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Showing posts sorted by date for query cnn. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Qanon - SerialBrain2: Trump's Secret Message About 9/11 Cover-Up. Brilliant Justice Phase Next

Project Matrix Watchman


Trump told us where to find Q’s intel about the Caravan.

As I was debating on where and how to start this post, the Maestro tweeted this: tweet. This tweet is 31 second of pure beauty where Hussein is contradicting all the current talking points of the left regarding the way Trump is handling the caravan and immigration in general. One thing I like to do after reading the Maestro’s tweets, especially when they are this savage, is to laugh at the haters, the shills, the trolls and the mob responding to a devastating Stealth B2 heavy carpet bombing on their village with what they have left from their stone, egg and broken arrow supplies. Then, I go through the MAGA replies and man! Some of them are priceless. Look at these responses to the Maestro’s tweet:
This Trump tweet reveals the hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to immigration and shows they are not serious about solving its related issues. When Trump asks Chuck and Nancy to call him in this tweet, he knows they never will because, for them, immigration is a weapon to be used to gain political positions while deceptively playing with the public’s emotions. Why would they call him now when they refused his Jan 2018 offer to grant citizenship to 1.8 million dreamers in exchange of the border wall? vid1. Citizenship? Democrats do not want that for “their” immigrants. What they want is a portfolio of people in precarious status so they can control them and tell them how to vote. A border wall? Democrats do not want that either: the existing portfolio needs to be updated with new surviving, hungry and vulnerable arrivals. This is the pinnacle of human trafficking, folks: the merchandise is not sex but votes. Prostitution through IMmigration Politics…
One of the reasons why I like watching CNN is the same reason I liked watching snakes at the zoo when I was a kid: the cages they were put in gave me all I needed to coldly analyze them. Knowing CNN is Fake News from the get-go allows me to scrutinize their reporters’ every word to understand or detect their Hidden Masters’ moves and strategies. When Trump stated that Dems were behind the caravan, CNN invited Van Jones in a useless effort to debunk him (as shown later) but the interesting part was when Alisyn Camerota tried to raise real questions and share a theory. Let’s listen to her from 9:37 to until 11:50 New Day Oct 19...Continue article here

Trump and the 2018 midterms: the most impressive moves in modern politics.

Do you play chess?
Chess is about implementing a general strategy to neutralize the opponent’s king. As the game moves forward, this strategy is adjusted with sub-strategies triggered by the opponent’s responses.
Q2448 Moves & countermoves.
As you can see, this is not a monolithic process. The opponent is “alive” and generates responses that challenge the general strategy. Good chess players are able to forecast a wide range of possible countermoves and have already prepared their corresponding responses. Until checkmate…
This implies it is critical that the opponent does not know the general strategy. One way to conceal it is to draw his attention on sub strategies, shiny objects and sacrificed pieces so that he progressively “drowns” into the general strategy he did not see coming.
Q2453 While we cannot telegraph everything, for reasons all can understand, we do try in our own way to inform loyal Anons & Patriots...Continue article here    

Sheriff Richard Mack: The Caravan: Blame, Foreign Aid and Civility

The Caravan: Blame, Foreign Aid and Civility
By former Sheriff Richard Mack
Richard Mack
This past week we have been saturated with the astonishing story of Central Americans forming a "caravan," as the media has dubbed it, of some 7500 Latinos who are willing to hike, many with their small children, to the United States. The media of course have represented that these thousands are seeking asylum, a new life, freedom, opportunity, a desperate chance to make a living, running from oppression and poverty. Well, that pretty much covers all the bases that will make the average person feel for their plight and condemn the President if he does not allow all 7500 to waltz right into the US of A with all the amenities of citizenship.

However, there are a few problems with this entire picture; first, it is not a caravan. A caravan is "a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions also : a train of pack animals. b : a group of vehicles traveling together." (Quoting Webster) What it really is; is an invasion, defined as "an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain." So, as you can clearly see, it is much more akin to an invasion than a caravan.

But regardless of its technical definition, there is a very startling phenomenon that has accompanied this story incessantly: The mainstream media, with very few exceptions, has blamed Trump for the entire ordeal. In fact, they blame him for trying to secure our border in any manner whatever and ridicule him for not opening the border to all our Latin American neighbors and Canadians, too. The leftist media want all who desire to enter America to do so unfettered and unchecked... As if there were never a threat of war from international Terrorists. Amazing!

Wolf Blitzer proudly announced a few days ago, amid all the postal "bombs" sent to the "who's who" in extremist Democrats, that CNN was open for business and would continue to report the news in an "honest and fair" manner. Then CNN went right back to work blaming Trump for the divisiveness, the hate, the extreme emotionalism, and all the cruel rhetoric going on in the world. And why not? Two weeks ago they even blamed Trump for the Hurricanes! Yes, insane , but nevertheless true.

The CSPOA denounces this obvious slant from the press. Let's put the blame for this invasion where it belongs: with the corrupt Latin American governments that refuse to allow individual liberty, property rights, and opportunity to their citizens. We have wholeheartedly opposed foreign aid to these "banana republics" or to any other nation for that matter. The American taxpayers have no obligation to send billions of dollars to foreign countries, period! This is not a proper constitutional expenditure; It is unlawful use of public funds. Furthermore, these countries stab us in the back and support the wholesale violation of our laws and national security.

Note: Has anyone ever asked why we pay out billions in foreign aid in the first place? The only logical answer is that such payments are "friendship fees." We pay tax dollars to these countries to be our friends. Well, those payments have proven to be an enormous failure.

The reason these "caravaners" are invading the United States has nothing to do with President Trump. They are coming here because their countries are against free markets, property, a strong middle class and equality and this has destroyed their economy in just the same way that liberals would like to destroy ours.

The CSPOA totally backs the President in ceasing all foreign aid, especially to nations supporting this huge illegal invasion, and putting all that money toward border security and building the wall. If we did just that, then Trump's assertion that Mexico, or Latin America, would pay for the wall would prove to be true.

Finally, the CSPOA supports the President and Congress in doing whatever it takes to keep this invasion from ever entering the USA. We fully understand why they wish to come here, but as Senator Barack Obama once said, "We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country."(This goes for those waiting for asylum, too!)

We actually support this "once upon a time" Obama wisdom and fully agree that America cannot allow unchecked and unfettered immigration. We condemn the mail bombs and violence and the hate spewing from the political podiums. And we absolutely condemn the absurd one-sided blame game from the media, who ask us all to "come together" and then summarily support Hillary as she said, "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for and all you care about". If you did not know Hillary had said these words, who would you think they were referring to?

Civility begins with you and me and it falls to the person who lost to set the example. The true test of character is how you handle disappointment. Let us all handle personal defeat with honesty and dignity and handle this border problem with a firm resolve for law and order and safety.  As we pursue solutions for America let us remember to be fair and above all, maintain our dignity as we discuss our differences.

Note: Sheriff Mack lived a year in Guatemala and a year in El Salvador. He also graduated with a BA degree in Latin American Studies and Spanish.

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Red Team Blue Team
by Blaise Dornisch,  CSPOA
Life Member

With rage and great lamenting many of our media, Hollywood, and political elites feign indignance at the mention of violating the original intent of our Constitution. This would be quite honorable, if it wasn't so outrageously hypocritical. These are the same blowhards who have stood by, or promoted the very desecration of our founding documents.

From progressive taxes, to infringements on press, speech, religion, self defense, to undeclared wars, unauthorized search and seizures, murder of innocents, and on and on, this group has facilitated the very destruction, of that they now pretend to defend.

The Constitution was never intended to be waved about like a pom pom, when politically expedient, or when an upcoming election was drawing near.

Our masters, who have usurped when and where the Constitution is to be applied, keep we the useful idiots, at each others throats cheering for the red team or the blue team, completely distracted from their tyranny.

Our Constitution - the very safeguard of All of our individual liberty - was brushed aside well over a century ago, and since that time we have been dependent on whatever privileges our masters mete out.
Now most every election cycle, the red team and the blue team try to outdo each other in pretending to be the better defender of our liberty and Constitution.

Until all of us, "We the People" take an active role in returning the federal government to the 18 specific authorities it possesses as stated in Article I, section 8 and return the rest to the states or the people (9th and 10th amendments), we will live in tyranny, relegated to be a cheerleader for the red team or the blue team, or completely uninvolved.

"The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure." 
-  Albert Einstein
Principles of Liberty, Part 3
By Rick Dalton   
There are certain principles of liberty that are found woven through the written and spoken record of the words and works of the Founders.  I have been privileged to serve as an instructor for the National Center for Constitutional Studies ( and to spread these principles far and wide in the US. The Center has gathered 28 principles of liberty from the aforementioned writings and speeches, and I share them now by permission.  

We began two months ago with a discussion these principles, continued it last month and this month we'll finish it off.

Principle 21-Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.
"The way to have good and safe government is not to trust it all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly the functions he is competent [to perform best]. 
- Thomas Jefferson

Principle 22-A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men.
"The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings, capable of laws, where there is no law there is no freedom. For liberty is to be free from restraint and violence of others, which cannot be where there is no law." 
- John Locke

Principle 23-A free society cannot survive as a republic without a broad program of general education.
"They made an early provision by law that every town consisting of so many families should be always furnished with a grammar school. They made it a crime for such a town to be destitute of a grammar schoolmaster for a few months, and subjected it to a heavy penalty. So that the education of all ranks of people was made the care and expense of the public, in a manner that I believe has been unknown to any other people, ancient or modern. The consequences of these establishments we see and feel every day [written in 1765]. A native of America who cannot read and write is as rare ... as a comet or an earthquake." 
- John Adams

Principle 24-A free people will not survive unless they stay strong.
"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." 
- George Washington

Principle 25-"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliances with none."
-Thomas Jefferson, given in his first inaugural address.

Principle 26 -The core unit which determines the strength of any society is the family; therefore the government should foster and protect its integrity.
"There is certainly no country in the world where the tie of marriage is more respected than in America, or where conjugal happiness is more highly or worthily appreciated." 
- Alexis de Tocqueville

Principle 27-The burden of debt is as destructive to human freedom as subjugation by conquest.
"We are bound to defray expenses [of the war] within our own time, and are unauthorized to burden posterity with them.... We shall all consider ourselves morally bound to pay them ourselves and consequently within the life [expectancy] of the majority." 
- Thomas Jefferson

Principle 28-The United States has a manifest destiny to eventually become a glorious example of God's law under a restored Constitution that will inspire the entire human race.
The Founders sensed from the very beginning that they were on a divine mission. Their great disappointment was that it didn't all come to pass in their day, but they knew that someday it would. 

John Adams wrote:
"I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in Providence for the illumination of the ignorant, and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth."

For a wealth of material on the Constitution and the exceptional story of America's founding, go to  Documentation can be found in the book "The Five Thousand Year Leap" published by The National Center for Constitutional Studies.
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CSPOA - Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, PO Box 567, Higley, AZ 85236

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Massive wildfires rage in California


The Camp Fire has destroyed an estimated 2,000 structures, "threatened" 15,000, and left three firefighters injured, according to the latest incident report by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). 
“The fire burned through the Town of Paradise and Concow Thursday, these areas will continue to experience active burning throughout the day,” the report says.
“The fire continues to burn to the Northwest into Magalia and toward Stirling City. Extremely dry fuels and heavy fuel loads in combination with low relative humidity will continue to active fire and control efforts.”  
On Friday afternoon, five bodies were found in a vehicle that was caught in the flames.
By the numbers – the Camp Fire:
  • The fire is still listed at 70,000 acres with 5% containment
  • 303 engines
  • 11 water tenders
  • 18 helicopters
  • 59 hand crews
  • 24 dozers
  • 2,303 total personnel
3:44 p.m. ET, November 9, 2018

Camp Fire could be 4th destructive wildfire in California history

Calfire is currently estimating that 2,000 structures have burned in the Camp Fire. If that holds true it would be the 4th most destructive wildfire in California history.
It would also mean that five of the top ten most destructive California fires have happened in the past two years.
Last year's Tubbs fire is the most destructive with 5,636 structures burned.

Continue Here

aplanetruth  This is from the fires in 2017 exposes energy weapons used

My friend Doug McKenty, of The Shift, and I, discuss the events of the 9/11 Cal Fires. The greatest firestorm in CA history where over 16 major fires ignited simultaneously in the middle of the night with heat so hot it torched everything except the brick fireplaces. To date, there are zero official explanations for these fires.


Broward Mystery Boxes Tossed Into Trucks After Missed Deadline -- Gaetz Forcibly Removed While Filming

Matt Gaetz

BREAKING: Video of trucks secretly loading stuff in/out of Broward Supervisors office. Matt Gaetz on Twitter BREAKING: I took this video as the riot police removed me from where trucks were secretly loading stuff in/out of Broward Supervisors office. All this while they are violating constitutional rights & a court order! #BrowardCounty

Alex Jones
After a Florida Judge ordered Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes to allow for the immediate inspection of tens of thousands of ballots suddenly found after Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson lost to Republican Gov. Rick Scott, Snipes failed to abide by a 7 PM deadline set at the emergency hearing. Instead, workers were filmed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shuffling boxes into a truck, before he was forcibly removed by a police officer...Continue here


Florida Orders Senate, Governor Race Recounts Amid Mystery Box Controversy

Update: Broward County has reportedly approved recounts in four Florida races, according to CNN, while the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner has ordered them in tight races for Senate, Governor and Attorney General Commissioner, and has ordered a statewide machine recount. 
As a noon deadline on Saturday to submit the election results approached, former GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis led Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum by less than 0.5%, which would require a machine recount.
In the race for Senate, Gov. Rick Scott's lead over Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson had shrunk to less than 0.25 percent - which would require a hand recount of all ballots unable to be tabulated by machine. 
After a Florida Judge ordered Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes to allow for the immediate inspection of tens of thousands of ballots suddenly found after Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson lost to Republican Gov. Rick Scott, Snipes failed to abide by a 7 PM deadline set at the emergency hearing. Instead, workers were filmed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shuffling boxes into a truck, before he was forcibly removed by a police officer...Continue here  

Hold Brenda Snipes in contempt...continue here

BROWARD COUNTY BALLOTS STUFFED INTO NORMAL PEOPLES CARS AND DRIVEN OFF. THEY ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION. THEY CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS..Reddit. See video here, woman videoed people driving up in their cars and taking out ballots dropping them off at a truck.

Friday, November 9, 2018

x22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

shared by: Arnie Rosner 
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:46 AM Dave Bertrand <> wrote:
Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues

Subject: X22 Report: "Q" Team Plan Underway, America About to be Transformed

Ed Note:

The question on "Q" follower's mind today, "is the plan still intact?" Will Hillary Clinton and others take the "perp walk" anytime soon, or did the Deep State (just) screw-up Trump's plan of action(s)?

Watch in coming days if HRC announces a third run for the presidency.....a clear indication she needs a political barrier between herself and President Trump's "Plan." (She has to move quickly, but might not go well for her, Pelosi, she is toxic to the DNC).

Remember...."Never interrupt your enemy when they are destroying themselves."

Well....the plan to "flush them out" involved exactly what was expected to happen by a Dem take-over of the House. The "Plan" also included control of the Senate, the most important element for the plan to succeed. Note: Most every Trump Rally was for the Senate, not the House and more keep Communism a.k.a. Socialism from taking Texas, Florida and Georgia.

"Internal Comms" received by the "Q" team showed the plan was well underway and still intact. The team has everything they need and things are about to happen.


President Trump no longer has to appease either side, because he is on the downhill side of his presidency and "Q's" post [House of Cards] will fall.... means what it means (now) and those guilty of Treason are mostly Democrats. WE can expect to see President Trump in a different light....a more aggressive and agitated president.

The entire plan was to get his Cabinet in order, which is underway, and the removal of Sessions now opens the door for justice to begin. Another element of the "Plan" was to double down of CNN by revoking Jim Acosta's W.H. Press Credentials, MSNBC is likely next. (IMO) CNN should be required to Register as a Foreign Russia's RT already has.


I would venture to say, at least 70% of the divide, hatred and racism, is created and fueled by the Fakestream Media that projects their image on Trump, while 30% is created in most every college across America. That is "Communism Creep" in action....and the reason why most college kids come home on vacation with a warped ideology filled with defiance and hatred.

The typical college professor is a neo-Marxist / Progressive / Communist, brainwashing students with a Utopia style of Socialism, which is not sustainable in a country that leads the world. That is why THEY want America to fall into Third World status (for the starving children, environmental terrorism, welfare for all, and let the middle class pay for it....but yet NONE of them can fathom living in Venezuela, but yet.....let them immigrate to the U.S. instead.


Note: An important question I received concerning "is Q real or a LARP" because "Q" stated in the past to [Trust Sessions], [Trust The Plan]. Sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation in-order for the Deep State to feel comfortable that (maybe) Mueller would eventually take-down Trump, and/or open the door for "Impeachment," also in the "Plan" of what to expect, with a counter-strategy that would benefit the "Plan."

Now that the midterms are over, the "Plan" begins and Sessions is out ! That is very important, because that firing is now causing the Deep State to panic further....evident of Schumer's latest statement that an "investigation / inquiry must be started" to ascertain the legitimacy by Trump to fire Sessions. The criminals needed for Sessions to stay "recused" as AG of the DoJ, which (we) believe he was and/or has been compromised by the Deep State.

The Dems attempt to destroy Trump with investigations and subpoena's will fail as the hammer drops on many of them.


Transforming America from the "Communist Creep" and back to a Constitutional Republic, requires a full scale takedown of all Treasonous and Seditious conspirators. The main (catch all) tool known as the "Capone Effect" will be their money laundering and pedophilia activities, not just in America, but worldwide. 

Many Dems and some GOP types will have to show and explain how they went from a $50k bank account to millions while serving Americans. Others like George Soros will be taken-down, not to mention the Rothschild Central Banks with a full blown economic collapse worldwide (expected) which in-turn will shutdown the Federal Reserve, which JFK threatened to do.

Senator John McCain is an example of how wealthy he became by dealing with foreign leaders / corporations, etc  while negotiating with al Qaida / ISIS terrorists on a weapons deal (in Syria) on behalf of Obama and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. His Treason and death are not separable.  Ask yourself....why did McCain's closest confidante [Lindsey Graham] do a 180 degree turn, just after McCain's voluntary hero / execution? Was Graham worried???

Pelosi and Feinstein fall into the same category as HRC with corrupt financial deals while in office, let alone the cover-up of "Spygate" against Trump and the aiding and abetting Chinese espionage connections (Feinstein and HRC) 


For those that believe Alex Jones about "Q" being a "LARP" you have not done your research to see the MANY videos confirming how Trump confirms that "Q" is a team and (lately) proof.....Trump is "Q+." And for those that attempt to show the "many inconsistencies" of what "Q" has posted, "never came to pass," then you need to go way back to the beginning and see how "Q" evolved, the purpose, and the simple fact, "Q" was not only posting for the patriots, but also for the Deep State!

Trump and his (white hats) Military Intelligence knew the Deep State would begin watching closely, therefore....occasional 'dis-information" was specific to the Deep State and is the reason why the Deep State forced the Fakestream Media and even Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi, to denounce "Q" as a hoax. for Alex Jones, it is more likely Jone's attempted to hijack the narrative for his own, which he has done with at least 2 other occasions in the past over certain events he had nothing to do with. 

As for Alex Jone's recent downfall and censorship tactics by the Left, he is not the only one, and we are all under attack.

To save one media outlet by buying everything in his store is NOT enough to sustain his show unless he is getting big bucks from an outside (unknown) source and with that, I wish him well. One should not be expected to pay in-order to be a patriot....the Chinese style censorship by the tech giants is MUCH BIGGER than Alex Jones. 


Now here's the big event that will confirm the "Plan" and that would be Trey Gowdy's appointment as Attorney General in the next few months. Trey Gowdy has specified how he wants to get back into the Judiciary, plus he knows more about the Clinton crimes than most. His appointment requires a GOP Senate majority.....once that happens, watch the Dems go crazy.


In the meanwhile, WE ALL KNOW and Trump knows as well....the Pelosi / Schumer gang of Dems will NOT be working-on bi-partisan legislation, but are on a mission to destroy Trump. Why?? Because THEY know what's coming down the pike if Trump isn't destroyed soon.

THE "PLAN" was (first) to know what the Dems were communicating (NSA / Military Intelligence) and what they intend to do and that is when (soon) the [DECLAS] will further the panic factor.

"We are at war" Trump stated and that "war" is an internal war and most countries divided within a (government) eventually falls, but the "Plan" is underway and the "Swamp" is about to be drained. We can expect turmoil and in-order to build a new home (America) the old home must be torn down. The Dems have openly shown they intend to take a wrecking ball to the White House. (Let the games begin !)

"Q" says.....[buckle up]

The X22 Report (video) details what to expect....

---Dave Bertrand

X22 Report: Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b
 Nov. 7, 2018

Nov. 9, 2018