Thursday, February 2, 2017

Liberals Are MELTING DOWN!!

BREAKING – Trump Makes HUGE Unexpected Announcement, Liberals Are MELTING DOWN

Donald Trump vowed to make the United States energy independent. He also promised not to put coal miners out of business, which Hillary Clinton promised to do, but to bring back their jobs and, by extension, revenue to their struggling rural communities.

President Trump also promised to move gas drilling forward as part of his energy independence and job creation plan, Fortune notes. Liberally led nations that are part of the 2015 nonbinding Paris climate change agreement are flipping out.

The president said previously he would have an “open mind” about the Paris agreement, but his views will be based on fact and not liberal hysteria about global warming.  

Shortly after taking the oath of office, Trump ordered the EPA to halt all pending regulations, contracts, grants, and interagency agreements. Only a fool would think the president was going to back down and defy logic on the climate change matter based solely on liberal rhetoric. 

The president said previously he would have an “open mind” about the Paris agreement, but his views will be based on fact and not liberal hysteria about global warming. “Ultimately, this is about the competitiveness of the United States,” United Nations climate chief Patricia Espinosa said when warning President Donald Trump not to deft the Paris agreement. Espinosa is the leader of the Bonn-based UN Climate Change Secretariat, as per Red State.  “We do not know what he will do. All we know so far is that his stance differs from that of the Obama administration,” Espinosa added.

While campaigning, Donald Trump repeatedly called for a renegotiation of the United Nations climate change accord. The plan is focused on keeping the global temperature increases far below two degrees Celsius by transitioning the world away from fossil fuels.

We all want to leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren, but common sense must be applied to accomplish such a worthy goal.  If our offspring cannot work, pay the bills, or have food to eat, the green grasses and high tides will do them no good at all. 



Anonymous said...

I'm a little torn about Trump's energy policy. On the one hand, it makes sense to have domestic coal and oil production but on the other, what happened to all the new free energy technology we were supposed to have? Same with the infrastructure ideas: I hope we don't put a whole lot of resources into rebuilding an infrastructure (i.e., a highway system) that could soon be obsolete.

Anonymous said...

Throw a little water on 'em and maybe they will melt faster. I don't suppose they will melt away to nothin' thought; damn it!

Anonymous said...

President Trump needs to get our country working so when the final collapse happens it will present a softer landing with a moving economy. So free energy will come but strategically it must be done in a way that will not create more chaos than what we already have. He has so much opposition right now that security is the top priority...and increasing our economy ... getting people back to work quickly by opening the 'clean' coal industry and others such as the steel industry will help with the collapse pending collapse of the fiat FRN... and I imagine it will be a transition all energies will probably be in place alongside each other for while as some are phased out...JMO

Anonymous said...

Time to arrest and seize the accounts of Soros.

Anonymous said...

To all Snowflakes, Pu**y Rioters, and Hillary bum-kissers;
This will likely piss-off a certain %age, but who gives a tiny rat’s ass. The election choices were: Trump (a bit of a loud mouth) with America’s interests at heart and not a career politican; or lying lesbian pedophile Hillary who is owned by Soros, Israel, Saudis, et al and who has a history of corruption, murder and treason ( and much worse) and is half-dead with health (and brain) issues.
I don’t watch tv, so I seem to be missing something where suddenly these snowflakes and pink pu**y rioters and those hired by Soros are violent and hateful. Perhaps some mind control or subliminal programing is going on. We protested Vietnam, but never wished to kill the bozos in the WH, et al as these behavior-modified people and groups are now doing. I hope they dial down and do some research and not buy into the “prescribed opinions” of US fake news.
Judge Jeanine Pirro did a youtube titled something like: “It’s time for a woman in the White House… but NOT this woman.” Recommended to all the snowflakes and pp-ers and those who sold their souls to Soros or Hillary or Obama or Bushs or any number of the lying career politicans we have had to endure.

Anonymous said...

At Ease, Folks. He's barely been in office two weeks. He needs to first secure his position from assassins and sabotage, then stabalize current events, then trash the corrupted EOs of Obama, then put leashes on the Fed, et al, and then....
If he can finish the Wall in two years, he can get a lot of other unrevealed things done in short order. Reportedly he is aware of the ets and interdimenional beings and others willing to assist in the new technologies. Keep an ear out for what's going on in Antarctica.
Patience is a virtue. Be glad we don't have Killary and her WW3 plans in play.