Guess How Much U.S. Taxpayers Handed Over to Illegal Aliens in Obamacare Subsidies? You Better Sit Down For This One!
A Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee report that just came out revealed the extent that American taxpayers have been forced to fund the health care of illegal aliens.
According to the report, the 'government’s' Obamacare program has paid more than $750 million to subsidize the health care of people who lack verified immigration status.
Breitbart reported that,
“The Administration awarded approximately $750 million in tax credits on behalf of individuals who were later determined to be ineligible because they failed to verify their citizenship, status as a national, or legal presence” by July 2015, according to Fox News.
The subsidies went to 471,000 Obamacare beneficiaries who did not verify their immigration status or citizenship, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told Fox News. These individuals failed to provide full evidence of their eligibility, CMS told Fox News, but their lack of documentation does not always mean a lack of eligibility.
The committee’s review pinned the number of people who received credits for health insurance without verified legal status at 500,000 people.
The $750 million in payments divided among roughly 500,000 recipients works out to roughly $1,600 per person.
Of concern to the committee is that these subsidies were provided without verification and without a reasonable process to recoup lost funds.Here is what Obama said in 2009 about illegals receiving Obamacare:
“I want to spend a few minutes debunking some of the more outrageous myths circulating on the internet, on cable TV and repeated at some town halls across this country.
Let’s start with the false claim that illegal immigrants will get health insurance under reform. That’s not true. Illegal immigrants would not be covered. That idea has never even been on the table.”Were you one of the ones who believed the 'president' when he told everyone this lie?
What do you think should be done to keep the taxpayers from having to pay for the health care of people who came to this country illegally?
Myth: Illegals, Abortion Covered By Health Care Reform
Without real reform, the burdens on Americas families and businesses will continue to multiply. We've had a vigorous debate about health insurance reform, and rightly so. This is an issue of vital concern to every American, and I'm glad that so many are engaged.
But it also should be an honest debate, not one dominated by willful misrepresentations and outright distortions spread by the very folks who would benefit the most by keeping things exactly as they are.
So today I want to spend a few minutes debunking some of the more outrageous myths circulating on the internet, on cable TV, and repeated at some town halls across this country.
Let's start with the false claim that illegal immigrants will get health insurance under reform. That's not true. Illegal immigrants would not be covered. That idea has never even been on the table. Some are also saying that coverage for abortions would be mandated under reform. Also false. When it comes to the current ban on using tax dollars for abortions, nothing will change under reform. And as every credible person who has looked into it has said, there are no so-called "death panels," an offensive notion to me and to the American people. These are phony claims meant to divide us.
And we've all heard the charge that reform will somehow bring about a 'government' takeover of health care. I know that sounds scary to many folks. It sounds scary to me, too. But here's the thing: it's not true. I no sooner want 'government' to get between you and your doctor than I want insurance companies to make arbitrary decisions about what medical care is best for you as they do today. As I've said from the beginning, under the reform we seek if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your ..."
He was full of BS then and is still full of BS and lies.
We have never had a Pres. that lied so mush to the people as Obummer.
If we lie to a government agent we can get 15 to 20 years in federal prison. What did Obummer get, elected to 4 more years in office.
Just another government bum doing what comes natural, lies, lies, lies. Ken T.
Obama has so many clones, don't you people realize yet that he is a puppet, brainchipped, brain implanted, controlled by a handler to do what the Reptilians want him and all his look alike (similar) clones to do? The elite who sold out the human race to these Reptilians have been brain implanted and the reptilian-hive mind has taken control over them. Now their hive directive is to kill off all of the humans on the planet, and they are busy underground at Dulce and area 51 level 7 crossing all kinds of animals and humans together and creating hideous creatures that were never meant to be to unleash on the earth. Oh yeah, they want to get rid of the humans and have mind controlled robots! God should destroy and wipe every one of them off of the face of the earth, and he would if everyone who has a breath (given to you by God by the way...) would pray and ask God to deliver the human race from all of these evil entities and get rid of them forever.
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