Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Operation Gladio – Global Subversion, Part One

Operation Gladio – Global Subversion, Part One

All wars are bankers' wars - here's how they do it

Dr. Mujahid Kamran
Dr. Mujahid Kamran

Mujahid Kamran serves as Professor of Physics and Vice Chancellor at the University of the Punjab in Lahore, Pakistan. Professor Kamran is one of the best synthesizers of research on the New World Order and its crimes and conspiracies. His books 9/11 and the New World Order and the The International Bankers, World Wars I, II, and Beyond are among the best-documented and most comprehensive resources on the banksters’ relentless attempts to conquer the world using mass murder, usury and big lies.
Listen to my interview with Muhajid Kamran
Listen to my interview on Operation Gladio with Paul Williams
Below is Mujahid Kamran’s brand-new article, published first here at Veterans Today.



Mujahid Kamran, 21 Sep 2015

We describe Operation Gladio in various countries, from its illegal inception in 1945, and its evolution from stay-behind armies meant to resist a Soviet invasion of Western European countries to its bloody interference in the internal affairs of European and non-European countries on the pretext of countering Communist influence in these nations. Terrorism carried out by Gladio units in several European and non-European countries is described. Subversion in some countries, taken as illustrative examples, is dealt with in some detail. This was Gladio in the pre 9/11 period where its goal was to influence the internal politics of countries in such a manner as to prevent Socialists and Communists from being elected to power or to eliminate leadership that was either neutral in the Cold War or critical of U.S. foreign policy (Part I).

In Part II we deal with the post 9/11 period. In the post 9/11 phase Gladio operations have become worldwide. The war against Communism has morphed into Global War Against Terrorism (GWOT). Terrorism is being carried out under Gladio cover, and is being used as a pretext for “humanitarian” interventions i.e. conquests and redrawing of national boundaries with the object of maximizing sustained plunder of vital resources all over the globe. Terrorism is also being used to take away hard won civil liberties in the West, to destroy resource rich Islamic countries, discredit Islam, and above all to weaken, and, if possible, dismantle Russia and China. Terrorist organizations worldwide have been created, trained, nourished, sustained and guided by the American and British dominated NATO agencies. US and British controlled NATO is steering global terrorism to advance the agenda of the international bankers – a One World Government, global slave state, under their control.

Genesis of Gladio
Powerful Protection of Gladio
Vatican, Mafia, CIA, ONI and Narcotics
Philosophy of Terrorism
Subverting Italy
Murder of Prime Ministers and Potential Prime Ministers
Subverting Germany
Bloodshed in Belgium
Greek Gladio
Portuguese Gladio
Violence in Turkey
CIA, Counter-Guerilla, Grey Wolves, and the Assassination Attempt on Pope Paul II

It is not something taught in history textbooks, or mentioned in the “mainstream” media, that the masonic international bankers were behind the much touted Russian Revolution. It is a deliberately suppressed but undeniable fact, that these bankers had provided massive funding to trained “International Jews” (to use Churchill’s phrase [1]) to subvert Russia and to impose upon the people of Russia the so called Bolshevik Revolution [2]. The Politburo, with around 75% “International Jews” as its members [3], was completely controlled by the international bankers, who then set up a contrived Communist-Capitalist dichotomy to maintain mankind in a state of perpetual tension and war. Both world wars were planned and instigated by the masonic international bankers and their allies, all of whom were also ardent Zionists. The role of the international bankers in planning, instigating and deliberately prolonging both world wars is also not mentioned in history textbooks taught all over the world (see however [4-8]).


At the end of World War II a most secret and new development took place. The CIA had not yet been set up, but OSS, the Office of Strategic Services, established on the “advice” of the British during World War II, was in place. Allen Dulles, subsequently to head the CIA, entered into a strange agreement with the Nazi General Reinhardt Gehlen, head of the German military intelligence [9]. Dulles was a 33rd degree Freemason [10], and was very deeply tied to the masonic international bankers. An ardent anti-Communist, Gen. Gehlen had set up secret army units, whose members were known as werewolves. These werewolves were to act as normal citizens during the daytime and become communist killers at night. Soon after the Yalta agreement, Gehlen was transported to Fort Hunt, Virginia, where he was “wined and dined” by the Rothschild agent General Donovan, head of the OSS, who was responsible for the assassination of General Patton [11].


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