Thursday, November 7, 2013

CGI's ChasVoice: Obama U.S. State Dept. Pedophilia Cover-Up

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's ChasVoice: Obama U.S. State Dept. Pedophilia Cover-Up
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 13:58:12

Posted by Charleston Voice

Obama’s pedophile brother in t-shirt – his name is Samson Obama, he was barred from entering the U.K.
June 11, 2013
Bill Donohue comments on news reports that the U.S. State Department is involved in a cover-up of pedophilia:
At a Senate Finance Committee today, it was reported that the State Department found in 2010 that the majority of domestic victims enslaved in the sex industry are runaway and homeless youth. It did not say whether the child that was allegedly raped by the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium was homeless. Perhaps that is because the investigation into what Howard Gutman did was spiked by Patrick Kennedy, the Undersecretary of State for Management.
Read more at source>>
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Subject: TNT BLAST

Good morning everyone, this is just a short message to let you know that M did do a speech at 8am Iraq time.  Most of the people who saw it say it looked like a prerecorded speech.  While it was a good speech (I believe this is the case, or VP Biden would not have done his speech behind it), it was not the speech that they wanted.

But guess what, about 1 1/2 hours ago, M came back and did another speech.  This was the speech that they wanted him to make and everything is on schedule.

The banks have once again been put on call (30 mins to get there when called).  Everyone who thinks they know the timeline is still comfortable with this happening anytime in the next 24 - 48 hours.

Let's see what the rest of the day brings.  It is looking like a great one so far.


Obama: The Most Dangerous of Morons

November 7, 2013
From The American Thinker

Obama: The Most Dangerous of Morons

There have been bad presidents -- see Jimmy Carter. Yet has there ever been a president as staggeringly incompetent as Barack Obama? Really, can there be any other explanation for his performance as president than the man is, well...a moron?

Let's face it, we all know them. They are the people who either started out with money, or have spent a lifetime failing up. Despite a distinct lack of accomplishment, personal or professionally, they believe they are the smartest person in every room. They cannot utter a sentence that does not include "I," "me," and "my," and they never stop speaking. To quote Alice Roosevelt, they are "the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening."

They seem to Forrest Gump their way through life, with one undeserved success after another.

Does this remind you of anyone?

Have you ever noticed how many of these "really smart" people there are in government? It's a magnet for morons, and it seems every damn one of them is portrayed by the media as a genius in his own right. Yet, they never seem to be able to do anything but make things worse, and usually much worse.

These are America's morons and Barry is their leader.

Obama has strange tastes. His favorite show is Homeland. He's proud to tell people this, and don't get me wrong, I like the show myself -- as a work of fiction. Then again, I'm not the President of the United States of America. In that case, the bar should be set higher.

A president who brags about liking a show where one of the lead characters assassinated the Vice President of the United States is not one to be taken seriously as president, or as anything.

One more time for emphasis, the President of the United States willingly tells people his favorite show is one in which the Vice President was assassinated.

What is this guy, a moron?

The answer is yes, he is a moron, and worse, he is the most dangerous of morons, one who doesn't think he is a moron.

Don't get me wrong, this is not an anti-moron screed. In my life, I have had more than 2,000 people work for me. Morons have their place. A good manager reads an employee and his skill set and uses that person to the maximum of his abilities. A moron can contribute. A moron can be an effective employee -- I've had many of them.

Yet when he is delusional and lacks self-awareness, he often has the 'I can do anything' syndrome and ends up thinking he can be President of the United States, while believing he's got game like Lebron and is smarter than all his advisors.

A dangerous moron, at times, can self-limit the damage done, by lightening the workload. Having surprisingly risen past his level of competence, he naturally thinks he is actually so great, he doesn't have to work hard. So...he doesn't. Instead he plays golf, and throws parties, and gives speeches, and looks longingly at his reflection in the mirror.

Narcissus was convinced no one was prettier than Narcissus. And Barry is convinced no one smarter than Barry.

A moron can be productive -- providing he knows his limitations and can use what God has given him within those limitations. A dangerous moron, however, is all arrogance and bluster, always convinced that every one of his incompetent actions and the inevitable results, are actually brilliant successes and if not, somebody else's fault. Dangerous morons hate to admit they were wrong. They are also incapable of feeling shame or guilt.

Dirty Harry Callahan said: "A man's got to know his limitations." And Clint Eastwood talked to an empty chair. Well...Barack Obama is the iconic "empty suit," which, by definition is the most dangerous of morons.

Look at the man.

Has there ever been a president more willing to display his arrogance. Arrogance is symptomatic of the dangerous moron. Having failed up, way beyond his wildest expectations, he truly believes he is what people have always told he him was.

The dangerous moron, having succeeded instead of failing starts to believe that, not only is he not a moron, he is a genius. I don't know why. Only a moron could think that.

Consider for a moment ObamaCare.

The big lie of the Obama presidency is "you can keep your insurance." Barry thinks Americans are just too stupid to realize he lied. Why wouldn't he? He's been right before.

He actually believed that Americans would be so enamored of his signature achievement that they would forget about his promise. Only a moron would think most Americans would willingly pay more for less to ensure a minority of people could pay less for more -- and then afterward, forgive him for lying to them in order to pass the legislation. After all, it had his name on it. He felt that should be enough.

Only a moron could have 3 ½ years and a half a billion dollars to build a website and still blow it. Of course, it wasn't his fault, he knew nothing about the website prior to its launch and was unaware that it would fail.

Jon Stewart, who, believe it or not, can be on the money sometimes, said that Obama was "out of the loop," and then added, "There appear to be very few loops he's in." Isn't that the perfect description of the nation's first moron president?

Barry's response: "No one is madder than me."

If I hear "No one is madder than me," one more time I think I am going to throw up all over my copy of the Audacity of Hope. I wouldn't of course, because that might affect my ObamaCare eligibility, or the NSA might tell the IRS and I'd be audited.

Morons are a naturally angry lot. Wouldn't you be if you didn't know what the hell was going on? And who knows less of what is going on than Barack Obama?

Fast and Furious and all those dead Mexicans (They're only Mexicans...aren't they?) and a dead American border patrol agent (Brian Terry was unavailable for comment) -- Barry never heard of it...but he was outraged.

The IRS targeting his political opponents by denying and delaying their applications for non-profit status, and thus hindering their ability to raise money and have an impact on his 2012 re-election -- Barry heard about it the same time everyone else did...again, he was outraged.

The NSA, spying on basically...everyone, keeping a record of every email, phone call, text and conversation of every American and half the rest of the world, including the president of Brazil and the Chancellor of Germany -- Barry angrily didn't know about that one either...but he's put his best team on it.

Don't worry, his best team built You know that's going nowhere.

Remember Benghazi, where America's ambassador, whose ardent pleas for additional security were rejected, was sodomized and assassinated along with three of his staff during a firefight lasting 7 hours?

These brave Americans, desperately fought alone, despite numerous military assets close enough to have made a difference, but were denied the opportunity to make that difference.

What did Barry do? He went to bed early in order to be fresh for a campaign event in Las Vegas the next day. In another lie (morons lie a lot), he blamed it all on an internet videographer's amateur You-Tube video. He then had the amateur locked up.

Well, Benghazi...that wasn't Barry either, and he was so outraged he pledged not to rest until the perpetrators were caught. So far the only one doing time for Benghazi is the amateur -- the filmmaker, not Barry.

He must have used his best team again. least none of this has interfered with his golf game.

Remember those commercials where an actor would say, "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV?" Well...that's what we have here -- a moron who is not a president, but he plays one on TV.

With Nixon, they asked what did he know and when did he know it.

To ask the same question of Barry would be ridiculous. He didn't know anything ever -- and he's the first to admit it.

In fact, he brags about it.

...and no one is madder than he is.

Enough of's getting late, time for Barry to go into a meeting where everyone will tell him how brilliant he is. And then, perhaps some milk and cookies and the newest episode of Homeland.

"Oh look, a squirrel!"
Narcissus image by Richard Terrell of Aftermath

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     I have studied engineering and consider collapsing a lot of the electrical grid in America as a colossal engineering risk to do. This reported GridEX2 drill sounds dangerous as all hell to the electrical power of America. From an engineering standpoint I would if I were to do such a test to see how easy or hard to restart an electrical grid if once collapsed for any reason, I would have a small section of electrical grid separated from the rest and do tests with it while leaving our basic electrical power in America intact and not at risk. Even if no suspected conspiracy of C.I.A. or other treasonable elements in government loyal to Obama but not the American people, this kind of drill done very big could become a self-fulfilling prophecy and collapse the entire electrical grid of America without any terrorist groups from abroad doing this to America. They need to go back to their drawing boards and redesign this kind of test drill if ever done to be segregated from the main electrical grid of America and no way it could pull down the national electrical power grid of America in the process with it. However, I already have a backup system to start up any electrical grid again which was designed for my Camelot Project. Delay this dangerous test!
     However, there are reports of a plan to crash the American electrical grid using this as a front for those trying to crash the American society and economy and then seize national power for Obama during the chaos that such a collapse of electrical power in America could create. One report says that even C.I.A. is tempted to try and crash the electrical grid of America on Nov. 11 which is briefly ahead of the official GridEx2 drill date.
     In view of the mass purge of high ranking and distinguished military commanders by Obama from the U.S. military, this is the obvious move of a man in the White House conspiring to become the military dictator of America by removing those military officers too loyal to the American people and America as a nation and replacing them with scumbags who will do what Obama orders if he orders them to take over America or mass shoot on and mass kill American citizens, etc.
     I will tell a little personal story about when I lived in Wash., D.C. and it teaches how to handle this situation to defuse it and end the threat to the American people and America as a nation. I was walking up 16th St., NW. as I recall one evening and the street was well lit up. Two young Blacks were beating up an elderly Chinese woman to try and steal her purse. Cars drove by and did not stop to help the woman even though they surely saw this clearly what was happening. I had been captain of four athletic teams in military school and was in good physical shape. Also, I obviously knew how to fight and defend myself. I think I called out something like stop it and let her go! I moved aggressively towards them and they sensed that they were in danger. They fled and I helped the beaten up Chinese woman as best I could. She was hurt badly and needed to go to the hospital. I saw a black car coming this way and looked like some sort of police car. I waved them down and forced them to stop. I told the two men in black police uniforms that this woman had been badly beaten up and needed to go to the emergency ward of the local hospital. They said that they couldn't as they were supposed to go elsewhere in a few minutes. I then said to them in a very authoritative voice, "You take her to the hospital and now! Then you can go to your other appointment!" They took her and drove off. I noticed as they drove off that their black car was marked I think "Executive Services." I am sure they saw the implications if they tried to drive away and I got them reported for this that this would go badly for them legally so they did as I ordered and took her away to the closest hospital.
     We had a crisis on this street of Wash., D.C. where this elderly Chinese woman would have been probably killed from the beating if I had not intervened and fast then! I acted with quick self-assumed authority to take charge, chased off the young criminals, helped the woman to find out the extent of her injuries, forced this apparent police car though they could have been security guards for some location in Wash., D.C. to take her to some local hospital. All my life I have always had quick initiative when needed for a crisis, used my brains, and carry out what needs to be done including if necessary assuming the authority to take care of the matter before it was too late to undo the danger, etc.
     My quick thinking trait was also very useful in military intelligence work as sometimes you have to make instant decisions and the right ones to make things work as you planned. By extreme nerve and extreme initiative, I once with Soviet personnel all close to where I was at successfully stole a copy of the Soviet Embassy copy in Wash., D.C. of secret nuclear attack plans against America. Gorbachev had told the Soviet Presidium of the best way to annihilate America in a nuclear war and America would have no defense against it. Another time I accidentially located a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies while dealing with underground sources, had quick initiative, won him over, and he shared with me all the nuclear attack plans of the Soviet Union then to annihilate America with. I had him train me like a Soviet general in Soviet nuclear warfare tactics for the annihilation of America. Their military doctrine on Pearl Harbor committed them to the annihilation of America and never just hurting America with a nuclear attack if world war came. I knew how an American general would think of nuclear warfare, but I like to penetrate the mind and thinking of our enemies so also learned how a Soviet general would think of how to use nuclear warfare also. All this is based upon initiative and seizing the opportunity when the doors of opportunity suddenly open to you.
     For Americans who think they can do nothing to change the direction of this nation, someday I may write a national anthem for them beginning with, "I am a poor helpless butterfly and can do nothing!" Now the Bible teaches how to teach the ordinary person how to become a force to be reckoned with. It says, "Let the weak now say that they are strong!" Once the people say that they are strong and will stand for no nonsense from Wash., D.C. or other corrupt sources in America, now Wash., D.C. has to respect them and listen to what they are saying as Wash., D.C. does not want to mess around with a strong people like this and provoke them! Wash., D.C. will act like the master of the people when they sense great weakness in the American people. When Wash., D.C. senses the strength of character of the American people, then Wash., D.C. will humble itself and become the servant of the people with the people now understood as the master of the government, not the servants of the government!
     Okay, using my Wash., D.C. example as the basis for this, I assume authority that I am speaking on behalf of the American people. You send copies of this to your elected officials and fast and this action says that I was speaking on behalf of your authority. Or you can sing the national anthem of "I am a helpless little buttlerfly and can do nothing!," then do nothing as you say you are a helpless little butterfly and just want to fly away from any unpretty realities of life. However, those with courage and brains win great victories. Those who are cowardly at heart and thinking a deadly enemy is going to treat you kindly if you let them do what they want, you will be the victim of life getting more horrid and threatening all the time in your life! Cowards make the enemies strong! Brave people make the enemies become weak before them!
     Send this report of Nov. 7 to your elected officials both federal and state. Don't forget that your state officials know their colleagues in Wash., D.C., socialize with them, and can reach them fast if necessary! For elected officials seeing this report, also look up on Nesara News the Nov. 5, report of "Take Notice...46 Senators Vote To Give Up Your 2nd Amendment Right To UN. Forwarded By Erasmus of America (my pen name). It also has two pages devoted to Obama mass firing patriotic and qualified military commanders of the U.S. military in an obvious plot to become the planned military dictator of America by forcing military commanders to swear allegiance to him instead of the U.S. Constitution! Hitler pulled the same tactic with the German Army to take it over and have it then serve the Nazi Party instead of the German Constitution! This report also calls for the removal of Obama from the White House as he is engaged in hot, high treason. Also, according to the U.S. Constitution, he cannot legally be President of America as you have to have two parents who were American citizens and Obama's father was a British citizen and never became American. This clause was put in the U.S. Constitution so a would-be President would not be divided in loyalty between two nations instead of just loyal to America.       
     Look up my report of Nov. 4 with Nesara News "Proof RFID Microchip Is In "Obama Health Care" by Erasmus of America (my pen name as deadly to Obama as Thomas Paine was to King George III of England!). This feature of Obamacare can potentially kill off most or all Americans if forced to take this RFID Micropchip! Also, look up my report of Oct. 31 "Will All Americans Die" by Erasmus of America which tells of the building threat of massive radioaction poisoning of the American people which Obama is hiding from the American people at this time while doing nothing to stop it! It is fine with him if all Americans die! How strange and amazing that Putin recently indicated that he thinks Obama is insane in the White House now!
     So foreign sources will know how I stand. I like the people of Russia and want them to have a bright future as a nation! I also descend from a minor branch of the royal line of Russia. Part of my forefathers founded Russia so why would I want Russia destroyed? As for China, I grew up with some Chinese families, know the Chinese Race well, and I think China and America can have a fine peaceful relationship together once we get out of the way Obama who is dumb enough to land us all up in a World War III if we let him carry out his insane schemes! Now China has to understand one thing about me. I am a nationalist in political commitment so want to build up strongly the American economy, have strong freedom for the American people. I stand for moral values as I am a Christian in conviction, have a good gift in military but want to help America protect its national independence and no interest in wars for conquest or to establish a one world government. I stand for the national independence of all nations. With many free nations, it is hard to take away freedom from the people in any one nation. With all nations under one of these planned manmade one world governments and these schemes always end up with some angle to set up a worldwide tyranny over all races and nations on earth. I like independent nations in Europe, Asia, and throughout the world. Like beautiful flowers in a beautiful garden, the varieties of beautiful flowers make a beautiful, charming garden for all to see and visit and enjoy to live by! I refer to the nations on this earth! 
     Okay, American people, pass this report around. I just calmed down some of your foreign enemies that Obama has so provoked to fear of him that they are considering World War III with America if he is allowed to carry out some of his wild schemes he has for the world. A nation is turned into an enemy when its survival is threatend by the leadership of another nation. When a situation is created where all nations get blessed by trade and relationship with each other, then former enemy nations become friends and the threat of war disappears as there is no reason for it any longer. 
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for one who was known at the university he attended as a friend to foreign exchange students from all nations and appreciated their different cultures and understood them from all over the world! Foreigners liked me very much! It is easy to be friends with others when you are a real friend to them!) Proposed Omni Law is on our website  Our email
     P.S. Have the F.B.I. visit the officials of C.I.A. now and ask them if they plan to crash the electrical grid of America this November or not? C.I.A. will deny plotting this even though they are a highly rogue criminal organization at this time. But such an F.B.I. visit on them before such as Nov. 11 will alert them that the F.B.I. will be ready to arrest them if they try to crash the electrical grid of America. If they try it, then we will arrest up to all personnel of C.I.A. if required and punish them totally for trying to destroy America and kill off much to most of the American people. If the electrical grid is collapsed for any reason now, we will come to arrest C.I.A. and if I head up the prosecution, I will make them regret that they were ever born on earth! C.I.A. is called the "president's private intelligence agency" and C.I.A. would be the one to crash the electrical grid of America if it happens! I am no fool C.I.A.!
     As for Congress, cancel this "test" of the electrical grid for Nov. Too many credible reports indicates that Obama wants this as a front to crash the American economy and seize power as military dictator of America! If you can't act Congress and in a timely, responsible way, then we need to fire you and put in a new Congress to replace you as soon as we can! And if you can't pass the Omni Law and now, then we should elect a new Congress which can pass the Omni Law which restores legal control of the federal government of Wash., D.C. back to the American people! (Note here! This report is being blocked from emailing to Nesara News. Many tries so far! Will get it through, but "the boys" apparently don't want you to see this report!)

Neil Keenan Responds to the Fulford/Hudes Interview -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Neil Keenan Responds to the Fulford/Hudes Interview -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 11:55:22

Ø Keenan is forced to clear the air one more time, as Hudes spreads misinformation
Ø Hudes would have had help from the Family – if she hadn’t tried to undermine Keenan
Ø Where’s the gold? Not in the Vatican, Karen…
Ø Speak whereof you know – Keenan on the Asian gold and why it won’t be going to the World Bank
Ø Update on funding and Nelu’s fight for freedom
Ø Keenan rebounds from attack – back in action
by Michael Henry Dunn
November 6, 2013
It is old news by now that picking a fight with Neil Francis Keenan is a bad idea. Certainly Karen Hudes had an instructive experience in that regard the last time around, as may be seen in this writer’s last post on the subject of her misinformation. It is also apparent to all that the bankster/bloodline cabal loves to see in-fighting within the freedom movement. Neil Keenan has much better things to do with his time than fighting off misinformed smears. But when he perceives an attack, his 29-and-0 Golden Glove fighter’s instincts kick in, and he hits back hard. Mr. Keenan clearly believes it is too late in the game to allow misinformation (whether accidentally or deliberately spread) to create fog on the battlefield – which can lead to “friendly-fire” casualties. The guns need to be pointed in one direction – at the enemies of humanity.
The accompanying 23 minute video is vintage Keenan, and is well worth viewing for those who have the time. Forcefully and unmistakably, he rebuts Ms. Hudes’ recent statements to Ben Fulford. It appears that Hudes realized too late that her unguarded words would cause trouble for her, and she made attempts to prevent the full interview from being distributed. However, her efforts were too late, and Mr. Keenan had no choice but to strongly rebut another round of misinformation from Karen Hudes.
Even so, he waited some days before responding. In a conversation with this writer, Keenan stated that he did not want to have to issue yet another rebuttal to misinformation, but once it became apparent that Hudes’ statements had been widely distributed, “enough is enough. It’s bad enough having to deal with the poison thing…but we don’t need this garbage out there, too.”

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WATCH: Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood Slam ObamaCare, Spoof ACA Website

WATCH: Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood Slam ObamaCare, Spoof ACA Website Problems at CMAs

Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwoodripped into ObamaCare during their 2013 CMA Awards opening on Tuesday.
The pair kicked off a rant about the faulty Affordable Care Act website after the country crooner “injured” himself “twerking.”
“I started signing up last Thursday and I’m almost done,” quipped Underwood.
The duo then went on to try getting Paisley signed up, launching into a parody song spoofing the problematic roll-out.
The audience’s reaction?
Plenty of appreciative hoots and hollers.
Check out the video below, and tell us what you think.
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Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean The toxic substances are Tritium, Cesium and Strontium

Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean

The toxic substances are Tritium, Cesium and Strontium

............Fresh research (**) provides a chilling reminder that this situation is serious, will not go away, is getting worse and cannot be swept under the carpet. This research points to “massive numbers” of sea creatures dying across the Pacific, and that high levels of Cesium-137 are present in “a very high percentage of fish” caught in this ocean “and sold in North America”......

Tidbits and Thoughts from TNT Members Thursday AM

Tidbits and Thoughts from TNT Members Thursday AM


[GJHHonor] got this on the skype room don't know if the person wants there name on here so this is what the post said "scolling across Iraqi News last night it was saying that the government will not delay in the implementing the deletion of the zeros which appreciate the currency "substantially"

[GJHHonor] part 2 On Iraq TV Tonight vice president Biden said that the financial steps that Iraq is taking right now will propel the country into a new era of financial stability ( I cannot copy so I type this in here)

[jerseygirl] GJHHonor maybe that was it - short and sweet

[normanross] looked at recaps this AM and this comment was there in the Wed evening chatter section: Roger B11/07/2013 12:36am I live in the northern part of Europé and exactly 6 AM my time (8 AM Iraqi time) PM Maliki made a kind of announcement on Al-Iraqia TV channel. There was no audience and he only spoke to the TV Viewers. It might have been pre-recorded.
Read More Link on Right

[normanross] jerseygirl morning .i know my eyes didnt decieve me last night when i saw lagarde on iraq tv

 [normanross] got 2 members who saw same thing

 [jerseygirl] normanross you did?

 [normanross] flpatriot and another last night

[normanross] jerseygirl the news crew on tv was showing her walking with 2 iraq businessmen to a building

 [byecar] so did maliki make the speech? the right way....

[wantingfreedom] byecar He made a 4 min. speech, but don't know the content yet

[Robsharp] Does anyone know if M made his speech and if he said th right things?

 [JETT] Robsharp .... I heard he made the speech, and said the "right" things....

[raven] pontymania ryan31 I am still trying to connect the DOTs with the RV...did Maliki come here last week, for help from the US once again, or the RV? I don't think the IMF has the power to force a country to RV...JMHO

[ryan31] raven my understanding is smoke and mirrors. came here asking about help with security however behind closed doors had meetings about the understanding about cl is she was given the authority based on agreements that had already been made.....idk how that all worked out but that is what i understand to this point

[pontymania] raven tes M was here last week and asked for arms and asistance. I agree I dont think IMF has that power


 [MinnThin] ALREADY BLESSED Yes, and Iraq is still considered an emerging economy, so from that standpoint, they do have some jurisdiction in that area.

 [jackaroo] ALREADY BLESSED it was my understanding that if iraq failed to cooperate that the imf has the authority to bring back the pre-war rate of 3.22 any time they want. do you remember the same?

[Rinzler] jackaroo I remember Tony saying something to that effect on his call Monday night. That if Maliki didn't do it correctly, it would be done for him.

[Jay316] jackaroo T said CL can press the button and rate will stay same for out of country..but in country it will be lower

[1infamous] it seems IF Maliki didn't do the speech like how he was supposed to do.... He will just make it worse for his country and he can kiss that 3rd term Goodbye IMO

[greatdaynedinar] I think it goes without saying that if the train of thought I'd that the imf has the power then there are conditions that make it so. Question is does owing allot of money to imf merit that and or are there more issues and if so what? And are those enough. Secondly any country has the power to say no and choose war instead

[free4flight] For those of you that did not read the Goat, she said her sources at the CBI told her they are plainning a release and new website between Thursday morning and Friday eve... sounds pretty good to me


[loechin] Hey hey guys

[wantingfreedom] loechin I stayed up for the speech . . looks like it was 4 min. Any word on whether it was what CL was looking for?

[febgirl] Good morning Loechin Do you know if Maliki made the appropriate speech this morning, I was 9 1/2 hours ago if he did. You would have thought we'd hear by now at least that much.

[loechin] As I said several weeks ago CL has stepped in and had given a timeline to M. As of this moment that I am aware of M knows that His position is in jeporady. There will be an announcement but I don't think it will be him. All I will say is that from all and I mean all info that I have received we are in the greatest window we have ever been in and will see this. You will see new leadership in Iraq come into view as of now. They are sick of M too

Loechin) Guys I am getting the greatest info I have ever gotten this AM let's see what happens THRU this week

(LEMusic) loechin~ Deep Gratitude! Are you thinking we will see our blessing this week then, or have to wait for new PM in Iraq... or something else?

(Loechin) LEMusic No we will see this now.  I am more convinced then ever before that we are in " the now time"



Roger B  11/07/2013 12:36am  I live in the northern part of Europé and exactly 6 AM my time (8 AM Iraqi time) PM Maliki made a kind of announcement on Al-Iraqia TV channel. There was no audience and he only spoke to the TV Viewers.
It might have been pre-recorded.
According to Mountain Goat´s latest intel the Central Bank of Iraq will post the new rate on their new site between today and Friday.


Brnagin4:  Guys, I am not a Guru I am mostly a Lurker ;)

I am currently in Thailand hoping I have to make a very quick flight home in the next day or so.  I am meeting with Thai Officials and liaisons.  One of the people I met here began to discuss a lot of new information from the middle east claiming they were going to be building a lot of new things and become more prominent in the world.  I told her that I was fairly sure Iraq's currency would soon RV to at least pre-war status so they can begin to build.  She said "you know I am thinking you are right.  One of my old business friends told me he bought currency after WWII that he believed it would go back up in value. He said everyone told him he was crazy but he did it anyway and it was just him and one other friend.  He invested a lot of money in it.   You know what he is now a very wealthy man because of the currency.  I believe you will be someone like him."

 That is all, I tried to match her words exactly but I did fill in some of the broken english with her meaning.  In a time where we have been through the roller coaster it is encouraging to know this type of thing dates back to around WWII!

 Go RV! Brnagin4

Tidbits and Thoughts from TNT Members Thursday AM

Tidbits and Thoughts from TNT Members Thursday AM

[GJHHonor] got this on the skype room don't know if the person wants there name on here so this is what the post said "scolling across Iraqi News last night it was saying that the government will not delay in the implementing the deletion of the zeros which appreciate the currency "substantially"

[GJHHonor] part 2 On Iraq TV Tonight vice president Biden said that the financial steps that Iraq is taking right now will propel the country into a new era of financial stability ( I cannot copy so I type this in here)

[jerseygirl] GJHHonor maybe that was it - short and sweet

[normanross] looked at recaps this AM and this comment was there in the Wed evening chatter section: Roger B11/07/2013 12:36am I live in the northern part of Europé and exactly 6 AM my time (8 AM Iraqi time) PM Maliki made a kind of announcement on Al-Iraqia TV channel. There was no audience and he only spoke to the TV Viewers. It might have been pre-recorded.


Visit stage2omega at:

Stop the illegals

I strongly encourage you to open and read the two page attachment.  There is so much that history can teach us if we would review it and be aware of the path we are now on, and pretty far down the road that we, or our children, may well experience and regret.  But by then it will be too late.
On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:55 AM, :

-----  Original Message ----- From: Jerry  Krueger
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 10:45  AM
Subject: Stop the  illegals

Have you noticed that the liberals invoke    morality, religion etc., when it suits their purpose? But will deny    Christianity when used by Christians? The liberals say it is the moral thing    to do, the right thing to do by letting the illegals have amnesty and legal    status. Various civic groups and religious groups say it is cruel and inhumane    to deny the illegals legal status. Where are these civic and religious groups    when the liberals ignore the 7th and 10th commandments?

VII. Thou    shalt not steal. When an illegal takes benefits and jobs from legal citizens    that is stealing.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors    property..........nor whatever belongs to thy neighbor. When the purpose is to    overwhelm the U.S.A. by shear numbers of illegal aliens you are attempting to    take over this country.

Never mind that the illegals broke the law when    they entered this country without permission or stayed here without    persmission. 
When are we going to stop this craziness? One    thing for sure, we cannot stop the craziness if the liberals gain complete    control of the U.S.A. We have two strikes against us, the senate and the WH,    if we lose the U.S. House we have struck out.

Please read below. 

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill had a way with words.  A person with a varied and storied history.  Many have said he was the statesman of all times.  Certainly beyond my limited writing skills to pay tribute to.  There are so many “finest hour” sayings and speeches that he put forth as a result of WWII.  And possibly none as astute as the “iron curtain” speech. 
W.C. had the task of mobilizing Great Britain against the Nazi regime.  Undersized, under populated, lacking resources and public enthusiasm for the war, he cobbled together support both home and abroad to hold off the Nazi’s until the U.S.A. entered the war.  And adding to the task was the fact that Great Britain was subjected to massive bombings of their civilian personnel.  W.C. as able to maintain the morale of the British during these bombings.  After the U.S.A. entered the war W.C. carried on the diplomacy for Great Britain and the U.S.A. to successfully coordinate military forces to achieve their individual war time goals.  
Going through my e-mails I ran across a reference to one of W.C.’s speeches and would like to show a part of it, this speech was given promote better cooperation of the British political parties so that the war effort could proceed more harmoniously.
“Now it is in the face of this danger that I ask: How long are we going to continue to allow the artificially fomented jealousies and quarrels of Conservatives and Liberals to play into the hands of the Socialists? How long are the interests of the country to suffer from sterile party conflicts in the presence of an advancing peril? How long are the Liberals and Conservatives to paralyze each other so that both may be ruled by a Socialist minority?
The deliberate policy of the Socialists is, of course, to prevent any common action between Liberals and Conservatives in order that Socialism may progress and devour the Liberals at leisure. All their tactics are conceived with this intention.”  Winston Churchill
How familiar this sounded.  If this was rephrased using today’s journalistic style this would still be as meaningful today as was 70+ years ago.
I have stated that the liberals are only a vehicle for the socialist movement.  And when the socialist’s get to where they are going the liberals will cease to exist.  There will be no room for either liberals or conservatives in a socialist society.  What the rank and file members of a socialist society become are actually conservatives in the sense that not only are they limited in their political freedom they will have to be conservative in their use of goods and services as the socialists are not known for their production of goods and services for civilian consumption.
Great Britain and other countries have centuries more of civilization than the U.S.A.  Have we learned and benefited from the experiences of the other countries?  Some.  But not nearly enough.  We have seen what governments work and those that have not.  We have seen those leaders that can lead toward democracy and those that will lead to chaos and destruction.  We have seen those with financial stability and those that have experienced financial ruin.  We have seen many and varied politicians; some could lead and some could not. 
Why have we not learned from our past successes and failures?  One U.S. Admiral made the statement that we have to learn from other peoples mistakes; we can’t live long enough to make all of own mistakes.
I have begun to question myself. And more often as I get older.  Why don’t I get more done each day?  And this did not take a whole lot of time and reflection.  I can be lazy, undisciplined and unorganized.  When I am motivated and organized with clear objectives I function quite well. 
When I am not I don’t get much done.  This is not earth shaking for my personal issues as I am a retired person.  Not really.  I still have to function as a citizen that has an obligation to help our government and society function.  But when my whole day is consumed with goof off time my commitment to help this nation function is not carried out.  When too many of us do not carry out our function to help government function some of the politicians will get out of the corral.
When our politicians get out of their corral they may eat out of the wrong pasture or roam where they shouldn’t.  Sometimes a sidewinder will come along with a running iron and rebrand them.  Or tell them there is greener pasture on the other side of that gate.  Once you enter the socialist utopia there is very little opportunity to back out.  Unfortunately many of our politicians, lacking adult supervision, have succumbed to liberalism as the panacea for all that ails.  The only problem is not only do you not have the freedom it is only a matter of time before you will lacking in goods and services.  You can’t have things both ways.  You can have freedom and democracy by working for it or you can have liberalism, less freedom, no democracy and few goods and services.
Let’s get the politicians back into the corral.  Tell them to stop amnesty or legalization of any illegal alien or anyone here as a result of an illegal entry.  No exceptions.  This is not a matter of being kind or nice.  This is a matter of saving this country.  If our laws had been enforced we would not have this problem today.    The cornerstone of our immigration system was that immigrants were allowed in numbers that could be assimilated into our population.  This was to encourage, and in a timely fashion, the immigrant to blend in and be accepted into the general population and.  This would allow the immigrant to be a part of the general population and discourage the forming of subcultures.  To allow subcultures would eventually undermine our political foundation and our constitution.  We must protect this country from being overwhelmed with illegal aliens and ideologies that will undermine our existing political system.  We are not dealing with nice people, we are dealing with people that have broken our laws and/or want to change our political system.



Obama School mate, Mia Maria Pope, says he is a Liar, Drug user and gay 26 MINS

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama School mate, Mia Maria Pope, says he is a Liar, Drug user and gay 26 MINS
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 7-Nov-2013 00:30:29

Sent to us from a RMN reader.. Manning is out to get Obummer, for sure but if this is true and I were this woman, I'd go into deep hiding.
Gotta watch this. This lady says Obama was a consummate liar, drug user and known homosexual. She claims to have known him personally in school. M