Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Christians are leaving the U.S. military

Christians are leaving the U.S. military
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Wednesday, 23-Sep-2015 04:50:36

September 22, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn
Jacqueline Klimas reports for The Washington Times, April 15, 2015, that Christians are leaving the U.S. military or are discouraged from joining in the first place because of a “hostile work environment” that doesn’t let them express their beliefs openly, according to religious freedom advocates.
They include:
1. Douglas Lee, an Army chaplain who, as president of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, is charged with finding people who want to be chaplains and make sure they’re also qualified to serve in the military. Lee said that growing religious hostility within the military is making it harder for him to find potential recruits and for the armed forces to maintain the chaplains it does have. “I know people who get out, officers and chaplains, who’ve said, ‘I can’t serve the way I want to in this environment. People who’ve said, ‘Because of the religious liberty challenges I see, I think I’ll serve somewhere else.’”


Anonymous said...

Religious liberties for muslims in America must be stopped and now. They go around complaining and demanding their rights and that the world shut down for their holidays. Demanding their religion to be taught to our children in our schools. It's time for their demands (which should be deemed "terrorist") to be stopped and now! It's time for the Christians to demand their rights and not take any slack and BS from muslims (presidents or otherwise). Time to get rid of Valerie Jarrett and all her muslim czars from American (Christian) government.

marie said...

AMEN! Stop this political correctness now! Christians stand up now! Do not allow these Muslims to bring their religious beliefs to your children through school or any other place these Muslims think that they will dominate. Parents it is time to rise up and take a stand with your school districts. The department of Education must be disbanded. Rise up now parents!