Tuesday, November 13, 2018




Anonymous said...

This is what I know about RH Neg blood. Queen Elizabeth is RH Neg. As well as Prince Charles. They are considered as Man under the law because of their blodd type they would be considered pure bloods. The RH Pos. population are considered Human. See Ballentines definition of Human Being. human being See MONSTER.
—Ballentine's Law Dictionary (1930)

monster A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.
—Ballentine's Law Dictionary (1930) This would probably be why they consider themselves superior. Also why within the Title to your property list your name as tenant. They do not think they are aliens they think they are pure blodded Man. Remember Noah was perfect in his generations and they trace their bloddlines back to the Holy Land. Not sure this helps but I am O neg. and I learned this when I had to fight the mortgage banksters on my house. You may also find out that the Sumerian tablets tell about the Humans being created to take the yoke of the gods as well. There is so much to this story. I wish I never learned this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Also RH Neg. Blood is copper based while RH Pos. blood is iron based. The RH factor of blood is based off of monkey genes. The RH pos. has the Rhesus monkey gene while the RH neg. does does not have this gene. When I was a younger woman in Georgia the law was before you could get married you had to have blood test because as an O negative breeding with a positive required a shot called the Rhogam shot because an RH Neg. body rejects and RH Pos. baby. Not all of the time but most of the time. Most of the 1 % are RH Neg this is why they cull the population when there are to many humans. They ( The 1 %) call RH Positive blood monkey blood. This is also why movies about angels have the angels calling people monkey. Our blood can not be cloned nor can it be coppywritted. RH Pos. blood can be cloned and is traded on the stock market under copywrite. Most of the deseases that are created adhere to the monkey gene while RH Neg. blood does not. I have heard this called slow kill. Oneg. blood is the universal donor so anyone can take our blood for survival. I do mean not mean to sound cruel but when I learned there was a class of people who labeled another people below them I was livid. Im not saying I am 100% right about these understandings but it does explain alot about the people that rule over us.