Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nationalism not Globalism: OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Massive False Flag Operation Designed as Next Phase of Agenda 21?..and more



I am a Voluntarist Libertarian, and now I am fully red-pilled, I have discovered pretty much the essence of global politics and the deeply concerning political trends that are now happening now globally. It is now obvious what is happening. I am going to red-pill you too in this article.
The main problem with Libertarians/Anarchists/Voluntarists is that they always talk about principles but never about strategy. Being a principled person is very noble, but it’s pretty much a losing strategy, since most people are not. I don’t think we have the luxury now to be fully principled when the tyranny now is strangling us...Continue article here

Trump On Nationalism Vs Globalism

Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | Yuval Noah Harari

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