Saturday, September 10, 2016

Will you ride? One man's opinion..................

One man's opinion (author unknown) sent with a request to post............. 


Americans, it is OUR nation that is being represented to the entire planet as being 'the bully' - invading sovereign nations, using coups to remove legally elected leadership of other nations and then installing their criminal mafia replacements over the people and that nation's assets - 

BUT it is NOT OUR PEOPLE AND OUR TRUE GOVERNMENT (which, too, was taken over by a coup) that has been doing this, but the mafia CRIME SYNDICATE that puts up a FALSE FRONT, pretending to be the government of our nation and representing the people - NEITHER OF WHICH IS TRUE! 

Our nation and our people need to be rid of these criminal scumbags just as do the other nations.  We, too, have been illegally invaded, our true government removed by coup, and we suffer the same fates as do the other nations at the whims of THE U.S.A. CORPORATION. 

NATO and the UNITED NATIONS are yet another example of this. These 'leaders' to include the U.S.A. are all in bed together. They are all criminals, mobsters controlling the land and the masses, and their people are suffering. The military forces of these nations have been joined together - not to do 'good' but to do great harm - invading sovereign nations, committing genocide on the people, setting up their criminals leaders, stealing the land and the minerals and other assets of those nations. 

Few to none of us say or do anything to put a stop to these crimes against humanity and our planet. And it is OUR nation, these united States, you and me, that the planet is led to believe are involved in and approve the crimes of the mafia crime syndicate of the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Soros and several others, including the poop/pope and the jesuits. 

Right now plans are under way to take down - to DESTROY - this nation and it is being told to the world's people that you and I, our families and our friends, are the ones responsible for the suffering of the nations. IT IS NOT YOU AND ME!  WE ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THE CRIME SYNDICATES' PLANS AND ACTIONS. IN FACT, WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEIR PLANS ARE IN THE STRICTEST SENSE OF THE WORD!  Those who 'join' their military are lied to, and have no idea what 'master' they have joined up to serve and the eternal consequences of their decision.  These young people and those in the military colleges are told they are joining to preserve freedom and peace, and to protect our nation, and nothing could be further from the truth. The TRUTH is that our young people are changed in to mercenaries for hire and are serving and dying for an evil master.

We Americans, too, suffer at the criminal motives and actions of this worldwide crime syndicate,  just as do the peoples of the other nations - Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Viet Nam, Korea, and many many other nations, now including Brazil.  This criminal syndicate is nothing but EVIL. They use others to accomplish their EVIL DESTRUCTIVE plans.  Their plans proceed forward, even at this very moment, toward the final DESTRUCTION of this ONCE POWERFUL nation and its peoples, and we are doing NOTHING to save ourselves. 

As a nation, we left our God behind, choosing instead to serve our arch enemies, and we have not repented and turned this nation back to God. The education level of our young people has now dropped to such a point as to place our nation toward the lower end on a world scale whereas in years past our young people were rated toward the top.  The same can be said for medical care, for financial stability and personal wealth, and for the morals and values of our society.  The united States are now little more than a third world nation, soon to be reduced to nothing short of rubble and death from invading armies, hell  bent on returning to us what has been done to them under the guise of being our 'government' and our 'military'. 

While SOME Americans are beginning to discern - FINALLY - what the TRUTH is about this false criminal U.S.A. 'government' and its 'military' - still we sit back and do nothing to enforce change - change for the better - change back to a godly government, back to a godly military with the purpose to protect and to serve OUR nation - not to invade and inflict death and destruction on others.  

Our nation is purposely being set up - being INVADED - by those to destroy us, but it is we ourselves that are destroying us by looking the other way while the Trojan Horse is being wheeled in to our midst, disguised as a 'humanitarian project.'  Even now these invaders are dispersing among our peoples, learning our ways, and preparing for the final blows to take us down, and we are doing nothing.

WHERE are the LEADERS of our nation?  Certainly it is NOT the public presentation of the White House, nor of the Congress, or the judicial system, all of which are agents of the destroyer.  Where are those who will accept the calling of our God to rise up and, under Him, follow HIS orders to restore our nation? 

We are quickly running out of time. Some are saying that these self serving bastard 'leaders' are angry that Americans are rising up to vote for Trump instead of THEIR satanic servant, H Clinton, and that they are planning a false flag attack on our nation unlike anything yet seen or experienced. What is that false flag?  Perhaps the suitcase bombs already planted throughout the nation - all to be set off at the same time - and throwing our nation back to the 'stone age.'  Would that put a stop to the elections?  Would that put a stop to a new occupant of the White House? Or would it even remain standing after such an event? How would we obtain clean water and food? How would we defend ourselves? And, just as important, how would those responsible for yet again simply ANOTHER crime against humanity - how would they be located and made to pay dearly for their crimes?

If all continues on its current path - we here in America simply wait for our turn. 

2Ch 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

 We Will Ride With You!
Lindell Cooley & Brownsville

Invitation to our military and to the people of our nation:  

That time has come for our nation and its people!  Will YOU ride with us?  What will be YOUR decision?


Anonymous said...

Calling for a military overthrow of the government is promoting sedition, a serious crime

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Where does it say that? Besides, the people of this nation are waking up to realize this is NOT our true government anyway, but a crime syndicate. Even the leaders of the nations know this, so where would 'sedition' come in here? You are saying it is a criminal offense to oppose a CRIME SYNDICATE committing all manner of crimes against the people? It was published that the leaders attending the G20 meeting refused to recognize Obama, so where does that come in to the picture? Hasn't the charter to this rogue make believe 'government' expired? When is it a crime to take back your country? When is it a crime to arrest and prosecute those who make it their job to kill, steal and destroy? What are the alternatives for the people if any efforts to affect positive change are to be labeled as 'sedition'? What are you suggesting the people do - NOTHING? Or try for another 100 years to have an honest 'election' and install over 100 years those who they hope and pray will be 'good guys' instead of murderers, thieves, and traitors?

marie said...


Anonymous said...

There's no doubt in my mind that it is the USG that is fraudulent and seditious. The complete factual history of the USG and global banksters have been discussed in-depth and published on the internet and in particular on Nesaranews blogspot ad infinitum.

Anonymous said...


Popeye said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous September 10, 2016 at 1:44 PM

I read what you wrote.
Lots of questions, and I thought about them all.
We have gotten the information from the internet, from intel from anonymous sources, and deep in the rabbit hole sources.
Did we trust what we read? All of it?
We see O exit the butt of the plane, and we weren't there first hand, so we take what we are told happened as the actual fact that will go down in history.
We are told this is not our true government, and the internet still pushes for people to vote for the next leader that is not their true government, and 'they will vote'.
Why? cause they are aware, awake, and supposedly a light worker.
Some people see through the 'sh-t'.

Folks want people arrested. In your neighborhood you'll find that someone's relative is a cop, or lawyer, or judge, within 6 degrees of separation. Where they want someone to arrest your cop, lawyer, judge family member, they do not want anyone to touch their mom, daughter, sister, brother, dad, cousin, uncle, nice neighbor who helped them out, or in-law.

Their family members have guns and will fight to their own death to protect them

The people here wanted war, and death, so bad, they voted for the president that started the war on terror multiple times, and many joined the military to 'go kill somebody', anybody because somebody died over here. Now those somebodies have people that were killed and they want to come over here and kill somebody, anybody, because somebody killed over there.
What goes around comes around. People forget their chants for war when they were supporting it.

Where is an honest election if there is no true government?
Aware people are voters, getting involved trying to make sure the candidate of the fake government they want, is selected.

I sit and watch and wonder if my existence and those like me would be better, if those that continue to participate in the fraud, vote and elect people who are not our true government; if they should be rounded up for assisting in the continued take over of our real government by 'registering' into the fake government and choosing their leadership even as the fake government pass laws that they will hurt, kill people, detain indefinitely, profile the mental state of mind, and take the weapons or precious metals and children if they can't inject them with needles.

Something's got to give. I'm ready for a split America. Those participating in this election get moved to East of the Mississipi for closer control under the DC officials.
West of the Mississippi reserved for the rest of us who refuse to participate in the fraud.
And if East come to West, just like the civil war of North and South, we on the West fight for our right to be free of the fake government and the people who don't know how to let go of it.

Those that keep supporting this system of control, let them be gathered together as a democracy of believers, and let us, the sheep if you want to call us that, not participate and not care what their government they elected do to them.

Anonymous said...

There is a peaceful,lawful way to take our country back. Not one shot need be fire. The Republic has been reinhabited. It is being held for us. All that is required of us is to say we want it back and proceed with the necessary steps. Go to and lets get busy.

noel said...

If you really want to know what has happened to your real Government and what has and is been done to restore your DeJure republic Government then go to this site.

Unknown said...

Are you all BLIND?
Barack Obama exited from the FRONT EXIT in China...
All you have to do is LOOK at the NOSE GEAR in the pics!!

I think all this is a bunch of garbage.
Yes, the Gov is criminal, but there is no "restored republic" and General Dunford is a Cabal Dunce that NO "vet" will follow including myself.

Ya'll had better wake up and quit playing games.
DINAR GAMES, GFL GAMES, new republic GAMES... all of it.

Carry On,
E-7 Ret.

Anonymous said...

Jay Dee 3:43 AM - Some points for you to consider. The reporters who attended the G20 and who witnessed, photographed and submitted their articles for print all refer to Obama’s having disembarked from the ‘ass’ of the plane – their descriptive wording – not ours. As for which stairs, front or back, that Obama made his grand appearance from, in either situation OBAMA walked down THE SET OF STAIRS BUILT IN TO THE SIDE/INTERIOR OF THE PLANE ITSELF. That narrow stairway was NOT carpeted but the normal bare steel stairs attached within his plane – no public fanfare nor official Chinese public welcome. On the other hand, those invited to attend the G20 - whom the Chinese were welcoming - were given the 'red carpet' treatment with a stairway 2 to 3 times WIDER than the stairs attached to Obama’s plane. This is the type of stairs that are rolled across the tarmac and placed in front of the plane’s open door – at the front of the plane. If you will again review the pictures and the videos of attendees disembarking their planes (except Obama), you cannot help but notice that the wider stairway is carpeted all the way down with clean bright red carpet, and all attendees – except Obama – disembarked their planes, stepping down on to the red carpeted stairs belonging to the Chinese government. So, your reference to anyone at this blog being too dumb to figure out which stairs Obama exited down is a moot point. Besides, front or back - what difference does it make? The reporters who were there who witnessed, photographed and submitted their articles for print ALL referred to Obama’s having exited his plane ‘out of its ass’. This was the Chinese method of letting Obama know that he was not invited to attend the G20 and that he was not welcomed. If you have any questions about that or about the location of the stairs, perhaps you should consider writing the Chinese President and asking him? I think we all would be interested in finding out what he has to say about this question??

Anonymous said...

Retired E-7: Have you joined a valid group working together to restore our nation? Have you met and talked with Gen Dunford or any of the other military 'white hats' that have been working diligently for years to get our nation back out of the hands of the 'criminals'? What are YOU doing to HELP our country - other than criticizing those who are? If you really think this is all 'garbage', then WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO CLEAN IT UP?? Without your working with others to turn this around, do you really expect any of us to take your negative comments seriously? Get involved with others working to turn this nation around, and contribute some information and suggestions to help us reclaim our country and then we will consider your comments.

Freewill said...

Anyone can easily get involved! Just click the bell on the left side of this blog and start reading!