The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: watcher51445Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011 08:04:12
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: watcher51445
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Massive Swift Noticed Wire Transfer Illegally Blocked August 9, 2011
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa, August 15, 2011 by Mike Quinsey
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011 06:54:10
SaLuSa, August 15, 2011
In the heavy vibrations of Duality your physical bodies easily tire, and as each day ends you need to recuperate by taking a period of sleep. Everything is very conveniently arranged so that you have night and day, that fits in with your needs to re-energize yourselves. Consequently you spend around a third of your lifetime sleeping, and you know that it is necessary; as if you are deprived of sleep you become ill. As you rise up so that all changes as you begin to absorb the energy that is around you. Eventually you need little but a short rest period, and no longer require your present intake of solid food to re-fuel your body. In fact your life is no longer ruled by night and day, as you will be in a dimension that has constant light. With your new bodies of crystalline cells, you will find that the conditions in which you live are exactly right for your needs. Be assured that when you do not have a heavy physical body, there are no pangs of hunger or tiredness as you experience now.
Many aspects of your lives will change with Ascension, and all to the good. Life will no longer be a chore or a burden. The most noticeable changes will be where your freedom to travel is concerned. In your less dense body you will be able to move instantaneously to wherever you desire, and that means you are always able to contact your loved ones whenever you wish. There is however a provision that requires each souls privacy be protected, and you would first make telepathic contact to gain permission. So in fact, in the higher dimensions you have far greater freedom, and your loved ones and friends are always within contact.
Life on Earth has its high points, but it will never match the advantages of living in the higher dimensions. Perhaps you will find that the most acceptable change is in respect of your use of your time. Where on Earth you often find it difficult to fit everything in, you will experience the exact opposite having all the time you need to follow your pursuits. More so, if you were keen to develop you artistic talent, you could for example “call back” Rembrandt and benefit from his experience. It has to be pointed out that with the higher vibrations you will use your increased powers of thought, and will tend to be more creative with them.
Your lives will bear little resemblance to how they are now, and the benefits will be almost unimaginable. The path to these changes is about to start on Earth, by returning to you your sovereignty and freedom. With it shall come your release from being dependant on out dated methods of travel, medicine and food production. What you have been denied is being enjoyed by the selected few who are part of the covert operations of the Illuminati. You have been deliberately held back, to maintain the old system that feeds the bank balances of those families that are in power. The few control the masses but that is all about to change, and our allies have progressed to the point where the changes can begin. The realization that you can be lifted up and experience a far better quality of life, will re-invigorate people’s desires and interest in their future. That future is Ascension with all of the changes we have been regularly discussing.
Most important is of course your spiritual upliftment, which is the key to whether you ascend. That is determined by your level of vibration and it must be similar to those of the higher dimensions, if you are to move out of your present one which is the third dimension. As we have often mentioned, there is the Law of Attraction that determines which souls rise up and that applies automatically. It is how your progress or otherwise takes place, and you cannot be in a level other than the one that is consistent with your vibrations. That alone ensures that the different dimensions are always in harmony and balance. On Earth you do have Higher Beings, but they have had to drop their vibrations to be on it. Usually that is for the purpose of serving the Light, and you do in fact have thousands of them with you now, working to raise your vibrations.
We of the Galactic Federation are also part of the Light working teams, and like them we have a specific role to play. As you should know by now, it is to protect you and ensure that the path to Ascension is kept open for all of you that have chosen it. With our presence also comes knowledge of the higher states of being, and glimpses of what your future holds. We are One, and quite naturally there is a mutual attraction between us. You are also genetically connected with us, which is why you will see many humanlike Beings amongst us. We are so much like you that we could easily walk amongst you with hardly being noticed. Soon that will in fact become quite normal, and Disclosure is becoming much nearer to being announced.
In the midst of escalating Earth changes, we pick up a more calming energy that seems to come from the general upliftment of your mass consciousness. We would expect it to continue to rise in view of the ever-increasing levels of Light being sent to you. It is welcomed as there is inevitably going to be a period of some confusion and uncertainty when major changes are thrust upon you. They will of course be understood by those of you who keep abreast of events, and you can do much to share your understanding with others. Fear of the unknown is still very much a problem, but we will quickly explain what is happening as soon as we can. Your support for us is clearly essential, as we desire to involve you in the activities that are our top priority.
Once it is clear where everything is heading, we expect to have your full co-operation and indeed why not, as the plan is for your ultimate well-being. We have the answers to all of your problems, and the inconvenience to you while the changes occur will be minimal. We would say that they will be wide spread and you will be aware of the purpose through each stage of development.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as ever pleased to confirm our willingness to work with you, and you will certainly not be excluded from any of our plans. Be patient now that events are coming to a head, as you must surely realize that we are so near to meeting you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen August 14, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 15-Aug-2011 06:38:34
Message from Montague Keen August 14, 2011
As you go through the darkness, you must remove all fear and doubts. See the illusion for what it is. Then you will be ready to step into the Light, to embrace a freedom that was denied you. They control your thoughts by using sound waves. So when they want you to riot, it's easy to create a situation and then manipulate the masses, while they stand by and watch the destruction. The unenlightened fear the consequences and so will agree to almost anything that their Government then proposes to ensure their safety. It works every time. The propaganda machine is prepared in advance to create as much fear as possible in the population. Those who rioted need to understand that they were used. They served the Government's purpose. Now they can introduce even more control, to prevent you from waking up to reality. SILENT, PEACEFUL PROTEST is what those in power fear, because that shows real people power. That the Police stood by and watched the riots, should have told you it was being used for a purpose. Your taxes pay for police protection, yet they watched as homes and businesses were burned down. Protect each other, you are all prisoners of the Dark Cabal. Until this thought registers with you, it will not be possible for you to step into the Light. See the rioters as victims of the Cabal: they are made to feel worthless. They live in overcrowded conditions. The education system failed them. They have no jobs and no future. They are mind-controlled through music and TV. They feel hopeless and helpless in the materialistic world deliberately created by the Cabal to keep you wanting what they ensure you cannot afford.
Veronica, there were tears in your eyes today as you opened your emails and found on the EXTRATERRESTRIALS website [ ] information on the HILL OF TARA, the center of your Universe, a sacred place of great importance. They have done a great service to humanity by placing this information there for all to see and research for themselves. Though you grew up in Ireland, the schools there were run by the Roman Catholic Church. So you were never told of your great heritage. All the history you were taught was completely untrue. There is a need to remove the control of the Vatican and for Ireland to open up to its past. The future starts there, when Ireland links with Spirit. Then the Universe will be restored. No country in the world was more controlled by outside forces than Ireland. The Irish have suffered through the ages in an effort to prevent them from knowing who they are. It is time to set Ireland free from the yoke of Vatican domination and return to your Religion of Love.
The Vatican knows its 1000 year rule is over. It is time for truth. It is time for them to return all that they have stolen and plundered around your world and for the God of Love to return. Now you see the importance of the speech made by Prime Minister, Enda Kenny. He opened the door to reconnection with who you are. He has done the planet a great service. For this he will be remembered. The Vatican controlled the schools, the hospitals, and the Governments. They ensured that there was no way you would ever learn the truth in Ireland. They hid it so well. The Vatican controlled your lives from birth until death, through fear of death and hell fire, which they invented to control you. Death is just the stepping from one state of existence to another - a beautiful experience. We in Spirit, say to the people of Ireland, reclaim your great heritage. Learn who you really are. All this had to happen before the world can move forward into real enlightenment.
You are now living through The End Time. There is a real fight going on between Dark and Light. The Cabal cannot accept that their carefully crafted and planned take over will not happen. Such is their sheer arrogance that they think the Earth belongs to them and that they can remove human beings at will, whenever they like, through wars and laboratory-created illness. But they are being removed. This news is being kept from you.
We, on this side of life, are on track. We are progressing in many areas. There is much that has either to be put in place or removed. It cannot happen overnight. We need your input on Earth. This is a joint operation. Together we will succeed. The time is now. It is your world, the usurpers must leave. Their control system is falling apart. By working together, we can make the Transition easier for everyone. To want to be free, is the most basic instinct in Man. It is worth striving for. You are almost there, there will be rejoicing on both sides of life when we once again come together in love and harmony.
Our grateful thanks is extended to the Extraterrestrials website for assisting us to bring truth and enlightenment to so many about what was hidden from you regarding the importance of Ireland. This is a momentous step forward.
Be kind to yourself, my dear. Yes, you are recovering but you still need care. By welcoming the truth as it emerges, it assists the Transition.
My love is guiding you. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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POOF for AUG 14: Not for the Faint of Heart
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 14-Aug-2011 18:09:42
In Response To: POOF for JULY 31: Get That Black man out of the WH! (hobie)
Hi, Folks - Received via e-mail: John Cafferty
Silence in the darkness creeps into your soul
Heart's on fire, strong desire, rages deep within
Time will not allow you to stay still, no
Rules and regulations have no meaning any more Heart's on fire, strong desire, rages deep within
OH! Is here
I won't get into any politics, or challenge anyone out here as, the way I see it, the forth coming changes will be plenty for everyone, regardless of privilege or position in this world. The mighty mighty are crapping their pants right now. Time has run all the way out in the hour glass. What was years away or months and weeks away, is now at everyone's door step. Imagine if you lived in privilege all your life and the very foundation of that was coming under challenge, like 1929, where some folks lost and some folks gained? What was once solid ground begins to quiver and shift. You all will see this with your own eyes, those on high shall be brought low, bar attorneys no longer accepted to practice in common law courts, old things passed under the old system, thrown out as unacceptable in constitutional courts. This will be challenged only to have cases tossed out as no longer valid. Be at peace, don't waste your energy arguing with people who believe they know everything, there are plenty of surprises to go around. Let folks fight their own battles within themselves, they make themselves unfit to live in a peaceful world anyhow, so you need not worry about them invading your space. They will quickly find themselves marginalized in the near future. You can't argue with anyone, if they refuse to participate. Silence has incredible power in a noisy world. Some are aware that the first casualty was a banker in europe, who is now in an unknown location, blackballed and unable to play in the banking world any more. This is a new world and the point will be steadily driven home to anyone who doesn't 'get it'. Alas, he fell on his sword. A useless proposition now a days, they got plenty of people to replace you, who'll do the right thing. You say you are christian, well you better take care of these widows and orphans, and stop trying to feed those whose bellies are full, the plutocrats. The dragons made it very clear in a conversation, 'because they wouldn't share' that's why they are flipping everything on it's head. They have been sitting there watching for a few hundred years and saw how they who borrowed from them used what they borrowed, but failed to pay back. Plain and simple this is an old fashioned, foreclosure. This was the reason they stopped in Brussels and the Hague when they decided to drop the hammer, making sure everyone was clear, when folks started seeing things going sideways out here. The politics was the countries' job to explain it anyway they wanted as they abhor politics. If you need to classify them, they are much more libertarian, than what one may think, when trying to understand the eastern mind. I heard about this guy who dropped a half a million in the O bucket. He needs to know there were some who dropped a 100m in the bucket. Last spring people from 1m up got the opportunity to get their principle back, along with old chinese families who had also loaned money out into the world and the dinar Has to rv because the govs are sitting on trillions of them and they have to work in this new system. Might know cheney and bush have buckets of them, themselves. Wars have always profited somebody. Timing always rules, you might not like it, but that's always in the background. So, the time is here and that's why there's all this screaming and hollering by folks who used to be quiet. The st germain foundation hooked up with the dragons to get this done. I ain't saying nothin', but somebody needs to stop telling tall tales to folks out here. You will never control that work of history. You're putting yourself in an embarrassing situation! Now tell the truth. Recognize who really controls everything out here, the boys on wall st learned and are learning more and more each day. Check with Jamie Dimon at JPM, he might enlighten you....if you can get an appointment. That's it, I don't see my self writing anymore, the rest of this will be written by the historians. Catch you out there somewhere. Remember to keep your mouth shut, there'll be a mad scramble at the banks with people cashing in their dinars and accessing their program money, talk about confusion, what a perfect confluence of things. Love and Kisses, Poofness
Heart's on fire, strong desire, rages deep within
Heart's on fire (heart's on fire)
Earth Wind & Fire » That's The Way Of The World Lyrics Hearts of fire creates love desire
We’ve come together on this special day
You will find peace of mind
That’s the way of the world
--hobie |
Subject: Let's eat at Chick-Fil-A to show our support. They are being maliciously attacked for their pro-family stance.
We have become a nation of protesting and litigious people. It used to be that if one didn't like how a business operated, you didn't go there. It was the strongest form of protest and if enough people didn't go there, the business did not survive. Where do we come off now trying to change how successful private business operates by means of slander, yellow journalism, rumors and innuendoes just because we might not agree with their operating philosophy? The concept of majority rules is being over-ridden by who can make the most noise.
Now the Socialists (AKA Obama Democrats) have targeted Chick-Fil-A. A Southern based company with the below resume..
I think, I'll have a Chick-Fil-A sandwich tomorrow.
See below.
Amen to this!!!!
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]