We 'all' remember, don't we (?) about that 'infamous' UFO crash
(site) in Rosswell back in 1947, and that super-strong "aluminum"
foil found all over the place (in Area 51) and handled by many of the 'local'
people (who arrived early at this site, before being declared a 'no-go-zone' by
the military)?
Has to be the same or very similar substance scientists have since 'developed', over 50 years later, called "graphene"!
Here is that article I just received . . . . . :)
Technology helps the world advance. As humans it's in our nature to investigate, innovate and solve problems. This curiosity means we make things, create things and develop new technologies.
You can look back thousands of years for basic examples of technology pushing civilization forward. Most people don't understand the rapid change technology has on their life...or the speed at which change occurs.
For example, the following are the five 'Great Ages' of human progress and their approximate duration:
• Stone Age — 3.4 million years
• Bronze Age — 2,500 years
• Iron Age — 500 years
• Industrial Revolution — 80 years
• Information Revolution — 20 years
You'll notice the length of each 'age' diminishes as technology improves.
The computer industry calls this trend 'Moore's Law'. It dictates that computer processing power doubles every 18 months.
**200 times stronger than steel...
**150,000 times thinner than a human hair...
**More flexible than a sheet of paper
You may have heard about "Graphene".
If you haven't, it's a newly discovered, very special refined form of graphite.
It's a one-atom-thick sheet of densely packed carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice.
Take a look:

Put simply, it's a sheet of carbon atoms 150,000 times thinner than a human hair.
Under a powerful microscope, it looks like chicken wire.
But what's so special about it? Everything.
For starters, it's 200 times stronger than structural steel...
It's so strong you could suspend an elephant from a single strand of Graphene ... and the strand would not break.
It's extremely lightweight too ...
Soon, everything from bicycles and boats to aeroplanes and cars could be made out of graphene composites; And when they are, their energy efficiency and durability could skyrocket;; But that's just the beginning of what this new 'smart material' can do... Not only is it the strongest material researchers have ever tested — it's also one of the best conductors man has ever found.
IBM has already created a graphene-based processor capable of executing 100 billion cycles per second.Researchers believe that in the future, a graphene credit card could store as much information as today's computers.
Be clear...
This one material alone could prove more revolutionary than — and soon REPLACE — plastic, Kevlar and the silicon chip (the last two 'products', both "Rosswell 47" and ET-'received' technology, which were later 'back-engineered' by human scientists)
Kiss goodbye to shattered screens!

In fact, it's such a breakthrough that the first two scientists to successfully produce single-atom-thick crystals of graphene were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics; And for good reason...
In just two years, over 200 companies from a wide array of industries have researched the magical potential of graphene .......
• Scientists in the US and China are already using tiny graphene-based probes to target and identify tumours in live mice. They hope similar graphene-based particles could shuttle cancer drugs to tumours...or even kill tumour cells directly!
• Engineers at Northwest University, Seattle, found that specially crafted graphene electrodes could allow a lithium-ion battery — like those found in your smartphone or Toyota Prius — to charge 10 times faster and hold 10 times more power.
• And in 2011, chemists at Rice University, Houston, created graphene-based thin films — unlocking the secret to incredibly flexible, super-durable touch screens and solar cells that can wrap around just about anything...
Has to be the same or very similar substance scientists have since 'developed', over 50 years later, called "graphene"!
Here is that article I just received . . . . . :)
Technology helps the world advance. As humans it's in our nature to investigate, innovate and solve problems. This curiosity means we make things, create things and develop new technologies.
You can look back thousands of years for basic examples of technology pushing civilization forward. Most people don't understand the rapid change technology has on their life...or the speed at which change occurs.
For example, the following are the five 'Great Ages' of human progress and their approximate duration:
• Stone Age — 3.4 million years
• Bronze Age — 2,500 years
• Iron Age — 500 years
• Industrial Revolution — 80 years
• Information Revolution — 20 years
You'll notice the length of each 'age' diminishes as technology improves.
The computer industry calls this trend 'Moore's Law'. It dictates that computer processing power doubles every 18 months.
**200 times stronger than steel...
**150,000 times thinner than a human hair...
**More flexible than a sheet of paper
You may have heard about "Graphene".
If you haven't, it's a newly discovered, very special refined form of graphite.
It's a one-atom-thick sheet of densely packed carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice.
Take a look:
Put simply, it's a sheet of carbon atoms 150,000 times thinner than a human hair.
Under a powerful microscope, it looks like chicken wire.
But what's so special about it? Everything.
For starters, it's 200 times stronger than structural steel...
It's so strong you could suspend an elephant from a single strand of Graphene ... and the strand would not break.
It's extremely lightweight too ...
Soon, everything from bicycles and boats to aeroplanes and cars could be made out of graphene composites; And when they are, their energy efficiency and durability could skyrocket;; But that's just the beginning of what this new 'smart material' can do... Not only is it the strongest material researchers have ever tested — it's also one of the best conductors man has ever found.
IBM has already created a graphene-based processor capable of executing 100 billion cycles per second.Researchers believe that in the future, a graphene credit card could store as much information as today's computers.
Be clear...
This one material alone could prove more revolutionary than — and soon REPLACE — plastic, Kevlar and the silicon chip (the last two 'products', both "Rosswell 47" and ET-'received' technology, which were later 'back-engineered' by human scientists)
Kiss goodbye to shattered screens!
In fact, it's such a breakthrough that the first two scientists to successfully produce single-atom-thick crystals of graphene were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics; And for good reason...
In just two years, over 200 companies from a wide array of industries have researched the magical potential of graphene .......
• Scientists in the US and China are already using tiny graphene-based probes to target and identify tumours in live mice. They hope similar graphene-based particles could shuttle cancer drugs to tumours...or even kill tumour cells directly!
• Engineers at Northwest University, Seattle, found that specially crafted graphene electrodes could allow a lithium-ion battery — like those found in your smartphone or Toyota Prius — to charge 10 times faster and hold 10 times more power.
• And in 2011, chemists at Rice University, Houston, created graphene-based thin films — unlocking the secret to incredibly flexible, super-durable touch screens and solar cells that can wrap around just about anything...
Read the book called "The Day After Roswell" It is written by an Army Colonel whose name escapes me at the moment. This book tells the story of many advances that came about because of the technology discovered in the crash
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