Monday, November 12, 2018

The Capper --- What ISN'T There 5.0

By Anna Von Reitz

We aren't "there".
Not even in the so-called Civil War.
Our States and our lawful Federation of States doing business as The United States of America were never involved in the Civil War. We were Third Parties throughout. The entire action involved The Federal States of States, not the States.
That is, the Civil War was fought over and by the Confederation of States, not the Federation of States.
Georgia never fought in the Civil War. The State of Georgia did.
Note that it is the original Federal State of State --- "The State of Georgia" we are talking about, not the Territorial franchise doing business as "the State of Georgia" --which did not exist prior to the Civil War. And should not have existed afterward.
Two different Unions. Two different jurisdictions. Two different populations.
And they, Britain and Rome, knowingly came in here and pretended that we were part of their mess and subject to their debt collections. They "sponsored" their commercial mercenary conflict on our shores without our participation or consent and then blamed us and billed us for it, as if we were parties to any of this.
Then they just continued their abuses and "presumptions" through the First World War and the Second World War and all their endless warmongering ever since.
It had nothing to do with us, then or now, except that we have been unconscionably presumed upon and imposed upon by the most obnoxious guests --- pirates and con artists --- ever since.
So all the miseries that have been visited on us as innocent Third Parties being dis-served by treaty partners who owed us far better, are crimes. Pure and simple. It has nothing to do with politics, though it does have something to do with diplomacy --- or lack of it.
As a Christian nation --- which we are, and they aren't --- we could forgive them, but only if they repent and stop their reiteration of crimes: put an end to false claims against our assets and our people, properly discharge their duties and obligations, hand over the physical assets and profits naturally belonging to our States and People and stop interfering with and misrepresenting and imposing upon us.
The United States of America is a unincorporated Federation of fifty noble State republics, the lawful government of a generous and gallant and peaceful people.
The U.S. is a Confederation of States of States that went off track a long time ago under the guidance of the British Monarchs and the Popes of Rome and treasonous members of Congress.
The original Confederation of Federal States of States disbanded in 1860 and the members, all Federal States of States, fought the Civil War. The surviving Federal States of States entered a process of "Reconstruction" that has never been completed. British Territorial States of States usurped at this point and began a rampage of criminality and Roman Municipal STATES OF STATES joined the fray.
Our country has been in a crisis ever since because our Hired Help can't obey their treaty obligations, the Public Law, or find their butts with both hands.
Time to wake up, Virginia. And that includes the General Staff, the President, and members of Congress.

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