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Friday, November 23, 2018
New U.S. Currency is Already in the Money Supply
New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply
By Anonymous Patriots
SOTN Exclusive
For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please
By Anonymous Patriots
SOTN Exclusive
For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please
take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve
Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury.
If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the
If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the
time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN)
with new currency.
We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is un-redeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United
We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is un-redeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United
States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.
As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that
As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that
you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them.
Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of
Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of
the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and
strategies for going forward.
In this article, you will learn:
How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);
How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;
How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;
How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as
In this article, you will learn:
How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);
How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;
How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;
How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as
a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our
banking and government systems;
How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;
A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a
How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;
A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a
flood-fire-flood on Water Street;
Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;
How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;
How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as
Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;
How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;
How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as
We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill....Continue article here
REGARDING the GCR/RV update this morning;
Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 22, 2018 The Cabal retaliated by causing the California fire
disaster by assets previously undetected. The assets utilized by the Cabal to cause the fires were destroyed.
Question from a reader:Do you feel this was talking about the DEW Lockheed Martin Planes or the Smart Meters on
every home? Answer: Got the answer to my question... the answer is "Both" that's all just "Both"
OWoN: We can’t comment ahead of what being hard fought right now. Loose lips sink ships.
When dealing with the sheer extent of Banking, Zio filth and Government Deep State Criminals, take nothing for granted.
Because no one has stopped them in the past, they will stop at nothing to deny, lie and obfuscate. ...
There is momentum at the starter gate. The cases are in play.
I believe in the Levitical debt cancelling Jubilee, but will it happen in my lifetime. Please President Donald Trump, many other presidents are cheering you from above, do it change America's currency away from the fractional reserve banking lies to a Biblically stable currency.
Hey, guys... I am unable to read the whole article. The right hand side is cut off!
Could you shrink it down or change the font or margin? This is so important I don't want to miss it.
Hey, guys... I am unable to read the whole article. The right hand side is cut off!
Could you shrink it down or change the font or margin? This is so important I don't want to miss it.
I feel elated yet by same token equanimity of emotions is best approach. Intent is that will will manifest but the when is a matter of patience; the wrong move too soon will not be proper path. So thankful for all light forces (universals and humanity) assisting.
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