Monday, April 25, 2016

EMP alert: 2 N. Korean satellites now orbit over U.S.

EMP alert: 2 N. Korean satellites now orbit over U.S.

'The threat continues to race, hare-like, at an alarming rate'

April 24 2016

WASHINGTON – North Korea now has two satellites orbiting over the United States capable of performing a surprise electromagnetic pulse attack at an altitude and trajectory that evade U.S. National Missile Defenses, a national security expert warned in an interview with Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Peter Vincent Pry told G2 Bulletin that the satellites can be commanded either to deorbit and hit a target on the ground or explode at a high altitude to create an EMP effect that would knock out the unprotected U.S. national electrical grid system and all life-sustaining critical infrastructures that depend on it.

“The threat,” Pry said, “continues to race, hare-like, at an alarming rate, compared to the tortoise pace of our preparations.”

The satellites – KMS 3-2 and KMS 4 – are orbiting at an altitude of 300 miles, with trajectories that put them daily over the U.S. KMS 3-2 was launched in December 2012 and KMS 4 was launched Feb. 7.

At such an altitude, an EMP could impact much of the continental United States, according to EMP experts.

Pry is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both congressional advisory boards. He also served on the congressionally mandated EMP commission and as an analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Pry said that while the U.S. is aware of the satellites, it is unable to determine their payloads. The federal government hasn’t commented as much on the satellites as it has on North Korea’s ability to launch a missile capable of reaching the U.S.

The development comes at the same time North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered his rocket forces to prepare for a nuclear attack on the U.S. The communist regime has released videos depicting nuclear attacks on Washington and New York City.

North Korea, meanwhile, is preparing for its fourth underground nuclear detonation. Pry said it’s really a hydrogen bomb with a purposefully low yield designed to emit more gamma rays for an EMP effect rather than  
for physical destruction on the ground.

‘Biggest existential threat’

Pry spoke to G2 Bulletin after his recent testimony to Canada’s Security and Defence Committee on the “biggest existential threat that our civilization faces right now,” an EMP attack.

He said, however, that the fix is relatively simple and inexpensive.

China and Russia, along with North Korea, already possess the ability to launch an EMP attack that could shut down indefinitely such life-sustaining critical infrastructures as communications, transportation, finance, the delivery of water and food, sanitation, medical equipment, emergency services, and oil and natural gas pipelines.

Get the rest of this report, and others, from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin. 


jay w said...

You have to be careful with this type of propaganda , In all our minds , Americans have to get comfortable with the certain knowledge that the only threat to America and Americans comes from our own CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT , these types of stories are setting up a fall guy for what the US GOV. is planning to do to Americans , is a tool of the crimminals , be very careful spreading their top notch propaganda ............

Olive Oyl said...

Jay - if we were 'very careful' of every article posted on this blog, there would most likely be less than 5 each day - IF that. As it is we work 24 X 7 to keep this blog up and running. We cannot be held responsible for the authors, publishers and content of every post, many of which are suggested or requested by readers to be posted whether a statement to that affect accompanies that article or not. At the top of this blog are the words 'Awareness Blog.' It is the responsibility of each reader to decide for themselves the value of the content of any article. As for WND being a tool of the enemy? It is your right to think that - but I must tell you I strongly disagree with you. As I just said, it is the responsibility of each reader to determine .... What someone likes or supports, another will blackball. It is always interesting to have someone(s) instructing/suggesting to us what we should do or not do. We don't get paid one frick'n penny for what we do to keep this blog up and running. Consider there are thousands if not millions of other blogs publishing similar articles as we do, so for any of these blogs to have readership and to be able to continue - especially with NO FINANCIAL HELP is truly amazing. What keeps us going is the occasional 'thank you' that we receive from readers. BTW - I do NOT consider WND or their articles to be 'propaganda', and have to wonder just why you do any more or less than any other alternative news blog. Apparently you are not aware that Russia and China have formed a STRONG ALLIANCE and that North Korea, Japan and other nations have joined them AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, so it is VERY POSSIBLE that this nation can and will be attacked by any one or all of these nations. It is not what we 'think' but WHAT IS that counts. And this is NOT OUR GOVERNMENT 'setting up' someone. We are dealing with the satanic NAZI NWO. KNOW YOUR ENEMIES! Who you know, what you are informed about and how reliable your sources can make a HUGE difference in how you view things. Jay, you are welcome to read here and to make your comment(s) any time. We appreciate your suggestions and your readership. But, know that we have our opinions, too. Please allow us to express ours! Especially in response to yours! Blessings!

jay w said...

And of course I do , and also appreciate all this site has done and continues to do , merely suggesting , to look deeper , and connect the dots , what countries criminal govt. has attacked and destroyed more of this planet than any to guess ??

jay w said...

PS their strong alliance is against the criminal UNITED STATES INC. government not us the American people , there should be a distinction there , unless .............