Friday, April 6, 2018

Death to Democracy

By Anna Von Reitz

Once you start thinking, you will quickly realize that "something is wrong" in this country, and that it has been wrong for a very long time.
We have covered many of the various things that are wrong and why they are wrong, but this one deserves special comment.
All your life you have heard about "democracy"--- endlessly. We grow up hearing about how we need to defend democracy and spread democracy, but nobody ever tells you what democracy is or tries to justify why anyone would defend or spread it.
Democracy is Mob Rule.
If 51% of your neighbors want to eat you for breakfast or use your yard for a roller derby or rape your wife in public, hey, that's okay in a democracy.
You might as well call it a "demon-cracy" because the mindless lust and greed of the Mob is the only real law in a democracy. Anything and I do mean -- ANYTHING -- goes in a democracy as long as a majority of people want it.
So what is this "American Democracy" they tout? It turns out to be the government of our ugly British half-sister, the Territorial United States, but they are conveniently confusing it with our lawful Union of republican states, which function under a different law and political system entirely.
Once again, the fraud artists are at it, presenting their version of "democracy" -- as "American".
It's "American" in the same sense as South America is "American".
The actual United States of America isn't a democracy of any kind and never has been. We honor the sanctity and the rights of every man and woman, and we assert and protect those rights against mobs and against mob mentality, too.
To call us a democracy is a venal insult and affront. The idea that we should support and fight for the spread of democracy is antithetical to everything that America stands for.
It is one more big example of how dumbed-down and ignorant we have been to allow and identify with this idea of "American Democracy".
It is also a Big, Fat Example of just how corrupt, mindless, and in the end, discredited, their government is. In order to run a democracy you need a 51% mandate from the people subscribing to your government.
The biggest number on record for participation in any of their elections -- EVER -- that I have been able to find is 29%. And the majority in that election was a whopping 17% of the eligible voters.
They've been running on the premise that whoever shows up and votes, that "majority" rules, but that is not the majority required by a democracy, which needs a 51% or greater mandate to proceed with any action.
So, even as a democracy, one of the worst and most corrupt forms of government ever devised, they can't play it straight. They have to fudge everything and pretend to have a mandate.

Well, since they have advertised to the entire world that they are a democracy and they have touted statutory law and code as their law --- why not ask to see the public mandate allowing them to exist? Let's see the mandates supporting each and every one of these statutes and codes?

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

1 comment:

just some dude with dsl said...

yeah hear the silence?