Friday, April 8, 2016

The Death and Rebirth of the Republican party.

The Republican Party as we know it today is dead. The brand of neo-conservative hacks, and bible thumping ideological conservatives have torn the republican party into a shred of its former itself, now a party that imposes a self inflicting ideological constraint and calls all members who do not cow tow to their ideological line "Not true conservatives" the party has turned into not a party for Americans but a party for the special interests and a echo chamber for the party line. 

Long gone are the days of Lincoln's pragmatism, Roosevelt's American civic expansionism, or Reagan's Honest conservatism. The "True Conservative" Brand has destroyed the republican party to the point that even with both houses of the United States Congress they still live in fear of President Obama. The last time I remember the republican party ever being successful in domestic policy was the "Contract for America" which gave us a budget surplus during the latter years of the Clinton administration under a republican controlled legislature

As I remember my dad and what his brand of america was all about he told me that what mattered was that America be America and that if lose our values as Americans we will lose our country, Reagan was his favorite president and over this past year I've learned that contrary to my teenage years of which I despised Reagan that there is a immense respect to be had for a President that speaks his mind and celebrates the idea of free enterprise, and being your own person. Over this past year I have turned from Progressive Liberal who was against the republican party, to a civic conservative nationalist, with the events in europe and the vast economic migration and invasion of europe, to the Increasing extremism of the Far left SJWs, and the candidacy of Donald Trump which I remember my dad saying would be the his candidate if he was running. These events have definitely changed my self and my political outlook and I believe is changing people across America into believing in the American dream and to remake our country to even greater standards. 

This all accumulates into the Rebirth of the Republican party for in order for us to rebuild America and the Republican party, we have to rid America of the old dynamic and the power structures that kept our government in the hands of corruption, we need to restore the government back into the power of the people, and remake the Republican party into a party that stands for All Americans not just the ones that vote for them. This begins with the Alt-Right and the Civic movement to re-frame america's ideological boundries into a movement that will Rebuild america from its former ashes.

John G Machaffie Son of John C Machaffie

PS: for you guys that didn't know the C stands for Cornelius. 


Freewill said...

Didn't know that..

Good to see you posting John!

Anonymous said...

From day one we didn't stand a chance.

The evil was embedded from the beginning, through
mens' insatiable desire for power, control, and wealth.
Never ending taxes and incessant lies to defend
more taxes. They have diligently maintained their
privilege to 'conserve' their wealth, while at the
same time concealing the true status of the long term
fraud that has enslaved us.

They have no 'moral' ideology.
They have not adequately reinvested in the country
for everyone's benefit. All they have done is spent
money in ill prioritized manners, hoping we would
never wake up to ask about their illicit complicity,
rolling stolen funds secretly for nefarious excuses.

I should post in it's entirety, a letter I
sent to Reince Preibus, head of RNC. It summarized
the current political climate, my utmost and absolute
contempt for all of them, including their deserving
to be 'drawn and quartered', even though that is too
good for them.

Had it not been for the various actions put forward
to bring the injustices to a halt, they would be
content to allow the graft to continue unabated,

I would like to think future generations will benefit
from our present attempt to arrest the problems we
were forced into, but that remains unknown.

We somehow have to compensate all those who are
suffering now, everywhere these leaders of ours
have imposed the will of the power behind the
money they receive to look the other way, silently.

The pain from discovering most of the secrets behind
the birth of our nation, it's growth and place in the
world, are irreconcilable.

Given a new opportunity, I wonder how long it will
take to right our ship?

Words like: church, state, estate, temple, bar, esquire,
law, codes, statutes, regulation, corporation, person
and bank, have been used against us in untrustworthy ways.

Put together they represent 'pirates', and should
collectively be set out to 'sea', oarless,
blown out of existence by cannonballs of gold,
and sunk like the Titanic.

Future saboteurs of the Republic,
contemplate well your instruments of weather.