5 Billion Human Beings To Be Murdered
New World Order: The Plan Is In Progress Right Now!!
Friday, September 18, 2015 11:19
New World Order: The Plan Is In Progress RIGHT NOW !!
“We’ve got people on the other side [the Dark Side] who think we should reduce the population of the earth. That’s satan’s plan, of course.
Jacques Cousteau [you’ve seen his underwater documentaries] said we need to eliminate 350,000 people a day.
Ted Turner [you pay for his cable TV networks] said we need a 95% decline in population. Okay, Ted, you first.
These guys for the New World Order want to reduce the population of the world [from it’s present 6 billion] to a half billion.”
“Charles Wurster [Environmental Defense Fund] said people are the cause of all problems. We need to get rid of some of them.
Bill Clinton [disgraced & impeached U.S. President] signed the Bio Diversity treaty that said we need to reduce the earth’s population to 1 billion. They’ve already got the earth [including the United States Of America] divided up into regions. Red areas are for animals only, no human beings allowed. The treaty’s been signed. It just hasn’t been enforced yet. Coming soon, though.”
“Peter Singer [he’s a Princeton professor teaching your children] is the guy who wants to have abortions AFTER the baby’s born. You’ve got 28 days to decide if you want to keep it. He said Christianity is our foe; if animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. Like animals have more rights than humans.
Alan Gregg [official for the Rockefeller Foundation] said the world has cancer and the cancer is man.
Prince Phillip [aren’t you glad the U.S. doesn’t have Royalty?] said if I could be reincarnated, I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. A nice guy, that Phil.
BTW, Monsanto [international] is busy working on genetically modified foods. They banned them in Europe. But 70% of everything you eat now contains genetically modified foods, causing all kinds of problems with health.
5 Billion Human Beings to be Murdered
Our food is being tampered with to reduce the population. The U.N. said food is power, we use it to control behavior, we do not apologize.”
AIDS was deliberately created to deliberately depopulate – created at Fort Dietrick through US Bioweapons development.
Dr Robert Gallo
Their world knows not to just go and commit murder.
These loss of lives may be from the constriction of something.
Like remember movies where someone doesn't get their street drugs and suffer withdrawal symptoms and some die, or maybe some people have a dependency on a medicine cocktail and if the pills aren't available for their blood pressure, or insulin not available for their diabetes, and then there are the people who have sensitivities to say peanuts or bee stings and need meds to reduce their allergic reaction, and then the asthma sufferers who need meds to open up their lungs.
These posts are misplaced.
There is a dependency on certain things, and if they no longer are available, people will probably see their self not living beyond the need.
This is true for those being treated with chemo or radiation, a need to continue that is halted may affect them, or some lung disease, or bacterial infection with no medicine to stop the infection, the MRSA flesh eating disease has not gone away, tuberculosis, Hep C, all those things are still around.
I'm just saying while people wait for someone to use a camp, some gas or bullets to do stuff, the things just may happen some other way, including a result of a natural disaster.
Someone says for 10 years a state or region is due for a major earthquake or volcanic eruption and people stay in the state or region and the disaster happens and they survive, but it damages a dam and that floods them before they could seek other shelter; who will people blame? the creator of the stones for writing it and making it visible for all to see?
Allies of Humanity said something like, "if you believe in only what you see, then you'll believe only what is shown to you." I misquote them, but the overall meaning is there.
The interesting part is, a lot of these things will actually happen in places like South America and New York City.
I definitely wouldn't doubt that. Of course, places such as Texas will continue to exist and be totally independent of the system's clutches.
But good god are the sheep and the slaves going to be culled.....I wouldn't want to live anywhere near the likes of New York for one's own safety sake, because they are definitely going to receive the brunt of this by these elites that remain. Clinton being the modern day Methuselah.
More food for thought
A WARNING to Christians from the NWO and the NEW AGE- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpnxNw0XHk4
The New Age: The Enemy Of Christ Exposed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3I7ry2fcA
The Christians ought to just pick up their swords and thrust the NWO NEW AGERS through with it!
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