Monday, May 28, 2018

Why Is The Rest of the World Angry?


Why is the rest of the World angry?

By Anna Von Reitz
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Basically, it's because the [Territorial] United States went stark raving bonkers and attempted to absolutely control and dictate the financial and business affairs of all the other countries in the world.
They were dictating who could do business with whom, what currencies they could use to conduct business, how much they could spend with trading partners--- you name it, and the [Territorial] United States was trying to control everyone else's markets and micro-managing business affairs of the entire world.
So they forced all these other countries to band together in opposition to this oppression and suppression in restraint of trade and to form new alliances and new banks and new banking systems.
And what else would we expect them to do?
See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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Anonymous said...

Ya kind of like the bible thumping holier-than-thou so called christian's that believe we are all given free will but that they should they should decide what others can or can't do.

Anonymous said...

NO, these are Satanists who want to steal YOUR children and rape them, then drink their blood from their skull, and eat their flesh... So Yeah, in that case, it should be decided that others cannot do this! If that is holier than thou, then your own free will can take you to hell by not believing in God.

Anonymous said...

Under a potential deal that Trump is making with China, China will be able to purchase practically as much food from our American farmers as they can grow. I'm not angry about this... I'm pissed! Mad as hell! Do you know what this will do to America? Say bye bye America! This will Make America Grovel Again! People will starve, because China has a cloned army of Chinese who look exactly alike and they want a population of several billion more people and they will go to any means to achieve that. Their own General Chen Haotian wants to come over here to America and kill off 2/3 of the American people and make the rest their slaves. Mexican intelligence said the Chinese have a military base in Mexico about 35 miles from the Texas border and they have 10,000 army tanks in which they have guys whose only job is to crank them up and make sure they run. Everyone make your voices heard and make sure that Trump does Not Allow this deal to happen!

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean 'bigots'? Sounds like a 'double standard' to me-

Anonymous said...

This 'deal' may well be what is HOLDING UP THE RV AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXCHANGE YOUR CURRENCIES as the Chinese are most likely using this to FORCE Trump to take their 'deal'. If he does NOT go with the 'deal', then it for sure looks like another even worse situation could be in China's plans for our nation. China is NO NATION'S FRIEND. Some of the bloodiest communists on this planet rule China, making Hitler and WW2 look like a Sunday school picnic. PRAY for the Lord's wisdom and guidance upon Trump on how to proceed.

native male said...

president in red lower case letters means, estate protector.
Then change your birth county address to your last name-estate, depositary number (box number), city, state. On back hand written in red ink, lower case letters, native name-estate, depositary number city state, next line, special trust post office registered mail number. next line, natives seeking to do no harm require no governments. Next line, estate took possession vehicle number, date. It works, live in the southwest, BP waves me through, cops pass me by and BLM leaves me alone.