Saturday, September 26, 2015

UN Covert Depopulation EXPOSED! Just in time for NY Summit 9/25 - 9/27!

UN Covert Depopulation EXPOSED! Just in time for NY Summit 9/25 - 9/27!
Posted By: A_Call_to_Actions [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 25-Sep-2015 20:09:00

Kevin Galalae takes a deep dive into:
• Why the United Nations was created in 1945
• How their depopulation agenda was positioned to justify poisoning the masses without our knowledge or consent
• Where this system of covert sterilization is attempting to take us

• What the methods are (chemical, biological, bacterial, etc.)
• When these methods came into affect
• How this all came to be
• And what WE can do to dismantle this all out assault on our children, our future!

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