Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Court Judgement and Arrest Order against Pope Francis and others

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,
Here is the information you Sheriffs need, or you others to get your Sheriffs, to have Pope Francis Arrested when he is in America.
Failure for any of you people to take action will be on your heads when your time comes for conviction, here on Earth or when you meet your maker.
You are ALL obligated to take actions as your Income Tax has been Approved by Yourselves, as the ABA Courts have proven, for you to be an accessory as the Vatican receives over one third of all the 16th Amendment Taxes as the Washington D.C. Corporation is involved, thus involving ALL Government Officials.
If Pope Francis is allowed to follow through on the rumors of Signing over the States down to the people to the United Nations and surely ALL to the Vatican for a One World Religion then the Pope has gone too far for the God Almighty I know!
If there are 3,133 Sheriffs in the USA and no one takes action then I see that God Almighty has prophesied that evil will come to America as the Corporation has supported Israel on the Talmud, and Israel became a Nation by the UN countries in 1948.

The Court Judgement and Arrest Order against Pope Francis and others
Posted on July 22, 2014
Dear Common Law workers,
Attached are the following pdf documents, for your collective use:
1. The Brussels Common Law Court Judgement and Order concerning the guilt of Bergoglio, Pachon and Welby;
2. The Court’s Citizens’ Arrest Warrant against these three;
3. The Court’s Order to Comply to the three;
4.The Common Law Charter, authorizing the formation of a local Common Law chapter;
5. The Stand Down Order issued to all agents of the Crown (Canadian, English and Australian police, politicians, judges, etc.);
6. The Stand Down Order issued to all agents of the Vatican; and,
7. The original Order declaring the Crown, Vatican and Canadian government/churches to be criminal organizations.​
Please use these documents to perform Citizens’ Arrests, occupations and common law court actions. Hand the Stand Down Orders to​
​ local police and judges.
Also, the latest youtube broadcasts are attached, concerning the Court’s Verdict and the Republic:
GUILTY: Pope, Jesuits convicted in historic case
(Verdict) (Latest Kevin Annett interview and update)
More coming, thanks,
Kevin Annett img-722105823
Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

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