Friday, April 8, 2016

The Panama Papers: Who are the real criminals?



Published on Apr 6, 2016
Dan Dicks interviews Jeff for Press For Truth. Topics include: 

- the biggest data dump in the history of journalism
- the sinister propaganda uses of the leak
- George Soros backed the project as did CIA front group USAID and the Rockefeller Foundation
- most of those exposed are enemies of the western order, tax evasion is an act of heroism
-  the leak is part of the plan for one world government by demonizing offshore accounts

This is part of a financial war and increasing mass surveillance, a global socialist state.

A crackdown on foreign bank accounts could send bitcoin skyrocketing.

The Shemitah Jubilee year and the introduction of a one world currency in 2018

A major event in Israel in 2016.

Get prepared for the end game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you read Panama Law #25 you'll discover that it is against Panama Law to REVEAL statistics of who and whom are the holders in position of Trust. It seems the lawyers (or, whoever made the revelation) has gone against Panama Law.