Immediate Release
15, 2013
Los Angeles,
CA - CHD2 Productions will hold a media event at
the Sundae Film Festival in Park City, Utah to launch a major
event/documentary project. At the press conference Apollo14 Astronaut Dr.
Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the Moon, will be introduced as the
international spokesperson for theCitizens' Hearing on Disclosure and Jeremy
Kenyon Lockyer Corbell will be announced as Director of a documentary
film, Truth Embargo, based upon this Citizens' Hearing. See
film Trailer.
The media event will
be held in the Aspen Room at the Park City Peaks, 2121 Park Avenue, Park City, UT on Friday, January 18 from 2-3 pm MST.
The Citizens' Hearing
on Disclosure will be produced by Paradigm Research Group and will take
place between April 29 and May 3 in Washington, DC at the National Press Club
where the main ballroom will be turned into a "Congressional Hearing
Room." This unprecedented project will bring top researchers from
around the world along with government/agency witnesses to testify for 30 hours
over five days before former members of the United States
Congress. The subject of this hearing is an extraterrestrial
presence engaging the human race. The motto of this hearing
is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people
will." The last time the Congress of the United States held a
hearing on what is arguably the most important issue in the world today was in
1968 before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics.
Producing the
accompanying documentary film Truth Embargo will be Just Cause Entertainment, a
film/television/special effects company located in Marina Del Rey, California.
Just Cause
Entertainment President Reuben Langdon and
Paradigm Research Group Executive Director Stephen Bassett will
moderate the press conference. Langdon and Bassett will be meeting throughout
the week with activist writers, directors and producers regarding endorsements
for the Citizens' Hearing project.
Embargo mini-trailer:
CHD2 Productions
Contacts: Stephen Bassett Reuben Langdon

Media Interview
Contact: Janet Donovan, Creative Enterprises International,
202-904-1035 (cell),

CHD2 Productions, LLC
4130 Del Rey Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
4130 Del Rey Avenue, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Great news! Thanks!
voodoo spell has amazed me as I have seen results from everything he has done for me, often quite fast. While I have been to other spell casters who I believe tried their best; voodoo spell simply is the best, being truly gifted and having written the book on it. In addition, his integrity truly sets him apart in the field as he has told me several times I did not need a spell when he just as easily could have said I did. He is a truly kind and generous person who took time out on a weekend recently to help with a difficult ongoing case for me which brought him no personal gain. His work resulted in an all out miracle with a man I have been in love with for two years. voodoo spell rocks!. i so much believe in this man here is the contact in case you have any problem,, God bless
what a wonderful man who has brought light to my life,my god will continues to bless him for his work of spell caster because he has help me with his spell caster work.i must confess that this man is bless with his wonderful power as a spell caster and i must thank my friend Judith who introduce me to this wonderful man the spell caster who make me find happiness in my life again,after 1 week when this wonderful man cast spell for me my life change automatically my Divorce husband who has left me for another woman for the pass 4 years came back to me for forgiveness which i never hesitate to accept him back and now my family is very happy that we are together with my two kids contact him his name is Prist SANGO JAGABAN and sell or email him via;
magical spells really work i still cant believe this, but now i really do..!! I never thought there were still honest, genuine, trustworthy and very powerful spell casters until i met the spiritual helper, Priest OLOKUN. last week she did a love spell for me and it worked effectively 3days ago and now he just casted another healing spell for my girlfriend who has fibroid and now she is totally free and she is presently the happiest person on earth, she keeps thanking me all day for bringing this spell caster into her life once again.Please don't be scam with those so called fake spell casters on the Internet.If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is:Dr olokun of the great benin kingdom( MELISSA MICHEAL.
I was diagnosed with cervical cancer 10 years ago – While i was pregnant! As you could imagine, my pregnancy was stressful and i was ordered to bed rest.I couldn’t get any treatments for the cancer because i was “with child.” After the birth of my healthy son,i had surgery to remove part of my cervis and underwent radiation treatments, which made me extremely ill –So i have to look to the Internet for my last hope ,then i say a testimony about how DR OLOKUN helped nancy from her problem so i cantacted nancy because there are so many scams on the Internet with her email to confirm if it was true which he is a true healer. , thank goodness.I contacted him imidiately for help,so he cast a spell just like a miracle i was healed. I went to see my doctor for confamation guess what my cancer was no more in me he said.All thanks to you the great spell caster and healer for saving my life i am in tears of joy.i advise you out there with any illness or crisis should contact him now.Description;
1. He's got Creams for Skin Lightening,pimples & temporary scares.
2. He fix broken relationships&marriages.
3. He treat pregnancy problems,miscarriages,longer periods.
4. He bring back lost lover/family.
5. He can make your admired partner to be yours alone & marry you
6. Is he or she cheating on you? Stingy with money? Want to stop him/her?
7. He makes court cases/divorces/bad debts to disappear.
8. He has remedies for losing or gaining weight
9. He solve financial & domestic difficulties
10. He has a spell charm to bring back stolen goods.
11. He's got a sale quick potions to boost customers in your business.
12. He can make you gain promotions at work place.
13. He can help you pass Exams/Interviews with excellent grade.
14. He has herbs to make you long live with HIV-AIDS.
15. Get the job,man,favor,promotion,tenders that you desired.
16. He cure madness/stress/addictions/long illnesses.
17. He has lucky spells/charm to accumulate & protect your wealth.
18. He has charms for gambling & win court cases.
19. He has powerful herbs for curing early ejaculations,strong elections.
20. He has charms to protect you away from car robbers/hijacker/any risk.
21. He has got charms for bath to retain your good luck you had in life before.
22. Creams for reduction & Increase of Breasts/Bums/ Hips/Tummy/Vagina Tightening and jaundice.
Dr olokun of the great benin kingdom( Emma Ethan
my name is Ava
i was married for five years with out any child,because of this my husband start acting very strange at home,coming home late and not spending time with me any more.So i became very sad and lost in life because my doctor told me there is no way for me to get pregnant this really make life so hard for me and my sister in law told me about DR.OLOKUN from the Internet,how he has helped people with this similar problem that i am going through so i contacted him and explain to him.he cast a spell and it was a miracle three days later my husband can back to apologize for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,few month later i got pregnant and gave birth to twins (girls) we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr OLOKUN for saving my relationship and for also saving others too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is:Dr olokun of the great benin kingdom(
We tried many spell casters to help us sell our farm at a high price but for almost 7 months all the buyers were not meeting our price, then my husband came across Doctor Chuma Nwosu's post and we gave it a try and ordered a spell to attract customers to buy our farm, within 12 hours after he cast the spell on our behalf an investor from AUSTRALIA who lives in Cape town now contacted us and He paid twice the price we wanted for our farm, from that day Dr.Chuma Nwosu is part of our lives and presence is always in our lives. Why don't you contact Dr.Chuma Nwosu today, he could be of help to +2348084981140 Juliana.. South Africa, Cape Town.
i have been in a 3 year relationship with my partner i have 3 children to a previous relationship,a 8mnth old to him and am 7mnths pregnant with our 2nd child,we had the best relationship ever, communication and all.he dont drink or smoke just works so every tuesday night was his night out with the boys pllaying in pool comps. just 2mnths ago he cheated i found out through a txt on his fone.i was so hurt and felt used but he said he loved me and would never do it again.... that it was his 1st mistake to give him another chance to prove his love....a month later i find a number on his fone saved to a guys name buh the rung the number and bingo, another woman he had been txtin during the day and had deleted all txts and told her not to txt after a certain time because i was jelous...what do i do give him yet another chance and hurt like hell while doing it, i was online and i meet a man testimony helping people here and there, building love that last forever for husband and wife, so i email the man Dr Omonigho and i explain every thing that happen to him, Dr Omonigho told me not to worry that he is going to help my cast a love spell and our relationship will be refresh with love that will last forever, after the love spell my husband came home and said he will never cheat on my again that he will love and cherish only me, if you need his helping hand email:
If i don't share my testimony then i will be selfish....stingy and an ungrateful woman.
Dr igodo the great brought back joy...happiness...into my life and took away tears..sorrow by bring back my marriage of 10 years with my husband with just on come and go reunion spell.
i was a sad woman before i meet dr igodo but it took him just 24 hrs to change everything now am happy again because my man is always by my side sharing this testimony so other people who are suffering from relationship problem can know that there is still hope with people like dr igodo around.
pls contact him directly on or +2348169138446.
Mrs Wesly akinson
i just want to say a big thank you to doc ANEGBE for what he has done for me,He brought back the man i loved and cherish with all my heart,A man who left me for another woman for good 3years,with 2 kids,i just decided to check some spell caster's But all kept deceiving me,Until i meant Doc ANEGBE,Who told me everything will be over i taught he was also a scam,until he told me that my ex will be back in 2days time.Am so grateful today that my ex is back to me and we are happy and he always wanna be by my side,I will advice you people not to fall in the wrong hands but to contact doc ANEGBE who his trustworthy and straight forward,You can contact him via email
i want to make a testimony about a new man that all the world has just know and truly is a real spell caster that has done so many thing all around the world to help people,i went to his personal site and i see some testimony about him and i contacted him for help in my Work progress and to bring back my EX love back and when i contacted this man through his email ( and his name is Dr.Thundey and i am really happy this man help me out and my life is better and my Ex is back and i wan you all Americans and other part of Europe to Contact this man if truly you need help from a true spell caster not those fakes....and less i forget this is his number +254702634491 and for all people who need any help to improve in your Business or you want your Ex back just email this man or call him for any Help
My name is Nancy,I have been through hell and pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my boyfriend back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster (DR.OLOKUN) who helped me,and solved all my problems concerning my boyfriend who left me since eight months ago.and after that i also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning her husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also solved by the same DR.OLOKUN. Cant you see! the real and great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact him when ever you are in any problem related to spell casting.It took me a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell caster.So right now is here,and the best for you to solve your problems all thanks goes to tel.+2347051841955
i am giving this testimony cos l am happy
My name is mrs. Santana Valdez from Houston,taxes.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in May 17th this year 2013 on a business summit. i ment a man called dr. Atakpo.He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address
Great Atakpo i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times.. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address...
please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..
What a powerful man such as Dr Atakpo.. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties..
Happiness for me is not having all the money in the world but being with the one you love at all time.
I have Dr igodo to thank for i am a happy man today because of him...
i was a very rich bank executive with Barclay's bank until my wife filled for divorce and almost left with my two kids a boy and a girl...
i felt providing money and flashing things will make her happy not knowing i was hurting her..she always wanted to go out on vacations with me but was too busy so will send her with the kids alone not knowing i was killing myself..
On one of the vacation she met a guy named Thomas who show her so much love then she filled for divorce my whole life was crashing even with all the money i had until i contacted Dr igodo and luckily for my he came to my rescue and i and my woman are living happily now,i have her back thanks to him and also realized my mistake .
Thank you sir for being there for me don't know what i would have done without you...
For help contact him direct on and tel +2348169138446.
Nathaniel Dickson
My name is Carrick and I work for a company called modeling DIESEL,
we have a campaign that we use pictures of good looking people for our modeling job.
for more information if you are interested message me now @ ( how much we pay our models and methods we be know to you.
Warmest Regards,
The extra ordinary spell caster that brought my man back with just one reunion spell under 48 hrs.
i say Dr igodo may your might name be praised.
The spell worked faster than i ever imagined after 3 yrs of being separated with my husband came across the contact of the greatest spell caster on planet earth when all hope was lost never thought i could ever be happy again.
when i contacted him he said he will bring my man back to me within 48 hrs i laughed because i believed we had separated for too long and nothing can ever bring us back together but he told me that even if its 10 yrs he can do the job and just as he said after 48hrs my man came back to me and am happy to say we have been together now for 6 month.
using this testimony to say a big thank you and also recommend the great spell caster.
this are his direct contact email: or Tel:+2348169138446.
do contact him for help he is a great man.
Cindy from Ausralia
I just want to say thank you prophet ahmed for all you have done for me.
He is back now. That very powerful spell caster STOP THE DIVORCE – and get my ex boyfriend back.
My name is Joy Philip, from Canada. I never believed in love
spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went for a business summit
last month (may). I meant a man who's name is PROPHET AHMED
he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone,
lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or
luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to
marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down because our
relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was
against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster,i
told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At
first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try.And
in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend(now husband) called me by
himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his
mother and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I
didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my
boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now
and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and
our lives became much case you are in any situation you can contact
prophet ahmed at his email or his personal cell +2347053375151
Thank you for all your help prophet.
My there brethren i am standing hear today, it just because what DR. UWA has done me for me with problem of my husband. Contact him at: * *I am using this opportunity to share the testimony of what *DR. UWA *has done, he help me in such away that I didn’t no now to thank him. Been through hell and pain, looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my husband back. I have been scammed my many spell cater, by some who claimed to be real spell casters. Until I found the real and great spell caster is name is *Dr.UWA* who helped me, and solved all my problems concerning my husband who left me since 3 years ago. and after that i also took my friend along, who was also having the same problem who help me to bring my husband, who left her since 2 year ago he help me with out no payment *DR.UWA *is a great doctor*, *whenever you are in any problem relationship please contact him at ** It took me a very long period of time, before I could get this real and great spell caster. So right now is here, and the best for you to solve your problems please contact **
Good spell caster. Thank you Great Hercules you are the best spell caster that i have ever seen in my life, the spell you casted for me have work very perfectly, my ex boyfriend who live me for over 3week now is back and apologizing for me to come back to him that he is very sorry for the pain he caused me and i am so happy Great Hercules your spell is nice and make me fill alive again i will keep sharing your good work all over the world about the good spell you cast for me to get Fred back and i will also give your email address to everybody who is in need of help like you told me that you can cast a spell to bring my ex back, Money spell, Protection spell, lotto spell, Good job spell and many other spell you told me you can cast for me if i need them i hope you will find a place to help others so they can give testimonies like me Great Hercules please help others, many people have problem like mine but there is nobody like you to help them solve their problem like you do, if anyone need the help of this nice man contact him via this email best regards to Great Hercules
My husband has abandon me and the kids for the the past 8months now, and refuse to come back because he was hold on by a woman whom he just met, for that, my self and the kids has been suffering and it has been heel of a struggle, but I decide to do all means to make sure that my family come together as it use to, then I went online there I saw so many good talk about this spell caster whose email is so I had to contact him and explain my problem to him and in just 3days as he has promised, my husband came home and his behavior was back to the man i got married to. I cant thank the spell caster enough for what he did for me, i am so grateful and i will never stop to publish his name on the internet for the good work he has done for me,once again his email is
i just want to share my testimony here.. i was married for 15 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the life of my husband.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned me and my 5 kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster called Kala spell…so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn't believe in all those things… then when he cast the spell, after 3 days that he told me, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man help, his email address his spells is for a better life.
I am Jessica from Las-Vegas USA,i am so lucky i found you Dr Maxi.Thank you for helping me to get my ex lovely partner back into my life.I am so blessed that you used a non forceful way of uniting and reuniting us.Our past, presence and future seems to have all merged into one.You told me that everyone has a compatible soul mate whether in their life or waiting to come into their lives.I am glad its my partner of old.I did not want to really go and be with someone else,You have removed the extra baggage that has been affecting us and holding us back. Peace and thanks to you.Dr Maxi for all your help,email
My name is Jessica Flora,Am from UK,i never believe there will ever be a solution to my relationship problem with my lover. my lover called Chris flora threw me out of his house and brought in another lady who he now feels the only best for him. until one day i receive a phone call from a friend in the city that my man is going out on a date with another woman in town, i told her i am also surprise too, because since Chris flora has left me he hardly think nor call me. so after some few days my friend called Martha called me and told me that she has found a man that is very powerful, and he is a great herbalist from Africa, truly we all knows that Africans are blessed with so much herbal voodoo powers which they use to help much people, so he told me that the man name is Dr. Iyaryi , that she will forward his email address for me so that i can contact him for help, so truly she sent me Dr. Iyaryi email address and i contacted him that faithful day. he mailed me after a great while that my man will be back to me if only i believe on his work,so after 25hrs i receive a phone call from smith Moore, and he started begging that i should please forgive him against all he had done to me.. he begged me of breaking my heart and letting the other lady a new heart. he promise me never to let go. now i and Smith Moore are now planning to get married as soon as possible. we are brought back with the great powerful love spell and blinded with Dr. Iyaryi spell, we are happy and glad. so i thank you sir for the great help you offer to me, because i think today this might be the only ways and means i can ever thank you of your work.. i am glad. you can contact him for a love spell today at: thank you sir. Email him on:
Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony and i am from UK, I have been
rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman
had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading
through the web, i saw a post on how this great spell caster on this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave
him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and
he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i
believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power
to bring lovers back. i am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Great Priest Essyewa.
you can also email him via
hello my name is favour DR.olufa is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could'nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !nellymolly! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa olufa, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing DR.olufa gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at []
hello my name is favour DR.olufa is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could'nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !nellymolly! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa olufa, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing DR.olufa gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at []
hello my name is favour DR.olufa is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i could'nt find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come accross a great post of !nellymolly! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Papa olufa, i never knew it was alll because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strenght that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing DR.olufa gave to me from the ancient part of africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at []
Good spell caster. Thank you Dr edaho you are the
best spell caster that i have ever seen in my life,
the spell you casted for me have work very
perfectly, my ex boyfriend who live me for over
3week now is back and apologizing for me to
come back to him that he is very sorry for the
pain he caused me and i am so
happy Dr edaho your spell is nice and make me fill
alive again i will keep sharing you good work all
over the world about the good spell you cast for
me to get Fred back and i will also give your
email address to everybody who is in need of
help like you told me that you can cast a spell to
bring my ex back, Money spell, Protection spell,
lotto spell, Good job spell and many other spell
you told me you can cast for me if i need them i
hope you will find a place to help other so they
can give testimonies like me dr edaho please help
others, many people have problem like mine but
there is nobody like you to help them solve their
problem like you do, if anyone need the help of
this nice man contact him via this
I came to this site just to testify to the world one powerful man that brought my lover back to me within the period of 48 hours, Whose name and contact information are Dr.EZIZA and you can contact him at or call +2347068534025. At first i never believe that he will ever be able to bring back my lover to me but today through the help of Dr.EZIZA myself and my lover are back together and happy much more than ever.
Valentine is here again and i remember vividly its is about a year ago that dr igodo restored my marriage.
i look back and smile cus last here my story was a pathetic one. my marriage was drifting away and my man was asking for a divorce cus he said he was seeing another woman already who happened to be his colleague at work and he wanted to leave me for good and settle with the woman.
a part of me was happy cus he told me the truth another part was not happy cus i was not willing to let go cus not only his he the father of my 3 kids i also loved him and vowed to do what ever it cost to have him by my side.
behold i contacted dr igodo some days before val and he said i will have result within 24hrs which i did. eventually my man gave me the best val gift ever by buying me a brand new car.
i am happy to share this testimony cus till date we still together and its like our love increases by the day.
contact dr igodo on email: or Tel:+2348169138446.
Catherine Roberts from Dallas USA
I now know why Google is rated the best search engine in the world, My name Jessica from Brooklyn. Just few weeks ago i was heart broken and i needed a solution on how to get my lover back, So i checked Google for solution and they gave me the details of this powerful spell caster called Dr.igodo. So i went further by contacting Dr.igodo on his address which are +2348169138446. and I must after i contacted Dr.igodo my lover came back to me within 48 hours and till now we are having good times together.
Using this post to say a big thank you to dr igodo.
Jessica from Brooklyn usa
My husband and I have been married for 3 and a half years. In June it will be 7 years that we have been a part of each other lives. Recently he found out about a guy I slept with when we were separated and I did not tell him about. Before we got married we both agreed to let everything out and start fresh. I didn’t tell him. I was embarrassed bc the guy and I never actually had sex…just everything that led up to it. not to mention it was my brothers best friend and a huge mistake. well it came out recently along with some lies. A friend told my husband I cheated on him and I have never cheated on my husband nor would I ever. He is convinced I am a cheater. we have 2 beautiful kids and all I have ever wanted is a happy family. my kids and my husband truly are my everything. I can not see a future where my husband is not in it. I want to do whatever I can to save my marriage but I feel my husband is already set on the divorce. I know I could have been a better wife to him….a wife he deserves but now I fee like I have realized it too late. I look at my kids and I hate myself for allowing myself to break my family apart. I know my husband is not perfect and he has hurt me tremendously these past 5 years we have been off and on but we made it through for a reason. I love him and I want to save my marriage, one day a friend of my introduce me to a spell caster online who lift me up gave me hope and with-in 2 days after his spell my husband who told me he needed a divorce, called me and take me back home to me i must say today we are happily as one big family again all thanks to Dr joy a father and a real spell caster.Contact email address Call him +2347088404185.
Who the heck republished this? And WHY?! This blog was not to be a sounding board for personal problems and advice, advertisements for spell castors and potions. My d-d - John would turn over in his grave if he was advised of this travesty. What is the matter with you 'Freewill'? What are you drinking these days? What pills/drugs are you taking? And what are your 'extra curricular activities? This is a frick'n shame and insult to John.
Speaking of drinking, how much have you been drinking? Pay attention to the dates on this! This is the 2013 archives! Above the post title it shows Tuesday, January 15, 2013 and the comments are all dated prior to 2015 except for the one above yours! Drop the bottle and grab the glasses! Please! Before making comments like this. John would be shaking his head and laughing at you for this...
Spam comment and I didn't approve this...
And to top it off... John posted this article! I didn't come aboard until Christmas 2014. You insult me by claiming I insulted John. Shame on you!
This article was posted on January 15 2013 - 5 years ago. HOW did it show up on the top of the front page on March 30 2018?
It is not on the front page. Either Google is doing something or someone clicked on an old link.
Click on the nesaranews banner or on that little link below the comments that is labeled home and you will see the front page.
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