Saturday, September 19, 2015

Muslim migrants target nations with higher wages

(Can't you see that this could be Americans that can be going to Washington D.C. to CLAIM their America back with NO more Debt to pay as we have been the Creditors since 1933!)

Muslim migrants target nations with higher wages

Islam expert: 'And for what job are they being paid?'


An Islam expert is criticizing the extreme demands of mostly Muslim migrants from the Middle East who seek asylum in nations with the highest wages.
“And for what job are they being paid?” writes Islam expert Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch.
“Proving Europe’s multicultural bona fides?”
His retort came after the London Express reported migrants from Syria “are demanding they are allowed to go to Sweden or Finland because the terms of asylum are more favorable for them.”
The report quoted asylum seeker Marwen el Mohammed giving his reasons.
He said he wants to avoid Denmark because “the salary for refugees decreased about 50 percent from 10,000 kroner, about $1,500, to about 5,000 kroner.
Further, he said in the report, Finland and other countries allow families to join together “within two or three months,” but Denmark requires them to wait a year.
The Express report noted the Danish government “recently tightened immigration laws in the wake of thousands of migrants entering Europe seeking asylum.”
“Danish authorities agreed to cut social benefits for new refugees by 50 per cent while foreign nationals must wait at least five years for a permanent residence permit – and they must be able to speak Danish.”
Read what conservative icon Ann Coulter has to say about America’s borders, in “Adios, America!”
The moves are just part of Europe’s response to the tens of thousands of people fleeing Syria, where Muslim factions have been warring for years, and Libya, where Islamic gangs rule many regions.
Eurozone nations, including Hungary, Poland and Austria, are restoring border controls.
Meanwhile, U.S. national security officials have discussed boosting the projected number of refugees accepted from 70,000 in 2015 to 85,000 in 2016 and then 100,000 in 2017.
President Obama has called for cooperation from European countries on the migrant problem. The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration say there is resistance to a flood of newcomers, and Democrats and Republicans are divided on the issue.
Democrats charge that the U.S. isn’t doing enough, while top GOP officials have warned that taking Syrian refugees creates a national security risk, as terror-seeking individuals may come to the country amid those who truly are fleeing violence.
ISIS has confirmed its intent to infiltrate the West through the flow of migrants.
The problems associated with mass migration, as WND also reported, have been aggravated by an epidemic of rape at Muslim-dominated refugee centers in Germany.
According to a document posted in German by Pamela Geller on her website, women are “assigned a subordinate role” and unaccompanied females are treated as “fair game.” Many of these women, according to the document, are fleeing “forced marriage” and/or “female genital mutilation.” The consequences are numerous rapes, sexual assaults and prostitution.
A report by France24 confirms the same tragic situation in Calais, France, where 3,000 migrants from the Middle East and Africa are crowded into a tent city awaiting passage to Britain.
“I’m surrounded by men,” the 22-year-old Syrian woman, Milad, told France24. “I don’t know anything about most of them. I don’t speak their language, I don’t know where they’re from and what they’ve lived through. So I have to be on my guard.”
Rep. McCaul, R-Texas, said Obama’s plans for tens of thousands of more Syrian refugees being brought to the U.S. “reckless and dangerous.”
Copyright 2015 WND

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The War Is Just Starting, They are Getting In Position

These Muslim migrants are not families but mostly just men. There has been war in Muslim countries for years. Why are the men leaving now, they are being told to leave. This is all a set-up.

Why are these not staying in their own countries to fight?

I will tell you why. The Cabal is loading up Christian Nations with Muslim men so as to deplete money from the people and Governments in those countries in taking care of the Muslims and at some point in the near future Muslims will be given the word to Jihad and the blood will flow.

Most countries have disarmed the people but the bad guys will always get arms. In this war strategy arms will be given to the Muslims by the Cabal like with ISIS.

This is just part of the One World Government strategy. A plan they have been working on for a long time.

We are being attacked from the air, food, vaccinations, manufactured diseases, chemicals, our water supplies, cell towers, sending jobs over seas, spending and wasting government monies like a drunken Sailor, withholding medical care, countries over run by foreigners and monies needed to service them, we are flanked on all sides and the list goes on and on.

This has all been planed out and we need to realized we are in a war.

There are about 75 things that should be addressed as soon as possible so as not to loose this war. Ken T.