Sunday, April 17, 2016

Weaponized Cell Towers are Directly Related to Chemtrail Spray

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy. If you’ve read the following two articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading… 
Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?
More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere (Video)
The previous post titled, More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere covered the first two important following topics in PART I & PART II. This post will contain PART III: The involvement of Chemtrails and the role they play.

 PART I: To accomplish that, the first part of this post will be laid out as follows:
1. Aside From the Cell Phone Towers, What Else Are The Telecommunication Giants Working On?
2. What are the Weaponized Cell Phone Towers?
3. How is Google Involved With the Government?
4. The Unthinkable – You Can’t Even Imagine!
PART II: The remainder of this post will be laid out as follows:
1. Generally speaking, what is the Ionosphere that directed energy weapons take advantage of?
2. U.S. government programs (the unclassified ones) in use today that manipulate the Ionosphere
3. The U.S, government’s awful history of using citizens as test subjects without their knowledge
4. Why all this spells trouble with these new towers
PART III: Chemtrails Involvement With Directed Energy Weapons Appearing On Fake Cell Towers
PART III: The remainder of this post will discuss how the New Manhattan Project was a chemtrail program designed with the following in mind:
HOLOGRAPHY/PROJECT BLUE BEAM  Whatever you do, don’t miss this!
Before diving headfirst into those topics, check out, “Chemtrails: The Secret War, for a background on the chemtrail phenomena.”
Chemtrails the Secret War
If you remember nothing else about all of this technology, remember this: Be afraid. Be very, very, afraid. There simply is no better way to sum up everything that follows better than those few words. This is the mother lode of all posts dealing with Chemtrails and related matters. Brace yourselves. My post will draw from two previously written and well footnoted articles written by Peter A. Kirby at Activist Post. 
As for any skeptics you hear jawing about “conspiracy this,” or “conspiracy that,” usually know-it-all pilots in my experience, hand them all the footnotes to both articles and ask that they please place ALL the footnotes in their mouths to prevent spreading their ignorance until they’ve read the material.
There is no question that the U.S. government is presently involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering around the world, and we know that because at different times, various government agencies have admitted to doing as much, contrary to what every pilot you know [less ONE maybe – You know who you are! :)  ] has to say on the issue of Chemtrails. How many times have you heard, “Well I’m a pilot, and I know for a fact there is no such thing as Chemtrails, only contrails, and you people are a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy loons…”
You don’t have to be a pilot to recognize whether a trail in the sky is or is not a Chemtrail any more than you need to be an ant to determine if a little grey pile of sand between sidewalk blocks with ants pouring out of it is an anthill. With all that said, unfortunately for “We the People,” is the fact that the United States government has a very lousy track record of being honest, so, whatever the government admits to doing, multiply that number times several factors of 10 to get the magnitude of what is really going on, and as for the motives, prepare to be horrified. 
All kidding aside, the remainder of this posting gets REAL dark, so try to hang in there. In a previous article by Peter A. Kirby at Activist Post, Kirby revealed the following that ought to definitely shut up any of those loud pilots still pissing and moaning about your tin foil hat:
U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere” shows how stratospheric and tropospheric aerosols can be manipulated using electromagnetic energy in order to modify the weather. The ground-based antennas (known as ionospheric heaters) needed to produce the appropriate electromagnetic energy exist. For a detailed discussion, please see the author’s previous article “Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection.”
To fully comprehend what Kirby’s new article has to say, it really helps to have already read his previous post titled, “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project.” Before getting into Peter’s most recent findings, which are in keeping with research I’ve done very recently and will share as well, first I’ll briefly summarize the previous article, and you can watch the video titled “Chemtrails: The Secret War.” After the video, I’ll highlight the areas covered in the remainder of this article. 
The main topics dealt with in Kirby’s previous post titled, “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project,” are as follows: 
The Origins of Weather Modification:
Early American Involvement:
Nikola Tesla’s Role:
The Beginning of the Scientific Era and Weather Modification:
The idea of man controlling the weather is far from new. It’s been around as long as man. Early efforts were attempted by mystics or local shaman, perhaps rain dances, or even animal sacrifice, but the point is, this is not a “new idea.” As for the origins of weather modification from a militaristic sense, Kirby says the following:

1 comment:

jay w said...

In reference to chemtrails being banned or else . In the Chicago IL area , early last week we had blue skies , but starting on thursday they were back , only modified , less conspicuous ,not as thick and at a higher altitude , at 1st only 1 or 2 planes , now since fri. they seem to have resumed in full force , 6am sunday morn. they have resumed the attack full force , thought I would update , let you know my observations .