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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query vk durham. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2013


From: v.k.durham

 August 7, 2013, 8:30 P.M., EDT


            There is no doubt that Tom Heneghan, a Chicago Democrat transplanted to Progressive Los Angeles whose support for former Vice President Al Gore (of carbon footprint and global warming fame) is legendary and Heneghan is taking a stand in opposition to Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta and V.K. Durham.  The question is:  “Why?”

            Anyone who has followed Heneghan’s newsletters over the years knows that he often appears to be a bomb with a pre-set time to go off.  His views are often radical.  Over the years, many of his views have been accurate… but if one looks at Heneghan claims of “done deals” versus what has really proven to be the case, Heneghan has also provided much misinformation.  How many times has he told us the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols have been paid – and Wanta still awaits a checkbook making it possible to pay the Protocols?

            Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and V.K. Durham, widow of Colonel Russell Herrman/HERMAN (who held the $17 trillion in a gold bullion Contra account which was the reason for an inexplicably cruel and inhumanely torturous death) have only rarely stood together publicly.  Each has quietly supported the other because their end objectives have always been the same.  Both Wanta and Durham are American patriots whose primary concern is to save the nation they both love.  Each has his or her own objectives as to how that should be done and their means of achieving the objective to save America sometimes collide.  That happens even in the best of marriages – compatible objectives (regarding good parenting of kids, for example) but different means of achieving the objective.

            It is rare that the two, Wanta and Durham, have taken a public and united stand against what each of them view as dangerous incitement to civil unrest contained in Tom Heneghan’s recent postings to his blog.

            The primary objection of both Wanta and Durham focuses on Heneghan’s encouragement of the American people to start a new American “revolution.”

            “To encourage people to turn to unlawful violence gives the government precisely what it wants,” says Wanta.  “It gives them the opportunity to implement Martial Law – to completely remove the constitutional civil rights of all Americans.

            “You cannot on the one hand say you support the Rule of Law while at the same time encouraging people to violate that very Rule of Law… yet that is what Tom Heneghan is doing.  You cannot suggest that because ‘they’ – in Heneghan’s words, Nazis and George H.W. Bush and others – you cannot say because ‘they’ abused your constitutional rights that it justifies others in violating the constitutional rights of innocent people who would end up being victims of the ‘revolutionary’ and violent tactics Heneghan appears to be recommending,” said V.K. Durham.  "Tom Heneghan is as adept at inciting Civil Unrest in his attacking of true American  patriots as he exhibits in his talents on his blog for Yellow Journalism"..

            Heneghan has, for example, spoken and misspoken about the Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocols on so many occasions, it is like getting whiplash from watching a tennis match.  One ball gets shot over Heneghan’s net saying First Lady Nancy Reagan is talking with Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts (in support of Protocol payments), yet when questioned on various radio shows, Heneghan doesn’t even know which nations are involved in the Protocol payments or which nations are getting how much money.  It makes it very clear that Tom Heneghan (who seems incapable of saying a single sentence without the assistance of vile language) doesn’t know much regarding the subjects about which he writes. 

            The next ball shot over the net says that a tiny Principality’s central bank, that of Snake Hill (located near the Australia Commonwealth city of Sydney and which has no affiliation with any other central banks in the world – it barely has the ability to handle Snake Hill credit card charges), is involved with huge dollar amounts of unlawful (and worthless) derivatives exchanged around the world.  It was such an out-and-out lie that radio hosts laughed at Heneghan when discussing his faux pas.  It was obvious to them that he knows little or nothing about commercial banking and the Federal Reserve System.  Oh, he knows what most informed American citizens know… that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation which is not a governmenthref=" time Heneghan opens his mouth to discuss the Fed, the comments made make apparent the case for his lack of knowledge about how the financial markets really work.

            Because Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta stopped accepting telephone calls from Heneghan, he (like a spoiled child) became more than just a little petulant and began writing totally irresponsible things about Wanta.  His comments, never known for their accuracy, included material that angered V.K. Durham, a woman known for her patriotism and legal holder of The Durham (Intl. Ltd) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 which is the Duly Constituted Outstanding Primary Creditor of the United States of America and “ALL” Debtor Nations.

            Both responded to Heneghan in writing.  Heneghan made threatening and vile telephone calls to Ambassador Wanta which were of course recorded.  If your ears are sensitive to the “f” word, you won’t want to listen to the message, but you can find what Heneghan had to say to Wanta HERE and HERE and HERE.  Would you block any further calls from this kind of invasion of your telephone privacy (especially since the NSA is recording everyone’s calls)?  Wanta decided to do just that and it obviously infuriated Tom Heneghan into making some very stupid and provably untrue statements.  In these statements, Heneghan “outs” one of the people whose emails he used to attack Wanta… a woman named Mary.  It is Heneghan, not Wanta, who makes clear that Miss Mary is DHS – Department of Homeland Security.  It is Heneghan, not Wanta and not Durham, who has chosen to make the misinformation being distributed by DHS public.  People might want to go back to the Heneghan release of today (yesterday) and re-read Mary’s comments with the knowledge that she works for the Department of Homeland Security.  It may change their reaction to this entire communiqué from Heneghan.

            There are many things in the Heneghan newsletter that are untrue.  For example:

              “Reference: Wanta's credibility is now in question (I have been dealing with him since 1995, and it was myself, Tom Heneghan, and then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. that saved his life in Syre, Oklahoma).”

            In the first place, the correct spelling of the prison to which Ambassador Wanta was driven in the middle of the night from Kettle Moraine prison in Wisconsin to Oklahoma (on a bus with no stops for anything but fuel) is Sayre, not Syre.  Heneghan may consider this a “typo” and of no significance, but both Wanta and Durham agree that “Truth is always found in small details… as is untruth.”  A call was placed to Wanta’s case manager while he was at North Fork Prison in Sayre, OK to verify that this was a totally untrue statement and he wants to pay for himng untrue.

            Heneghan’s newsletter is filled with vitriol against (Veterans Today) Senior Editor Gordon Duff who is a big boy and quite capable of answering the offensive Heneghan comments for himself.

            However, regarding Heneghan’s remarks that because Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta is on the Editorial Board at Veterans Today that somehow means he gives input or somehow has control of commentary made by the writers of the publication is a totally fraudulent statement.

            One of Wanta’s and Durham’s primary concerns is for America’s veterans.  Anyone who has followed Wanta’s history knows of his deepest desire to provide the American people with a national high-speed rail system at no cost to American taxpayers.  It is one of the things he wants to pay for himself… and at age 73, it is not something Wanta will live long enough to see profits from – of any kind. 

            Wanta’s affiliation with Veterans Today is based on his commitment to providing training and jobs for America’s returning veterans via the high-speed rail project.  Additionally, Wanta has committed to providing housing for families of injured veterans who must spend long periods of time receiving various long-term therapies in Veterans Administration hospitals.  It is for those reasons Wanta sits on the Editorial Board of Veterans Today.  As a believer in the First Amendment and freedom of the press, he would not (as apparently Heneghan, himself a “journalist,” would) limit Gordon Duff or any other writer from freely expressing his or her opinion.

            That’s another thing that both Wanta and Durham have complete confidence in:  The common sense of the American people to recognize misinformation versus truth when presented with them.

            “Give the American people the truth and they will always find the best, most constitutional answer to any problem,” said V.K. Durham.

            “And we need to remember that it was the insistent demand for accurate information about global warming and costly carbon footprint fees that resulted in investigations that identified Vinwhom he associates who are deathly afraid of the Wanta Funds [which Heneghan says have been paid; Wanta assures he has not received one cent], and The Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 the Duly Constituted (authorized by Constitution), Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the U.S.A. and "ALL" Debtor Nations holding CERTIFIED, RECORDED OF PUBLIC RECORD SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS which THE BUSH/CLINTON group have used without Authorization of the Owner i.e. Durham "Trust"… being these very instruments also claimed by Jamie Diamon/JP Morgan since 2004 as owned by JP MORGAN i.e.,
            As V.K. Durham said in an email to Ambassador Wanta 8/7/2013:

            “Here is the Chain of Title.. Read it.. this is what is making everyone so bloody nervous.” .”  So said V.K. Durham in a personal email to Ambassador Lee Wanta on Wednesday morning, August 7, 2013. 

And so it goes… the exchange of information regarding highly sensitive and important policies and actions that will lead the American people either to a better world – or slavery.

It is for the reader to decide which path he or she wishes to follow.

Sunday, February 2, 2014



BY:  V.K. Durham, CEO

Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087

With all these high finance Bankers committing suicide  which connects to the following US-DEBT PAPER TRAILS BURNED IN "WINDSOR-TOWER"?‎
"WINDSOR-TOWER"?... (Corrected VK's links appearing on RMN article) By V.K. Durham 2/17/05. PARMALAT & ENRON AUDITORS PAPERS ALONG WITH ...




·  Jul 10, 2006 - ...

·  such as THE WORLD TRADE TOWERS, CREDIT LYONAISE, AND WINDSOR TOWER see September 11 Commission Report Revised December 2008

Those with "Diplomatic Immunity Privileges" authorized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Clinton Administration, Federal Reserve Banking, US Treasury
 tied to the Prime Bank Instrument Frauds operation out of the Philippines banking through Manny Madoff's International Durham Ltd.  Off Shore Banking of the Netherlands ABN AMRO  using the ABN AMRO MeesPierson with the connector banks listed 

What amount would you care to bet the following accounts are not associated with the formerly mentioned ABN AMRO Netherlands Banking system?! and secret financial network behind those "grand cayman giga accounts"
Back to the Philippine Operation.  This group incorporated Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID# 1707-85 ignoring the fact the corporation is held in TRUST, and in specifics Durham International Ltd; Trust and Durham (Intl. Ltd;) HOLDING TRUST (TIAS 12087) to take care of that little boo-boo a doppleganger operation under the name of International Durham Ltd. was put into operation, which fell on it's face due to the inability to show "authorization-source of collateral-good, clean, clear marketables. But!  when  over 62,000 [averaging a minimum of $10 Billion Dollars] [see:   of these worthless 'derivatives' were put out in the Far East Banking, and the World Bank-IMF held, themselves over 5,868 of these worthless Gold Derivatives authorized by President George Bush (#41) in 1991, giving James Baker III, Alan Greenspan, Nicholas Brady, the authorization to "use" property that did not belong to the United States, was not under Presidential Authorization i.e., The Treaty instruments held in Trust known as Bonus 3392-181

Mr. Herrmann (Herrman-Herman) was the Account Holder for CI-LTD (Central Intelligence-Ltd.). Those accounts have previously been made public on Rumor Mill News and on the special site especially put up for victim nations, victim individuals, victim nations central banks, the U.S. House Members, U.S. Banking Committee Members, Interpol, the FBI, CIA, and individual victims of the Al Qaeda, All Kada, Al Quad, Al Qaieda, Al Qayeda, Abbu Sayeff, MLF who were deceived into putting up 50% in Gold on these alleged Gold Derivatives, by those known globally as GAIA-EKKERS working with the rogue Black Hats in The Fed.R. and U.S. Treasury who authorized these Counterfeit CDO'S in the form of "Derivatives" which are currently "not now performing" in such scandals as A 1980's S&L Type Banking Situation  in China, Europe, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.

Everyone in the International Banking Industry had been told: "Russell Herrmann (Herrman-Herman) was not married. He assigned his interest to a Rick Martin in Bonus Certificate 3392-181, it was further assigned to GAIA EKKER'S. Plus; V.K. Durham had no ownership, and is currently dead."
[November 18, 1991 Chicago Illinois Region V. Department of Health and Human services ordered V.K. Durham off the joint account at Boatmens National Bank, Belleville, Illinois whereas she later discovered mid 1992 she was Deceased and all records had been wiped back to 1954]

During the months from September through October of 2003, many attempts were made by international banking to find V.K. Durham in the Computer Data Base controlled by the Social Security end of the Dept. of Health and Human Services end at Treasury. Each time they were confronted with strong language and heavy handed tactics by THE HOMELAND DEFENSE "guard dogs" controlling everything coming in, and going out that might jeopardize CORPORATE RULE on THE BELTWAY in WASHINGTON, D.C.


[ XXXXXX, you and others should be aware of the following.  My husband, Col. Russell Herman was a TAIPAN and married into the most powerful banking families in China.  [His Chinese wife and son were murdered by those attempting to gain control over Col. Herman's  Bank Accounts in the Bank of England, Bay State Trust, Mitsui, Mitsubushi, Diawa, UBS, Hong Kong Shanghi Bank, Credit Swisse, Anschbacher, Republic National Bank, Schroeder Banks (Germany) and on, and on consisting of between 172 and 176 accounts. The 172 were bank accounts all over the world containing GOLD while the remaining four were LEAD BANKS IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS]

Russell's associates and family members came to the U.S. to visit with me at my home at 611 Moorehead St., Ida Grove, Iowa  to find out what had happened to him.

When my husbands Chinese Family members saw this and this 

These individuals and family members made the decision at that time these tortures had been done to a family member and at such time I was told to stay out of it.. they would handle it.

We are all watching what happens when one of their own is murdered.

I have stayed out of it.

Bye the way.. those La Salle Banking Democrats of the Clintons, Jamie Dimon etal made a temporary Republican out of me. My family had been 'party makers' since the inception of the Democrat Party..

Have a nice day.


IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE for the White Hats (Russell's people) to get the necessary information on V.K. DURHAM. Finally, the information was "got out of the U.S." and the International Banking finally had the proof they needed proving GREENSPAN'S Federal Reserve Banking Systems & COMPANY were far less than truthful, and much less than desirable, having lost all credibility in the banking cartels.

Then comes the December meeting of
The Banking Control Group. Sir Alan Greenspan was told, during that particular meeting: "You, Mr. Greenspan, will be the last chairman of an independent central bank in the United States. What do you think of that?!"

This little scam of Greenspan's U.S. Fed. R./U.S. Foreign Fed. R. Banking Systems/UST working with the GAIA-EKKER'S in a scheme to
bankrupt the other cartels with Counterfeit CDO's and taking up to 50% in Gold for worthless Gold Derivatives, has truly made unhappy campers in the Control Groups Camp.

The Control Group was even more unhappy to discover over 62,000 of these worthless 'derivatives' were put out in the Far East Banking, and
the World Bank-

IMF held, themselves over 5,868 of these worthless Gold Derivatives authorized by President George Bush (#41) in 1991, giving James Baker III, Alan Greenspan, Nicholas Brady, the authorization to "use" property that did not belong to the United States, was not under Presidential Authorization i.e., The Treaty instruments held in Trust known as Bonus 3392-181 (note: There is not now, nor has there ever been a BONUS CERTIFICATE 3392-181).

But! What in the Hell is wrong with STEALING SOMEONE ELSE’S CORPORATIONS? says the GAIA-EKKER'S... as they INCORPORATE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE CORPORATIONS OPERATING AS U.S. CORPORATIONS i.e., The Multi-Lateral Inter-American Investment Corporation and The Inter-American Development Bank.... Not a single "Jurisdiction" is had by any U.S. House Member, U.S. Senate Member, FBI and the usual ALPHA BET SOUP GROUPS of LAW ENFORCEMENT...

Why not!? They have been too busy covering their own Activities which has placed this nation with an external U.S. DEBT of an amount probably exceeding $400 Trillion Dollars,

By V.K. Durham

 Read these pages
(D.V. Hughes, Jr. letter received by V.K. Durham 2/17/04).

The SIXTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS mentioned by MR. D.V. HUGHES, JR., underwritten by CEO of Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd; Nevada ID 1707-85 (dual signatures required) is a portion of the 24.4 percent assigned to Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd; by V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory of the 'parent Trust' being Durham International Ltd; "Trust".. see assignment

1987, When Russell Herrmann (Herrman-Herman) finally came to V.K. Durham, CEO-Signatory after escaping from a 'prison' in Latin America where he had been thrown into by his own men during the LATIN AMERICA CONTRA AFFAIRS after objecting to MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN being slaughtered and their bodies shoved off in mass graves.

1988, COL. RUSSELL HERMAN (USAF SPELLING) in his "capacity" as the PRESIDENT'S CENTURION aka The alphabet soup groups i.e.: CIA-DOE-DOD DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, U.S. SEC. OF STATE, U.S. FED. R., U.S. TREASURY, U.S. COAST GUARD etc, etc, etc, etc; Along with former President of the United States of America, George H.W. Bush NEEDED COLLATERALIZATION aka UNDERWRITING.

Bush #41 needed underwriting for his "good friend Saddam Hussein's Atomic Energy Program, which was fronted by STEVE LEAHEY of the Atomic Energy Commission, Lowell Eastland or Eastlund Authorized by the Fed. R. to push the COLLATERAL through the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

Col. Herman discovered all of his Bank Accounts in the Bank of England, Bay State Trust, Mitsui, Mitsubushi, Diawa, UBS, Hong Kong Shanghi Bank, Credit Swisse, Anschbacher, Republic National Bank, Schroeder Banks (Germany) and on, and on consisting of between 172 and 176 accounts. The 172 were bank accounts all over the world containing GOLD while the remaining four were LEAD BANKS IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

THEY FINALLY IDENTIFIED & TIED THE $240 BILLION TO BUSH & 9/11:  Fwd: Names are being named

SEMPER FI and THANK YOU to all the men and women who diligently gathered the information posted on TheAnteChamber [ ] which has been kept up through the years especially for the purpose of this site being an information provider.  We are a Service Provider for  Interpol, Global Victim Banking, CIA, FBI, BATF, Homeland Defense, US Congress, and Senate, and all US Banking, US Treasury, and Fed Reserve, US Naval intelligence and (the little gray foxes) ect.

Finally!  After all these years the two $120 Billion Dollar unauthorized Prime Bank Collateral amounting to $240 Billion Dollars has been tied to the 9/11 WORLD TRADE TOWERS and the Bush Cabal.



Friday, December 16, 2011

Fed Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Bush Responsible

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Three days before his suspicious death President George H. W. Bush, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and U.S. Ma
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 16-Dec-2011 14:52:41

Sioux City, Iowa -- September 4, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.
Crusing the Florida Keys (1984) Then VP George H. W. Bush (second from left) and former CIA Director who led the National Security Council during Iran contra, with Nicholas F. Brady (third from left) then chairman of Wall St. Investment firm Dillon Read and later Bush 41 Secretary of the Treasury.
The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham. During multiple interviews, Durham told that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994.
Durham told us the $240 billion in stolen currency was obtained resulting from George H. W. Bush’s presidential abuse of power, when he authorized former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and former Secretary of State James Baker III to make fraudulent use of the Durham Family Trust collateral without her permission. There is evidence that Colonel Hermann’s and V. K. Durham’s signatures were forged on a Goldman-Sachs bank account certification requesting the conversions to U.S. currency.
The money was never repaid since the ten-year Brady bonds--purchased before September 13, 1991 using the fraudulent collateral and gold bullion as security came due on September 12, 2001--the day after the 9.11 attacks, having allegedly been underwritten and held by the trustee, Cantor-Fitzgerald bond brokerage firm [whose offices on floors 101-105 in the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) were destroyed on 9.11 along with the Brady bond evidence].
Three days before his suspicious death [warning: graphic photos], Colonel Hermann told his wife that former President George H. W. Bush, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and U.S. Marine Colonel Oliver North (pardoned by Bush Sr. two years earlier for his Iran contra indictments when Bush Sr. was also facing indictments for his role in Iran contra) all passed V. K. Durham coming up in an adjacent elevator after all three had left Hermann’s room and gone down in another elevator at the Veterans Administration Health Care Center in Marion, Illinois. Hermann had been probing Bush 41 and Clinton links to narcotics money laundering, according to his wife. read more:
It was Dean Kurtz of Chicago Great Lakes Region V. VA who threatened me of loss of benefits if I did not sign off on the TITLE 38 provisions of when a Veteran Dies in Testate without a Will.
The prelude to this was the November 18, 1991 REGION V. GREAT LAKES DHHS demanding MY REMOVAL FROM our BOATMENS BANK ACCOUNT Belleville, Illinois which resulted in the "Unauthorized two $120 Billion Dollar Transactions one for Bush Group, one for CLINTON GROUP which brought down the WORLD TRADE TOWERS..
see: THE BRADY BONDS, THE FRAUDS & 1991 BANK FAILURES By V.K. Durham SHARON LIKUD "PALESTINE A DIVERSIONARY TACTIC. 1991. Sept. 12. A transaction consisting of 120B$ GOLD was put down through TRANS TECH INTERNATIONAL at this address MOSHAV YISHI 68, ISRAEL.
This Israel operation took this down through :001 & :002 (U.S. DEPT OF THE TREASURY & U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK) in 30 BILLION DOLLAR USD INCREMENTS.
A. This involved the JAPANESE YEN and DUTCH MARK
a. TRANSACTION CODE: 091291/JY/USD/30B/001 and 091291/DM/30B/002 "four of these transactions went down."
b. Provisions of the Agreement(s) (not signed or authorized by the Signatories of Bonus 3392-181) "Transactions to continue until the U.S. DOLLAR WAS EXHAUSTED." (Interpol has the Agreement, and the PAYOUT ORDERS on these transactions) (as does the U.S. Security Exchange, Washington, DC Offices), and
c. TERM OF CONTRACT 10 YEARS scheduled to pay out on or about 9/11/02.
** There was involvement, at that time with a HAMILTON & HYUN Investment Corp. (Korean) further involved with USSR GOVERNMENT LOAN FACILITY, TRANSACTION CODE - TBC: 11AM/WS/9102 further identifying;
1. Prime Minister of Yakutsko, Mr. K. Ivanov,
2. Deputy P.M. of Yakutsko, Mr. D. Popov,
3. Bank of Foreign & Economic Affairs, Moscow, Mr. E. Sadovsky,
4. Prodintor for Yakutsko (Buying Arm), Mr. Ermilin.
and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001
and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and
to which the payorder identifies the following accounts:
THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1)
Name: Trans Tech International
Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede
BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3):
Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank
Address: 26929 102 NW
Stanwood, WA 98292
Routing ABA: 125000037
Account No. 1530113241
Bank Officer: Don Swanson
Phone No.             (206)629-2141      
Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York
Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc.
(** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUDD -JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.)
Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183,
Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039
Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266
Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002
Address: 55 Water Street
New York, NY
c/o Sherson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209
Further credit to Daryl Pennington & Assoc.
Account No. 673155413201
Federal Tax ID:S 88-02443380
Corp. ID No. 1707-85
Bank Name: Boatman's National Bank of Belleville, IL
Address: 23 Public Square
Belleville, Illinois
Routing ABA: 081001413
Account No. 011503029697-0407 Russell Herman & V.K. Durham as individuals
***Note No. 1. All four transactions went down through the same Banks & Brokerage Houses facilitated by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury (001) and the U.S. Federal Bank (002).
Note No. 2. November 18, 1991; V.K. DURHAM was ordered off the BOATMEN'S BANK ACCOUNT by THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (?) Even though, Mr. Herman gave written letter stating "HE WAS GOING BLIND" and "could not see to do his banking and other business affairs".
Note No. 3. V.K. DURHAM was subsequently, as of June 1992, identified in the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AS "DECEASED."
Note No. 4. At age 66, V.K. DURHAM, TO THIS DATE, CANNOT RECEIVE "FEDERALLY INSURED RETIREMENT BENEFITS as prescribed in the FICA ACT. V.K. DURHAM'S Social Security Account (FICA) is "flagged" in THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES in two ways (1) Withhold (2) NO PAY.
----- Original Message -----
From: V.K. Durham
To: V.K. Durham
Cc: Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:52 PM
Subject: R.J. KICK THIS ON UP : OXYMORON 146-Realtime-Leo-Wanta.html
CIA INTELLIGENCE an OXYMORON (A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.)
Read more:
In all fairness; I have not seen one ounce of "INTELLIGENCE" out of these greedy bastards who operate around the world as THE PRESIDENT'S CENTURIONS.. who are, in my opinion nothing more than bullies, theives, liars, murders, money launderers, blackmailer's who practice Bribery, Coerecion, Intimidation while working for CORPORATE US GOVERNMENT bribing our US HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS to commit Treason by allowing these bastards the ability to 'change the laws, write new rules and regulations' reported in
Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook - 60 Minutes - CBS News
► 14:53► 14:53
Nov 6, 2011 - 15 min
Lesley Stahl reports. Read Story: Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook · 60 Minutes OverTimeJack ...
Lets get back to Leo Wanta Etals.
As a victim of this crap; I, Mrs. Col. Russell Herrmann/Herman, Widow of this CI-Ltd Account Holder, UST, USCG, ONI sit, read garbage all day, listen to the lies, disinformation, bull shit spreader spreding DISINFORMATION to keep the rest of the alpha bet soup LIES TO SAVE THEIR ASS'S FROM BEING ROUNDED UP, GIVEN A FAIR TRIAL AND HUNG ON THE CAPITOL STEPS after having read this on Leo Wanta I sit here wanting to puke my lunch.
Russell was murdered over this as well as many, many others following PDDS and Executive Orders while "the code of silence" was imposed as these Men and Women were being murdered, beaten, shoved down staircases etc by those calling themselves Presidential Assassination Squads.
As my husband kept asking for CWO2 to be notified where his TWO MEN could be at his side while in the hospital, the hospital staff kept saying "Herman is off the wall. He thinks he is still active." CWO2 just happened to have been Randy Cornell.. Randy was Russells Rotar Pilot in Nam and Cambodia.
After Russells murder I called USCG to inform them of Col. Herrmann/Herman's Death. CWO2 Answered the phone. when I told him what had happened, that Russell had requested time after time, and time again for the Marion Health Care Center to "Call CWO2 inform CWO2 of him being in the hospital which required 2 MEN PRESENT, AT HIS SIDE AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL."
CWO2 Cornell was angry to discover he had not been notified. Told me not to do a thing. The COAST GUARD would be at my door no later than 9:AM the morning of the 6th of September, 1994 to handle all the arraignments and to deliver to me, the widow a $200k life insurance survivors benefit.
Neither happened. Subsequently CWO2 disapeared, Admiral Kramak took over.. and the attempts by Region V to make me sign over Russell's Estate ..
The man did not die in Testate.. He was Active At Date of Death his assignment CLINTON MENA DRUG OPERATION.
Russell Herrmann/Herrman/Herman was ACTIVE AT DATE AND TIME OF DEATH which is verified by W. Bruce Roher VA INTAKE 10/07/94
It was the Col. and his group who caught Vince Foster headed to Switzerland with the money (payoff) for the Clintons, which after the confiscation, the MONEY Vince Foster was carying was put into the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury. Leo knows this, we have discussed these matters.
In regards to the CI-Ltd Accounts held at Republic National Bank, New York, New York.. those are believed to have been hijacked between August 29, 1994 and September 5, 1994 during the period of time "I" the Widow was being refused a "full, formal, comprehensive autopsy" as to the real cause of the death of Col. Herrmann/Herman who was being threatened.. with "This is your day to die" by Dr.s at the Marion VA Health Care Center, Marion Illinois.. who (Transcript of Public Record) "Refused to conduct an autopsy that could be used in a court of law in the United States." Filed Ancillary to the Herrman-Herman Estate in Gallatin County Court House, Shawneetown, Illinois and Washington County Illinois County Court House.. Leaving a PAPER TRAIL as to what really happened which ultimately led to this present day Global Banking, Financing and Economic Crisis by those who were not satisfied with stealing $17 Trillion Dollars "Gold" from the CI-Ltd account which was the payment for the Kissinger-Bush Contra ARMS transactions handled by Col. Herrmann-Herman, Kashogi, Ari Onassis etals through COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING, LTD; Nevada ID 1707-85.. Whereas said Corporation suffered what appeared to be a NEW OWNERSHIP using a look alike COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD; used by THE SOROS, PETRO DOLLAR, BRITISH MINT, KISSINGER, BUSH. BAE i.e., PRINCE BANDAR and ETALS who first attacked the BANK OF ENGLAND.. in an operation which began back in 1985-85 using Treaties international agreements other than treaties Section 12807. (am I right so far Leo?)
Every one with me so far? Ronald Reagan turned his CI-Ltd Operatives loose to terrorize the world by using Executive Order 12333. You can read that Executive Order 12333 for yourselves. EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES
of Dec. 4, 1981, appear at 46 FR 59941, 3 CFR, 1981 Comp.
The KISSINGER/BUSH, SOROS, PETRO DOLLAR BRITISH MINT, BAE i.e. PRINCE BANDAR and WILLIAM J. CLINTON AND COMPANY planned an attack on Europes "Gold Banks" using the "Counterfeiting" tactics used by HITLER'S ASHKANAZI when they counterfeited English Pound Sterling..
This time this THE SOROS, PETRO DOLLAR, BRITISH MINT, KISSINGER, BUSH. BAE i.e., PRINCE BANDAR and ETALS "CONTRA GROUP" ganged up on England BUT IT HAD TO BE OUTSIDE CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW when being hidden deep inside Treaties international agreements other than treaties Section 12087.. Nations leaders and Nations Central Banks were used as everyone was bribed with US TAX PAYER GOLD to buy memberships into this TIAS 12087.
United States of America, Austria, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland...
Did you see ENGLAND? NO!
But you will find THE TROJAN in the Global Banking, Financing and Economic Banking CRISIS plagueing Europe at this very moment.
PM David Cameron's big Euro gamble
In Response To: How's The Euro Crisis Affecting Hedge Funds? It's Shutting Them Down Looks like John Paulson isn’t the only hedge fund m (watcher51445)
Recently "The Golden Boy" suffered set back from being beaten, stomped crushing his hips and shot in the sholder by those believing he was associated with AMB Amro's "INTERNATIONAL DURHAM" ponzi scheme.
The THREE STOOGES did not have enough grey matter to look.. INTERNATIONAL DURHAM is not the same as DURHAM INTERNATIONAL LTD; "TRUST" which has originally assigned (Posted 12.23.03) Durham International Ltd. V. K. Durham, Chairman of the Board CONFIDENTIAL
ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST. DEC. 31, 1988 which any damned fool can plainly see: EXPIRED DEC. 31ST. 1992.
Frankly I'm tired of innocent people getting shot, beat up, stomped, murdered while this bunch of sleazy bastards DESTROY THE BANKING SYSTEMS OF THE "CIVILIZED" WORLD! V.K. Durham, CEO. Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087]
The long and short of it all... ABN Amro, Royal Bank of Scotland, World Bank/IMF, European Central Bank etal have been victimized by the oldest "Doppleganger" in the world.. THE PRETENDERS leading victims into believing they are something which they are not. In this instance.. the entire world is near an unparalleled collapse by the Unauthroized Use of Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 "Property".. not to be confused with that mentioned in
Durham Overseas Fund A - Pioneer Alternative Investments
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Durham Overseas Fund A (the “Fund”) is a class fund of Durham Overseas Limited (the “Company”), Bermuda based mutual fund company. The investment
Russell was murdered over this as well as many, many others following PDDS and Executive Orders while "the code of silence" was imposed as these Men and Women were being murdered, beaten, shoved down staircases etc by those calling themselves Presidential Assassination Squads.
Seymour Hersh leaks Cheney assassination squads - YouTube
► 1:17► 1:17
Mar 11, 2009 - 1 min - Uploaded by redarrowguy
MSNBC reported that Seymour Hersh has uncovered evidence that Vice President Cheney operated secret
: The Political Coffeehouse | The Truth Behind Politics And The
: ...
: 3 hours ago – Jamie Dimon CEO of JP Morgan Chase Threatens
: Life of Jon Corzine of MF ... today Max Keiser said that
: Jamie Dimon threatened to kill Jon Corzine. ... discusses
: with Alex Jones of InfoWars and Prison Planet in this video
: series. ... Came home and caught the highlights via the web
: and am frankly scared. ...
: read more:

Saturday, July 6, 2013


In the first video, Douglas doesn't start speaking until the 2 minute mark and in the 2nd video, he doesn't start speaking until the 4:55 minute mark.

The guest audio, in the videos, is "iffy".

From: v.k.d.
Subj: CLAY DOUGLASS and V.K. Durham
Clay Douglas & VK Durham July 5, 2013 9:01 AM
Published on July 5, 2013
Clay Douglas addresses suppression of information through cries of Hate Speech and Anti-Semitism. VK discusses The Unanimous Financial Declaration of Independence of the 50 United States of America.
author: The Doc and V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Trust
Under the Law of the Land "The EDGE [Foreign Banking Fed. R. Dec 1919] the Fed. R. and Wall Street Associates could only remain in the position of "gurantors" of PAYMENT OF U.S. DEBT as LONG AS THEY WERE IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW."

The Fed. R. has willfully, wantonly, with malicious intent created a DEBTOR SLAVE NATION out of the U.S.A. and never paid THE OUTSTANDING SOVEREIGN DEBT owned by DURHAM HOLDING TRUST. Jamie Dimon attempted to hornswaggle the VATICAN BANKING SYSTEM that JP MORGAN CHASE owned that old SOVEREIGN DEBT which moves into FIRST POSITION the moment THE FED RECEIVERSHIP EXPIRES.

It is unfortunate so many innocents suffered over this Organized Criminal Activity.. We must not cry over spilled milk.. but move forward and REMEDY this situation. [vkd]

Jake Wade
Clay Douglas and Dr. Jake Wade of Timothy Bible College July 5, 2013 9:59 AM
Published on Jul 5, 2013
Clay and Dr. Wade discuss the launching and direction of the new Liberty Villages Coop and the implications.
Timothy Bible College sharpens the tools of and prepares God's warriors for battle. His Word is their Sword and preparedness is their shield. We have designed predominantly distance learning (internet correspondence) type courses to provide these refinements for our students.

To join or be credited by GRACE (God's Regional Alliance of Christian Educators) click on the website below the dove to the left. If clicking does not work, copy and paste into your browser.

Fill out Application/Inquiry Form (click on toolbar above) or call 512-398-3712 for registration or more information. Leave a message which includes your area of interest.

Clay Douglas addresses suppression of information through cries of Hate Speech and Anti-Semitism. VK discusses The Unanimous Financial Declaration of Independence of the 50 United States of America.
author: The Doc and V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Trust
Under the Law of the Land "The EDGE [Foreign Banking Fed. R. Dec 1919] the Fed. R. and Wall Street Associates could only remain in the position of "gurantors" of PAYMENT OF U.S. DEBT as LONG AS THEY WERE IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW."

The Fed. R. has willfully, wantonly, with malicious intent created a DEBTOR SLAVE NATION out of the U.S.A. and never paid THE OUTSTANDING SOVEREIGN DEBT owned by DURHAM HOLDING TRUST. Jamie Dimon attempted to hornswaggle the VATICAN BANKING SYSTEM that JP MORGAN CHASE owned that old SOVEREIGN DEBT which moves into FIRST POSITION the moment THE FED RECEIVERSHIP EXPIRES.

It is unfortunate so many innocents suffered over this Organized Criminal Activity.. We must not cry over spilled milk.. but move forward and REMEDY this situation. [vkd]

Monday, February 29, 2016


August 7, 2013, 8:30 P.M., EDT


There is no doubt that Tom Heneghan, a Chicago Democrat transplanted to Progressive Los Angeles whose support for former Vice President Al Gore (of carbon footprint and global warming fame) is legendary and Heneghan is taking a stand in opposition to Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta and V.K. Durham.  The question is:  “Why?”

Anyone who has followed Heneghan’s newsletters over the years knows that he often appears to be a bomb with a pre-set time to go off.  His views are often radical.  Over the years, many of his views have been accurate… but if one looks at Heneghan claims of “done deals” versus what has really proven to be the case, Heneghan has also provided much misinformation.  How many times has he told us the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols have been paid – and Wanta still awaits a checkbook making it possible to pay the Protocols?

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta and V.K. Durham, widow of Colonel Russell Herrman/HERMAN (who held the $17 trillion in a gold bullion Contra account which was the reason for an inexplicably cruel and inhumanely torturous death) have only rarely stood together publicly.  Each has quietly supported the other because their end objectives have always been the same.  Both Wanta and Durham are American patriots whose primary concern is to save the nation they both love.  Each has his or her own objectives as to how that should be done and their means of achieving the objective to save America sometimes collide.  That happens even in the best of marriages – compatible objectives (regarding good parenting of kids, for example) but different means of achieving the objective.

It is rare that the two, Wanta and Durham, have taken a public and united stand against what each of them view as dangerous incitement to civil unrest contained in Tom Heneghan’s recent postings to his blog.

The primary objection of both Wanta and Durham focuses on Heneghan’s encouragement of the American people to start a new American “revolution.”

“To encourage people to turn to unlawful violence gives the government precisely what it wants,” says Wanta.  “It gives them the opportunity to implement Martial Law – to completely remove the constitutional civil rights of all Americans.

“You cannot on the one hand say you support the Rule of Law while at the same time encouraging people to violate that very Rule of Law… yet that is what Tom Heneghan is doing.  You cannot suggest that because ‘they’ – in Heneghan’s words, Nazis and George H.W. Bush and others – you cannot say because ‘they’ abused your constitutional rights that it justifies others in violating the constitutional rights of innocent people who would end up being victims of the ‘revolutionary’ and violent tactics Heneghan appears to be recommending,” said V.K. Durham.  “Tom Heneghan is as adept at inciting Civil Unrest in his attacking of true American  patriots as he exhibits in his talents on his blog for Yellow Journalism”..

Heneghan has, for example, spoken and misspoken about the Wanta Reagan Mitterrand Protocols on so many occasions, it is like getting whiplash from watching a tennis match.  One ball gets shot over Heneghan’s net saying First Lady Nancy Reagan is talking with Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts (in support of Protocol payments), yet when questioned on various radio shows, Heneghan doesn’t even know which nations are involved in the Protocol payments or which nations are getting how much money.  It makes it very clear that Tom Heneghan (who seems incapable of saying a single sentence without the assistance of vile language) doesn’t know much regarding the subjects about which he writes.

The next ball shot over the net says that a tiny Principality’s central bank, that of Snake Hill (located near the Australia Commonwealth city of Sydney and which has no affiliation with any other central banks in the world – it barely has the ability to handle Snake Hill credit card charges), is involved with huge dollar amounts of unlawful (and worthless) derivatives exchanged around the world.  It was such an out-and-out lie that radio hosts laughed at Heneghan when discussing his faux pas.  It was obvious to them that he knows little or nothing about commercial banking and the Federal Reserve System.  Oh, he knows what most informed American citizens know… that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation which is not a government entity.  Beyond that, every time Heneghan opens his mouth to discuss the Fed, the comments made make apparent the case for his lack of knowledge about how the financial markets really work.

Because Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta stopped accepting telephone calls from Heneghan, he (like a spoiled child) became more than just a little petulant and began writing totally irresponsible things about Wanta.  His comments, never known for their accuracy, included material that angered V.K. Durham, a woman known for her patriotism and legal holder of The Durham (Intl. Ltd) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 which is the Duly Constituted Outstanding Primary Creditor of the United States of America and “ALL” Debtor Nations.

Both responded to Heneghan in writing.  Heneghan made threatening and vile telephone calls to Ambassador Wanta which were of course recorded.  If your ears are sensitive to the “f” word, you won’t want to listen to the message, but you can find what Heneghan had to say to Wanta HERE and HERE and HERE. Would you block any further calls from this kind of invasion of your telephone privacy (especially since the NSA is recording everyone’s calls)?  Wanta decided to do just that and it obviously infuriated Tom Heneghan into making some very stupid and provably untrue statements.  In these statements, Heneghan “outs” one of the people whose emails he used to attack Wanta… a woman named Mary.  It is Heneghan, not Wanta, who makes clear that Miss Mary is DHS – Department of Homeland Security.  It is Heneghan, not Wanta and not Durham, who has chosen to make the misinformation being distributed by DHS public.  People might want to go back to the Heneghan release of today (yesterday) and re-read Mary’s comments with the knowledge that she works for the Department of Homeland Security.  It may change their reaction to this entire communiqué from Heneghan.

There are many things in the Heneghan newsletter that are untrue.  For example:

“Reference: Wanta’s credibility is now in question (I have been dealing with him since 1995, and it was myself, Tom Heneghan, and then Vice President Albert Gore Jr. that saved his life in Syre, Oklahoma).”

In the first place, the correct spelling of the prison to which Ambassador Wanta was driven in the middle of the night from Kettle Moraine prison in Wisconsin to Oklahoma (on a bus with no stops for anything but fuel) is Sayre, not Syre.  Heneghan may consider this a “typo” and of no significance, but both Wanta and Durham agree that “Truth is always found in small details… as is untruth.”  A call was placed to Wanta’s case manager while he was at North Fork Prison in Sayre, OK to verify that this was a totally untrue statement and it was verified as being untrue.
Heneghan’s newsletter is filled with vitriol against (Veterans Today) Senior Editor Gordon Duff who is a big boy and quite capable of answering the offensive Heneghan comments for himself.

However, regarding Heneghan’s remarks that because Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta is on the Editorial Board at Veterans Today that somehow means he gives input or somehow has control of commentary made by the writers of the publication is a totally fraudulent statement.

One of Wanta’s and Durham’s primary concerns is for America’s veterans.  Anyone who has followed Wanta’s history knows of his deepest desire to provide the American people with a national high-speed rail system at no cost to American taxpayers.  It is one of the things he wants to pay for himself… and at age 73, it is not something Wanta will live long enough to see profits from – of any kind.

Wanta’s affiliation with Veterans Today is based on his commitment to providing training and jobs for America’s returning veterans via the high-speed rail project.  Additionally, Wanta has committed to providing housing for families of injured veterans who must spend long periods of time receiving various long-term therapies in Veterans Administration hospitals.  It is for those reasons Wanta sits on the Editorial Board of Veterans Today.  As a believer in the First Amendment and freedom of the press, he would not (as apparently Heneghan, himself a “journalist,” would) limit Gordon Duff or any other writer from freely expressing his or her opinion.

That’s another thing that both Wanta and Durham have complete confidence in:  The common sense of the American people to recognize misinformation versus truth when presented with them.

“Give the American people the truth and they will always find the best, most constitutional answer to any problem,” said V.K. Durham.

“And we need to remember that it was the insistent demand for accurate information about global warming and costly carbon footprint fees that resulted in investigations that identified Vice President Al Gore, who was promoting the global warming faulty science, as the owner of the company on the Chicago Exchange that would receive all of those carbon footprint fees paid by American businesses and taxpayers. The insistent demands for truth came from common sense Americans who, though being deluged with disinformation about global warming, saw something wrong with what they were being told.  I expect them to do nothing less with this disinformation effort launched by Tom Heneghan for some unknown reason.  Pillow talk, perhaps?” Wanta suggested.

Now that last question is a comment Wanta would answer only with a laugh and encouragement to do some investigative reporting to find an answer.

As V.K. Durham said in an email to Ambassador Wanta 8/7/2013:

“When this ‘character assassination’ on individuals/staunch American patriots such as evidenced in Tom Heneghan’s articles which are ‘smoke screens’ for those with whom he associates who are deathly afraid of the Wanta Funds [which Heneghan says have been paid; Wanta assures he has not received one cent], and The Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 the Duly Constituted (authorized by Constitution), Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the U.S.A. and “ALL” Debtor Nations holding CERTIFIED, RECORDED OF PUBLIC RECORD SOVEREIGN DEBT INSTRUMENTS which THE BUSH/CLINTON group have used without Authorization of the Owner i.e. Durham “Trust”… being these very instruments also claimed by Jamie Diamon/JP Morgan since 2004 as owned by JP MORGAN i.e., DOCUMENTATION/VALIDATION OF Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record complete with Chain of Title filed of Public Record many years before Jamie Diamon/JP Morgan backdating records to deliberately indulge in Economic Espionage and Financial Terrorism to stay off the end of Term of the Receivership of the Federal Reserve Banking System here in the United States of America.

“Here is the Chain of Title.. Read it.. this is what is making everyone so bloody nervous.” .”  So said V.K. Durham in a personal email to Ambassador Lee Wanta on Wednesday morning, August 7, 2013.

And so it goes… the exchange of information regarding highly sensitive and important policies and actions that will lead the American people either to a better world – or slavery.

It is for the reader to decide which path he or she wishes to follow.