Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Nearly 300,000 Anchor Babies Born to Illegal Aliens Each Year Outnumber US Births in 48 States!

G. Griffin report

A new study by the Center for Immigration Studies showed that illegal aliens give birth to 297,000 births per year to gain citizenship through children born on US soil, ‘anchoring’ non-citizen parents in the US, allowing them to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”  The analysis notes that the 297,000 anchor babies born every year in the US exceed the total number of all US births in all but two states: California and Texas.  In the Los Angeles metro area, illegal alien births make up nearly 18% of all births in the region. In the Las Vegas, Nevada metro area, illegal alien births account for about 17% of all births.  President Trump is currently addressing birthright citizenship...Continue article here

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