Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Fed Can’t Fix It: “All That’s Left is a Reset, Shutdown of the System”

The Fed Can’t Fix It: “All That’s Left is a Reset, Shutdown of the System”
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Saturday, 26-Sep-2015 06:58:35

Mac Slavo
September 23rd, 2015
Did Janet Yellen make the right decision in delaying a Federal Reserve rate hike? Did the United States dodge a bullet? Of course not.
And the system is on course for a dangerous, hard landing.
As far as many experts can tell, there is no right way or good way out of this crisis under Fed control, and the exit isn’t likely to be smooth or pretty.
Not raising rates means yet another round of QE – QE Round 4 – which will lead to a further strain on the real economy as those on top get continued easy free, while interest rates on investments, pensions, insurance and savings sit at zero, or even go negative, destroying wealth. Derivatives continue to rule the day, and everything remains in jeopardy.
That’s why the Fed will eventually raise rates, at least just a little bit. But it will be too little way too late. The Fed has, in fact, lost control, according to many experts.
USA Watchdog reports:

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