I have studied engineering and consider collapsing a lot of the electrical grid
in America as a colossal engineering risk to do. This reported GridEX2 drill
sounds dangerous as all hell to the electrical power of America. From an
engineering standpoint I would if I were to do such a test to see how easy or
hard to restart an electrical grid if once collapsed for any reason, I would
have a small section of electrical grid separated from the rest and do tests
with it while leaving our basic electrical power in America intact and not at
risk. Even if no suspected conspiracy of C.I.A. or other treasonable elements
in government loyal to Obama but not the American people, this kind of drill
done very big could become a self-fulfilling prophecy and collapse the entire
electrical grid of America without any terrorist groups from abroad doing this
to America. They need to go back to their drawing boards and redesign this kind
of test drill if ever done to be segregated from the main electrical grid of
America and no way it could pull down the national electrical power grid of
America in the process with it. However, I already have a backup system to
start up any electrical grid again which was designed for my Camelot Project.
Delay this dangerous test!
However, there are reports of a plan to crash the American electrical grid
using this as a front for those trying to crash the American society and
economy and then seize national power for Obama during the chaos that such a
collapse of electrical power in America could create. One report says that even
C.I.A. is tempted to try and crash the electrical grid of America on Nov. 11
which is briefly ahead of the official GridEx2 drill date.
In view of the mass purge of high ranking and distinguished military commanders
by Obama from the U.S. military, this is the obvious move of a man in the White
House conspiring to become the military dictator of America by removing those
military officers too loyal to the American people and America as a nation and
replacing them with scumbags who will do what Obama orders if he orders them to
take over America or mass shoot on and mass kill American citizens, etc.
I will tell a little personal story about when I lived in Wash., D.C. and it
teaches how to handle this situation to defuse it and end the threat to the
American people and America as a nation. I was walking up 16th St., NW. as
I recall one evening and the street was well lit up. Two young Blacks were
beating up an elderly Chinese woman to try and steal her purse. Cars drove by
and did not stop to help the woman even though they surely saw this clearly
what was happening. I had been captain of four athletic teams in military
school and was in good physical shape. Also, I obviously knew how to fight and
defend myself. I think I called out something like stop it and let her go! I
moved aggressively towards them and they sensed that they were in danger. They
fled and I helped the beaten up Chinese woman as best I could. She was hurt
badly and needed to go to the hospital. I saw a black car coming this way and
looked like some sort of police car. I waved them down and forced them to stop.
I told the two men in black police uniforms that this woman had been badly
beaten up and needed to go to the emergency ward of the local hospital. They
said that they couldn't as they were supposed to go elsewhere in a few minutes.
I then said to them in a very authoritative voice, "You take her to the
hospital and now! Then you can go to your other appointment!" They took
her and drove off. I noticed as they drove off that their black car was marked
I think "Executive Services." I am sure they saw the implications if
they tried to drive away and I got them reported for this that this would go
badly for them legally so they did as I ordered and took her away to the
closest hospital.
We had a crisis on this street of Wash., D.C. where this elderly Chinese woman
would have been probably killed from the beating if I had not intervened and
fast then! I acted with quick self-assumed authority to take charge, chased off
the young criminals, helped the woman to find out the extent of her injuries,
forced this apparent police car though they could have been security guards for
some location in Wash., D.C. to take her to some local hospital. All my life I
have always had quick initiative when needed for a crisis, used my brains, and
carry out what needs to be done including if necessary assuming the authority
to take care of the matter before it was too late to undo the danger, etc.
My quick thinking trait was also very useful in military intelligence work as
sometimes you have to make instant decisions and the right ones to make things
work as you planned. By extreme nerve and extreme initiative, I once with
Soviet personnel all close to where I was at successfully stole a copy of the
Soviet Embassy copy in Wash., D.C. of secret nuclear attack plans against
America. Gorbachev had told the Soviet Presidium of the best way to annihilate
America in a nuclear war and America would have no defense against it. Another
time I accidentially located a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear
Studies while dealing with underground sources, had quick initiative, won him
over, and he shared with me all the nuclear attack plans of the Soviet Union
then to annihilate America with. I had him train me like a Soviet general
in Soviet nuclear warfare tactics for the annihilation of America. Their
military doctrine on Pearl Harbor committed them to the annihilation of
America and never just hurting America with a nuclear attack if world war came.
I knew how an American general would think of nuclear warfare, but I like to
penetrate the mind and thinking of our enemies so also learned how a Soviet
general would think of how to use nuclear warfare also. All this is based upon
initiative and seizing the opportunity when the doors of opportunity suddenly
open to you.
For Americans who think they can do nothing to change the direction of this
nation, someday I may write a national anthem for them beginning with, "I
am a poor helpless butterfly and can do nothing!" Now the Bible teaches
how to teach the ordinary person how to become a force to be reckoned
with. It says, "Let the weak now say that they are strong!"
Once the people say that they are strong and will stand for no nonsense
from Wash., D.C. or other corrupt sources in America, now Wash., D.C. has to
respect them and listen to what they are saying as Wash., D.C. does not
want to mess around with a strong people like this and provoke them! Wash.,
D.C. will act like the master of the people when they sense great weakness in
the American people. When Wash., D.C. senses the strength of character of the
American people, then Wash., D.C. will humble itself and become the servant of
the people with the people now understood as the master of the government,
not the servants of the government!
Okay, using my Wash., D.C. example as the basis for this, I assume authority
that I am speaking on behalf of the American people. You send copies of this to
your elected officials and fast and this action says that I was speaking on
behalf of your authority. Or you can sing the national anthem of "I am a
helpless little buttlerfly and can do nothing!," then do nothing as you
say you are a helpless little butterfly and just want to fly away from any
unpretty realities of life. However, those with courage and brains win great
victories. Those who are cowardly at heart and thinking a deadly enemy is going
to treat you kindly if you let them do what they want, you will be the victim
of life getting more horrid and threatening all the time in your life! Cowards
make the enemies strong! Brave people make the enemies become weak before them!
Send this report of Nov. 7 to your elected officials both federal and state.
Don't forget that your state officials know their colleagues in Wash., D.C.,
socialize with them, and can reach them fast if necessary! For elected
officials seeing this report, also look up on Nesara News the Nov. 5, report of
"Take Notice...46 Senators Vote To Give Up Your 2nd Amendment Right To UN.
Forwarded By Erasmus of America (my pen name). It also has two pages
devoted to Obama mass firing patriotic and qualified military
commanders of the U.S. military in an obvious plot to become the planned
military dictator of America by forcing military commanders to swear allegiance
to him instead of the U.S. Constitution! Hitler pulled the same tactic with the
German Army to take it over and have it then serve the Nazi Party instead of
the German Constitution! This report also calls for the removal of Obama from
the White House as he is engaged in hot, high treason. Also, according to
the U.S. Constitution, he cannot legally be President of America as you have to
have two parents who were American citizens and Obama's father was a British
citizen and never became American. This clause was put in the U.S. Constitution
so a would-be President would not be divided in loyalty between two nations
instead of just loyal to America.
Look up my report of Nov. 4 with Nesara News "Proof RFID Microchip Is In
"Obama Health Care" by Erasmus of America (my pen name as deadly to
Obama as Thomas Paine was to King George III of England!). This feature of
Obamacare can potentially kill off most or all Americans if forced to take this
RFID Micropchip! Also, look up my report of Oct. 31 "Will All Americans
Die" by Erasmus of America which tells of the building threat of
massive radioaction poisoning of the American people which Obama is hiding from
the American people at this time while doing nothing to stop it! It is fine
with him if all Americans die! How strange and amazing that Putin recently
indicated that he thinks Obama is insane in the White House now!
So foreign sources will know how I stand. I like the people of Russia and want
them to have a bright future as a nation! I also descend from a minor branch of
the royal line of Russia. Part of my forefathers founded Russia so why would I
want Russia destroyed? As for China, I grew up with some Chinese families,
know the Chinese Race well, and I think China and America can have a fine
peaceful relationship together once we get out of the way Obama who is dumb
enough to land us all up in a World War III if we let him carry out his
insane schemes! Now China has to understand one thing about me. I am a
nationalist in political commitment so want to build up strongly the American
economy, have strong freedom for the American people. I stand for moral
values as I am a Christian in conviction, have a good gift in military but want
to help America protect its national independence and no interest in wars for
conquest or to establish a one world government. I stand for the national
independence of all nations. With many free nations, it is hard to take away
freedom from the people in any one nation. With all nations under one of
these planned manmade one world governments and these schemes always end up
with some angle to set up a worldwide tyranny over all races and nations on
earth. I like independent nations in Europe, Asia, and throughout the world.
Like beautiful flowers in a beautiful garden, the varieties of beautiful
flowers make a beautiful, charming garden for all to see and visit and enjoy to
live by! I refer to the nations on this earth!
Okay, American people, pass this report around. I just calmed down some of your
foreign enemies that Obama has so provoked to fear of him that they are
considering World War III with America if he is allowed to carry out some of
his wild schemes he has for the world. A nation is turned into an enemy
when its survival is threatend by the leadership of another nation. When a
situation is created where all nations get blessed by trade and
relationship with each other, then former enemy nations become friends and the
threat of war disappears as there is no reason for it any longer.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for one who was known
at the university he attended as a friend to foreign exchange students
from all nations and appreciated their different cultures and understood them
from all over the world! Foreigners liked me very much! It is easy to be
friends with others when you are a real friend to them!) Proposed Omni Law is
on our website www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com
Our email fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com
P.S. Have the F.B.I. visit the officials of C.I.A. now and ask them if they
plan to crash the electrical grid of America this November or not? C.I.A. will
deny plotting this even though they are a highly rogue criminal organization at
this time. But such an F.B.I. visit on them before such as Nov. 11 will alert
them that the F.B.I. will be ready to arrest them if they try to crash the
electrical grid of America. If they try it, then we will arrest up to all
personnel of C.I.A. if required and punish them totally for trying to destroy
America and kill off much to most of the American people. If the electrical
grid is collapsed for any reason now, we will come to arrest C.I.A. and if I
head up the prosecution, I will make them regret that they were ever born
on earth! C.I.A. is called the "president's private intelligence
agency" and C.I.A. would be the one to crash the electrical grid of
America if it happens! I am no fool C.I.A.!
As for Congress, cancel this "test" of the electrical grid for
Nov. Too many credible reports indicates that Obama wants this as a front to
crash the American economy and seize power as military dictator of America! If
you can't act Congress and in a timely, responsible way, then we need to fire
you and put in a new Congress to replace you as soon as we can! And if you
can't pass the Omni Law and now, then we should elect a new Congress which
can pass the Omni Law which restores legal control of the federal government of
Wash., D.C. back to the American people! (Note here! This report is being
blocked from emailing to Nesara News. Many tries so far! Will get it through,
but "the boys" apparently don't want you to see this report!)