Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 10:38 AM


I have been writing this column for over a dozen years, and I can safely say the column I wrote last week, “My Line In The Sand Is Drawn Here,” produced more response than any column I have ever written–maybe more than any two or three columns combined. And what is even more noteworthy: unlike most columns, the responses to this column were at least 90% favorable.
In last week’s column I said, “Throughout the United States, there are tens of millions of fully-armed citizens who are more than capable of defending themselves and their communities against any enemy–whether that enemy is an internal or external one. In fact, many millions of these citizens have been trained in the US armed forces. Firearms–especially semi-automatic rifles–in the hands of millions of American citizens is truly the only thing that stands between freedom and tyranny for the people of the United States. That Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein want to disarm the American people should be considered an act of war against our liberties! In other words, ladies and gentlemen, this is a line in the sand that none of us can afford to ignore.”
I also wrote, “Make no mistake about it: to take away an American’s right to a semi-automatic rifle is to FULLY DISARM HIM. There is no Second Amendment; there is no right to keep and bear arms; there is no citizen militia; there is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle!”
I concluded the column saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, whatever the consequences might be, and whatever anyone else does or doesn’t do, I am prepared to become an outlaw over this issue! I don’t know how to say it any plainer: I will not register my firearms, and I will not surrender my firearms. Period. End of story. It’s not just a saying with me: when my guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw!
“My line in the sand is drawn here!
“Make no mistake about it: it is not just semi-automatic rifles that these gun grabbers are after. Ultimately, they want to take all of our guns. We either stop them now or there will be no stopping them at all.”
See the column at:
Among those who wrote to tell me that they had also drawn their personal line in the sand on this issue and that they would also absolutely refuse to register or surrender their firearms were people from virtually all walks of life: attorneys, realtors, bankers, teachers, physicians, civil servants, salesmen, truck drivers, tradesmen, pastors, law enforcement officers (including federal police officers), and military personnel–even special forces troops. Accordingly, I am absolutely convinced that these people are a microcosm of gun owners nationwide. I am also convinced that should Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill banning semi-automatic rifles become law that there are literally tens of millions of Americans who simply will not comply.
Furthermore, former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan recently told John McLaughlin that should the federal government attempt to confiscate the guns of the American people, “There would be a revolution in this country!”
See the report at:
What most people fail to realize (because they are not taught it) is that the match that ignited America’s War for Independence was not excessive taxes, or the lack of representation, or trade restrictions, or the lack of trial by jury (as important as these issues were). The match that ignited America’s War for Independence was ATTEMPTED GUN CONFISCATION.
On April 19, 1775, British troops, some 800 strong, were dispatched to Concord, Massachusetts, to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock and to seize a cache of weapons known to be stored at Concord. When Dr. Joseph Warren sent Paul Revere to warn Pastor Jonas Clark (in whose home Adams and Hancock were staying) that the Crown’s troops were on their way to arrest the two men and seize the guns at Concord, he alerted his male congregants. About 60-70 men from the Church of Lexington stood armed on Lexington Green awaiting the Red Coats.
Upon spotting the citizen militia, a British officer demanded the men throw down their arms. They refused; and the British troops immediately opened fire. Eight of the Minutemen were instantly killed. The colonists returned fire in self-defense, and the shot was fired that was heard ’round the world. By the time the troops arrived at the Concord Bridge, just a few miles away, hundreds of colonists were waiting for them with muskets in hand, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Make no mistake about it: attempted gun confiscation ignited America’s War for Independence. And I am convinced that Pat Buchanan is absolutely right. If the federal government attempts to confiscate the guns of the American people, “There would be a revolution in this country!”
One more observation regarding The Battle of Lexington which opened America’s War for Independence: not only was attempted gun confiscation the match that ignited the war, it was the pastor of the Church of Lexington and members of his congregation who were the Minutemen of Lexington Green. That is another fact most historians conveniently leave out of the story.
If there is one element missing from today’s liberty fight, it is the lack of participation from America’s pastors. By and large they are MIA. How many pastors today are warning their congregations of the threat against their Second Amendment liberties? Every pastor in America, regardless of denomination, should have already started proclaiming “the spirit of resistance” (Thomas Jefferson) to their church congregations; they should already be extolling the Biblical mandate to resist tyranny; they should already be warning their congregations of Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein’s plan to disarm them.

Let me ask my church-going readers: has your pastor said one word from the pulpit regarding the impending gun ban now being drafted? Has your pastor explained the Biblical principles of lawful resistance? Has your pastor exhorted his church congregation to not surrender their firearms and to do everything in their power to demand that your senators and legislators hold the line for the Second Amendment? And my next question is if your pastor has not done any of this, why are you still attending that church?

Ladies and gentlemen, there would have been no United States of America had it not been for Rev. Jonas Clark and the other patriot-pastors of 1775 and 1776. There would have been no Lexington Green and Concord Bridge; there would have been no Bunker Hill; there would have been no Declaration of Independence; there would have been no British surrender at Yorktown. And I would dare say that if a significant percentage of pastors would stand up this Sunday and encourage their people to stand firm against this gun ban bill, the bill would never see the light of day.
The time is late, folks! We no longer have the luxury of straddling the fence or putting our heads in the sand. If your pastor refuses to take a public stand for YOUR liberties, and the liberties of YOUR CHILDREN, vote with your feet and walk out the door. Find yourself a pastor who will defend your liberties and the liberties of your children–liberties that other pastors and patriots purchased at the cost of their very blood.
I repeat what I’ve already said, “Whatever the consequences might be, and whatever anyone else does or doesn’t do, I am prepared to become an outlaw over this issue! I don’t know how to say it any plainer: I will not register my firearms, and I will not surrender my firearms. Period. End of story. It’s not just a saying with me: when my guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw!
“My line in the sand is drawn here!”
And so are the lines of millions of Americans.
In response to Pat Buchanan’s prediction of revolution should the federal government attempt to confiscate our guns, John McLaughlin replied, “Baloney!”
I’m sure that’s what King George III said when he was told that would happen if his troops attempted to confiscate the guns at Concord.
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© Chuck Baldwin

World Health Organization Statistics

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. - William S. Burroughs

   See the statstistic at the bottom of the page..............
From the World Health Organization:

         The latest Murder Statistics for the world:

              Murders per 100,000 citizens

Honduras 91.6
El Salvador 69.2
Cote d'lvoire 56.9
Jamaica 52.2
Venezuela 45.1
Belize 41.4
US Virgin Islands 39.2
Guatemala 38.5
Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2
Zambia 38.0
Uganda 36.3
Malawi 36.0
Lesotho 35.2
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
Colombia 33.4
South Africa 31.8
Congo 30.8
Central African Republic 29.3
Bahamas 27.4
Puerto Rico 26.2
Saint Lucia 25.2
Dominican Republic 25.0
Tanzania 24.5
Sudan 24.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
Ethiopia 22.5
Guinea 22.5
Dominica 22.1
Burundi 21.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
Panama 21.6
Brazil 21.0
Equatorial Guinea 20.7
Guinea-Bissau 20.2
Kenya 20.1
Kyrgyzstan 20.1
Cameroon 19.7
Montserrat 19.7
Greenland 19.2
Angola 19.0
Guyana 18.6
Burkina Faso 18.0
Eritrea 17.8
Namibia 17.2
Rwanda 17.1
Mexico 16.9
Chad 15.8
Ghana 15.7
Ecuador 15.2
North Korea 15.2
Benin 15.1
Sierra Leone 14.9
Mauritania 14.7
Botswana 14.5
Zimbabwe 14.3
Gabon 13.8
Nicaragua 13.6
French Guiana 13.3
Papua New Guinea 13.0
Swaziland 12.9
Bermuda 12.3
Comoros 12.2
Nigeria 12.2
Cape Verde 11.6
Grenada 11.5
Paraguay 11.5
Barbados 11.3
Togo 10.9
Gambia 10.8
Peru 10.8
Myanmar 10.2
Russia 10.2
Liberia 10.1
Costa Rica 10.0
Nauru 9.8
Bolivia 8.9
Mozambique 8.8
Kazakhstan 8.8
Senegal 8.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
Mongolia 8.7
British Virgin Islands 8.6
Cayman Islands 8.4
Seychelles 8.3
Madagascar 8.1
Indonesia 8.1
Mali 8.0
Pakistan 7.8
Moldova 7.5
Kiribati 7.3
Guadeloupe 7.0
Haiti 6.9
Timor-Leste 6.9
Anguilla 6.8
Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
Lithuania 6.6
Uruguay 5.9
Philippines 5.4
Ukraine 5.2
Estonia 5.2
Cuba 5.0
Belarus 4.9
Thailand 4.8
Suriname 4.6
Laos 4.6
Georgia 4.3
Martinique 4.2


              The United States 4.2

ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans

The Battle of Athens

Little known American Historical Fact  (Click on the link at the bottom)

Did you ever hear about an armed revolt on American soil by WWII veterans which took place during our lifetime?  I was completely unaware of this event that took place in Athens, TN in 1946.  The movie lasts less than four minutes and is well worth the time so please watch it to the end.  It should make the Second Amendment a little clearer for everyone.
Please do not delete this bit of US History of which many Americans have no knowledge. View it and share it and pray that we will never need such a response to government!

MIT Develop New Material which can Generate Energy from Water Vapour

MIT Develop New Material which can Generate Energy from Water Vapour

By James Burgess | Mon, 14 January 2013 23:03 |

Benefit From the Latest Energy Trends and Investment Opportunities before the mainstream media and investing public are aware they even exist. The Free Oilprice.com Energy Intelligence Report gives you this and much more. Click here to find out more.

MIT engineers have developed a new polymer film which can take advantage of the chemical energy in a water gradient and turn it into mechanical energy; which in turn can then be converted into electricity.
The film is made from an interlocking network of polypyrrole, which forms a hard but flexible matrix that provides structural support, and polyol-borate, which is a soft gel that swells when it absorbs water.

When the plyol-borate (which is on the bottom of the polymer film) absorbs water, even the tiniest amount, it expands, forcing the film to curl up and move away from the surface. Once exposed to the air it then dries out as the moisture evaporates, somersaults forward, and then begins the process again. By connecting the polymer to a piezoelectric material, the mechanical motion can be converted into electricity, enough to power nanoelectronic devices.

Mingming Ma, a postdoc at MIT’s David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and one of the lead authors of the paper, explained that “with a sensor powered by a battery, you have to replace it periodically. If you have this device, you can harvest energy from the environment so you don't have to replace it very often.”

Robert Langer, another lead author and Professor at the David H. Koch Institute, said that, “we are very excited about this new material, and we expect as we achieve higher efficiency in converting mechanical energy into electricity, this material will find even broader applications.”
By. James Burgess of Oilprice.com

Sandy Hook Shooting Suspects ‘Last Seen on Stony Hill… Multiple People in a Van with Masks… One Appears to be Dressed in a Nun Outfit’

Sandy Hook Shooting Suspects ‘Last Seen on Stony Hill… Multiple People in a Van with Masks… One Appears to be Dressed in a Nun Outfit’

Intense police audio from the day of the shooting points to a deeper more sophisticated type of operation.
January 15, 2013
In the weeks since the seemingly horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, numerous inconsistencies and outright frauds have been detailed in regards to the actual facts surrounding the mass shooting.
Never before has a story been so hard to cover. Dozens of independent news outlets and journalists who are usually right on the mark have either gone completely silent or fell victim to the psychological manipulation that was the Sandy Hook mass shooting and. by doing so, have refused to cover discrepancies that simply cannot be ignored.
From active shooter drills, to multiple suspects in what can only be described as extremely strange clothing, the facts surrounding this case, at the very least, require further investigation.
Now couple that together with the fact that we are now seeing the largest push to limit the 2nd Amendment in the history of the United States, and you have yourself all the hallmarks of a false flag.
Currently, we are seeing a plethora of gun grabbers, alongside the corporate controlled media, calling for everything from limiting semi automatic guns, to a full scale across the board gun ban.
The mockingbird media has done everything in their power to frame the issue as one sided as possible, with children on one side and the big bad NRA on the other. (when in reality the NRA represents millions of Americans as well as gun manufacturers)
This is classic psychological manipulation and it is being done at the expense of not only the children killed at Sandy Hook but every American in the country as we move ever so close to a full fledged police state, a police state that includes total gun confiscation amid a 1984 style takeover.
Below are a few quotes from the over 2 hour long video of police scanner audio from the Newtown area on the the day of the shooting. It further paints a picture as to what may have actually happened that day.
If you haven’t read the two articles below, we suggest you start with them.
If you still do not believe false flag terror is a possibility in America, you can read a recent report on Operation Gladio which details the 100% fact that the CIA has indeed been involved in numerous acts of false flag terror.
Note: The following transcript is timestamped from the code on the actual video image displayed not the YouTube time counter.
11:13:33 am - Be advised that the suspect has a carry permit.
11:16:57 - Last seen on Stony Hill by exit 8, multiple people in a van with masks on, one appears to be dressed in a nun outfit.
11:29:43 - Last seen by exit 8 on 84, unknown plate, unknown travel direction, possibly involved in shooting, use caution there may be a weapon involved.
11:31:35 - I am in the school, I can confirm the school has been checked three times over and they are doing a fourth.
11:38:25 - “I’m transporting him over to Newtown PD.” – (Question: Who is him? Possibly another suspect?)
11:38:38 - Vehicle showing expired as of yesterday, 2011 Chevy???
11:40 - Going down the ramp on the main road 11:40:55 drew, if you can ucom 33, regarding the “situation”.
Note: The car that the media reports to be the alleged shooters (Adam Lanza) has been found to be registered to Christopher Rodia.
The following was posted by YouTuber Radioman911TV Tuesday and is apparently a note from Capt. Mark Kordick of the Greenwich Police Dept. that attempts to debunk some of the more extraordinary things heard in the above video.
At the bottom of the video the user or the police officer (it is not clear due to how the description was written) then goes on to claim that even investigating the shooting at all is totally disrespectful to the victims families and shouldn’t be done.
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting – Radio traffic from Newtown PD & FD mixed with CT State Police. Original audio tracks provided by RadioReference.com under Creative Commons license. This video is copyright Radioman911.com.
(NOTE: This recording also contains police radio traffic from Fairfield County unrelated to this incident. Please read the letter below posted with permission from Greenwich PD)
Dear Sir:
Your upload to YouTube relative to the Newtown CT Shooting radio traffic has caused quite a stir as it relates to a Mr. Christopher Rodia. I’m not sure where you sourced your feed, but the traffic related to Mr. Rodia is from a 800 MHz six-channel trunked LMR system in use in Greenwich, CT. Greenwich is approximately 45 miles away from Newtown. The Greenwich system carries only municipal Greenwich traffic (public safety and non-public safety) and is in no way connected to the state’s 800 MHz trunked system or Newtown’s.
I am certain of this because after the matter (and all of the Internet Conspiracy Theory buzz – just google “Christopher Rodia”) was brought to our attention, we went back and checked our recordings for December 14. In addition to just recognizing the voices involved as Greenwich Police Officers and Dispatchers, we have all of the audio from our recording system that matches all of the “Rodia” traffic (and some of the other unrelated-to-Newtown casualty call traffic that occurs at the same time.)
In any event, I’m sure you’ll want to help clarify this matter. The “Rodia” traffic is definitely contemporaneous – but from miles away. This has unfortunately additionally clouded an already confusing and emotional issue. Worse, it has brought considerable (and wholly undeserved) angst to Mr. Rodia. Anything you can do to help clear this up would certainly be appreciated.
Feel free to message me back with any questions. I can also be contacted at mkordick@greenwichct.org.
Yours Truly,
Capt. Mark Kordick
Commander – Operations Division
Greenwich Police Dept.

This recording was posted for its educational value in documenting the professional public safety response to a horrible American tragedy. While enlightening access, scanner recordings should not be regarded as the closest form of the truth, nor should interpretations of unintelligible radio traffic gleaned from them. Suggesting that the police and/or media have altered the facts of the event is disrespectful to all those who suffered a loss or participated in the rescue efforts on that day.
Note: The above article as well as the other articles linked above are open-ended and independent investigations. Information is ever-changing in the investigation as we establish the facts and weed out the disinformation.
Naturally, some of the facts originally posted in the investigation may change and as they do we will update the reports. This investigation is in no way closed and any individual detail within the investigation should not be taken as 100% fact as details really do continue to change.
It is also important to note and counter the claim that investigating the shooting is a disgrace to those who were murdered. In fact, the truth of the matter is actually the exact opposite. We truly believe the best way to honor whoever did actually die is to investigate the event, something the corporate controlled media has refused to do. We have not undertaken this investigation to hurt any of the victim’s family members, we are simply seeking the truth, WHEREVER that may take us.

( BREAKING NEWS)) Very Urgent Please Share Widely ~Ending The TRUTH EMBARGO ~ 01/15/13

For Immediate Release
January 15, 2013
Los Angeles, CA - CHD2 Productions will hold a media event at the Sundae Film Festival in Park City, Utah to launch a major event/documentary project. At the press conference Apollo14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the Moon, will be introduced as the international spokesperson for theCitizens' Hearing on Disclosure and Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell will be announced as Director of a documentary film, Truth Embargo, based upon this Citizens' Hearing.  See film Trailer.
The media event will be held in the Aspen Room at the Park City Peaks, 2121 Park Avenue, Park City, UT on Friday, January 18 from 2-3 pm MST.
The Citizens' Hearing on Disclosure will be produced by Paradigm Research Group and will take place between April 29 and May 3 in Washington, DC at the National Press Club where the main ballroom will be turned into a "Congressional Hearing Room."  This unprecedented project will bring top researchers from around the world along with government/agency witnesses to testify for 30 hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress.  The subject of this hearing is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  The motto of this hearing is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will."   The last time the Congress of the United States held a hearing on what is arguably the most important issue in the world today was in 1968 before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics.
Producing the accompanying documentary film Truth Embargo will be Just Cause Entertainment, a film/television/special effects company located in Marina Del Rey, California.
Just Cause Entertainment President Reuben Langdon and Paradigm Research Group Executive Director Stephen Bassett will moderate the press conference. Langdon and Bassett will be meeting throughout the week with activist writers, directors and producers regarding endorsements for the Citizens' Hearing project.
Truth Embargo mini-trailer:   www.youtube.com/embed/23ZxPuDOkfs
CHD2 Productions Contacts:   Stephen Bassett     Reuben Langdon
 202-215-8344        818-324-6294
Media Interview Contact:  Janet Donovan, Creative Enterprises International,  202-904-1035 (cell),  202-822-9318
CHD2 Productions, LLC
4130 Del Rey Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA  90292

Texas Proposal: JAIL Any Federal Officials Trying to Enforce New Gun Restrictions in the State

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Texas Proposal: JAIL Any Federal Officials Trying to Enforce New Gun Restrictions in the State

measure would make any federal firearms legislation passed by Congress or approved by Presidential order unenforceable in Texas

Jim Forsyth

A Texas lawmaker says he plans to file the Firearms Protection Act, which would make any federal laws that may be passed by Congress or imposed by Presidential order which would ban or restrict ownership of semi-automatic firearms or limit the size of gun magazines illegal in the state, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Republican Rep. Steve Toth says his measure also calls for felony criminal charges to be filed against any federal official who tries to enforce the rule in the state.

"If a federal official comes into the state of Texas to enforce the federal executive order, that person is subject to criminal prosecution," Toth told 1200 WOAI's Joe Pags Tuesday. He says his bill would make attempting to enforce a federal gun ban in Texas punishable by a $50,000 fine and up to five years in prison.

Toth says he will file his measure after speaking with the state's Republican Attorney General, Greg Abbott, who has already vowed to fight any federal measures which call for restrictions on weapons possession.

Toth concedes that he would welcome a legal fight over his proposals.

"At some point there needs to be a showdown between the states and the federal government over the Supremacy Clause," he said.

The Supremacy Clause is the portion of the Constitution which declares that federal laws and statutes are 'the supreme law of the land.'

"It is our responsibility to push back when those laws are infringed by King Obama," Toth said.

Texas is the second state to propose a measure to shield the state from the impact of any gun possession restrictions imposed by Congress or by Presidential order. A similar measure was introduced in Wyoming last week

A Letter from a Constitutional Sheriff to an Unconstitutional Vice President

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Congress has a Constitution problem — many don’t understand document...

Congress has a Constitution problem — many don’t understand document...

The Washington Times
Monday, January 14, 2013    
View results
Each of them takes an oath to defend the Constitution, but many House lawmakers either don’t understand the founding document or don’t take its precepts seriously, according to an analysis by The Washington Times that studied the constitutional backing that representatives submitted for each of the more than 3,000 bills they introduced in 2011.
Under rules that the new Republican majority put into place, each House member introducing a bill must cite specific parts of the Constitution that they think grant Congress the authority to take the action they are proposing.
The first year’s worth of action was less than inspiring for adherents of the founding document: Many lawmakers ignored the rule, while others sliced and diced the clauses to justify what they were trying to do. One thumbed his nose at the exercise altogether, saying it’s up to the courts, not Congress, to determine what is constitutional.
Most striking of all is how little the statements mattered in the debates on the bills. They were mentioned just a handful of times on the floor, and didn’t foster the constitutional conversation that Republican lawmakers said they wanted to spark.
“A lot of people were wanting it to be a mechanism for actually forcing something to happen. And that didn’t happen. And I think it didn’t happen because, by its very nature, it’s not the right mechanism for doing it,” said Matthew Spalding, vice president of American studies at the Heritage Foundation.
He helped push for the rule two years ago and said it can be a good tool to teach about the Constitution, but it’s not the way to enforce limits.
“This thing does not bear that burden,” he said.
Republicans took control of the House in 2011 with vows to restore fealty to the Constitution after two years of fights over the limits of congressional and executive power. Constitutional authority statements were just one part of that effort.
The House also kicked off the last Congress by hosting a reading of the full Constitution on the chamber floor — the first time that had been done. On Tuesday, the 113th Congress will start with another reading.
“One of the resounding themes I have heard from my constituents is that Congress should adhere to the Constitution and the finite list of powers it grants to the federal government,” said new House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, the Virginia Republican who has organized the reading both times.
Constitutional cherry-picking
The Washington Times studied 3,764 bills introduced in the first year and found some patterns in the authority statements: The most commonly cited authority was Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, which establishes Congress‘ power to tax and spend “for the common defense and general welfare.” Close behind, however, was the commerce clause — Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 — which has come under fire by many conservatives for being stretched well beyond the Founding Founders’ intent.
Lawmakers cited 70 authorities, including 56 bills under the 10th Amendment, which reserves powers to the states rather than to Congress, and 12 under the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms.
“The thing that jumped out is how many parts of the Constitution members of Congress seem to think grant them legislative authority,” said Doug Kendall, founder of the Constitutional Accountability Center. “I wouldn’t have thought the 10th Amendment, which is about not legislating, or the First Amendment, which says ‘Congress shall make no law,’ would be fertile ground for legislative authority.”
Like Mr. Spalding, he said the reality has fallen short of its drafters’ hopes.
“It is a good thing to require Congress to articulate why the laws it passes are constitutional. I think it was an overdue idea,” he said. “That said, if all you are required to do to meet the requirement is list ‘Article I, Section 8,’ then I’m not sure there is any utility in doing so.”
Even Mr. Goodlatte has used that shortcut, citing Article I, Section 8 in general terms for a handful of his bills. That is the section that gives the broadest outline of congressional powers on such matters as taxing, regulating commerce, controlling immigration, coining money and overseeing the military.
Mr. Goodlatte’s spokeswoman didn’t return messages seeking comment.
Constitutional shortcuts
The Republican Study Committee, the conservative caucus in the House, has monitored the statements and found some surprises.
One bill that was signed into law cited only the Constitution’s preamble. Five others cited clauses that don’t exist or were not cited under the correct clause.
“It should go without saying that members of Congress and the executive branch must know and understand their constitutional limits and requirements established by our Founding Fathers, but unfortunately, that has not always been the case,” said Rep. Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican and chairman of the RSC.
The rules call for lawmakers to cite the powers “as specifically as practicable.” Despite that, 108 bills were introduced citing all of Article I in its entirety. That is the article that establishes Congress. Goofs, shortcuts and misreadings abounded.
Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Colorado Democrat, cited the foreign commerce clause and placed it in a portion that deals with federal debt authority.
Rep. Scott R. Tipton, Colorado Republican, sponsored a bill to promote hydropower on federal lands, citing the Constitution’s clause granting Congress the power “to make rules for the government and regulation of the land.” But the full clause gives Congress power “to make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces” — clearly a reference to the military, not to federal property.
Several others made the same mistake.
Constitutional creativity
Some lawmakers got creative in their justifications.
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, New York Democrat, sponsored a bill to force companies to disclose publicly whether any of their supply-chain businesses use forced labor, slavery or child labor. Her constitutional justification: “Amendment 13 — Slavery Abolished.”
Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican, cited Article I, Section II as the authority for a bill that allows Indians to collect sea gull eggs in Glacier Bay National Park. Article I, Section II, has little to do with sea gulls. It sets out the requirements for being elected to the U.S. House.
None of those bills became law.
Fealty to the practice appears to have waned over time: Rep. Paul A. Gosar, Arizona Republican, in his early citations cited specific authorities and even included discussions of court cases that he said helped clarify the extent of Congress‘ authority to act. But by the end of the first year, he was submitting standard one-sentence justifications, just as most of his colleagues were doing.
Constitutional ‘authority’
Rep. Rick Larsen, Washington Democrat, signaled that he didn’t think Congress had any business talking about constitutionality and argued that it was something better left to the Supreme Court.
“Members of Congress, having been elected and taken the oath of office, are given the authority to introduce legislation, and only the Supreme Court, as established by the Constitution and precedent, can determine the constitutionality of this authority,” he said in his authority statements.
He goofed in each of them, placing the Supreme Court in Article II of the Constitution— which actually sets up the executive branch instead. Article III sets up the court.
Spokesman Bryan Thomas declined to elaborate on Mr. Larsen’s approach.
The statements have fostered only a few real debates on the House floor, and there it has been chiefly Democrats, not Republicans, who have used the constitutional requirement to undercut Republican-sponsored bills.
In one debate on the Protect Life Act, which would have expanded prohibitions on federal funding of abortions, Rep. Alcee L. Hastings challenged the statement submitted by bill sponsor Rep. Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania Republican. That statement said the bill was acting to “overturn an unconstitutional mandate,” but Mr. Hastings, Florida Democrat, said that wasn’t specific enough.
“I would also like to call into question how it’s possible for us to consider this bill on the House floor when its sponsor, Mr. Pitts of Pennsylvania, failed to provide a statement citing Congress‘ constitutional authority to enact it,” he demanded on the House floor.
His complaint went nowhere.

The Human Spirit is Alive and Well in the Darkness

Subject: The Human Spirit is Alive and Well in the Darkness

Even though a darkness has fallen across our planet in the form of poverty, fraud and suffering at the hands of those who wish to control us, human beings are REFUSING to lay down for the benefit of these "Bad Guys". We are all WAKING UP and there is BEAUTY and GOODNESS in this new awake state which will EVENTUALLY dissolve the darkness.

Case in point is what just happened at the Unemployment Office in Madrid, Spain...

The Human Spirit is Alive and Well in the Darkness

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

John Wayne, Where Are You Now That We Need You

John Wayne, Where Are You Now That We Need You?

By Allan Sanford
(About every year or so I trot out this article I wrote maybe 3 years ago, to see if anything has changed, to see if WE have changed, to see if our country has changed. It has, but not for the better).
Let’s really set the stage of events, Sheeple of America. Let’s get a proper perspective on what is being done to all of us, to the very essence of our society and country. Let’s start on the Mexico/Arizona border, where the president of all the people has declared that nobody may be asked to identify themselves to a law officer. Our splendid president has taken the people of Arizona to federal court, and to a UN court (where Cameroon will decide how we should behave, what laws we should pass), to make sure that our southern border remains wide open to anyone who cares to come into our country. If they get here, they will stay here, since Mr. President has decreed them off limits to being exposed as being here illegally, and has recently decreed that they can stay legally. There’s no one screening these people so the thieves, radical Islamists and murderers can relax and not have to look over their shoulders anymore. Barack Obama says so.
Who says that every one of the thousands of people illegally crossing into America are all Mexicans? Is it possible that there is a Mexican lookalike who originally came from Yemen, who is carrying a backpack filled with plastic explosives, or a guy with a nuclear device in a suitcase, who hides himself in that night’s crowd of river-crossers? You bet your life it’s possible, and it’s made more possible because all of the people who might intercept and catch this criminal are legally AND GEOGRAPHICALLY kept from doing so. I say geographically because they are all stationed in airports across America, shoving their fingers into women and grabbing the testicles of men, stripping children, exploring the bodies of nuns and octogenarians, who have lost their right to be left alone as well as their very clothes, and in public. And we all let this happen, every day.
Okay, Merle and Ned, Americans, this may not be enough to generate some outrage in your innocent sense of the rightness of things, so let’s keep going down this Yellow Brick Road, this cowardly yellow road to perdition. I remember seeing grainy black and white pictures of events in Germany in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, when Mr. Hitler decided that he would present the German people with another reason for keeping him in power. It was the small matter of eliminating Jews and gypsies and gay people and anyone he didn’t like, to the tune of 11 million, so that Germany would be rid of unpatriotic dissenters to the Third Reich. I so remember one picture of a boy, about 10 years of age, standing with his arms outstretched from his shoulders, while a Nazi was running his hands over this child’s body, searching for God knows what, that might be hidden on the child’s person.
We have now, today in America, brought that photograph full circle from Germany 1940 to America 2013, and we see pictures of American children just about the age of that little German boy, with their arms outstretched from their shoulders, being searched by other Americans, looking for God knows what, just as happened 70 years ago.
And there is no outrage in our dear country, in our “Homeland,” no recognition that the little German boy is alive again, giving us all the opportunity to see the disease that is consuming our country, this time with a face from Boston, not Berlin. America has now entered the chronic phase of a sickness that will surely kill us, that will allow the beasts who live on power to rule the country. In order to do that, they must convince us that they are doing all of these offenses against humanity and dignity and our God-given rights as people, in order to protect us. To protect us. To protect us. From what? And how?
They say from terrorists. What’s a terrorist? It’s someone who doesn’t agree with how you are living and is willing to die, himself, as long as he kills you, too. The only way he can be successful is if he kills all of us, and that won’t happen. So he is doomed to fail. But there IS another way for him to win. He can win if he scares us all into accepting us living in a country where freedom is lost. So Merle goes to an airport to visit Aunt Tilly in Duluth, and a news reporters sidles up to her while she waits patiently in line with a hundred other sheeple, hoping that the examination won’t hurt too much, hoping she won’t be put in jail if she speaks the wrong words too loudly, and the reporter asks Merle how she feels about having the most private parts of her body fondled by a stranger, and she parrots a line she saw on CNN in which an equally stupid guy says that it’s okay for someone to squeeze his nuts in order for him to not be blown out of the sky. It’s okay for him.
You jerk, don’t you realize that THEY have already won? They don’t have to blow your sorry ass out of the sky. You gave them victory when you stood in that line and let yourself be sexually abused, and allowed an $11-an-hour US government TSA employee to take away your priceless constitutional right to be left alone. Everyone in that line handed these malevolent devils victory over the most basic things that make America, America, and different from Saudi Arabia, or North Korea. You are quietly handing over the things that millions of Americans died for, the million things that make us, or rather made us, the shining beacon on the hill, that lured and beckoned and enticed hundreds of thousands of people from every other part of the world to uproot themselves and their families, their wives, uncles, and children, from the corroded, freedomless societies they lived in, to come here with nothing in their pockets but a dream of living free and able to become the most that they could.
Where is the outrage? In America, in the 1960’s, our kids started dying in Vietnam, and the streets were silent, except for the moan of anguish when a mother stood at the front door of her house, being told by a uniformed chaplain that her baby boy has been blown up, blown to pieces, in the Mekong Delta in South Viet Nam, and she shrieks and collapses on the porch floor, and hugs to her chest the piece of paper the chaplain leaves with her. Now it’s Afghanistan, and still there is silence.
It was not enough, that soldier/son’s Viet Nam death notice. The street stayed silent, with only the tiny sound of that mom’s teardrops hitting the floor. It took years for that tiny noise of tears to awaken America, but when it did, it changed the world. The protests became a tsunami of outrage that swept through Washington, DC, and forced a president back to Texas. America beat him, we beat him, and the war ended.
The question is, were Americans that much different 50 years ago than they are now? Are they taller, fatter, more stupid, smarter, more gutless, more cowardly? These questions are now hanging over our heads as Americans, as our despotic rulers continue their surge towards complete subjugation of all of us. Do we cower and whimper, “Yes, sir, I’ll do that?’ even though the “that” is destroying what has made us a great country and society, the like of which has never before been seen on this world?
Are you prepared to wake up to a glorious morning of sunlight that warms you to your bones, and then realize that there is no way for you to make this day better because They have taken away all of your options, and you have to go to Them for permission to do anything with your life? Don’t laugh, Ned. It’s already on your doorstep. And your doorstep, today, starts at your airport, where every passenger gives at the “office.” Gives a bit of their freedom. Gives a bit of their dignity. Says it really doesn’t matter that much.
Let’s create a fantasy. Let’s bring back John Wayne, an American who was seen by many Americans as being the essence of what made us different from Europeans and Asians. He was a simple man, with simple values, at least he was in the movies, and since this is our fantasy, and we can do with it whatever we wish to do, let’s have him step into the Oval Office, with Barack Hussein Obama, a small man in every way, sitting feet up on the desk of giants. Mr. Wayne walks across to the desk, with that amazing kind of shoulder side-to-side rocking motion he had, stops in front of the president, and says, “You must be kidding, sonny.”
Allan Sanford is a passionate writer, artist, and entrepreneur. He is hoping that this country can finally get its politics right. He loves to argue. With any thoughts, ideas, comments, or questions, please email Allan, at allan.sanford@gmail.com