Sunday, April 10, 2016

Michelle Fields - Conspiracy against Trump? Paid by Soros or Clinton?


Then Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields attempts to ask questions
of GOP front-runner Donald Trump with Trump campaign 
managerCorey Lewandowski, far right staring in her direction

Exclusive: Wayne Allyn Root questions motives of reporter who filed 'battery' claim

I’ve been in politics all my life – almost since birth. My parents were among the founders of the New York State Conservative Party. I was handing out literature in my father’s arms for Barry Goldwater at the age of 3. I’ve been in the middle of political campaigns ever since – including my own election to the 2008 Libertarian Presidential ticket.

In the half century I’ve been in the thick of American politics, I’ve never seen anything like the frenzy, hysteria, desperation and hatred aimed at Donald Trump.

The groups arrayed against Trump include liberals, government employees, politicians of both parties, the media, GOP establishment, GOP donors, strategists and lobbyists, multi-national corporations, billionaire CEOs, world leaders, special interest groups, and yes – even the elite D.C. conservative establishment like National Review.

In short, anyone who holds any kind of power (no matter how small and limited) appears willing to do anything to stop Trump.

It’s clear people in power have finally realized Trump is a serious threat to their positions of power, wealth and privilege (no matter how small or limited). They fear that Trump will end their gravy train. Trump will upset their apple cart. Trump will walk into Washington and say, “You’re fired!” They are all scared to death and willing to do anything to stop him.


It certainly appears “anything” includes framing an innocent man. Donald Trump’s right hand man and campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Why would that surprise you?

George Soros has hired paid protesters to incite violence at Trump events. Protesters have tried to disrupt events and shout Trump down. Protesters have tried to incite Trump supporters to take a swing aT them. Worst of all, protesters have charged the podium, threatening to do bodily harm to Donald Trump. Death threats abound against Trump. A fake Trump headstone was recently put up in New York’s Central Park. What do you think the message is?

So if violence and threats to Trump’s life are “on the table,” does anyone think the opponents of Trump wouldn’t conspire to falsely accuse his right-hand man of assault? Don’t look now, but it might have just happened.

Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s national campaigN manager, was charged with battery on Tuesday in Florida. This case smells rancid. The whole thing looks like a conspiracy to stop Trump’s campaign whilE ruining the reputation of a good man. Will it work? My educated guess is Trump will go higher in the next national pollBut let’s examine the facts and ask some interesting questions about this obvious conspiracy.

Did Corey Lewandowski grab the arm of reporter Michelle Fields? Actually, I don’t know. He could have just guided her away from his boss, the next president of the United States. It’s hard to see what actually happened, as she touched the arm of Trump. But one Secret Service agent backed up Trump’s claim that she touched Trump without permission.

A close friend of mine was just 10 feet away and told me he hadn’t even seen a scuffle until he read about it days later. At that point, was it not self-defense for Corey to protect his boss? He didn’t hit her. He didn’t kick her. He didn’t shoot her. He brushed her out of the way. That’s assault?

If America thinks touching an arm is assault, good luck defeating ISIS.

If it was more of a shove, so what? Every reporter has been pushed, shoved, bumped and manhandled at political events or chaotic mob scenes. It’s part of the job. Can you even imagine a male reporter crying foul over being touched or shoved? He’d be laughed out of the media profession. Double standard at play?

Why would any prosecutor decide to press charges for a touch of someone’s arm? Well, it turns out this Florida prosecutor has a massive conflict of interest. He’s a Democrat who publicly supports Hillary Clinton. Case closed right there. This is a fake. A setup. A political frame job.

But there are more questions to be asked.

Fields has a new book coming out. Did her attempt to turn a minor touch into an international incident have anything to do with boosting sales of her new book? Was she trying to claim her “15 minutes of fame”? Could Fields have been paid to set up Trump and cry foul? Could George Soros or have made her an offer she couldn’t refuse? Could the Clinton Foundation have promised her a lucrative job? Could a lobbyist have offered her a bribe? After all, K Street stands to lose billions in government business if Trump is elected.

These are all questions that need to be asked.

Did Fields have an ax to grind? I’ve met Michelle. She’s a dedicated purist libertarian. Every purist libertarian I’ve ever met hates Trump. They think he’s an authoritarian strong man. They despise his views on building a wall, restricting immigration, banning Muslims. Could she have been trying to play “hero” for the libertarian movement by taking down the next president? As a bonus that pumps up book sales, speeches and personal appearances?

Or is she just a person who likes to exaggerate to attract attention? After all she has been involved in many incidents just like this one......
- She accused police of brutality while covering a protest in New York. Funny thing, though. She never pressed charges.
- She accused Allen West of groping her. Funny thing, though. She never pressed charges.
- She accused conservative investigative reporter Charles Johnson of hacking her computer. Funny thing, though. She never pressed charges.

How many more incidents have there been?

- Could an opportunist and attention seeker have planned all of this?
- Has the prosecutor tested whether the audio was recorded after the fact?
- Is there solid proof that the bruise on her arm was legitimate?
- Could it have been created with makeup after the fact?
- Could she have purposely bruised her arm after the fact to create a false picture?

- Was this entire incident an exaggeration from a desperate attention seeker?
- A political set-up?
- Or just an attempt to sell books?

One thing it was not is pretty clear: It was not assault. Watch the video. I’ve seen rougher treatment at a Black Friday department store sale.

The real winner in this incident? Hillary Clinton. She should thank her lucky stars the prosecutor who thinks a touch rose to the level of assault isn’t prosecuting her criminal case. She might be looking at the death penalty.
Oh, I forgot: That couldn’t happen. He’s on her campaign team.   

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