Friday, September 25, 2015

Dave Hodges: Jade Helm Will End When World War III Begins

Dave Hodges: Jade Helm Will End When World War III Begins
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 24-Sep-2015 13:08:29

While the mainstream media redirects the public's attention to Pope Francis and his itinerary in the US, the aftermath of Jade Helm 15 continues in the background in the warm-up to WW3...
Jade Helm Will End When World War III Begins
Dave Hodges | The Common Sense Show
Sep 24, 2015
The “Red List” extractions, under Jade Helm, will be carried out by Special Operations Forces. In order to re-establish social control, martial law would be implemented with a vengeance through the use of convention military forces such as the 82nd Airborne. In a nutshell, this is Jade Helm and the troops are waiting for the collapse.
“Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste”
As would any entity, the central bankers of this nation, the Federal Reserve, will do what is necessary to survive and that includes the continued plundering of the dollar, while not crashing the dollar beyond the point of not being to resurrect the dollar. For this Petrodollar scheme to continue, the BRICS anti-Petrodollar strategy must be eradicated and that means war against Russia and China and this is what the American military is preparing for.
All Wars Require Mobilization of Military Assets
Americans have been awestruck at the massive movement of troops around the country. The massive movement of troops seems out of proportion to the Jade Helm drill. Every state in the country is experiencing unprecedented military activity and now we are seeing foreign troops become part of the landscape (e.g. Russians, Danes, Canadians, et al.).
The Final Purpose
When the aerial assets of Pope AFB were moved, I became suspicious that Jade Helm was ultimately serving a larger purpose. Further, when we witnessed the recent announcement of sending our most sophisticated nuclear weaponry to Germany, I knew the final purpose of Jade Helm was to provide cover for the mobilization and the military buildup of assets needed to fight World War III.
Most journalists who have followed the horrific details of Jade Helm know that Jade Helm will eliminate all resistance to World War III through the removal of dissidents and the imposition of martial law. Now we are seeing the pre-positioning of military assets under the guise of Jade Helm for the purpose of fighting World War III which is a war of survival for the Federal Reserve and the Petrodollar. In actuality, this world war will be a war of depopulation and planetary unification and will be fought for the globalist banking interests in Basil.
Isn’t Jade Helm Over?
September 15th is only a date on a calendar and only a moron would believe that Jade Helm is over. The movement of men and material, under Jade Helm continues at breakneck speed and in ever-increasing volume. Consider the following email that I received last last week.
Hi Dave:
…traveling northbound on 49 just leaving Alexandria, Louisiana, I saw a convoy parked on the side of the highway. Didn’t get a good look at it because I was taking pictures as fast as I could at 70 MPH with the delay in my phone’s digital camera.
…I would estimate that unit to be at least battalion size. Again, because of the camera’s delay I wasn’t able to photograph the entire convoy. However, I did get the tail, point, and two samples in between.
Uniform of personnel on foot was ACUs with soft caps…
Thanks for the work you’re doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get this through your heads; there will be no world war 3! This kind of BS is just fear porn.