Monday, April 4, 2016

Disclosure is about to take place, re. Notice to the world

Just before the end of 2010, Pennsylvania — as a state — put together a Declaration of Notice to the world stating that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania had returned itself and its people back under its de jur Constitution, of the 1700s, and declared the People
of Pennsylvania, Free! — no longer recognizing unlawful corporate government within their state.
They did this legally and properly. They did not ask for permission, they simply went ahead and did it. And they received their shipping receipt back from the Office of Private International Law at the Hague.
Shortly after that, an informed contact — who had been in touch with various groups who had come forward about that time — was contacted and given a simple message, and that message was this:
“It has come to our attention, what Pennsylvania has done. How long would it take you to put together a simple majority of states to duplicate what Pennsylvania has done, for at
such a time there could be monetary and military support?”
They asked for a copy of the original documentation that Pennsylvania had submitted to the Office of Private International Law at the Hague, so they could see who had been involved.
Our confidential contact had no problem with that, and neither did Pennsylvania. So they forwarded to the contact the documentation that Pennsylvania had submitted.
The answer was “Yes! we’ll just see how fast we can get ‘er done!”
So they sent out emails to everyone across the country that they knew, and had worked with all this time, that they knew to be capable, honorable, and honest Patriots, who would roll up their sleeves and actually get the job done, once they were told what had to be done.
And by the following day, at least one contact in 20-22 states had stepped up and volunteered to be a lead person in their state, to get ‘er done!
The goal was for at least a simple majority — meaning 26 or more states to duplicate exactly what Pennsylvania had done.
It was later decided by those involved, to add more strength to the action by making the Declaration of Notice to the world, collectively as a united effort, so that the world will know we are not just free people in the various free states, but a Free People, united as we were meant to be.
We need no permission, recognition or opinion from foreign bodies or corporations to be what we are — Americans who claim our rightful heritage that was given to us by our
founders in 1776.
This action should be seen as a Declaration; not just a notification — this is primary.
This action is interim; and we can’t emphasize that enough.
A small group of elite people, have already messed things up — and in order to make sure that this doesn’t happen again, all of the temporary aspects of this will be in writing.
After a period of about 120 days of “disclosure”, free elections will be held. Paper ballots only; machines can be played with; paper ballots are a lot more difficult.
We’ve been told that old money people from before the Revolutionary War have been in contact with our military, and that some 80-90% of the military agree with the ideology found in our founding documents.
Everything we do is based on the principles in our 1787 Constitution and the Bill of Rights — including the original 13th Amendment that prohibits any foreign association, title of nobility, etc. — and the Oath of Service that everybody must take to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The U.S. Military has indicated to the financial people that they are willing to back us and that we have their recognition and support.
This gives the Military — probably for the first time — power to be used as a backup to federal Marshals who will take into custody all of the crooks and “fun-and-games people” on Wall Street, and so forth. There is going to be a tremendous house-cleaning.
The reorganizational portions of the government itself should be concluded about 120 days after “disclosure”. This 120 day period will begin with a formal announcement from the press-room of the White House.
This will give every reporter a clean shot at broadcasting the transition.
So these measures — in terms of what the military wants — they want to be the good guys. They’re tired of being the bad guys. They would much rather be invited into a foreign country as a friend, and an assistant.
“You need some help? What do you need? Manpower? Bull-dozers? Food? We can come in and help you out.” “Yes! we’re the United States Military! but we’re the new one. We’re the good guys.”BINGO!
We think this new approach will work quite well.
We are not putting together any interim government. We are not trying to overthrow anything. We are trying to revert back to law and order, and create the smallest amount of chaos, in the most peaceful fashion that we can.
Our military cannot do this on their own for the simple reason that under the current structure, Obama is considered to be the President — we all know that he is not — he is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of a Corporation called THE UNITED STATES.
The majority of the American people do not understand this.
So as long as the American people recognize a criminal corporation in Washington D.C. as having jurisdiction over them — and they do not stand up and say otherwise — our military’s hands are somewhat tied. They have been taking orders from a fake Commander in Chief.
As far as the financial people are concerned, they will never bring forth the money that’s been intended for this country, these many years, until Washington is cleaned out, because if they did, the money would disappear down the black hole of theft, almost
If the military are to once again take their orders from we the people, we have to be ready with a list of what we require it to do.
As pointed out above, this is temporary, and what gives the people the power and the authority and the standing to do this is simply that a majority of states filed the same paperwork that Pennsylvania filed, putting the world on Notice that we have gone back
under our de jur Constitution.
We have reclaimed the Articles of Confederation, which have never been rescinded.
The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of confederation are the basis of our freedom.
These arrests will mean the removal of the final obstacles that will allow for the implementation of the new abundance systems that are ready to free humanity from the current economy and its falsely imposed conditions of poverty and debt.
There are many men and women dedicated to this cause who have been working diligently in secret for years to bring us to this moment, who are eager to present to humanity the new system that will redistribute abundance to all, and release humanity from the mundane life it has known.
Freedom is being returned to the people.
The release of withheld technologies and other suppressed elements will follow to assist this transition.
The news of these mass arrests will come sudden and come hard, and many who are unprepared with an understanding as to why, may feel shocked and confused to see so many ruling people taken into custody.
These people, however, have served to perpetuate our enslavement, and all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people.
Certain big media groups have agreed to cover these events and assist in the disclosure timeline.
These arrests will be televised and fully shared with you, for it is owed to the people of the world that they witness the very moments and actions taken that will mean our release from the control of these people who have for so long worked to exploit and control humanity.
The manipulation will end and all humanity will enter into a new life. True freedom is to be returned to you!       The below Website is what you have already read.   Irvin


Anonymous said...

This is not a disclosure lol. The people of Pennsylvania can still be arrested under federal law. Nothing has changed. So tell's all that hope? Is it, is it helping ya? Lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When you shoot the messenger and not the message, you prove the message is correct. This is the same old nonsense that has been put out for years, and nothing changes. Notice that when the documents were returned form the Hague, it does not say any more. I bet the Hague just returned them and said "Not this nonsense again!" (If it ever happened at all. Notice no proof, just talk as usual)

Freewill said...

Actually you miss the point of notices sent to the Hague. They are not sent for any acceptance or any kind of permission or decision. Notices are sent to be put up on the international billboard for the international community to see. Kinda like putting up a lost dog poster on the billboard inside the doorway of your local store. That is what "noticing the Hague" is.

Freewill said...

Real easy for the lazy fat indoctrinated Americans to provide lip service when they are not participating in any solutions!

Anonymous said...

And who made the rule that the Hague has to be, or needs to be, noticed. If they just bundle them up and send them back, who is noticed? I think you are missing the point, as this appears to be an exercise in futility and desperation which has no meaning. SHOW ME THE MONEY (changes)! And you owe Anonymous at 6:51 an apology for the insulting responses. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If your message was the truth, it would need no such insulting and evasive responses. It's the same as making it illegal to challenge the reality of the holocaust. Truth needs no laws to make it true, or no derision to make it true.

And I ask Anonymous at 10:01 PM what makes a person a coward for telling the truth?

And Freewill at 12:55 PM, how do you know this person is not participating in solutions? Simply because your solutions have proven not to work, does not mean there are others which are working, simply because they don't continually misrepresent law the way you do here on this blog.