Friday, September 18, 2015

You Americans Need To Stand Up!

You Americans Need To Stand Up!

Reports are coming out on a variety of things on what would happen come next week once Pope Francis is here.

The 3 men in West Virginia have spoken up and have a call on Thursday night for what will be coming to take control in their State.

They have spoken on some of it from their Monday call, as you can hear from the Thomas Deegan link on this site just yesterday.

My suggestion is that since no one else has a major effort going to get back the Republic before the Pope arrives then this may be ALL of yours' last chance to Wake Up!

You may disappear like Freewill and you will Never get a right to leave prison.

Get more than 10,000 people there in Charleston to have you We The People show the Corporation Government that We are in charge, and not just for West Virginia.

Maybe calls, faxes, and emails stating you will be there, but not on a particular day, yet many will be there.

If many arrive by Monday to take control of West Virginia then the Pope may not be able to even get to America.

Contact the local police that they better not do anything or else they will have to suffer once We The People are in charge.

The police can assist if they really want to get the Republic back, or else they may be the last ones to be destroyed by the NWO as they will no longer be needed with only 500 million people in the world.


Anonymous said...

No worries. God is in charge and Jesus will save us.

Anonymous said...

At this point in time, having faith in a special group of your fellow man,
will prove to be more beneficial than the dogmatic beliefs of
documented fabrications.
The answers are in Constantine's actions at the Council of Nicea 326 AD.

Anonymous said...

Documented fabrications? How dare you. Dan, sic'em

Anonymous said...

As an added note, for those of you wondering why "Freewill" wasn't disappeared with black helicopters: It could simply be also that the federal government is letting some off easy in the first place.

Remind yourselves, that as much as they would like to believe they control the world....they really don't, and frankly don't have the resources or boots on the ground to get everything they want.

With lots of slaves already on their plantation as is, that may just mean they don't wish to try to get everyone to so-called "take" a chip since it's impossible anyway and their sheep already provide enough cannon fodder. In addition they may recognize the heavy losses incurred, and be begging the creator to spare them, thus they won't commit all the rest of the crimes they were supposed to.

Remember, the feds are a lot like the boy who cried too many shrieks in the forest and they are sunk. Yet at the same time, don't ever under-estimate the feds and their capital crimes because they sure as hell will take you out.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that mean GET there NOW !