Thursday, September 24, 2015

Stampede kills more than 700 at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca

Stampede kills more than 700 at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca

Hundreds of others were injured, officials say

Stampede kills more than 700 at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca
by Faith Karimi, Schams Elwazer | CNN | September 24, 2015 

A stampede during one of the last rituals of the Hajj season — the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca — has killed more than 700 people and injured 800 others in Saudi Arabia.
The stampede occurred Thursday morning during the ritual known as “stoning the devil” in the tent city of Mina, about 2 miles from Mecca, Islam‘s holiest city.
Hundreds have been killed in past years during the same ceremony, and it comes only 13 days after a crane collapse killed more than 100 people at another major Islamic holy site, the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
“We have a stampede accident in Mina, and civil defense is dealing with it,” said Brig. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, an Interior Ministry spokesman.


Anonymous said...

I think this stoning the devil thing is a good thing. This could benefit Christians as well since we haven't gotten into that sort of thing yet. They are a little more advanced than we are at this sort of thing and none of us like the devil.

Maybe they could make it a weekly ritual to make sure he is dead or at least really bruised. Ken T.

Anonymous said...

Good example that these are heathen mongrels, worse than cattle or sheep, and absolutely have no place in America. First the crane fell on a bunch of them, and now this. Perhaps God is telling them (or us) something. One thing is sure, Allah is not protecting them, nor is their so-called "prophet" Mohammed.