Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WHO REALLY DID FUKISHIMA FALSE FLAG? Benjamin Fulford sent the following in an e-mail to Jim Stone on Fukishima


WHO REALLY DID FUKISHIMA FALSE FLAG? Benjamin Fulford sent the following in an e-mail to Jim Stone on Fukishima

Vatic Note:  Well, its rewarding to know that posting Jim's analysis and evidence that Fukishima was a false flag,  has been substantiated by others.  We did that immediately after he put it up and shortly after 3/11 happened.   So, lets ask ourselves, "Who does the CIA work for?"  Who created them to use internationally?  Is this why Truman said "I wish I had not created them, since they have never reported to me, I do not know who they report to, but its not me."

Then we had Kennedy who experienced the same thing with the Bay of Pigs.  As a result he fired the head of the CIA since none of the Presidents knew anything about the Bay of Pigs until the Kennedy's had arrived and spilled the beans on them.

Remember, its been confirmed that the CIA was involved in the JFK assassination in collusion  with Johnson and other internationalists, whom we do not need to mention since its been done enough times...... ok, Israel and the British, both of whom are suppose to be allies.  As the man says "With allies like this, who needs enemies".   I think its time to take the British hierarchy on again, like we did in the Revolution)

The CIA is part of the big picture, working jointly with Mossad and the Rothschild khazar Zionists and the "project paper clip" nazi's.   All intel agencies are now included in the international intel operations of the globalists and that includes MI6, which is Britain, run by Rothschilds, using the Queen and some members of Parliament.

Remember, it was the British who pushed for the creation of Israel and its been a horror story ever since. This was secondary proof that Rothschild controlled the royalty of Great Britain.  I would not want to be them if the British ever wake up to their role in all of this. 

Benjamin Fulford sent the following in an e-mail
Jim STone,  Freelance Reporter site

Mr. Stone,

First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation.

I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was about and exactly who was involved.

My sources for what I am about to write include Japanese military intelligence, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan (whom I have known personally for many years), members of the crew that smuggled the nuclear weapons used in the attack into Japan, members of both the French and British branches of the Rothschild family, senior CIA agents and a member of the team that actually drilled the nuclear weapons into the seabed before the 311 attack.

The first thing you need to know is that the attack was planned many years before it happened. The Japanese business magazine Zaikai Tembo, citing a CIA report, wrote in February of 2007 that the US had decided that Japan was getting too much of its energy from nuclear power and that if that trend continued, Japan would no longer be dependent on US controlled oil and thus would no longer have to obey the US. The conclusion of the report was that the best way to ensure Japan remained a colony would be to destroy the Tokyo Electric Power company, the people who ran the Fukushima plant.

Senator J. Rockefeller, whose family controls (through foundations) General Electric, the manufacturers of the plant, was deeply involved in this operation. (VN:  Guess who one of the major stock holders of GE is?  The Queen of England. Keep that in mind as you read this below.)  As a preliminary to destroying Japan’s nuclear power generation capability, Westinghouse and General Electric sold their nuclearpower plant manufacturing businesses to Toshiba and Hitachi. This was insider trading at the highest level and Hitachi and Toshiba should sue.

The ongoing attempt in recent years by an Asian secret society to wrest control of global finance from Western oligarch families is a bigger back-ground to the Fukushima sub-plot.

For example, Democratic Party of Japan Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was asked at a G7 meeting to hand over $100 billion to the cabal. He answered that he would raise the money by selling $100 billion worth of US Treasury bonds. He was going to say this at the press conference that followed the G7 meeting so he was drugged to prevent him from doing so. Later, when he returned to Japan, he was murdered by CIA death squads.

Getting back to Fukushima, the refusal of the Japanese Democratic Party and authorities to hand over any real hard currency to the Western Oligarch families, resulted in the decision to go ahead with the Fukushima operation as a way of intimidating the Japanese once again into surrender and obedience.

One key source of mine, who has variously gone by the names of Richard Sorge, Alexander Romanov, etc., was part of a multi-agency Western ring involved in smuggling drugs into Japan. I have confirmed through a long term acquaintance by the name of Steve McClure, a supposed music journalist, that Richard Sorge was his long term supplier of drugs.

In any case, Sorge told me that he was summoned to Pattaya, Thailand, by a member of the British Special Air Service, a South African going by the name of Spencer and told to bring 70 kilograms of “thai stick” Marijuana, heavily laced with mind destroying chemicals and approach me. He was told to tell me to introduce the yakuza to him or else I would be killed. The Yakuza told me it was a trap and to keep away from it, which I did. Sorge also told me that when he was in Thailand, he was shown a 700 kiloton nuclear missile that was stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk. This missile was smuggled into Japan together with the drugs.

The man overseeing the smuggling operation was a former Hong Kong deputy police commissioner by the name of Stephens, according to Sorge and Spencer. The man in overall operational control of this operation against Japan was General Richard Meyers, according to CIA and other sources.

Based in subsequent interviews with members of Pentagon military intelligence and MI5, the route taken by the missile to Japan has been identified. It was part of a batch of four nuclear missiles stolen from the Kursk by Nazi underground forces who took them to their submarine base in the Atlantic Island of Sao Tome, according to MI5. From there, it was taken to another submarine base in New Guinea, according to Pentagon Military intelligence.

From there it was taken to the Philippines Yatch club where Stevens’ crew then took it by yacht to a remote island on the Okinawan archipelago. From there it was transported by fishing boat to the port of Kyushu. From Kyushu, the missile was taken by van to a property owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone in Hi No De Cho, in Western Tokyo. From there it was taken to the North Korean Citizen’s organization headquarters near the Yasukuni shrine, according to Sorge.

Sorge risked his life and has survived multiple murder attempts because he attempted to warn the Japanese authorities about the impending nuclear terror attack. He told them the missile was at Nakasone’s property and he told me as well. The Japanese authorities ignored our warnings. Later we again told them the missile was located at the North Korean headquarters in Japan.

For his efforts, Sorge was arrested by plain clothes police who ignored his warnings about impending nuclear terror and instead asked him to testify falsely that I was a drug dealer.

A South African/British agent by the name of Michael Meiring, who had both legs blown off by a bomb said he was set by George Herbert Walker Bush Senior also began contacting me around this time. He came to me under the name of Dr. Michael Van de Meer and he showed me a bullet proof attaché case, 7 passports and an Uzi machine-gun. Dr. Van de Meer told me that Tony Blair had bragged I would be arrested on drug charges.

In any case, Japanese authorities failed to react to our warnings and the bomb was loaded onto the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports place the Chikyu drilling into the seabed off-shore from Sendai in the months before the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.

Furthermore, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that the Prime Minister Naoto Kan was seen inside the Japan Freemason headquarters building near Tokyo tower on the day before the 311 attack. He was being shown a map of Japan missing the Tohoku region where the tsunami it.

The Israeli company Magna BSP was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time. A Miyagi prefectural government official says employees of this company loaded plutonium into the plant against his will in the months before 311.

Immediately after the tsunami and nuclear terror attack began, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was asked to order the evacuation of 40 million people from the Kanto plain, Kan said during a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan.

He also received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day after the attack demanding that he sign over ownership of all Japanese government holdings of US government bonds to cabal oligarchs, which he did, according to Japanese military intelligence.

Following the attacks, a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in breaking up the nuclear bomb from the Kursk into several smaller bombs and drilling them into the seabed, showed up at the Tachikawa Christian church run by Pastor Paolo Izumi asking for protection.

He said that 14 of his colleagues who were involved in the drilling operation, not understanding the purpose of what they were doing, had been murdered in order to silence them and that he feared for his life. The man was sheltered by the church and is now in the witness protection program.

After the 311 attack, this writer went to South Korea at the invitation of Dr. Van de Meer. While in Korea he was told the Rothschild family had planned the attack because they wanted to force 40 million Japanese refugees to take shelter in North and South Korea.

The Rothschild family intended to move the base of their Asian operations from Tokyo to a planned new special economic zone in Korea, he said. He knew in advance of the 311 attack and looked deeply ashamed when he admitted he did not warn me about it.

Following the 311 attack, un-marked planes were spotted dumping radio-active industrial waste containing cesium, according to a Japanese gangster whose gang was sub-contracting for the CIA and Mossad around Fukushima.

The massive propaganda fear campaign following the 311 attack can be traced to Mossad, the Pentagon and the CIA.

In addition to the people named above, some of the individuals involved in this mass murder and fear propaganda campaign include Kenneth Curtis, the head of CIA Japan, Michael Green, the head of Mossad Japan and Richard Armitage.

Other people involved in this mass murder campaign include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Michael Chertoff, James Baker, Paul Wolfowitz, Senator J. Rockefeller, Michael Hayden, Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Pope Maledict, and others yet to be named.
Benjamin Fulford

New Tsunami Info!

I got to the mailboxes before the Jewish Sabbath ended, and therefore got the following mail. It's a doozie.

UPDATE: I received a death threat for posting this mail and subsequent comments

Since this is practically routine by now, full speed ahead! (they will have a tough time carrying it out)

Please read the comments following this mail. Despite the allegations that the Pentagon triggered the tsunami (which I do not doubt) there is a reason why the puppet Obama is firing generals left and right - and it is because the zioclan has America totally under their control(most likely via nuclear blackmail) and therefore whatever the Pentagon does is done as if ordered directly through the Knesset. One way or another it is STILL ISRAEL, the fact that America has become a zombie puppet pretty much shifts all blame to the puppet master which is itself a puppet to the Rothchild elite or whoever is above even them.  (VN: based on what I have found, I believe he is absolutely right in every sense.)Jim Stone, Saturday Nov 30 2013


This came in while "they" had a forced day off

The following is new information about the Japan disaster I cannot refute and there is enough meat here to provide some serious perspective. I don't give the Jews such an easy break, but yes, I do believe they are being manipulated as this writer says and there is a LOT to this report regarding the Japan disaster that is totally new stuff.

Anonymous wrote the following:

I cannot tell you who I am. In all likelihood, they can figure it out, but I'm not going to make it any easier for them. If you want to know the truth about the reason for the tsunami, I suggest you take the time to read this.

You've done some very good work and you're on the right track. However, you're following the wrong leads on some very important things. Israel may have mutual interests, but they are not the ringleaders in this scenario. You give them too much credit. I hope you won't take that too personally and read the rest of what I have to tell you. That's not to say you're entirely wrong, but Israel is just another piece of the puzzle.

People must put aside patriotism and realize that this is the doing of the United States of America and their puppeteers. I too have little love for Judaism. Due to their incredibly self-centered ideology, Jews are very easy to manipulate. You're virtually spot-on about Mossad's involvement. The motivation, however, is quite different from what you have concluded. 

Japan was not being punished for their reluctance to sign their country's finances over. All those obstacles were easily disposed of. The turn of public opinion against nuclear energy was not part of the plan, hence why the US backed Japanese government has completely ignored it. You're right that Israel's mutual interest in the disaster stems from their concern with Iran's nuclear program, but even this is incredibly complicated.

The execution of the man-made tsunami disaster was the decision of the Pentagon.

A little background: Since the end of the second world war, the victorious US set up the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan as it's puppet government through the CIA which continues to finance them to ensure their election victories. This has been relatively successful with the party holding nearly unbroken complete dominance in Japan. However, the puppet masters are not omnipotent and did not expect an electoral victory for the opposition, the Democratic Party of Japan led by Hatoyama.

As Prime minster, Hatoyama proved to be quite a thorn in the sides of the US and Pentagon as he made no secret of his desire to move towards Japan's independence from America and pursue better relations with their Asian neighbours, specifically China. As such, Hatoyama became the victim of much bullying and intimidation from both the US and within Japan. Peace is not part of the agenda.

After breaking his promise of relocating the controversial US base in Okinawa, he finally stepped down. He later went on to essentially admit he lied about his reasons for doing so. However, even with him out of the picture, the damage had been done. US-Japan relations had taken a hit.

The US needed a way to regain Japan's trust and support and a man-made disaster was the way to do it. Ask yourself: who really benefitted the most from the disaster? America immediately put into action "Operation Tomodachi" (Tomodachi meaning friend, a name which makes me sick. With friends like that, who needs enemies?) and were able to come out the heroes in the aftermath.

Critics of American presence in Japan were silenced and now strengthening the Japan-US alliance became important again. The public was once again eager to support US bases in their country. All the garbage you hear about "deepening" the alliance is just another way of saying "Further integrating Japan into the American stranglehold".

 The new ambassador, Caroline Kennedy, a totally unqualified woman is another puppet for the purpose of sweet talking Japan. Why would America want to give up the alliance? They are quite comfortable right where they are with their hold over Japan.  (VN: I find it questionable that Carolyn Kennedy is the ambassador and part of the nazi faction, since her family are supposedly Khazars or better known as Jewish, which I have not been able to prove, but its what others are saying about her father.  If that is the case, its more likely she was working for the Israeli's who killed her father and brother.)

The DJP now too has been ensured that it will not stray from US interests. It's now mostly a matter of convincing Japan to give them even more money for providing their "security". It is nothing more than a protection racket, and the people running it are no better than gangsters.

A lot of people were very disappointed in Hatoyama for what seems like lack of courage and resolve to stand up to the US government, but the man did the best he could. I have met the man myself and he is truly a good person. He has a family and in the end, he valued his and his family's life over politics. Had he continued down the path he was going, you could bet he would have ended up like Ishii Koki, another politician who delved too deep into the LDP's affairs and paid for it with his life.

Abe Shinzo, the current prime minister, is one hundred percent a US stooge. It's actually quite funny, at least from the perspective of one who knows the truth about the Japanese political world. He pretends to stand for an independent Japan while being completely subservient to his American masters.

The US pretends to want Japan, Korea and China to get along and overcome their history, but that is the last thing they truly want, at least any more than is necessary. The controversial Yasukuni visits are specifically planned for the purpose of igniting anger with Japan's neighbours. If you trace the roots of most of these revisionist organizations in Japan that are making a fuss abroad, you will find CIA prints all over them.

A China-Japan-Korea alliance is practically the American government's worst nightmare. A unified Korea is also very bad for business, hence the North has to be carefully manipulated to cause a fit every once in a while. The Jongs are just like Osama bin Laden: A face for "freedom lovers" to hate and to distract us from reality.

The Senkaku dispute is completely manufactured. Had Hatoyama remained in office, he would have negotiated joint China-Japan control of the islands. The recent nationalization of them was done with the specific intent of provoking China and further scaring the population into supporting the alliance with the US, which succeeded as expected.

The ironic thing is that the US believes they are the puppet masters when in fact they are a puppet too. The oligarchic bankers are behind it all. Scum like the Rockefellers and Roschilds may be their face, but they aren't the whole picture by a long shot. We will never see the real puppet masters and they have no interest in public exposure.

The US's efforts to contain China will soon be blowing up in America's face, as the money they are using to support this massive military build-up will soon be completely worthless. The dollar is dying fast as on schedule. American exceptionalism is pure myth, just like the Pax Americana. America sold its soul to the bankers long, long ago and it’s almost time to pay the price. It served its purpose and now they have no reason to keep going.

Their empire will crumble into dust as the parasites are leaving it to the wolves and staking out their new host. This can be seen in China's recent economic reforms. While these sound good to the short-sighted, they are a part of the plan to turn China into an elitist playground of corporatism, much like the US is now. (VN: We have warned the people of other countries that these zionist bankers would do to them what they have done to us.  Lets hope they are listening when we tell them that the bankers are the only ones we ALL should be fighting in a third world war and no one else.)

China's time in the sun will not last of course, and with all of the great powers suffering from decimated economies, the path to one world government will be secured. While China is not totally infected yet, the bankers are gaining tighter and tighter control over the country, and unfortunately, the corruptibility of the politicians is making it very easy for them.

China has been being primed for many years now. I really hope the Chinese people will find the courage that Americans never had to stand up to this system, but I doubt it at this rate. They are doing a very good job of making it look like they are getting more freedom when they are really moving towards corporate fascism.  (VN: I find it interesting that this commenter does not mention how 3,000 of China's leaders were educated at Oxford, the home of Secret societies, now why is that?  And who is the real villain here?   This commenter says "The United STates", but who runs the USA?  We all know its Rothschilds/Rockefellers Israelis for the international globalist bankers)

You shouldn't take my word for all this. However, I hope I can inspire a few people out there to do some investigating. The trail isn't as invisible as one may think. Some good places to start are looking into what the US navy in Japan was doing on 3/10/11. Project Seal is no longer a secret. Do people really don't think that if the idea of tsunami weapons was deemed viable over 60 years ago, it wouldn't be even more so today? Current nuclear weapons make the ones used on Japan look like firecrackers.

The military industrial complex never stops thinking of ways to make more efficient ways to kill people, and that's where the majority of the money goes. There are plenty of explicit statements by the US government itself that weather manipulation exists.

See the April 28 1997 transcript of a briefing with defense secretary William S. Cohen, where he says that groups possess earthquake and weather manipulation abilities. If others can do it, the US military can do it far better. People need to stop treating this like science fiction and straight out confront the government and ask them if these technologies exist, and if they say they do not, then why have they said they do in the past? (VN: and who is Cohen?  A GOP republican in a Democratic administration and he is also a dual Israeli Citizen, so yes, but again Israel is ignored by this author, while the US is villified.  I find that in line with the globalists agenda to have the USA the bad guy for world war III. Thus the loser as well.  We proved on here how they were setting us up to be the designated loser of WW III,  So is this last piece a disinfo piece?  Sounds like it to me. )

Then watch them squirm. Does anyone remember the missing 2.4 trillion dollars of military spending that Rumsfeld promised to investigate? No, they were too distracted by 9/11 the very next day. But take a guess where that money goes. I also recommend Anthony Sutton's work. He paints a very clear picture of Wall Street's sociopathic ways in setting up enemies and then profiting from the wars with them.  (VN: and who was the head accountant for the Pentagon when that money went missing?  You guessed it, a dual Israeli Citizen.)

If I'm perfectly honest, I think that the Japanese, Americans, and the rest of the world really deserve what they get. You can only put so much blame on the bankers. It is all of us who are complicit and allow ourselves to be manipulated, mostly out of love for our flags, military, and whatever other silly things. However, this is my world too, and now I just want to live a peaceful and free life to reflect on my mistakes. And if I must die for telling the truth, so be it. It is better than living in such a world where telling the truth gets you killed. (VN:  So what else would you do to stay alive?)

I admit myself I have been complicit for far too long and I'm making my amends now. If just a few people can be inspired, then it will be worth it even if I am to die. It's too late to punish human trash like Zbignew Brzezinski, Joseph Nye and Henry Kissinger. They don't have much time on this earth anyway. However, Richard Armitage, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry and others like them can possibly still face justice yet. 

At last, be wary of the gatekeepers and other controlled opposition. You are right to be wary of Rense. I won't name any names, but it is worth asking yourself why some people spout obvious silly lies while still occasionally getting some facts right. Do not let yourself be coerced into silence. If there is good in this world, then it must be earned by fighting for it. I can promise you the future is very bleak if we do nothing, and thus we have nothing to lose.

My Comment - (VN: this is Jim Stone comment, not mine, but I agree with it)

Good, VERY GOOD. please note - The full time internet connection to the heart of Fukushima went into Dimona and that was openly reported in the Jerusalem Post. Israel is 100 percent responsible for Fukushima, regardless of who set the tsunami bombs off and haarped up an earthquake. And even if that was done with American property, you can damn well bet that there was not a single main street American in the know-.

We all know who really runs things. And you said it yourself, but I would like to re-iterate that America is a puppet state the same way you said and I do not think for a minute there was any main street American involved in this. Thank you for this awesome e-mail, there is a lot of detail there I never knew which is easily proven accurate.

J from Illinois wrote Jim,

Thanks for putting up that email you received from that source regarding the Japan Tsunami & all. He claims the filthy Pentagon is behind it and I would believe it. Was Mossad involved? Yes of course I imagine.

But his email provides some interesting angles & context. I don’t know if Israel is up to quite as much evil as I had thought. I realize Mossad is sister to CIA basically so the criminal elements are still in cohoots.

Who really, really ordered the nuke tsunami? did they know it would do what it did to Fuku? how could they have ‘known’ this would be a direct result of the tsunami (the fuku disaster, that is)?

Godspeed, brother.
illinois, usa

My response:

First of all, just from seeing the actions of various Jews, (VN: Khazar Zionists) we know full well it all goes back to the same root. I have had many tell me it´s the Masons, but I have sat inside the belly of the monster and know damn well the Masons are puppets themselves. My time with the Jewish community makes it all irrefutable and I don`t really care about the guesses of others after having been there.

One clear area that shows it is them and only them, all by itself is computers and this is a small area. Google owners silent suck up to the NSA? JEWISH. (VN:  But didn't, by itself, fight the powers that be in court? They lost, but they did it a second time, so I don't know.) Facebook owners? JEWISH, and after the Jews got ahold of Yahoo, they immediately destroyed Geocities, which had by far the best cache of truthful historic and scientific data in the world burned by the destroyers of history just like the library at Alexandria. A full 40% of the web died when they killed Geocities, and you don't do anything like that as an economic choice, it was a clear act of war.

And what about Bill Gates? He takes the money from Microsoft and uses it to fund sterilization campaigns against the third world via "philanthropic vaccine programs" and when I discussed this exact point with the Jewish community, the wife of the Rabbi specifically said, YEP, AND THIS IS GOOD. HE IS A BILLIONAIRE, GOD GAVE HIM THAT MONEY BECAUSE HE IS DOING THE RIGHT THING AND I SUPPORT HIM ENTIRELY.

That attitude prevailed throughout the community - there is no doubt whatsoever who is behind ALL OF THIS and even low level people within that community know a HELL OF A LOT MORE than ANYONE would ever guess.

True, as the writer said, Japan is totally controlled by the CIA, but when that itself was a Rothchild creation from the start, it is not really America controlling Japan. It all traces back to the same root of evil. (VN:  Amen, brother, amen.  Jim, as usual you hit it right on the nose, its the Rothschild Illuminati Khazar Zionist bankers, period end of story.)

I went through a fairly large disaster

I am going to let go of a little secret. The business I talked about to become self sufficient and not need donations was a cancer care center. Claudia and I had scraped together enough cash to purchase enough medication for complete therapy on 8 people, and we ordered it from overseas. We also had plans, with the proceeds from these 8 people, to order a mass spectrometer, centrifuge and high performance microscope.

We used some of Claudia's money and also some of the donations to order the medications. The procedure we had was endorsed by the Mayo Clinic as the most effective method of curing cancer, and this method is not used by mainstream medicine or even the Mayo Clinic because it is simply too effective and too cheap for them to profit from (and they admit it on their own web site, belive it or not.)

Our cost would have been 12% of the cost of normal cancer treatment in Mexico. The overseas vendor was awesome, and totally upheld his end of the deal. The problem happened when it got to Mexico. For now, I am not going to say what we ordered, but it is unconventional and can still be called chemotherapy (but it won't make your hair fall out or shorten your life).

Most of the warnings about this from the Mayo clinic consisted of statements that if you do not manage it properly you will cause an over burden of dead cancer cells in your patient's blood and kill them by overloading their organs with too much dead tissue to filter out.

However, it is pretty simple to avoid this simply by carefully measuring medications and asking questions about how people feel. It is entirely possible to avoid problems with decent lab equipment such as the mass spectrometer, centrifuge and microscope I mentioned.

Anyway, The problem was NOT with the overseas supplier, and it was NOT with the Mexican government. The problem was with the shipping company, which once it knew what we ordered, they basically held the package ransom and refused to process the order and began charging us $1,000 every two days to "store" the package, which only weighed five pounds and was less than a foot square.

 I believe this was done because they knew we would pay practically anything to get that package. They were wrong. We went broke just ordering it and were forced to abandon it in customs. It really screwed us. The shipper blamed the Mexican government for the ridculous storage charges but I think it was a screw job (as well as every other Mexican we have told this to) and when we get to the bottom of this, if it is not exactly as the shipper stated we are going public with names, the shipping company, the WHOLE STORY.

Our first client, who knew what the package was burst into tears when she heard what happened, and her mom was forced to go into radiotherapy, the only other option. This was a major screw job. We will be talking with her on Saturday and attempting to get enough for her mom through other avenues.

 We have told her the exact chemistry to allow her to seek it herself if she is able.
I had intended to be independent of donations at this time, but because this happened the income stream never materialized and I still need help with donations.

We are now working on an emergency backup income stream to become independent of donations a different way, but I still need help, and any help will be greatly appreciated. I am obviously not going to say what the new plan is because there are just too many people trying to screw with us over this web site, and I am not certain what happened to that package was not part of this as well.   (VN: boy I even understand this one for sure.  LOL)

Absolute Supremacy

If you work for the Government, what do you get for destroying the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people and destroying as many families? three to five years

If I was the judge I'd have had this woman dis-assembled one cell at a time and sent out through the exhaust stream of a 747. But when they are all part of the same corrupted clan, you cannot expect any real punishment no matter how big the crime. Most galling to me is how the pictures clearly show she is only sorry for herself and can really care less about those she destroyed.

US Military Attacks Americans

Detroit Enters Bankruptcy As Pensions and Benefits Go on Chopping Block

Detroit Enters Bankruptcy As Pensions and Benefits Go on Chopping Block

Frank Hammer: Banks that drove Detroit insolvency should be penalized for the debt crisis, not working class Detroit residents -   December 3, 2013

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Frank Hammer is a retired General Motors employee and former President and Chairman of Local 909 in Warren, Michigan. He now organizes with the Auto Worker Caravan, an association of active and retired auto workers who advocate for workers demands in Washington.


Some of the information provided in this interview was originally published in the 60-page report, "The Detroit Bankruptcy" authored by Wallace Turbeville, which can be downloaded from the "Demos" website:


Detroit Enters Bankruptcy As Pensions and Benefits Go on Chopping BlockJAISAL NOOR, TRNN PRODUCER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jaisal Noor in Baltimore.
On Tuesday, a federal judge ruled that Detroit is insolvent, making it the largest city in U.S. history eligible to claim bankruptcy. In the ruling, Judge Stephen Rhodes said Detroit can cut pensions and retiree benefits to help pay off its $18 billion debt, adding, quote, "pension benefits are a contractual obligation of a municipality and not entitled to any heightened protection or bankruptcy". Two major Detroit public pension holders have said they will appeal the decision.
Now joining us to discuss this is Frank Hammer. He's a retired General Motors employee and former president and chairman of Local 909 in Warren, Michigan. He's lived in Detroit for 35 years.
Thank you so much for joining us again, Frank.
NOOR: So, Frank, we wanted to get your response to this ruling today. And there's been some critics of people who have said that pensions will be cut, and they pointed to other instances where cities have declared bankruptcy and pensions did not ended up being cut. And also your response to the fact that supporters of bankruptcy argue that tough cuts need to be made.
HAMMER: Yeah. I think that this feels to me like the quote that came from a major back during the Vietnam War that said that we have to destroy the city order to save it. I believe that this is sort of what's going on here in the city of Detroit. Rather than, you know, weapons or a military arsenal, it's financial. And this is what's happening to the city.
The attack on pensions is, as you said, unparalleled, and, I think, practically immoral. But I think that it's immoral for not only the devastation that the retirees are going to experience, but also because they're not the cause of this crisis, and they're being made to bear the brunt of it.
It's very clear that it's not long-term debt that's the issue. The issue is short-term flow of cash. And this is due to the decline of revenue for the city and not an increase in obligations, which is what's been put out in the media. So, for example, revenues to the city have been down 20 percent since 2008. Unemployment in the city has increased by 53 percent since 2000. The state's cut revenues.
And there--the city has continued to have to give out tax cuts to corporations who want to do business in Detroit. And most recently, GM tried to get subsidies. You've also heard of the Red Wings' new stadium getting subsidies.
So all these revenue losses is what explains the bankruptcy.
In fact, the only--what's up is the financial cost to the city for bad debts that the banks dragged the city into. The banks are acting like predators here, much in the same way that they did with housing, giving new mortgages and new loans that were impossible to pay. And that's what's happened to the city on the scale of an urban center the size of Detroit.
NOOR: And, Frank, talk about the emergency manager. It's played a central role in this bankruptcy proceeding. And critics have said Detroit's emergency manager refused to renegotiate the pensions until bankruptcy, and that this kind of led to this crisis we're seeing today.
HAMMER: Well, in my recollection, the city workers previous to 2013 have actually engaged in multiple rounds of negotiations where they made concessions in order to prevent--in a good faith effort to prevent the bankruptcy from going forward. And so, surely, Kevin Orr, the emergency manager, came back, and the judge agreed that, well, he didn't quite negotiate in good faith, but he sort of said it didn't matter anyway. And it's clear that the city workers and the city unions were trying to defend the interests of the workforce that had already been making concessions. And I think that the appointment of the emergency manager, Kevin Orr, indicated the state's direction from the very beginning, because what was he? He wasn't somebody that could operate a city; he is somebody that could manage a bankruptcy.
NOOR: And, Frank, what will the impact be on the grassroots groups and citizens and pensioners that have been opposing this proceeding? And finally, what lesson will come out of this for other cities that are on the brink of bankruptcy or may be a few years down the line? I'm speaking to you from Baltimore right now, which perhaps will be going through a similar thing in just a few years.
HAMMER: Yeah. I think that the consequences for the municipal workers, the retirees, are obviously devastating in their own right, depending on what the ultimate negotiations or what the judge, Rhodes, decides as to what reductions they're going to experience. He said he would be careful. The new mayor-elect is saying, well, we should be fair. Well, if anything was fair, it would be respecting the Michigan State Constitution, which in fact respects--protects the pensions of the municipal workers. But that's being disregarded.
You know, going forward, it's going to be a negative consequence to the city's long-term recovery, because many of the pensioners live in the city. They will no longer be able to afford to stay in their homes, so that in fact we're going to create more foreclosures, more home vacancies, and put the city in even deeper straits.
So there are different approaches that are being taken. The municipal unions are challenging in court the actions of the emergency manager. And in the streets there are the workers who have been affected. And there are progressive groups that are saying that what needs to be done, the solution, is for the banks who issued these predatory loans to cancel the debt to the city. Among other things, the state should also revive the revenue-sharing that had existed before the crash and so on. There are other solutions that would get Detroit through the cash-flow problem.
What is being proposed is really not only a raping of the retirees' pensions, but the raping of city assets. And really, if you go to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, you'll see that that was the intention all along. That was the right-wing think tank that engineered this.
NOOR: Frank Hammer, thank you so much for joining us.
HAMMER: Thank you very much, Jaisal.
NOOR: You can follow us on Twitter @therealnews, send me questions, comments @jaisalnoor. Thank you so much for joining us.


DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. TRNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 4-Dec-2013 03:23:23

Found over at
Pass it on.

TNT Intel


fisherman1 :  For the very first time , I am 110% , Got 2 sources and info was EXACT MATCH! The BABY is DUE Today! IN LABOR SINCE LAST NIGHT!


Intel Guru Bluwolf
   All things needed to be covered  have been covered, the rates reflected are very high, all banks have been and all are ready, no restrictions, no delays, no timing, no last minute changes, no government pushbacks ( POTUS IS ON IT ). cannot be stopped now by anybody.

Scathing Open Letter By Senior Chief Petty Officer Geoff Ross, US Navy to DHS and Secret Service

Scathing Open Letter By Senior Chief Petty Officer Geoff Ross, US Navy to DHS and Secret Service

Dear boys and girls at the US Secret Service and Homeland Security,       I hope you are all well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  My name is Senior Chief Petty Officer Geoff Ross, US Navy retired. I spent 30 years in the US Navy defending and protecting this Republic from all enemies foreign and domestic.  The oath I swore has not been rescinded since I retired. In fact it has been reinforcedThe US constitution is a God given right to the American people.  The current president of the United States is using you as a future army against we, the American people and I am giving you an opportunity to reject his Communist tyranny and stand with us on the the side of goodness, liberty and  freedom.
Do you not agree that the current occupant of the White House is living in this country under a fake Social Security number registered in Connecticut? Do you not agree his birth certificate is fake?  It does not matter if Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, Hawaii or even at the foot of the Liberty  Bell in Philadelphia.  The fact that his father was a Kenyan/Marxist/Muslim disqualifies him from holding the office of president.
I ask all you agents in Homeland Security, the US Secret Service and other alphabet agencies to stand down and refuse to initiate any actions against we the people. This includes the confiscation of weapons such as in New York City which is now acting in a manner that is unconstitutional.
The people of New York City have every right to own a rifle, shot gun and any magazines that hold 30 rounds. This is allowed by the 2nd Amendment.  I have already informed the Governor of New York State we will not comply with this illegal and unconstitutional SAFE Act. The SAFE act only emboldens criminals and drug dealers and creates a black market for 30 round magazines and disarms law abiding citizens.  We will not comply.
Dear Secret Service and Homeland Security.  I want you to stand down and discontinue the protection of the illegal immigrant president Barack Hussein Obama.  He has no constitutional authority for  protection from you due to his constant evisceration of the US constitution, his illegal status in the country and his relationship with illegal immigrants infesting this nation. We must also include his treasonous association with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas and his arming of Al Qaeda forces in Syria.
I want you to walk away and resign your posts in the White House, Camp David and Air Force 1 and Marine 2.  I ask this of you because you have a duty to uphold your oath of office to protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. We have both in the White House which is the peoples house.
We do not have a Congress with any leadership and Speaker of the House, Mr. John Boehner, has failed in his duties to initiate impeachment actions against Mr. Obama. He is a failure and should be removed as soon as possible from his post for dereliction of duty.  President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate last year to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. As such, the president was in violation of Section 5 of Article 1 of the Constitution that stipulates that a president cannot make appointments without the consent of the Senate.
Nobel Peace Prize winner President Barack Obama’s military attacks against Libya constituted acts of war.  On March 27, 2011, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated that Libya never posed an “actual or imminent threat to the United States.” He further stated that Libya has never constituted a “vital interest” to the United States. Obama had no constitutional authority to attack Libya, a sovereign nation. This is an impeachable offence.
President Barack Obama, in flagrant violation of his constitutional oath to execute his office as President of the United States and preserve and protect the United States Constitution, has usurped the exclusive authority of Congress to authorize the initiation of war, in that on March 19, 2011 President Obama initiated an offensive military attack against the Republic of Libya without congressional authorization.
In so doing, President Obama has arrested the rule of law, and saluted a vandalizing of the Constitution that will occasion ruination of the Republic, the crippling of individual liberty, and a Leviathan government unless the President is impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the Senate to face charges for his crimes against Americans..
To Homeland Security and the US Secret Service. The usurper in the White House has more than enough money to pay for private security. I request that the tax payer be relieved of this burden and that Mr. Obama protect himself at his own expense.
If you would like to discuss this feel free to call me at 850-313-1893.  I also request that if your are ordered to fire upon American citizens that instead you arrest and or fire upon those who give you that order.  We the people are now going to prepare to defend ourselves from what ever unconstitutional assault Mr. Obama may initiate upon us. All I ask is that you pick the right side if this event happens. God Bless America.
Senior Chief Geoff Ross US Navy Retired
Surface Warfare / Air Warfare

Navarre FL

TNT - Nice Rumor


fisherman1 :  For the very first time , I am 110% , Got 2 sources and info was EXACT MATCH! The BABY is DUE Today! IN LABOR SINCE LAST NIGHT!

MWKD : We are not looking until noon.... That is just for me and my guy


We 'all' remember, don't we (?) about that 'infamous' UFO crash (site) in Rosswell back in 1947, and that super-strong "aluminum" foil found all over the place (in Area 51) and handled by many of the 'local' people (who arrived early at this site, before being declared a 'no-go-zone' by the military)?
Has to be the same or very similar substance scientists have since 'developed', over 50 years later, called "graphene"!
Here is that article I just received . . . . . :)
Technology helps the world advance. As humans it's in our nature to investigate, innovate and solve problems. This curiosity means we make things, create things and develop new technologies.
You can look back thousands of years for basic examples of technology pushing civilization forward. Most people don't understand the rapid change technology has on their life...or the speed at which change occurs.
For example, the following are the five 'Great Ages' of human progress and their approximate duration:
• Stone Age — 3.4 million years
• Bronze Age — 2,500 years
• Iron Age — 500 years
• Industrial Revolution — 80 years
• Information Revolution — 20 years

You'll notice the length of each 'age' diminishes as technology improves.
The computer industry calls this trend 'Moore's Law'. It dictates that computer processing power doubles every 18 months.
**200 times stronger than steel...
**150,000 times thinner than a human hair...
**More flexible than a sheet of paper
You may have heard about "Graphene".
If you haven't, it's a newly discovered, very special refined form of graphite.
It's a one-atom-thick sheet of densely packed carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice.
Take a look:

Put simply, it's a sheet of carbon atoms 150,000 times thinner than a human hair.
Under a powerful microscope, it looks like chicken wire.
But what's so special about it?   Everything.
For starters, it's 200 times stronger than structural steel...
It's so strong you could suspend an elephant from a single strand of Graphene ... and the strand would not break.
It's extremely lightweight too ...

Soon, everything from bicycles and boats to aeroplanes and cars could be made out of graphene composites; And when they are, their energy efficiency and durability could skyrocket;; But that's just the beginning of what this new 'smart material' can do...  Not only is it the strongest material researchers have ever tested — it's also one of the best conductors man has ever found.
IBM has already created a graphene-based processor capable of executing 100 billion cycles per second.Researchers believe that in the future, a graphene credit card could store as much information as today's computers.

Be clear...
This one material alone could prove more revolutionary than — and soon REPLACE — plastic, Kevlar and the silicon chip (the last two 'products', both "Rosswell 47" and ET-'received' technology, which were later 'back-engineered' by human scientists)
Kiss goodbye to shattered screens!

In fact, it's such a breakthrough that the first two scientists to successfully produce single-atom-thick crystals of graphene were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics; And for good reason...
In just two years, over 200 companies from a wide array of industries have researched the magical potential of graphene .......
• Scientists in the US and China are already using tiny graphene-based probes to target and identify tumours in live mice.  They hope similar graphene-based particles could shuttle cancer drugs to tumours...or even kill tumour cells directly!
• Engineers at Northwest University, Seattle, found that specially crafted graphene electrodes could allow a lithium-ion battery — like those found in your smartphone or Toyota Prius — to charge 10 times faster and hold 10 times more power.
• And in 2011, chemists at Rice University, Houston, created graphene-based thin films — unlocking the secret to incredibly flexible, super-durable touch screens and solar cells that can wrap around just about anything...

Bluwolf Wed. morning post

Bluwolf Wed. morning post


Please place God first and let Him fulfill all the task for you all. It is being done and conducted in the correct Godly manner and it cannot be stopped now by anybody. 

Are we clear. All things needed to be covered  have been covered, the rates reflected are very high, all banks have been and all are ready, no restrictions, no delays, no timing, no last minute changes, no government pushbacks ( POTUS IS ON IT ),

So with that said we remain calm and peaceful in the Lord, we keep waiting for the opportune time when in fact this international release must and will make its entrance forever changing all livelihoods. 

Please take these moments to get your get up and go bags ready for the time for everyone to finally see the wolf in the middle of the township has finally arised, be forever blessed and when it all comes to be PLEASE PAY IT FORWARD ( REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU CAME FROM. ).

 May you have a wonderful day and a prosperous future from my family to yours. Amen.

 Puerto Rico alistence que pronto sale esta LIBERACION INTERNACIONAL DE MONEDAS, tengan listos todos sus requeridos documentos para ser presentados en los bancos en el exterior American ( U.S. mainland ). Bendecidos sean ( 7:14 am est Santiago time ) Bluwolf



You do not have to sign a NDA
Do not sign a 1044#? form treating your exchange as a commodity investment
You will be taxed as a capital gains 15% if held for more than a year and higher if less
No high rate SCAM
Exchange locations will take .45 cents from what ever the rate is for special screw you fee
and right now that is 3.90 - .45  - RZ

Teresa 12/02/2013  So I did NOT for the longest time believe the Wells Fargo stories, because of what the Wells Fargo people say when you ask them about the revalue, but a good friend just made me a believer.

This is the email she sent me, I know these people and know they have great integrity!

Mary (I changed her name) went to Wells Fargo today, main branch downtown, asked for the general manager,

He came up, she asked if he knew about Dinar-  HE DID, she asked when 800# coming, he said “we dont have to worry just call that main number ( the downtown main branch) he will take care of us!!”

Call him when the reval happens, he said they are waiting, they have a screen across teller area that shows live digital of currency across world, he said his tellers know, but if we had any problem to ask for him! He said in Axxxx  2 branches the main downtown-where he is and another branch.No appt needed!

COMMENT BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA. A friend forwarded this message to me and as many of my friends are into this RV issue, am forwarding this forward. This is unconfirmed information from my side so supplying it as information you can verify separately.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the thorn in the side of the corrupt running America by telling the American people the truth where the power elite don't want the American people to know the truth in key fields and issues!)

     P.S. Friend urged me to listen to several hour conference call last night. Sounded like a good intelligence briefing as they stuck to facts, not rounds of opinions. Their evidence gathered from Iraq seems to point to RV before December is over. I know my friends would want to know what their gathered facts seemed to point to! Maybe even by Dec. 16.

Fabian4Liberty: BITCOIN The Biggest Scam In History?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Fabian4Liberty: BITCOIN The Biggest Scam In History?
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 4-Dec-2013 05:40:31

Bitcoin (because I say so) is perceived value only.
A Fiat (because I say so) Federal Reserve Note is perceived value only.
BITCOIN The Biggest Scam In History?
Published on Dec 2, 2013 By Fabian4Liberty