Ammon Bundy Totally Vindicated and Now......
September 15, 2016
Anna Von Reitz
The Ninth Circuit Court
(15-10-117) just ordered the Federales to prove federal subject matter
jurisdiction --- not just assume subject matter jurisdiction-- over property
"owned" by the federal government.
Federal ownership of land may be (and
usually is) merely proprietary--- meaning that the Federales are acting
as property managers--- a role that does not create any exclusive use by
the federal government and does not create federal subject matter
In truth and in fact claims of Federal subject matter jurisdiction require: (1) a Federal use of the land (that is, a use related to the duties directly delegated to the federal government); (2) specific action by the State ceding jurisdiction. Neither one of these conditions were met with regard to the Oregon Wildlife Refuge.
The portions of the Wildlife Refuge including the buildings which the protestors occupied were purchased by the Federales from private land owners back in the 1930's --- under a Congressional Act that not only allowed, but which invited, adverse possession claims such as the protestors brought forward and which additionally ordered the "liquidation" of such properties back to state or private ownership.
Read that as: Federal ownership of the Wildlife Refuge property occupied by the Bundys and others should have been terminated years ago according to the very Acts of Congress which allowed the Federal Government to acquire the property in the first place.
The County Sheriff was always the supreme peacekeeping authority present at the Wildlife Refuge Stand-Off and the officer responsible for protecting the Bundys and enforcing their constitutional guarantees, but instead, Federal Agency personnel---- private corporate subcontractors working for the federal property managers-- were allowed to come in under color of law and assert authority and jurisdiction that they never possessed.
These federal "agents"---- private commercial subcontractors---- were allowed to entrap, ambush, and murder an innocent American rancher, mortally endanger his family, and falsely arrest and imprison all the others for all these months.
And Ammon Bundy stands fully vindicated.
What do I think? I think it is more than past time to prosecute the federal agencies and their personnel to the fullest extent of the organic and public law.
It's time for the men involved in the LaVoy Finicum ambush to be arrested and charged with premeditated murder, conspiracy against The Constitution, and gross violation of Lavoy Finicum's most basic and constitutionally protected rights.
It's time for the mis-named DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BLM, and FBI corporations, and the appointed politicos responsible for controlling and directing those men involved in spooling up the stand-off and allowing the ambush of LaVoy Finicum to be stripped of any claim of immunity and tried by an international war crimes tribunal for their part in these outrages against Americans who were exercising their right to peaceably assemble and to travel unmolested on the public roads they paid for.
It's time for the numbnutz County Sheriff to be charged with dereliction of duty, breach of trust, breach of contract and breach of oath, willful endangerment, aiding and abetting murder, conspiracy against The Constitution, and false arrest.
Acting in my capacity as an Article X Judge I gave him more than fair Notice prior to all these events taking place and it is firmly established on the public record that I did. There can be no excuse for his failure to know the jurisdictional issues because he was told point blank, not once, but twice. He knew, yet he buckled under the political pressure of federal influence and failed to enforce The Constitution and protect the people who were depending on him.
And because of that Sheriff's failure to exercise his authority and honor and enforce the Law of the Land, a good man, a true American, was ambushed and killed by foreign commercial mercenaries on his way to attend a public meeting. It's time for that Sheriff to fry in his own oil for it.
It's time for "Governor" Brown to be summarily impeached for moral turpitude, gross incompetence, and conspiracy against The Constitution, to have all pretension of foreign or sovereign immunity stripped away, and to stand trial with the rats from the DOJ and BLM and FBI before an international war crimes tribunal.
It's time for the family of LaVoy Finicum to become multi-millionaires.
It's time for all the others to be set free and for serious compensation to be paid to them and their families for the time they have spent under false arrest and all they have been through and all that they have suffered and risked simply to assert rights and prerogatives that were always theirs to begin with.
It's time for everyone in America to wake up and remember Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, 911, LaVoy Finicum, and so much more----and to see these things in their proper light.
These things are not being done by our government.
These things are being done by British Subjects and by other foreigners and by their hired-gun subcontractors----all in the employ of private, for-profit, mostly foreign bank-owned corporations in the business of providing government services.
The DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BLM, and FBI are all separate for-profit corporations which have functioned in this instance and in many others as crime syndicates and failed even the most basic tests of competency and good faith. They have violated their charters and besmirched their names and this is not the first time.
I remember reading about Randy Weaver's wife and baby, just as I read about LaVoy Finicum and the siege at Waco and 911.
And I thought then and I think now----these rotten, worthless, criminals are our employees.
They are sticking their filthy paws in our pockets and drawing a paycheck for the "service" of preying upon us--- for racketeering, for falsely arresting, for mischaracterizing, for thieving, for violating our constitutional guarantees, for trespassing upon us and our property, and yes, even for murdering us----all in violation of their commercial contracts and in violation of the treaties allowing them to be here.
They need a jack boot so far up their butts the steel toe sees daylight.
See this article and over 300
others on Anna's website
support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Posted by Paul Stramer at 8:42 AM
Gotta love this lady....." till the steel toe sees daylight",... laugh my ass off! How does Von Reitz and Trump sound??...
Thank you Jesus for answered prayer. Love judge Anna.
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