and the Corrupt Board of Directors will NOT Fire the CEO.

This is NOT just for THE UNITED STATES, INC., THE UNITED NATIONS, INC., THE STATE OF (....), INC., but all the other Counties and Municipalities that are Incorporated as they claim they can not do business otherwise, yet that is the way the Elite Control you!

If they Claim the People can NOT revoke the Charter as only the States can Revoke the Charter then just tell them that the People have control, as THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, INC. does NOT have room for 38 Million SLAVES to be Jailed!

Watch Video:
The Need For Impeachment: Obama Must Fall
 by | July 10, 2014
Alex Jones revisits the articles of impeachment for Richard Nixon to see how applicable they are to Barack Hussein Obama. He also asks reporters, politicians and citizens to read at the Declaration of Independance and Nixon impeachment articles, then call for the impeachment of this President. If we do not stand up now we will be run over by the minions of the New World Order.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's already happened... UCC documents to put countries BACK to being countries rather than corporations (for sure USA) filed in Swiss court, unrebutted, found in OUR favor... see records of same...