Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Dear Kim -- A Reply, November 12, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Kim – A Reply, November 12, 2018
First, I had visitors come here today and threaten to kill me over this conversation. Ever see what happens when arrogant idiots get the attention of a Battle Class Seraph from the Age of Storms?  Let’s just say that they left here considerably faster than they came.  I doubt that you will get a full and honest report about this from them, but the Galactic Council certainly will hear about it. 
Second, we are the “unknown country” --- the "dust that returneth to dust" (land and soil)  fixed in  “a time that is not a time and a place that is not a place”.  We are not his dominion and the unknown country has nothing whatsoever to do with the family business of Marduk, Satan, and Sons, which was supposed to be turned over to new management circa 500 AD.  They decided not to keep their end of the bargain they made with The Anointed One, so that resulted in a major diplomatic faux pas.  New Precessional Guardians have been dispatched to replace the Saturnine Brotherhood and more than sufficient firepower is present to blow any resistance clear out of this sector of the Galaxy.  
They are not going to get their way.  In fact, they are just going to sit down and shut up and observe basic math.  A negative seven plus a negative seven equals negative fourteen.  They are, by my count, 1500 years and counting behind on their rent.  And this planet, which actually belongs to the people and other beings who live here, is long past due for maintenance and renewal. 
Third, you must realize that “money” is a child’s game where I come from.   It’s like everyone is expecting me to play Barbie’s Pet Shop with them, which is very frustrating for me.  Money and routing it around and sharing it out so that people can live decent lives should be the least of our problems.  It's like telling me people can't move widgets from Point A to Point B because Standard Oil still controls the oil pipelines in Texas.  Say what?  
Fourth, there’s no need for all this distress. I already have what you need as a system to trade freely and to get relief to everyone on the planet. It’s already here, ready to deploy, safe, private, seamless and 200 years ahead of anything that now exists. A brand new clean and supremely user-friendly worldwide system could have been in place months ago---- which is what winds my clock.  We can simply bypass the existing banks.  
Fifth, each one is indeed sacred and doesn’t need “management” in the form of oppression and Group Think, however, until education and emotional support catches up with everyone -- there has to be a transition. We both know that.  Thanks to the way this world has been plundered and mismanaged, the majority of adults are like children ---scared, miserable, confused children.   And you know that, too.  These people need help establishing self-rule because they have been abused and oppressed and not just for a little while –for generations. 
Sixth, Bank of Dene is not my bank and never has been.  Our International Trade Bank is called The American States and Nations Bank, “ASAN” for short.  It isn’t part of the commercial system.  As you have so clearly described the endless rabbit warren of their corruption, I don’t have to explain the desirability and even the necessity of starting over.
Seventh, like most of those who have fought with this “System” Michael has had his share of troubles and run-ins with what passes for law here in a country which depends on securitization --- completely illegal and unlawful processes--- to generate an economy for itself.  Most of my friends have spent time in jail, been hauled over the coals, and many have suffered alcoholism, drug addictions, broken marriages and heartbreak of all sorts, because they haven’t meekly gone along with injustice and criminality.  
I don’t know where you are getting your DNA results, because I have seen reports confirming not only his Native heritage, but everything else he has claimed in his book, The Shekinah Prophecy. Maybe you are the one that needs to take a second look?  In any event, my support of Michael is based on his heart, not his war record.  I can see his heart.  I know what he wants.  And he truly wants nothing for himself, but to share in building something beautiful for all the people he loves --- which is darn near everyone.  Not just the Natives.  Not just the Hispanics.  Not just the Cowboys.  And that, IMHO, is exactly the kind of man that is needed to build a new world --- a man who still has his heart intact.  Think closely --- there aren’t that many of them left.
Eighth, my political system and their political system are two different things, operating under different forms of law --- and they are subservient to my system which is sovereign. We charter and license and if they misbehave, we liquidate corporations, not the other way around.  Now, that is hard for people to understand because they are used to being bullied by corporate bureaucrats, but it is nonetheless the truth.  We have Law.  They have what passes for Law.  So when you are dealing with huge issues like rebuilding the entire world and providing new banking services and new medical tech and all the rest of what needs to go on ---- it’s my brand of Law that you need to be using, not theirs. I am sorry if you got the impression that I wasn’t willing to help you, because I am willing to help anyone (see above) who wants to do the right thing by the Earth and its people. 
Ninth, for the purposes of the current discussion I am not talking about all the accounts.  I am talking about the approximately 4,800 Historic Trust and Private Accounts held as Special Deposits that contain the bulk of the precious metal assets on Earth. What we are left with are two basic kinds of accounts containing large quantities of gold, silver, and other assets that people have traditionally used as tokens and commodities in trade that have been left on deposit in banks and which you have gained control of via computer programs.  Control of the assets needs to be returned to the Depositors, both Public and Private.  There needs to be a cooperative but honest effort on all parts to resolve these issues.
Tenth, one of the exit interviews I had with Marduk and with Satan was about the Big Lies they have told.  If you listen to them, black will be white and up will be down, because truly, actually, factually---- and despite all their intellect and knowledge --- the Truth is not in them.  Even basic logic such as Who Owns What gets distorted in their presence. This is because the Truth departed from them when they rebelled, and has never returned.  This leaves them and their progeny in the unenviable position of being permanently out of tune with the Universe, living in their own self-created and egotistical world, separated from All That Is. 
Eleventh, if we were to allow all their premises and what they have taught about the “Unknown Country”--- which is not their dominion, then this alienation and separation from the Truth would continue for more generations on Earth.  I don't want that.  I don't get the impression you want that, either.  So why not focus on resolving the nuts and bolts and getting on with it? 

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