Monday, September 5, 2016

What's REALLY going on and U GOTTA BE KIDDING

Following are 2 tutorial videos, both teaching us awareness of the satanic mind programming being done on us daily via various commercials, clothing, movies, etc.  This teaching schools us in recognizing not only the programming but certain physical exhibitions of those who have already succumbed to that programming.  This information definitely defines the separation between the 'us' from the 'them' in terms of light versus darkness spiritually. You may be amazed at what we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to without ever questioning or studying it.  This information provides evidence of the SEPARATION taking place within the world's society. The enemy is no longer hiding this - they are putting this planned separation 'in our faces.' What are YOU?  Light? or Darkness?.....................


Published on Aug 30, 2016
26 minutes. They are blatant with their agenda but Jonathan Kleck has been given the gift of discernment of these symbols

 What's REALLY Going on...WOW!!

Published on Aug 23, 2016
The Olympics are just ANOTHER manifestation of the Garden of Eden and the birthing of a new race and the DEATH of the sheep

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