an interesting quote for you today about the relationship between
food and health. Although the author says "bread" in the quote,
he's really talking about food in general.
if you can guess who said it:
"I know, too, that the
body is affected differently by bread according to the manner in which it
is prepared...The influence of each process is considerable and each has a
totally different effect from another.
How can anyone who has not
considered such matters and come to understand them possibly know anything
of the diseases that afflict mankind?
Each one of the substances of
a man's diet acts upon his body and changes it in some way and upon these
changes his whole life depends."
who said it?
The Father of Modern Medicine.
learned, through education and practice, that the number one factor in
determining a person's health (or lack of it) was their diet. Many
doctors in his time (he was born nearly 2,500 yrs ago) did, too.
patients successfully overcame illness safely and naturally through their
diet -- FOOD was their medicine.
pharmaceutical-type drugs existed, they were used only on VERY rare
A complete 180
bad "Modern Medicine" has done a complete 180 in that regard.
of food as our healer, doctors today tell people that food makes no
difference at all. And I'm talking people who have Crohn's, Colitis, IBS,
reflux, ulcers and more. "Eat what you want," they're told. And
they always get worse, not better.
Hippocrates is probably rolling over in his grave.
fast forward from Hippocrates' day (460-370 BC) to now:
- We're now in an age where it's rare that you come out of a
doctor's appointment WITHOUT a prescription for a drug (or two or three).
- If one drug doesn't work or
you suffer nasty side effects, you get another. And another. And another.
(I call that running on the white coat treadmill.)
- Most doctors have little or
no advice to give about diet. Most times they poo-poo questions about diet,
or say your diet doesn't matter.
sadly, we're seeing the horrific results of this way of thinking from head
to toe...
The frightening rise
in chronic disease
it curious that, although we have all the "latest and greatest"
in terms of drugs (as well as sophisticated tests and surgical techniques),
our rates of chronic disease continue to SOAR through the roof?
these unsettling facts reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):
- 7 out of 10 deaths among
Americans each year are from chronic diseases. The three biggies--heart
disease, cancer and stroke--account for more than HALF of all deaths each
- Nearly 1 out of every 2
adults has at least one chronic illness.
- 1 in every 3 adults is obese.
- About 25% (1 out of 4)
people with chronic conditions have one or more limitations on their daily
activities--meaning they can't walk, bathe, cook, shop, etc. without
assistance or at all.
- Arthritis is the most common
cause of disability, with nearly 19 million Americans affected.
- Diabetes continues to be the
leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic leg amputations and blindness
among adults aged 20-74.
our "better living through chemistry" way of thinking
hasn't done a thing for our health, has it?
it's made us fat, sick and tired...and getting worse by the day.
But why? you ask
why is it that we've taken such a dramatic turn away from the teachings of
the Father of Modern Medicine, and ignore the role of diet in health and
search for that magic pill?
below are some very good reasons.
before you read these and get your dander up, know this: I am NOT talking
about ALL doctors here. I know MANY doctors (especially holistic doctors)
who are compassionate, forward-thinking and explore different options for
their patients (including effective dietary advice).
sadly what I am talking about describes a good number of mainstream medical
1) Dough-re-mi
is BIG in medicine. After all, if people started feeling better by changing
their diets, you-know-who wouldn't be needed as often.
face it--medicine is a business. Just like painting houses, paving roads or
selling computers.
in medicine, the stream of revenue from office visits, tests and surgeries
can be staggering. And the more of these services doctors can provide, the
bigger their bottom line will be. Makes me think of the line, "Want
fries with that?" It's all about adding more to the order.
doctors aren't the only ones who would be affected by nutrition as a
treatment option.
you guess who else would lose?
right--the drug companies. This industry is so massive, if large numbers of
people started eating healthier, the drug industry would be completely
2) Ignorance is bliss
said, you can't teach what you don't know.
mainstream doctors know next to nothing about nutrition.
because most take only ONE basic course in nutrition in school. So in
fairness to them, why the heck would it even enter their minds to talk
about diet as a solution to your health problems?
take an Oath of Hippocrates yet have little or no idea about one of the
cornerstones of his teachings.
the other hand, they are VERY well schooled in pharmaceuticals.
company reps pay regular visits to your doc to make sure they're aware of
the latest "chemical miracles." They offer rewards and incentive
programs to entice doctors to prescribe more drugs.
pharmaceutical companies have long been generous financial supporters of
medical schools and "continuing education" seminars for doctors.
course the drug companies claim that they don't influence the course
content or syllabus, but if you believe that then there is a bridge in
Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
3) Are these really health
doctors do feel that a change in diet is warranted (such as after a heart
attack or stroke), they may refer the patient to a dietician.
frankly, in all the people I've spoken to and interviewed over the years,
unfortunately very few reported getting any valuable healthy eating advice
from a dietician.
sadly, there are "influences" in the dietetic industry too.
American Dietetic Association (ADA) has received mountains of cash from
companies such as Coca-Cola, M&M's/Mars, McDonald's, Sara Lee and the
Sugar Association.
not sure on which planet Coke, M&M's, Happy Meals and frozen cakes are
health foods, but it isn't this one.
ADA's publications and practitioners have shown a bias in favor of those
entities' foods and food categories in the past.
So who can you listen
you're probably wondering, OK, this is all great information, but where do
I go from here? Who can guide me on how to eat to achieve great health and
alleviate or prevent chronic disease?
What makes me different?
can I say this?
here are the reasons:
Real results
can help you achieve real and lasting results.
spent over 20 YEARS educating people about the effects of diet on health,
lectured at conferences all over the US, and have helped tens of thousands
of people to overcome digestive disorders and other health problems.
a whole slew of their stories here:
large number of my clients had been sick and on medications for decades --
and now they're healthy, energetic, pain-free and many of them are
completely off all of their medications.
not sure there's a single mainstream medical professional who can say
they've done the same.
I walk the talk
I'm living proof of the effectiveness of using food as your medicine, and
walk my own talk every single day. I have been free of IBS for 21 years
totally and completely because of my diet.
know exactly what to eat and when to eat it in order to encourage efficient
digestion and help avoid misery -- it works like a charm.
by the way, I also maintain my 115-pound, size 2 bodyweight without age 50.
Based in
science...and history
effectiveness of using food as your medicine is not just a fairy tale or
the latest diet fad!
based in chemistry and biology and supports the relationship of how the
different foods you eat are digested and how they affect your body.
like Hippocrates talked about over 2,400 years ago!
Use food as your
medicine--start now
you're ready to end the cycle of pain, illness, doctors, prescription drugs
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GTNP manuals
explain the science of smart food pairing and acid/alkaline balance, which
are the two key ingredients in achieving and maintaining health.
see, if your body is overrun with acid wastes from processed foods and hard
to digest meals, and your pH is not maintained at the slightly alkaline
range where it needs to be, pigs will fly before you feel good and/or have
a normal body weight.
around you--the countless people suffering with chronic diseases are most
assuredly overloaded with acid wastes and a pH that's too low.
Great Taste No Pain you'll also get tons of menu suggestions, a pocket-sized card for
staying pain-free while dining out, and a recipe book loaded
with delectable creations that make eating for health thoroughly enjoyable.
won't go hungry because your body will be nourished like it should
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me help make a difference in YOUR life--for a one-time tiny investment that
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Start now.
You'll never regret it.
Take it one step
further and balance your flora
only has the modern-day diet and heavy use of pharmaceutical drugs helped
chronic disease and obesity to flourish, but they've also been murder on
your friendly gut flora.
beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract comprise 70% of your immune
system as well as help keep your digestion smooth and efficient and enhance
absorption of nutrients.
if you're lacking a strong, healthy population of "good guys" in
your gut, your digestion is most assuredly compromised and your immune
system may be weak or practically non-existent.
that means not only are you probably not absorbing nutrients like you
should (which can cause overeating and obesity), but you're lacking the vital
protection of your immune system against bugs, infections, viruses and even
healthy diet like I described above can help build up your friendly flora,
but for many people who have had a typical diet for a long time and/or have
taken every prescription drug under the sun, it may not be enough.
why supplementation with a potent
multi-strain probiotic like Super Shield can be so helpful for SO many
Shield's 13
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if you do need to take any medications (especially antibiotics), Super
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it comes to achieving real lasting health and avoiding disease, do what
on 2,400 year-old advice and help your body from within.
you do, I'm sure you'll see a difference very soon.
your health,
PS: We're now on Facebook!
Like us here:
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Your program helped deliver me
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read past articles? Here they are.
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copyright 2013 Holistic Blends
FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email
are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes
only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor
for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of
this email.**
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