Limbaugh Heard The Warning Obama Admin Just Issued,
Immediately Exposes What It’s REALLY About…
"The more they can take away from you..."
The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued guidelines saying that because there is “widespread racial and ethnic disparities” in the U.S. criminal justice system, landlords who refuse to rent to convicted criminals could “lack a legally sufficient justification” in doing so. The current Fair Housing Act does not make it illegal to refuse to rent to criminals.
“The Regime has told landlords they cannot refuse to rent to criminals,” Limbaugh said. “Wait ’til you hear why.”
“The presumption is that a great percentage of African-American criminals are actually innocent. They’ve been railroaded. I mean, that’s what the Reverend Jackson wants you to believe … A central point of the civil rights coalition is that there’s a bunch of black men in jail who really shouldn’t be there because they’re not guilty.”
Failure to rent to criminals gives the government a new means of control, Limbaugh said.
“You know what this is really all about? You have a landlord that refuses to rent to a criminal, Obama says, ‘No, no, no, you have to because our racial justice system’s been so unbalanced, you’re guilty of racism when you refuse to rent,’ you know what that’s really all about is seizing your property,” Limbaugh claimed.
Limbaugh argued this new law is a hidden agenda against private property.
“What do you think the penalty’s going to be for landlords that fail to follow Obama’s dictates and rent rooms to criminals? You don’t think they’re going to be able to come in and make a play for your land, for your property?” he added.
“And one thing about authoritarian figures, private this, private that, they don’t like anything private. Private property, private guns, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The more they can take away from you, including your private this or your free speech or what have you.
This is who these people are, folks. Don’t blame me. This is who they are,” Limbaugh said.
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