Thursday, January 29, 2015

Measles Police State: 'Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail'

Measles Police State: 'Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail'
Mac Slavo
Activist Post
Jan 29, 2015
Never mind the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and other basic freedoms that uphold parents’ rights to make decisions about the health care their children receive.
Never mind the evidence that vaccines aren’t as effective as their makers have promised.
USA Today columnist Alex Berezow boldly proclaimed:
• Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail.
• Anti-vaxxers often claim the right not to put “poison” in their children’s bodies.
• That is ludicrous. A mountain of data has demonstrated that vaccines are safe and effective. Insisting otherwise is akin to believing that the moon landing was faked.
Tell that to the parents of Keira Driscoll, a five year old who died from very strain of the flu that she was vaccinated against just three days after receiving an immunization. FULL REPORT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets turn this around and say anyone who give someone a vaccination and it hurt or kills someone that they go to jail after taking 24 vaccinations just like in the service in to the USA cabal army....