Thursday, January 10, 2013

The 2,400 Yr-Old Trick For Ending Pain & Illness

The 2,400 Yr-Old Trick For Ending Pain & Illness 

Here's an interesting quote for you today about the relationship between
food and health. Although the author says "bread" in the quote, he's really talking about food in general.

See if you can guess who said it:
"I know, too, that the body is affected differently by bread according to the manner in which it is prepared...The influence of each process is considerable and each has a totally different effect from another.
How can anyone who has not considered such matters and come to understand them possibly know anything of the diseases that afflict mankind?
Each one of the substances of a man's diet acts upon his body and changes it in some way and upon these changes his whole life depends."

Know who said it?
Give up?
Hippocrates. The Father of Modern Medicine.
He learned, through education and practice, that the number one factor in determining a person's health (or lack of it) was their diet. Many doctors in his time (he was born nearly 2,500 yrs ago) did, too.
His patients successfully overcame illness safely and naturally through their diet -- FOOD was their medicine.
Although pharmaceutical-type drugs existed, they were used only on VERY rare occasions.

A complete 180
Too bad "Modern Medicine" has done a complete 180 in that regard.
Instead of food as our healer, doctors today tell people that food makes no difference at all. And I'm talking people who have Crohn's, Colitis, IBS, reflux, ulcers and more. "Eat what you want," they're told. And they always get worse, not better.
And Hippocrates is probably rolling over in his grave.
Let's fast forward from Hippocrates' day (460-370 BC) to now:
- We're now in an age where it's rare that you come out of a doctor's appointment WITHOUT a prescription for a drug (or two or three).
- If one drug doesn't work or you suffer nasty side effects, you get another. And another. And another. (I call that running on the white coat treadmill.)
- Most doctors have little or no advice to give about diet. Most times they poo-poo questions about diet, or say your diet doesn't matter.
And sadly, we're seeing the horrific results of this way of thinking from head to toe...

The frightening rise in chronic disease
Isn't it curious that, although we have all the "latest and greatest" in terms of drugs (as well as sophisticated tests and surgical techniques), our rates of chronic disease continue to SOAR through the roof?
Consider these unsettling facts reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):
- 7 out of 10 deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases. The three biggies--heart disease, cancer and stroke--account for more than HALF of all deaths each year!
- Nearly 1 out of every 2 adults has at least one chronic illness.
- 1 in every 3 adults is obese.
- About 25% (1 out of 4) people with chronic conditions have one or more limitations on their daily activities--meaning they can't walk, bathe, cook, shop, etc. without assistance or at all.
- Arthritis is the most common cause of disability, with nearly 19 million Americans affected.
- Diabetes continues to be the leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic leg amputations and blindness among adults aged 20-74.
Clearly our "better living through chemistry" way of thinking hasn't done a thing for our health, has it?
Instead it's made us fat, sick and tired...and getting worse by the day.

But why? you ask
So why is it that we've taken such a dramatic turn away from the teachings of the Father of Modern Medicine, and ignore the role of diet in health and search for that magic pill?
Well, below are some very good reasons.
Now before you read these and get your dander up, know this: I am NOT talking about ALL doctors here. I know MANY doctors (especially holistic doctors) who are compassionate, forward-thinking and explore different options for their patients (including effective dietary advice).
But sadly what I am talking about describes a good number of mainstream medical professionals.
1) Dough-re-mi
Money is BIG in medicine. After all, if people started feeling better by changing their diets, you-know-who wouldn't be needed as often.
Let's face it--medicine is a business. Just like painting houses, paving roads or selling computers.
But in medicine, the stream of revenue from office visits, tests and surgeries can be staggering. And the more of these services doctors can provide, the bigger their bottom line will be. Makes me think of the line, "Want fries with that?" It's all about adding more to the order.
But doctors aren't the only ones who would be affected by nutrition as a treatment option.
Can you guess who else would lose?
That's right--the drug companies. This industry is so massive, if large numbers of people started eating healthier, the drug industry would be completely rocked.

2) Ignorance is bliss
Better said, you can't teach what you don't know.
Most mainstream doctors know next to nothing about nutrition.
It's because most take only ONE basic course in nutrition in school. So in fairness to them, why the heck would it even enter their minds to talk about diet as a solution to your health problems?
Funny--they take an Oath of Hippocrates yet have little or no idea about one of the cornerstones of his teachings.
On the other hand, they are VERY well schooled in pharmaceuticals.
Drug company reps pay regular visits to your doc to make sure they're aware of the latest "chemical miracles." They offer rewards and incentive programs to entice doctors to prescribe more drugs.
Plus, pharmaceutical companies have long been generous financial supporters of medical schools and "continuing education" seminars for doctors.
Of course the drug companies claim that they don't influence the course content or syllabus, but if you believe that then there is a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

3) Are these really health foods?
When doctors do feel that a change in diet is warranted (such as after a heart attack or stroke), they may refer the patient to a dietician.
Quite frankly, in all the people I've spoken to and interviewed over the years, unfortunately very few reported getting any valuable healthy eating advice from a dietician.
And sadly, there are "influences" in the dietetic industry too.
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has received mountains of cash from companies such as Coca-Cola, M&M's/Mars, McDonald's, Sara Lee and the Sugar Association.
I'm not sure on which planet Coke, M&M's, Happy Meals and frozen cakes are health foods, but it isn't this one.
The ADA's publications and practitioners have shown a bias in favor of those entities' foods and food categories in the past.

So who can you listen to?
Now you're probably wondering, OK, this is all great information, but where do I go from here? Who can guide me on how to eat to achieve great health and alleviate or prevent chronic disease?
I can.
Why? What makes me different?
How can I say this?
Well, here are the reasons:
Real results
I can help you achieve real and lasting results.
I've spent over 20 YEARS educating people about the effects of diet on health, lectured at conferences all over the US, and have helped tens of thousands of people to overcome digestive disorders and other health problems.
Read a whole slew of their stories here:

A large number of my clients had been sick and on medications for decades -- and now they're healthy, energetic, pain-free and many of them are completely off all of their medications.
I'm not sure there's a single mainstream medical professional who can say they've done the same.

I walk the talk
Second, I'm living proof of the effectiveness of using food as your medicine, and walk my own talk every single day. I have been free of IBS for 21 years totally and completely because of my diet.
I know exactly what to eat and when to eat it in order to encourage efficient digestion and help avoid misery -- it works like a charm.
And by the way, I also maintain my 115-pound, size 2 bodyweight without age 50.

Based in science...and history
The effectiveness of using food as your medicine is not just a fairy tale or the latest diet fad!
It's based in chemistry and biology and supports the relationship of how the different foods you eat are digested and how they affect your body.
Just like Hippocrates talked about over 2,400 years ago!

Use food as your medicine--start now
If you're ready to end the cycle of pain, illness, doctors, prescription drugs and massive medical bills (or prevent them to begin with) and see what a difference diet can make, let me teach you what you need to know with the Great Taste No Pain health system.
The GTNP manuals explain the science of smart food pairing and acid/alkaline balance, which are the two key ingredients in achieving and maintaining health.
You see, if your body is overrun with acid wastes from processed foods and hard to digest meals, and your pH is not maintained at the slightly alkaline range where it needs to be, pigs will fly before you feel good and/or have a normal body weight.
Look around you--the countless people suffering with chronic diseases are most assuredly overloaded with acid wastes and a pH that's too low.
With Great Taste No Pain you'll also get tons of menu suggestions, a pocket-sized card for staying pain-free while dining out, and a recipe book loaded with delectable creations that make eating for health thoroughly enjoyable.
You won't go hungry because your body will be nourished like it should be.  So you won't FEEL hungry.
And you'll love saying goodbye to pain after eating!
Let me help make a difference in YOUR life--for a one-time tiny investment that costs FAR less than an office visit or a single bottle of prescription pills.
Start now.  You'll never regret it.

Take it one step further and balance your flora
Not only has the modern-day diet and heavy use of pharmaceutical drugs helped chronic disease and obesity to flourish, but they've also been murder on your friendly gut flora.
The beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract comprise 70% of your immune system as well as help keep your digestion smooth and efficient and enhance absorption of nutrients.
So if you're lacking a strong, healthy population of "good guys" in your gut, your digestion is most assuredly compromised and your immune system may be weak or practically non-existent.
And that means not only are you probably not absorbing nutrients like you should (which can cause overeating and obesity), but you're lacking the vital protection of your immune system against bugs, infections, viruses and even cancer!
A healthy diet like I described above can help build up your friendly flora, but for many people who have had a typical diet for a long time and/or have taken every prescription drug under the sun, it may not be enough.
That's why supplementation with a potent multi-strain probiotic like Super Shield can be so helpful for SO many people.
Super Shield's 13 medical-grade strains of friendly bacteria are ready to help strengthen your gut wall, enhance your digestion, encourage regular BMs and beef up your immune system.
And if you do need to take any medications (especially antibiotics), Super Shield can help counteract their harmful effects in your gut.

When it comes to achieving real lasting health and avoiding disease, do what works.
Rely on 2,400 year-old advice and help your body from within.
If you do, I'm sure you'll see a difference very soon.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Carrie's been off anti-anxiety meds and antacids since 2009!
Your program helped deliver me of Acid Reflux that I suffered for 9 straight months that accompanied panic attacks in 2009.
All of that occurred due to stress over the downturn in the economy.
My doctor put me on anti-anxiety meds and prescribed antacids.
Your program helped me get off all that crap!
I'm so grateful, and I continue to follow your emails and recipes.
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
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Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  
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PO Box 359 Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 1-888-724-4366 FAX: 315-468-5818

Golden Age Of Gaia - 1/9/13

Lee Harris: 2013 – Year of Community and more...

In This Update...

Is An Executive Order a Law that Must be Obeyed?


Is An Executive Order a Law that Must be Obeyed?


There’s talk that President Obama will ignore Congress and issue Executive Orders to implement new gun regulations over against the clear reading of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Is an Executive Order a law? Will we be obligated to obey it?
Executive Orders have a long history. Republicans and Democrats have issued them. Only a few of them have been overturned by the courts.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats do much about Executive Orders they don’t like since both parties issue them. This is how the Washington game is played.

Republicans and Democrats like Executive Orders on difficult issues because it stops the legislative process that they’ll have to participate in and eventually vote yes or no. They can always tell the voters back home, “Well, I would have voted against that if the President hadn’t issued an Executive Order. Golly gee willikers, now my hands are tied.” Right.

An Executive Order is only valid if it’s done within the jurisdictional authority of the President’s constitutional authority. To rule against the Second Amendment is not a presidential prerogative. If it is, then the President could turn his attention to the First Amendment and issue an order that newspapers can no longer criticize him. Conservative talk radio would die a quick death if the President issued an Executive Order saying that the freedom of speech had to be limited in several ways, one of which was negative political speech, especially about him.

Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that President Obama would like to do all these things. He’s mad with power. He has a vendetta against America.

Chris Matthews of MSNBC made a statement about how President Obama should have been treated by presidential challenger Mitt Romney in their second debate. It was the fact that Gov. Romney actually challenged the President that led Matthews to go Gestapo on Romney:
“I don’t think [Mitt Romney] understands the Constitution of the United States… He’s the president of the United States. You don’t say, ‘you’ll get your chance.’”

Yes you do. President Obama is an elected official. He’s not a king. The king battle was fought a long time ago at Runnymede in 1215.
If the President and other anti-Second Amendment advocates want to limit our freedoms, then they can go through the amendment process. An Executive Order is the chicken’s way out. It’s also unconstitutional.

The Democrats know this. That’s why they’re sending out Vice President Biden to soften the rhetoric:
“The president is going to act. There are executive orders, there’s executive action that can be taken. We haven’t decided what that is yet. But we’re compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required.”

Did you see it? “Legislative action that we believe is required.” In terms of the Separation of Powers, the President does not have the constitutional authority to legislate. Of course, that hasn’t stopped him or any other president.

Biden went on to say that “this is a moral issue and that ‘it’s critically important that we act.’” Morally, the President can’t ignore an Amendment to the Constitution. How is banning guns for everyone the moral thing to do when only a tiny fraction use guns illegally? How will banning guns to stop immoral people from using whatever they can find to do harm?

Timothy McVeigh used kerosene and fertilizer to kill 169 people. Abortion doctors use medical instruments to kill pre-born babies? A man was poisoned with cyanide before he could cash in his $1 million dollar lottery ticket

Read more:

Storm Clouds Gathering

Storm Clouds Gathering

Click Here

What No One Dares to Say
Click Here

Gun Control
Click Here

Click Here

The New World Order
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here


Montauk Mind Control, Privately Run By Nazis, Funded and Controlled by Religious Secret Societies

Montauk Mind Control, Privately Run By Nazis, Funded and Controlled by Religious Secret Societies

Last last night a former "3 letter" agency patriot contacted me with a video of the most unusual sort. This video covers several topics, I've excerpted the portion on MONTAUK MIND CONTROL.  

Montauk is on Long Island, New York.  Its also an area were unusual animals are known to wash up on shore, the Daniel papers on this blog go into the unusual creatures that inhabit TIME-SPACE and relates an incident where one came through a time portal and trashed the facility severely.

I was aware of the subject Montauk mind control, and have heard Al Bielek on Project Camelot, but this is my first encounter with this new video tape.  To my knowledge its never been published. This is an archival historical tape Al Bielek did between April 17 and April 20, 2000.  I've spent the last 24 hours preparing the video.  This is the rough edit, it skips the material in the middle which will be in a subsequent video or videos.  

I didn't get the audio perfectly synched with the video track in places but I'm putting it out there in the public domain, it needs to go viral.  I will follow it up with a better edited version.  I am new at video editing and not nearly as good at it as I am with Photoshop.

The video discusses the Montauk Mind Control programs, the men involved such as Wilhelm Reich, Dr Sigmund Freud, "Doctor of Death" Joseph Mengele, Evan Cameron, and others.  

He also mentions the Air Force broke into some underground tunnels and discovered that the project was not a government project as the scientists thought, but was started by Nazis and controlled by Knights Malta, Rosicrucians, Order of the Rosy Cross, and the possible involvement of Free Masonry, and unnamed monks.  These are all secret political and esoteric organizations.  Some of the organizations involved have ties to the Catholic church. Also involved in the project was a negative ET race.  From the Daniel papers I published a few months back, we know that Montauk called them "Saurians" or SMs, which most everyone else calls Reptilians or Reptoids.  

Al Bielek says that there are 10 million Montauk boys in the program, and it was a worldwide, but by far, most of it occurred in the United States.  The program later included girls.  They (not Al Bielek - he was involved in separate time travel experiments) split the hemispheres of the brain by sexual abuse at an early age, drugs like LSD, and various electronic, EMF, and other techniques to create brains that were out of synch with each side so that they could instill separate personalities.   This nation has been riddled by strange killings of decent politicians, innocent adults and most damning indication of Nazi involvement, the slaughter of innocent children by crazy gunmen.  Each time another incident happens, it is used to fortify the aims of disarming decent sane citizens and every increasing government surveillance and police state expenditures.  

Its time we stop blaming inanimate objects for killing people and start looking at the causes for the mass violence and why these people are always crazy and can't remember what they've done. Haven't we had ENOUGH Sandy Hook's?  Enough mind bent shooters and assassins in this country?  

The situation is not all bleak, Al Bielek discusses a simple technique that can re-synch the minds of mind control victims and return their brains to normal synchronous functionality.   So there is hope.  The first step is making the public aware of the problem.  Al Bielek's technical credentials are beyond dispute.  He worked there.

To your creative power and earned success,

Peter Militante
E and D Information Marketing

McDonald’s McRib Sandwich a Franken Creation of GMOs

McDonald’s McRib Sandwich a Franken Creation of GMOs, Toxic Ingredients, Banned Ingredients
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 0:31
Anthony Gucciardi
Natural Society
mcdonaldsmcrib 265x167 McDonalds McRib Sandwich a Franken Creation of GMOs, Toxic Ingredients, Banned IngredientsIt’s ‘McRib season’, and thousands across the nation are scrambling to use online websites like the ‘McRib locator‘ to stuff the McDonald’s McRib sandwich down their throats. A sandwich that is not only full of genetically modified ingredients, a medley of toxic fillers and preservatives, but also some ingredients that are actually banned in other nations around the world. But honestly, are you surprised?
The McRib is the result of intensive marketing by McDonald’s. Utilizing the basics of supply and demand through creating scarcity over the McRib by only unleashing the culinary abomination for a fraction of the year that is only known once it is released, McDonald’s fans have been known to ‘hoard’ McRib sandwiches and eat them in extreme excess. It’s even a topic of the popular documentary Super Size Me, where filmmaker Morgan Spurlock (who gorges himself with McDonald’s for 30 days only to find serious health consequences) encounters ‘McRib hunters’ who actually travel the country eating McRib sandwiches.
Related: 3 Fast Food Secret Ingredients
McDonald’s even made McRib fans sign a petition to ‘save the McRib’ online, bringing out a conglomerate of fans to bring back their favorite franken sandwich.
What’s Inside a McDonald’s McRib Sandwich?
But what’s really inside the McRib specifically that makes it such a food abomination? Containing over 70 ingredients, the McRib is full of surprises — including ‘restructured meat’ technology that includes traditionally-discarded animal parts brought together to create a rib-like substance. Here’s some of the disturbing substances found within the McDonald’s McRib sandwich:
A flour-bleaching agent used in yoga mats
Out of the 70 ingredients that make up the ‘pork’ sandwich, a little-known flour-bleaching agent known as azodicarbonamide lies among them. At first glance, this strange ingredient sounds concerning enough to look into. After a little research, you will find that even mainstream media outlets have generated content revealing how azodicarbonamide is actually used in the production of foamed plastics. Foamed plastics like yoga mats and more.
What’s more? In Australia and Europe, the use of azodicarbonamide as a food additive is banned. In Singapore specifically, use of this substance in food can result in a $450,000 fine and 15 years in jail. Thank you McDonald’s for supplying the nation with such healthful ingredients.
‘Restructured Meat’ from Pig Heart, Tongue, Stomach
McDonald’s McRib is famous in some circles for utilizing what’s known as ‘restructured meat’ technology. Since McDonald’s knows you’d never eat a pig heart, tongue, or stomach on your plate, they decided instead to grind up these ingredients and put them into the form of a typical rib. That way, consumers won’t know what they’re putting into their mouths. As the Chicago Mag reported, the innovator of this technology back in 1995 said it best:
“Most people would be extremely unhappy if they were served heart or tongue on a plate… but flaked into a restructured product it loses its identity.Such products as tripe, heart, and scalded stomachs…”
So in other words, it’s not actually a rib. Instead, it’s a combination of unwanted animal scraps processed down in major facilities and ‘restructured’ into the form of a rib. Then, 70 additives, chemicals, fillers, and GMO ingredients later, you have a ‘meat’ product that tastes like ribs.
For a visual representation with a full list, here’s an image summarizing what it calls the ‘McDiabetes McRib’ — complete with GMO indicators (click to enlarge):
mcribingredients McDonalds McRib Sandwich a Franken Creation of GMOs, Toxic Ingredients, Banned Ingredients



Gun Owners of America

Stockman Introduces Legislation to
Repeal School Gun Ban!

Ask your Congressman to Cosponsor H.R. 35
“I have one concern -- protecting children from dangerous predators. By disarming qualified citizens and officials in schools we have created a dangerous situation for our children.” -- Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)
Dear Friend,
We told you that Rep. Steve Stockman would be the most aggressive defender of our gun rights on Capitol Hill.
He proved us right on Thursday, when he introduced the Very First pro-gun bill in the Congress, in the face of a tidal wave of anti-gun hysteria.
Congressman Steve Stockman has introduced H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013 -- a bill to allow principals, teachers, and staff to possess firearms in order to defend their students.
Before 1996, American kindergartners didn’t have to fear that if a crazed gunman burst into their classroom, they would be nothing but sitting ducks.
Before then, they didn’t have to worry that federal law openly advertised that there would be no one to protect them.
“In the 22 years before enactment of ‘gun free school zones,’ there were two mass school shootings,” Stockman said. “In the 22 years since enactment of ‘gun free schools,’ there have been 10 mass school shootings.
“Not only has that bill utterly failed to protect our children, it appears to have placed them in danger,” said Stockman.
Indeed, it has.
Within a couple of years of the reenactment of the Gun Free School Zones Act, the Columbine tragedy occurred. And the series of copycat school massacres has shocked and saddened our country ever since.
Clearly, the gun ban is not working. And it’s past time to try a new approach.
It’s time to go on the offensive! It’s time to repeal gun control, rather than talk about “enforcing the gun laws on the books.”
We don’t want to enforce gun control laws -- that’s what makes innocent people, including children sitting in their classrooms, less safe.
Anti-gun zealots who have enacted one unsuccessful gun ban after another have come up with a slew of reasons why our nation’s lawmakers should be protected by an army of heavily armed guards, but our children should be vulnerable.
There is a word for this -- it’s “hypocrite.” It is time to protect our children with the same tools and the same zeal we use to protect our congressmen.
It is time to pass the Stockman bill and give real protection to our children.
Contact your Representative. Ask him to cosponsor H.R. 35, the Stockman repeal of the gun-free school zone ban.

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151



Don't sit around the house.
Get out and enjoy nature!
You'll LOVE it!!!

!#X%*!!! (slightly edited)
Nevermind -- go back inside.

They Are Getting Ready: “No Obvious Reason” For Why China Is Massively Boosting Stockpiles of Rice, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Dry Milk

They Are Getting Ready: “No Obvious Reason” For Why China Is Massively Boosting Stockpiles of Rice, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Dry Milk

Mac Slavo
January 9th, 2013
Read by 24,774 people
If there were ever a sign that some thing is amiss, this may very well be it.
United Nations agricultural experts are reporting confusion, after figures show that China imported 2.6 million tons of rice in 2012, substantially more than a four-fold increase over the 575,000 tons imported in 2011.
The confusion stems from the fact that there is no obvious reason for vastly increased imports, since there has been no rice shortage in China. The speculation is that Chinese importers are taking advantage of low international prices, but all that means is that China’s own vast supplies of domestically grown rice are being stockpiled.
Why would China suddenly be stockpiling millions of tons of rice for no apparent reason? 
Perhaps it’s related to China’s aggressive military buildup and war preparations in the Pacific and in central Asia.
If a 400% year-over-year increase in rice stockpiles isn’t enough to convince you the Chinese are preparing for a significant near-term event, consider that in Australia the country’s two major baby formula distributors have reported they are unable to keep up with demand for their dry milk formula products. Grocery stores throughout the country have been left empty of the essential infant staple as a result of bulk exports by the Chinese.
A surge in sales of one of Australia’s most popular brands of infant formula has led to an unusual sight for this wealthy nation: barren shelves in the baby aisle and even rationing of baby food in some leading retail outlets.
We’d be more apt to believe the Chinese were panic-buying baby formula had the Chinese milk scandal occurred recently. The problem is that it happened four years ago. Are we to believe the Chinese are just now realizing their baby food may be tainted?
In addition to the apparent build-up in food stocks, the Chinese are further diversifying their cash assets (denominated in US Dollars) into physical goods. In fact, in just a single month in 2012, the Chinese imported and stockpiled more gold than the entirety of the gold stored in the vaults of the European Central Bank (and did we mention they did this in one month?).
Their precious metals stockpiles have grown so quickly in recent years that Chinese official holdings remain a complete mystery to Western governments and it’s rumored that the People’s Republic may now be the second largest gold hoarding nation in the world, behind the United States.
We won’t know for sure until the official disclosure which will come when China is ready and not a moment earlier, but at the current run-rate of accumulation which is just shy of 1,000 tons per year, it is certainly within the realm of possibilities that China is now the second largest holder of gold in the world, surpassing Germany’s 3,395 tons and second only to the US.
But the Chinese aren’t just buying precious metals. They’re rapidly acquiring industrial metals as well.
Spot iron prices are up to an almost 15-month high at $153.90 per tonne. The rally in prices, which started in December 2012, is mainly due to China’s rebuilding of its stockpiles as the Asian giant gears to boost its economy, which in turn, could improve steel demand.
The official explanation, that China is preparing stockpiles in anticipation of an economic recovery, is quite amusing considering that just 8 months ago Reuters reported that China had an oversupply, so much so that their storage facilities had run out of room to store all the inventory!
When metals warehouses in top consumer China are so full that workers start stockpiling iron ore in granaries and copper in car parks, you know the global economy could be in trouble.
At Qingdao Port, home to one of China’s largest iron ore terminals, hundreds of mounds of iron ore, each as tall as a three-storey building, spill over into an area signposted “grains storage” and almost to the street.
Further south, some bonded warehouses in Shanghai are using carparks to store swollen copper stockpiles – another unusual phenomenon that bodes ill for global metal prices and raises questions about China’s ability to sustain its economic growth as the rest of the world falters.
Now, why would China be stockpiling even more iron (and setting 15 month price highs in the process) if they had massive amounts of excess inventory just last year?
Something tells us this has nothing to do with an economic recovery, or even economic theory in terms of popular mainstream analysis.
Why does China need four times as  much rice year-over-year? Why purchase more iron when you already have a huge surplus? Why buy gold when, as Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke suggests, it is not real money? Why build massive cities capable of housing a million or more people, and then keep them empty?
It doesn’t add up. None of it makes any sense.
Unless the Chinese know something we haven’t been made privy to.
Is it possible, in a world where hundreds of trillions of dollars are owed, where the United States indirectly controls most of the globe’s oil reserves, and where super powers have built tens of thousands of nuclear weapons and spent hundreds of billions on weapons of war (real ones, not those pesky semi-automatic assault rifles), that the Chinese expect things to take a turn for the worse in the near future?
The Chinese are buying physical assets – and not just representations of those assets in the form of paper receipts – but the actual physical commodities. And they are storing them in-country. Perhaps they’ve determined that U.S. and European debt are a losing proposition and it’s only a matter of time before the financial, economic and monetary systems of the West undergo a complete collapse.
At best, what these signs indicate is that the People’s Republic of China is expecting the value of currencies ( they have trillions in Western currency reserves) will deteriorate with respect to physical commodities. They are stocking up ahead of the carnage and buying what they can before their savings are hyper-inflated away.
At worst, they may very well be getting ready for what geopolitical analyst Joel Skousen warned of in his documentary Strategic Relocation, where he argued that some time in the next decade the Chinese and Russians may team up against the United States in a thermo-nuclear showdown.
Hard to believe? Maybe.
But consider that China is taking measures now, in addition to their stockpiling, that suggest we are already in the opening salvos of World War III. They have already taken steps to map our entire national grid – that includes water, power, refining, commerce and transportation infrastructure. They’re directly involved in hacking government and commercial networks and are responsible for what has been called the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world
Militarily, the PRC has been developing technology like EMP weapons systems, capable of disabling our military fleets and the electrical infrastructure of the country as a whole, and has been caught red-handed manufacturing fake computer chips used in U.S. Navy weapons systems.
If you still doubt China’s intentions and expectations, look to other governments, including our own, for signs that someone, somewhere is planning for horrific worst-case scenarios:
Perhaps there’s a reason why former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett has warned, “those who can, should move their families out of the city.”
As Kyle Bass noted in a recent speech, “it’s just a question of when will this unravel and how will it unravel.”
Given how similar events have played out in history, we think you know how this ends.
It ends through war.
Governments around the world are stockpiling food, supplies, precious metals and arms, suggesting that there is foreknowledge of an impending event.
Should we be doing the same?

Hammers Need To Be Controlled

“United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families” - Three Days BEFORE 'Shooting'

“United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families” - Three Days BEFORE 'Shooting'
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 9-Jan-2013 21:11:44

Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”
truther January 9, 2013 2
(Thomas Dishaw) More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative.
On December 11 Google indexed the United Way website that offered condolences to the family’s of Sandy Hook.
Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”
This is a full three days before the actual 'shooting' that took place on December 14 2012.
You can view the Google page here and the United Way page here.
Below is a excerpt from the December 11 united Way page.
Ed Thomas
January 7th, 2013
Reader Views: 2,174
A Google search for ‘Sandy Hook United Way’ shows a cached page dated December 11, 2012, three days prior to the school shooting stating “United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Below is an excerpt from that page:
United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
While the eyes of the world may be on Newtown/Sandy Hook, to several staff, volunteers and contributors, Newtown is home.
We will stand with the community and everyone affected directly and indirectly by this tragic event as we face the days and weeks ahead.
Read other Articles related to the Sandy Hook shooting:
Sandy Hook Massacre: Multiple Suspects: What Happened to These Men? Who Are They?
This Is Insane: Coordinates for Sandy Hook Targeted in Batman Dark Knight Movie
How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event
Media Manipulation: Father of Sandy Hook Victim Asks ‘Read the Card?’ Seconds Before Press Conference
Sandy Hook: Mind Control Flicker Effect
First Sandy Hook Lawsuit Filed: $100 Million: Failure to Provide “S...
Full Disclosure: Evidence Shows Mass Shootings Were Not ‘Lone Wolf’...
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Ed Thomas of The Daily Sheeple.
Ed Thomas is a co-editor and contributor for The Daily Sheeple, an alternative media hub for leading headlines, head lies, opinion, and commentary. Wake the flock up!
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