Tuesday, September 13, 2016

This is BLM’s endgame for our wild horses

This is BLM’s endgame for our wild horses


These horses don't need to be in holding as they were fine on the range but BLM wants to sell or lease the range lands for their own personal gains. These horses and lands belong to the people of America.

Are we going to let them get away with this and do nothing, no let's do what we can.
BLM wants the money from the slaughter of our wild Burrows and Horses. These are generally sent to Mexico to be slaughtered.

If Congress has ruled that horses can't be slaughtered within the United States as it is the will of the people that they don't want horses slaughtered. 

Why do we let the Obama Administration go around our laws and the people's will and just send them to another country to be KILLED and why can't the BLM ever account as to where the money goes that they receive when sold? 

They along with the Cabal want to destroy all animals in the wild that could be used as a food supply for those that survive Marshal Law that they have planned.

This is also part of the Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 goals and animals are being killed worldwide as they are doing here in the US.

We need our New Republic and the new Pres. to stop this BLM madness.

BLM is killing horses, starting fires on ranches, there is video of the fire starting, jailing people without cause, taking peoples homes and land without due process and killing people if they are in BLM's way.

They have already destroyed all of our Old Historic Military War Horses.

Please call your Congressmen and Senators about this situation tomorrow. Please do what you can do to help. Please get involved, get in the fight and do something for your country.

All those that didn't serve in the Military, you need to step-up and do what you can for your country and our resources.

More about the horses as you look down through the page at site below.

Thanks,  Ken T.

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