Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean The toxic substances are Tritium, Cesium and Strontium

Fukushima: The Ticking Nuclear Bomb. Over 800 Tons of Radioactive Material Pouring into Pacific Ocean

The toxic substances are Tritium, Cesium and Strontium

............Fresh research (**) provides a chilling reminder that this situation is serious, will not go away, is getting worse and cannot be swept under the carpet. This research points to “massive numbers” of sea creatures dying across the Pacific, and that high levels of Cesium-137 are present in “a very high percentage of fish” caught in this ocean “and sold in North America”......


Anonymous said...

We have aliens here that will eat us, and radiation that will kill us and we are being told a group of aliens that arrived are here to invade.

Would be nice if they are here to remove the aliens that are here to eat us, and to clean up the radiation that will kill us.

The problem with Fukashima is also the same problem with all nuclear power plants. Same manufacturer made the parts, and they are defective, if not by design, then something the sun does to earth particles is changing it's molecular structure, too (right?).

So when the power goes out, will those fighting the ETs have to stop fighting and let them land? I mean if the ETs can come across the galaxy, you'd think their technology would be more advance than ours, unless we went to their home world and caused trouble like we do when we go to other countries and invade and destroy, and maybe they are coming back to kick some A...

There is one Creator. We are sources of energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So if the vessel I use right now is no longer here, I , the true me, in spirit and energy will continue, thus my everlasting life.

Got my youth to look at the movie Powder from 1999 or so. That movie spoke the truth about life and our existence. Even Powder realized that what appears as death to us is not really death. We don't 'leave', we just leave what we were in....(the body).

Let the future continue, because it will no matter what form/reality we are in as it goes on.

Anonymous said...

I think there "were" aliens that were here to eat us based on Dulce files but you have to remember that there is an ongoing war on good vs evil, even in a galactic sense. The government knows exactly who the good and evil aliens are, but bad ones are slowly being eliminated and you should remember that the old saying "good always prevail over evil" is probably right.

James Horak has some amazing information the fukushima and the ongoing concern on radiation damage, if you are interested. He really is very knowledgable, as he claims to be not from this earth.

This is precisely his latest interview...on the subject.

Anonymous said...

This is Anonymous 12:08PM. Thank you for the response and the link.