Saturday, September 12, 2015

3 Versatile Firearms To Complement Your AR-15......


3 Versatile Firearms To Complement Your AR-15......

One of the biggest problems that survivalists often encounter when choosing a weapon is that it’s difficult to know exactly how a crisis event will initially develop. And this is a major issue, because having a strong weapon system largely depends on the mission at hand.
So, if your plan guided you to purchase a long-range bolt gun, but the crisis requires a faster-engaging semi-auto carbine, then that’s going to make a challenging situation just that much more difficult.
The AR-15 offers a great deal of advantages, but there are scenarios in which it might underperform against other weapon systems. The cool part about the AR, however, is the fact that there seems to be no shortage of aftermarket products and weapons to complement the US military’s longest-serving battle rifle.
So, here are three weapons that will mesh gorgeously with the AR-15, allowing an individual or team to close those performance and capability gaps.
No. 3. Glock 17/Beretta 92FS
If I had to pick a natural match for the AR-15, it would be paired with two of the most iconic pistols that are currently issued to lawmen and soldiers: the Glock 17 and Beretta 92FS. While there are certainly other sidearm options to choose from, my reasoning stems from the fact that it’s probably one of the most commonly paired rifle/sidearm combos in history. And even though a popular vote doesn’t necessarily indicate a good decision (as we often discover during election season), there is certainly something to say for the sheer volume of training rounds fired by this rifle/sidearm combo.
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The Glock 17 and Beretta 92FS are the most commonly issued handguns to service members.
And because the AR-15 tends to find itself lining the shelves of military and police armories from coast to coast, then this makes for an obvious choice on a very well prepared load-out.
Of course, not everyone has benefitted from law enforcement or military training; however, it’s not all that difficult to track down training classes in the private sector. Since most of these same instructors were trained in “industry standard” techniques, then you might as well go with a rifle/handgun pair that best fits with how they’ll be training you to run your system.
No. 2. Mossberg MVP

Image result for Mossberg MVP

The reason why I’m a fan of the Mossberg MVP is because it’s a bolt action rifle which runs on AR-15 5.56 magazines. This provides an interesting, low-complexity logistical advantage, since only one type of magazine (not to mention, probably the most abundant rifle mag on the market) is needed for both rifles.
With that being said, the AR-15 can be outfitted for optimal performance at long ranges and even for close quarters combat situations, but it can’t reasonably handle all range applications simultaneously. So, if you were to run a Mossberg MVP as your long-range bolt gun (1-2 MOA), then you’d be able to set up your AR for closer ranges (0-75 yards) with reflex optics, lighter ergonomics, and a shorter barrel.
In which case, you cover your butt if things get up close and personal, while still maintaining your ability to take a coyote at 600 yards with ease.
No. 1. Kel-Tec SU-16C (Charlie)
If the AR-15 does have a massive advantage over most 30-caliber semi-auto carbine-length battle rifles, it’s that the 5.56 round possesses far superior long-range capabilities … and the AR was fundamentally designed to hit them with combat accuracy (as opposed to ye olde AK-47). This capability could be a strong reason to set up your AR with a higher-powered optic and a free-floating heavy barrel, making it your bug-out operation’s designated marksman weapon. Yet at the same time, the AR’s higher-powered optic itself would cause issues in a CQB (close-quarters combat) scenario.
Which is where one of my favorite rifles on the market can offer its uniquely innovative advantages.
If you were to set up your Kel-Tec SU-16C to run-n’-gun during those closer engagements, then you’ll have an INCREDIBLY lightweight, ergonomic, portable (seriously, the “Charlie” model’s buttstock can fold under the magazine well, and the rifle can still fire), and oddly durable CQB weapon in your hands.
A teammate would take the long-range AR and you could provide cover with the SU-16C. On the other hand, you could also keep your AR by your side on a sling if you’re forced to rollout alone during a robbery, attack or crisis. Keep the SU at the ready, especially since it’s the short-range engagements that tend to catch us off guard.

Note: Word has it that you should probably purchase aftermarket irons or a sturdy reflex optic, since Kel-Tec’s original ones aren’t exactly the best.
The main reason why this system makes a great deal of sense is that the SU-16C has been selling for around $500 these days, meaning that you won’t have to drop another $900-$1,200 on a second AR for the same capabilities that you’d get with the SU.
And by the way, I should also mention: all Kel-Tec SU16 models accept AR-15 5.56 magazines as well.
What a coincidence.

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