Friday, November 9, 2018

x22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

shared by: Arnie Rosner 
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:46 AM Dave Bertrand <> wrote:
Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: X22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

Ed Note:

The question on "Q" follower's mind today, "is the plan still intact?" Will Hillary Clinton and others take the "perp walk" anytime soon, or did the Deep State (just) screw-up Trump's plan of action(s)?

Watch in coming days if HRC announces a third run for the presidency.....a clear indication she needs a political barrier between herself and President Trump's "Plan." (She has to move quickly, but might not go well for her, Pelosi, she is toxic to the DNC).

Remember...."Never interrupt your enemy when they are destroying themselves."

Well....the plan to "flush them out" involved exactly what was expected to happen by a Dem take-over of the House. The "Plan" also included control of the Senate, the most important element for the plan to succeed. Note: Most every Trump Rally was for the Senate, not the House and more keep Communism a.k.a. Socialism from taking Texas, Florida and Georgia.

"Internal Comms" received by the "Q" team showed the plan was well underway and still intact. The team has everything they need and things are about to happen.


President Trump no longer has to appease either side, because he is on the downhill side of his presidency and "Q's" post [House of Cards] will fall.... means what it means (now) and those guilty of Treason are mostly Democrats. WE can expect to see President Trump in a different light....a more aggressive and agitated president.

The entire plan was to get his Cabinet in order, which is underway, and the removal of Sessions now opens the door for justice to begin. Another element of the "Plan" was to double down of CNN by revoking Jim Acosta's W.H. Press Credentials, MSNBC is likely next. (IMO) CNN should be required to Register as a Foreign Russia's RT already has.


I would venture to say, at least 70% of the divide, hatred and racism, is created and fueled by the Fakestream Media that projects their image on Trump, while 30% is created in most every college across America. That is "Communism Creep" in action....and the reason why most college kids come home on vacation with a warped ideology filled with defiance and hatred.

The typical college professor is a neo-Marxist / Progressive / Communist, brainwashing students with a Utopia style of Socialism, which is not sustainable in a country that leads the world. That is why THEY want America to fall into Third World status (for the starving children, environmental terrorism, welfare for all, and let the middle class pay for it....but yet NONE of them can fathom living in Venezuela, but yet.....let them immigrate to the U.S. instead.


Note: An important question I received concerning "is Q real or a LARP" because "Q" stated in the past to [Trust Sessions], [Trust The Plan]. Sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation in-order for the Deep State to feel comfortable that (maybe) Mueller would eventually take-down Trump, and/or open the door for "Impeachment," also in the "Plan" of what to expect, with a counter-strategy that would benefit the "Plan."

Now that the midterms are over, the "Plan" begins and Sessions is out ! That is very important, because that firing is now causing the Deep State to panic further....evident of Schumer's latest statement that an "investigation / inquiry must be started" to ascertain the legitimacy by Trump to fire Sessions. The criminals needed for Sessions to stay "recused" as AG of the DoJ, which (we) believe he was and/or has been compromised by the Deep State.

The Dems attempt to destroy Trump with investigations and subpoena's will fail as the hammer drops on many of them.


Transforming America from the "Communist Creep" and back to a Constitutional Republic, requires a full scale takedown of all Treasonous and Seditious conspirators. The main (catch all) tool known as the "Capone Effect" will be their money laundering and pedophilia activities, not just in America, but worldwide. 

Many Dems and some GOP types will have to show and explain how they went from a $50k bank account to millions while serving Americans. Others like George Soros will be taken-down, not to mention the Rothschild Central Banks with a full blown economic collapse worldwide (expected) which in-turn will shutdown the Federal Reserve, which JFK threatened to do.

Senator John McCain is an example of how wealthy he became by dealing with foreign leaders / corporations, etc  while negotiating with al Qaida / ISIS terrorists on a weapons deal (in Syria) on behalf of Obama and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. His Treason and death are not separable.  Ask yourself....why did McCain's closest confidante [Lindsey Graham] do a 180 degree turn, just after McCain's voluntary hero / execution? Was Graham worried???

Pelosi and Feinstein fall into the same category as HRC with corrupt financial deals while in office, let alone the cover-up of "Spygate" against Trump and the aiding and abetting Chinese espionage connections (Feinstein and HRC) 


For those that believe Alex Jones about "Q" being a "LARP" you have not done your research to see the MANY videos confirming how Trump confirms that "Q" is a team and (lately) proof.....Trump is "Q+." And for those that attempt to show the "many inconsistencies" of what "Q" has posted, "never came to pass," then you need to go way back to the beginning and see how "Q" evolved, the purpose, and the simple fact, "Q" was not only posting for the patriots, but also for the Deep State!

Trump and his (white hats) Military Intelligence knew the Deep State would begin watching closely, therefore....occasional 'dis-information" was specific to the Deep State and is the reason why the Deep State forced the Fakestream Media and even Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi, to denounce "Q" as a hoax. for Alex Jones, it is more likely Jone's attempted to hijack the narrative for his own, which he has done with at least 2 other occasions in the past over certain events he had nothing to do with. 

As for Alex Jone's recent downfall and censorship tactics by the Left, he is not the only one, and we are all under attack.

To save one media outlet by buying everything in his store is NOT enough to sustain his show unless he is getting big bucks from an outside (unknown) source and with that, I wish him well. One should not be expected to pay in-order to be a patriot....the Chinese style censorship by the tech giants is MUCH BIGGER than Alex Jones. 


Now here's the big event that will confirm the "Plan" and that would be Trey Gowdy's appointment as Attorney General in the next few months. Trey Gowdy has specified how he wants to get back into the Judiciary, plus he knows more about the Clinton crimes than most. His appointment requires a GOP Senate majority.....once that happens, watch the Dems go crazy.


In the meanwhile, WE ALL KNOW and Trump knows as well....the Pelosi / Schumer gang of Dems will NOT be working-on bi-partisan legislation, but are on a mission to destroy Trump. Why?? Because THEY know what's coming down the pike if Trump isn't destroyed soon.

THE "PLAN" was (first) to know what the Dems were communicating (NSA / Military Intelligence) and what they intend to do and that is when (soon) the [DECLAS] will further the panic factor.

"We are at war" Trump stated and that "war" is an internal war and most countries divided within a (government) eventually falls, but the "Plan" is underway and the "Swamp" is about to be drained. We can expect turmoil and in-order to build a new home (America) the old home must be torn down. The Dems have openly shown they intend to take a wrecking ball to the White House. (Let the games begin !)

"Q" says.....[buckle up]

The X22 Report (video) details what to expect....

---Dave Bertrand

X22 Report: Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b
 Nov. 7, 2018

Nov. 9, 2018

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