On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:16 PM, stage2omega <mail@stage2omega.com>
Monday, December 16, 2013
Frightening accounts of a targeted destruction of America, of American men and American middle class by our corrupt politicians
Frightening accounts of a targeted
destruction of America, of American men and American middle class by our
corrupt politicians
Posted on | December 16, 2013
New Jersey: One Of Hundreds Of U.S. Cities That Are Turning Into Rotting,
Decaying Hellholes
Michael Snyder | All over America, formerly prosperous
communities are being transformed into crime-infested wastelands of poverty and
2 and a half months since start of
Obamacare:nearly 6 million Americans lost insurance, 100 million are expected
to lose it when employer mandate kicks in next year. Only 345,000 filled out
the forms, zero evidenc of a single American actually buying private Obamacare
insurance, as the table with fees is not ready and people did not even get the
bills to pay for Obamacare. So far zero Americans actually bought and paid for
Posted on | December 16, 2013
50,000-60,000 paper Obamacare applications still haven’t been processed
A breakthrough, Fuddy’s cause of
death uncovered
Posted on | December 15, 2013 |
Mike wrote: “Cause of death was listed as, PISSING OFF OBAMA!”
Hello Orly:
I think that my previous opinion that you should stick to the GOP and run for office is wrong. The last straw for me was Ryan’s budget and criticism of conservatives: I would recommend running as an Independent which is what I plan to change my affilation to shortly. Good luck to you should you decide to run again for political office. You are one of the best qualified persons to do so.
I think that my previous opinion that you should stick to the GOP and run for office is wrong. The last straw for me was Ryan’s budget and criticism of conservatives: I would recommend running as an Independent which is what I plan to change my affilation to shortly. Good luck to you should you decide to run again for political office. You are one of the best qualified persons to do so.
Bruce Wiltse
Keith Yamamoto was appointed first
deputy director of Health 4 days before release of Randolph long form BC and 2
weeks before release of Obama’s long form BC. Were both Fuddy and Yamamoto
Posted on | December 15, 2013
April 11th, 2011HONOLULU, HAWAII – Governor Neil Abercrombie announced today the appointment of Keith Yamamoto as the First Deputy Director of the Department of Health.
Keith Yukio Yamamoto filed an ‘Amended 2012′ ethics commission disclosure on
on Aug 31, 2012 listing assets in 9 mutual funds & money morket, which he did not list
in his first 2012 filing or his 2011 filing (see last page of Amended-2012 filing for complete listing, and see attached file. The listing on page 1 shows 5 listings only.
The requirements for reporting beneficial interest in businesses is of a value
of $5,000 or more, so 9 accounts times $5,000 equals at least $45,000 by my
He apparently still has the accounts, since his 2013 short form filing states
“I have no changes to report since my last filing.”
Amended 2012:
the crash happened just a minute
after the takeoff. Wouldn’t the rader show the plane disappearing? why did eric
Weiss of NTSB state that the plane will not be recovered if it crashed so close
to shore? How deep was the water in that area?
Posted on | December 15, 2013
Hawaii Survivor: Plane Lost Power, Then Glided
KELLEHER Associated Press
Dec 13, 2013, 2:35 PM
When the lone engine of a small commercial plane failed, the
nine people on board stayed calm as the aircraft glided toward the ocean
and made a remarkably smooth belly landing, a survivor recounted Friday.
C. Phillip Hollstein Jr., a 70-year-old Kailua man, swam a
half-mile in 6-foot waves to a rugged shoreline after the crash, which killed
state health Director Loretta Fuddy. The others on board suffered only minor
Hollstein said the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, expertly maneuvered
the plane after the engine failed, avoiding what could have been a catastrophic
impact on the water.
“He did everything right,” Hollstein said. “He set it up for the
best crash-landing you could do.”
The engine on Makani Kai Air’s 2002 Cessna Grand Caravan
turboprop cut out less than a minute after takeoff from the island of Molokai
on Wednesday afternoon, just as the plane was making a turn toward its destination of
Honolulu, Hollstein said.
There was a “muffled bang,” he said, and “then we were a
“Everyone was real quiet. We hit (the water), and it was all
about getting the belts off,” Hollstein said. People put on life jackets and
remained in the plane until it started sinking, he said.
“There wasn’t panic or anything. It was very orderly. It wasn’t
like any of the movies or the TV shows,” Hollstein said.
When Hollstein saw that everyone was out of the plane, bobbing
in the water and seemingly without any major injuries, he swam for shore,
guessing it took 90 minutes.
Fuddy, who gained attention after deciding to publicly release
President Barack Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate in 2011 to rebut claims he
was not born in the United States, was clinging to the hand of her deputy,
Keith Yamamoto.
Yamamoto tried to help the 65-year-old relax, according to the
Rev. Patrick Killilea, who consoled Yamamoto after the crash.
“He recounted how he said he helped Loretta into her life jacket
and he held her hand for some time,” the priest said. “They were all floating
together, and she let go and there was no response from her.”
Hollstein was surprised to learn Fuddy died.
“She was doing fine out of the airplane,” he said. “Her
assistant was really watching her. He was taking care of her.”
Kawasaki, a 60-year-old veteran pilot, and the other passengers
were pulled from the water by rescuers. Kawasaki was flown to Honolulu, and
when his son, Robert Kawasaki, met him at the airport, he still was wearing his
wet pants.
The elder Kawasaki banged his head on the plane’s control panel during
the crash, and his son took him to a hospital for treatment.
“He’s very broken up about (Fuddy’s death),” the son said.
Fuddy and Yamamoto were on the flight after an annual visit to
Kalaupapa, where the state exiled leprosy patients until 1969. The settlement
is still run by the health department, though only a few former leprosy
patients live there.
The Federal Aviation Administration and the National
Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash and probably won’t have
the benefit of examining the plane. The location of the wreckage, combined with
wind and wave conditions, likely means it won’t be recovered, NTSB spokesman
Eric Weiss said.
Makani Kai Air owner Richard Schuman said he has no idea why the
engine failed. The plane had no previous problems, he said.
John Frank, executive director of the Cessna Pilots Association,
said the Grand Caravan has a reliable engine.
“It’s very unusual to have an inflight failure of this engine —
almost unheard of, actually, unless there’s some contributing factor like fuel
not being available to the engine or something,” Frank said.
Robert Kawasaki said his father has had a lifelong passion for
flying and didn’t panic when the engine went out.
“To land on its belly with all the waves, that’s pretty impressive,”
he said. “He’s a glider pilot, too. So he knows what to do when a plane is
stuck in a glide.”
Associated Press writers Oskar Garcia and Audrey McAvoy
contributed to this report.
Press release ---- Law Offices of Orly Taitz
OMG! The mother of Loretta Fuddy
was Australian, who was the programmer for the Health Department, she was from
Molokai, died in 1979 and her body was cremated. It was notoriously easy to get
BCs in HI, multiple reports of Japanese buying bogus BCs, which became even
easier with computerization and production of computer printouts, COLBs, which
are not evidence of anything without seeing an original. Here is 1979 obituary
for Loretta Fuddy’s mother. Wife of Lewis Fuddy died this year.
Posted on | December 15, 2013

Press release: after watching TV
reports Taitz recognized Keith Yamamoto as the official, who on 08.08.2011
stood at the entrance of the Health Department refusing Taitz and 2 experts
pass the security and meet with Fuddy, even though Fuddy was served with a
valid federal subpoena, where Fuddy had to provide Taitz with the original
birth certificate of Obama. Taitz found the declaration of Yamamoto confirming
Posted on | December 14, 2013
Press release :Law Offices of Orly Taitz
After watching the TV news report about the airplane water landing after which Loretta Fuddy died, Attorney Orly Taitz recognized Keith Yamamoto as someone whom she saw before. Yamamoto, who held Fuddy’s hands, when she suddenly died after the crash, was the Health Department official, who was the gate keeper of Obama’s bogus birth certificate and on 08.08.2011 Yamamoto refused to allow Attorney Orly Taitz and 2 experts to enter the Health Department and meet with Loretta Fuddy, even though Fuddy received a valid Federal subpoena in July of 2008, which stated that she was obligated to allow Taitz and her experts entrance to the Health Department and examination of Obama’s alleged original wet ink birth certificate, which allegedly was kept in the vault of the Health Department since 1961.
Prior to flying to Hawaii Taitz repeatedly contacted Fuddy and Attorney General’s office, specifically Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine, who was in charge of the Health Department, advising them that a trip to Hawaii with 2 experts is extremely expensive and if they do not intend to comply with the subpoena, they are asked to advise this in advance. Fuddy and Nagamine did not respond. Taitz and 2 experts flew to Hawaii. On the evening of August 7, 2011 Taitz was met by Johanna Ah’Nee-Randolph, who claimed that she would like to help. Randolph asked Taitz about her intention, what she and her experts are intending to do. Next morning Randolph sent Taitz an e-mail and called advising her that she changed her mind and she will not show up at the Health Department.
When Taitz and 2 experts showed up at the Health Department they were greeted by Keith Yamamoto and Joshua Wisch, who literaly stood at the entrance by the security guard and refused to allow Taitz to go in, even though she had a valid subpoena and Fuddy had this subpoena for over 2 weeks and had an opportunity to advice Taitz in advance that she will place 2 guard dogs at the entrance who will prevent Taitz from going in.
There were a number of reporters who covered this interaction. This was two and a half years ago and Taitz appeared in a number of courts since then and gave over a thousand interviews, so originally she did not remember who Yamamoto was, ho0wever after seeing a TV report of the accident, she remembered him and after going through thousands of pages of court records found his declaration, which is attached below. Taitz will also look for the TV and radio reports, she believes one of the reporters was Rusty Woolrich, who actually traveled to HI from somewhere in midwest, another was Jai Cunningham from KHON HI, she will try to remember other reporters.
Obama’s alleged long form birth certificate is such a poor forgery that it looks like it was done by a drunken forger.When a document is created on a typewriter, the spaces between letters are the same distance from each other throughout the document. In Obama’s fo0rgery the letters are not only in all different distances, all different fonts, sizes and colors, but they even encroach into the space of each other, which can be done only through computer manipulation. Clearly the forger did not possess minimal intelligence to realize that you cannot have different distances and different letters and letters overlapping each other when you use a mechanical typewriter. Glaring white halos, multiple layers, inconsistent numbers and phraseology all point to forgery. Keith Yamamoto clearly knew that he is complicit in the cover up of a forgery. Government of Hawaii is acting like an organized crime, creating a laughable forgery, claiming that it is a valid birth certificate, they are complicit to the most egregious crime in the history of this nation and need to be criminally prosecuted. Fuddy, Onaka, Yamamoto, Nagami9ne in Hawaii, as well as a number of other officials in federal government are complicit in the theft of the franchise of the US Presidency by an individual using a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs. among them a fabricated Selective service registration with a fabricated cancellation USPS stamp, the subject of ongoing legal challenge in Taitz v Donahoe and Williams 13-cv-1020 in Washington DC and Taitz v Colvin in Maryland dealing with Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued to Harry J. Bounel born in 1890.
On August 8, 2011 Taitz could not physically pass through Yamamoto, Wisch and security guard standing with them, she is one woman and could not physically fight all three of them and they clearly did not believe in compliance with subpoenas, but sooner or later they will be held accountable for this crime of the century. They will not stand in the way of thousands of Americans demanding answers.
Today, in the aftermath of Obamacare roll-out according to most polling organizations majority of Americans see Obama as a pathological liar and media research center named Obama’s lies about the health care “A lie of the year”. It is only the matter of time for all the media and all of the US citizens to declare Obama’s bogus IDs “A lie of the century”.
See the complaint and the declaration by Keith Yamamoto below. More information on legal challenges to Obama’s bogus IDs you can find on TaitzReport.com and OrlyTaitzESQ.com. It appears that the regime is tampering with the web site. If you are unable to load the web site, write to Orly.taitz@hushmail.com. Taitz continues with 8 challenges to Obama forgeries in 8 different courts. This fight is extremely difficult, as NSA and the regime have all the info on all the judges and as a consequence the judges are under undue influence: either intimidated or corrupted. It is extremely difficult to find one honest sheriff or prosecutor or judge who will act against the regime, however Taitz came from the Soviet Union where dissidents finally prevailed against the corrupt regime and she is confident that U.S. citizens will finally prevail against this Indonesian -Kenyan con-artist who stole the U.S. Presidency with the help of bogus IDs and corrupt and treasonous officials, prosecutors and judges.
More information on TaitzReport.com Attorney Taitz is working pro bono, donations are greatly appreciated and can be made on OrlyTaitzESQ.com via paypal or at 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
God is not in everything, everything is in God
God is not in
everything, everything is in God. We must serve one another, this is our
purpose on the earth, that is our mission. How will you be of service? As human
beings, we must support and uplift each other. When we give words of
encouragement and support, we are actually supporting and encouraging
ourselves. Be the good you want to see in the world.
**I could never
understand why people intentionally set out to hurt someone or to play games
with other peoples feelings. I was teased as a child and knew then and
there I would not "intentionally" try to hurt anyone. It serves
no purpose and I can't imagine it would make anyone feel good about
themselves. The good you do comes back to you. And you should never
do something for someone with expectations of something in return.
May the Lord Make His
Face To Shine Upon Everyone and Open Their Eyes to The Good In All.
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 11:21:18
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 11:21:18
Obama Administration issues Martial Law Directive
December 11, 2013
Obama Administration issues Martial Law
December 11, 2013.
Washington. Bureaucrats and politicians will never use the term Martial Law.
Instead, the phrase ‘continuity of government’ is substituted. In reality,
they’re the same thing. Last month, the Office of the Director of National
Intelligence – the head of the entire US intelligence and security apparatus –
released instructions for the implementation of Martial Law in America.
James Clapper, Director of the Office of
National Intelligence. Image courtesy of Legend of Pine Ridge blog.
[ ][Subscribe]
The federal government’s
planning for Martial Law in America stopped being a conspiracy theory after the
attacks on 9/11. Numerous Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, and other
unilateral dictates by the Executive Branch have spelled out in great detail
how Martial Law can and will be enforced in the event of a national emergency.
But the timing of the latest Intelligence Directive – November 12, 2013 – makes
many Americans wonder what exactly the Obama administration knows that the rest
of us don’t.
Legitimate concerns vs.
tyrannical dictators
History offers us two
examples, both American, of why a ‘continuity of government’ program is needed.
During the War of 1812, the British had burned Washington DC to the ground. The
President of the United States, James Madison, was left fleeing through the
woods, alone in the dark. While the first lady, Dolly Madison, was the last to
leave and stood fearless against the enemy’s torches as she frantically and
selflessly saved America’s most sacred national treasures.
Flash forward to the
final days of the Civil War and Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Two of
his three commanding Generals, Lee and Johnston, had just surrendered their
armies and the majority of his country was in enemy hands. But without the
consent of the people, and against the wishes of his Army, Jefferson Davis
assumed the rolls of a tyrannical dictator and refused to surrender. History
recalls how Davis was never able to set up his covert, authoritarian government
and was apprehended while disguised as a woman attempting to evade capture.
One big difference
The above examples show
why a continuity of government plan is needed by any government on any level.
But there’s something frighteningly different about the above examples compared
to the Bush and Obama administrations’ joint efforts today. In the past,
continuity and security programs were designed to protect the federal
government from take-over by a foreign power. Now, the programs appear aimed at
protecting the government from a take-over by the American people.
Contrary to common
misconceptions, these aren’t ‘conspiracy theories.’ The White House, the Office
of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Homeland Security,
and the rest all publicly release many of the Orders, Directives and memos that
explain exactly what will happen in the case of a national emergency. But among
the thousands of documents, from the Patriot Act to EO 12333, there is a string
of orders gaining national attention by civil libertarians that has ominous and
fearful implications.
NSPD 51 & HSPD 20 –
National Continuity Policy
On May 9, 2007,
President George W. Bush signed a, ‘National Security and Homeland Security
Presidential Directive.’ The combined document included, ‘National Security
Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD 51)’ and ‘Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 20 (HSPD 20).’
The first paragraph of
the 2007 Presidential Directive describes its intended purpose:
‘This directive
establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal
Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity
Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of
Federal continuity policies. This policy establishes "National Essential
Functions," prescribes continuity requirements for all executive
departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial,
and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a
comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the
credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and
effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.’
In plain speak, this
Presidential Directive was President Bush’s attempt to declare himself, or the
office of the President to be more specific, as the dictatorial power during
any national emergency, including natural disasters, economic disasters, wars,
Section 6 of the
Directive describes the exact three individuals who will assume authority for
the entire federal government in the event of an emergency, including all three
branches of government and the nation’s military. The US President shall assume
unlimited and unchallenged authority and all decision-making responsibilities.
The President’s wishes will be carried out by two specific individuals – the
Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT)
and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA).
specifically states:
‘The President shall
lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional
government. In order to advise and assist the President in that function, the
Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT)
is hereby designated as the National Continuity Coordinator. The National
Continuity Coordinator, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs (APNSA), without exercising directive authority,
shall coordinate the development and implementation of continuity policy for
executive departments and agencies. The Continuity Policy Coordination
Committee (CPCC), chaired by a Senior Director from the Homeland Security
Council staff, designated by the National Continuity Coordinator, shall be the
main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination.’
Click here to view the
full NSPD51/HSPD20
Presidential Directive
ICD 118 – Intelligence
Community Continuity Program
On November 12, 2013 –
less than a month ago – the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
signed, ‘Intelligence Community Directive 118.’ While most Americans mistakenly
believe the NSA or the CIA wield the most power when it comes to secret, covert
spy programs, the truth is they are only two of America’s sixteen spy agencies
that all fall under the authority and control of one man – the Director of
National Intelligence.
When President Bush
signed NSPD 51/HSPD 20 in 2007, he gave himself the authority to assume one-man
national rule over the entire United States. When Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper signed ICD 118 last month, he created the structure
and dictates by which it will happen.
As ICD 118 explains,
‘This Intelligence Community (IC) Directive (ICD) governs the implementation of
NSPD-51 by the IC to ensure an integrated approach to the provision of national
intelligence to national leaders under all conditions.’ The Directive just issued
by National Intelligence Director Clapper seems to be a detailed outline of how
his intelligence agencies plan to carry out their responsibilities in the event
that the White House assumes control of the government. But there’s more.
Long term Martial Law
Perhaps the most ominous
part of last month’s Intelligence Community Directive 118 was its reference to
overall time frames. When most Americans imagine a national emergency, they
envision a powerful storm or earthquake, with a week or two of emergency
management by the federal government. A worst case scenario might include
another war that may last a year or two. But America’s intelligence community
is imagining something much more long term.
In detailing its roll in
providing the President and national leaders with timely and accurate
intelligence during a national emergency, ICD 118 promises to produce a
detailed assessment of their ongoing responsibilities every two years. The
document states:
‘The DNI will: a.
Oversee and integrate IC continuity activities to ensure that: (1) The
President, the Vice President, statutory successors, and other national
leaders, as appropriate, are provided with timely, insightful, objective, and
relevant national intelligence wherever they are located and in all conditions;
(2) National intelligence is furnished to the National Continuity System; and
(3) Sensitive Compartmented Information security across the programs and
networks of the National Continuity System is appropriately managed. b. In coordination
with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, produce a
biennial assessment of the foreign and domestic threats to the Nation’s
continuity of government, in accordance with NSPD-51.’
Summary and final
Many Americans argue
that city, county and state governments are capable of taking care of
themselves during a national emergency. The federal government is needed to
protect from exterior threats. But now, in addition to protecting Americans
from foreign invaders, the federal government is protecting Americans from
themselves. In other words, the government apparatus is protecting itself from
any possible rebellion or revolution here at home, no matter how unlikely.
And while civil
libertarians argue about the legality of such a unilateral power grab by the
White House and the Executive Branch, others are fearfully wondering about the
timing of the most recent Intelligence Directive. President Bush created the
program for Martial Law in 2007. Why did America’s entire security apparatus
suddenly release the details by which they will carry out Martial Law last
month, six years later? Is there something more to the timing?
Read the complete text
of Intelligence Community
Directive 118
How corrupt the vaccine industry and the politicians are as well
On Sunday, December 15, 2013 6:27 PM, Marlene wrote:
be sure to watch the you
tube on how corrupt the vaccine industry is and how corrupt the politicians are
as well. This should make anyone sick to know that they are damaging innocent
children for the rest of their life with unnecessary toxic vaccines. This is
excellent to inform you.
From: Phil
Sent: Sunday, December 15,
2013 3:47 PM
To: Phil
Subject: Fw: Dr. Tenpenny on
Vaccines, The corruption is so vile. How do these people -- congress, phama
reps and doctors -- look in the mirror in the morning and not find their image
to be totally revolting
Please set aside 45 minutes of your time to watch this all the way to the end. The corruption is so vile. How do these people -- congress, phama reps and doctors -- look in the mirror in the morning and not find their image to be totally revolting.
Congressional Briefing
on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
On November 7th, 2013,
members of the vaccine injury community held a briefing for congressional
staffers to present many of the problems in the Vaccine Inju...
CONNECT THE DOTS! 2011 nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies
The execution
last week of North Korean number 2 Jang Song Thaek and the arrest of former
China security chief Zhou Yongkang mark the beginning of a purge of cabal
influence in Asia, according to Chinese and North Korean sources.
If this is true as Fulford states then I'm putting in my own 2 Cents as following Fulfords article is the reason the Rothschilds currently have the Asian Communities of China and North Korea are on this purge. read the following then go to articles involving the Rothschild/Bank of America/JP Morgan/Citi involvement with unauthorized collateral and Fraudulent Prime Bank Instruments. [VKD]
If this is true as Fulford states then I'm putting in my own 2 Cents as following Fulfords article is the reason the Rothschilds currently have the Asian Communities of China and North Korea are on this purge. read the following then go to articles involving the Rothschild/Bank of America/JP Morgan/Citi involvement with unauthorized collateral and Fraudulent Prime Bank Instruments. [VKD]
Marduk - who is he?
"I see a real ignorance
in mankind on the true history of the ancient world. Marduk was a very
central figure in our ancient history. He is going to be a main figure in
our life time (whether we recognize it or not). First we need to
establish who he is. Marduk is the demon/fallen angel who set himself up
as the King of Babylon. His qualifications for this job are unfortunately
top notch. He is probably one of the most evil creature that roamed this
earth and after a time was removed from his kingdom and was either imprisoned
in the abyss or fled to planet X. I have no information on where he went,
only that his reign ended. It is interesting fact, even after his reign
ended, people still worshiped him. He was a major player.
has he returned or have been allowed to return? The answer American will
not enjoy. America has become the new "Babylon". Babylon
means "Gate of the gods". This is not referring to the entrance
to heaven. It is referencing the gateway to the ancient gods which are
nothing more than evil servants of the father of lies... Lucifer. There
is no doubt that Marduk has returned to reign over his kingdom, finish setting
up the NWO, cashless money system, mark of the beast (very complicated chips
are being found in the body of alien abduction victims...mark is more than a
simple symbol or number) thus creating a planet for the Anti Christ to
rule. The meaning of the word Anti is not "opposing" but rather
"instead of". He sets himself up as the "Christ" but
should be referred to as the "false Christ".
will teach one about Marduk. In the Old Testament Marduk was referred to
as Baal. Baal like all regional "gods" demanded blood
sacrifice. Unfortunately when Marduk is king of America, history will
repeat...blood will flow. Marduk is blood thirsty especially for
Christian blood. We must oppose him by prayer and understanding the truth
about him so we can expose and oppose his plans. "Evil will
triumphant when good men do nothing".
Most people have
no clue and even if they were told, most would not Spiritually discern who or
what or even that he (Marduk) could exist throughout all these years.
They do not understand the life cycle of a fallen angel (cannot die) or a
demonic creature (spirit after death allowed to wander the earth and
possess/oppress living creatures) nor do they understand the nature of their
work. As a result they do not oppose them.
The second
problem is we are too content to watch our sitcoms, our sports and party to
ever worry about “What evil is doing today.” The average person who calls
themselves Christian rarely prays and when they do pray, they waste their time
in God’s throne room with vague non effective prayers."

“If Americans ever allow banks to control the issue
of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks will deprive the people of all property until
their children wake up
---- Thomas Jefferson
Remember – “Scratch A Lie Find A Theft”
Fulford Blurb: Public Arrests of Known Mass Murderers Will Take Place..
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Fulford Blurb: Public Arrests of Known Mass Murderers Will Take Place..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 09:42:44
Date: Monday, 16-Dec-2013 09:42:44
22 0 0 0 0
F__A__N__T__A__S__T__I__C -- Look at the lines the artist used to draw this picture of Christ...
Just passing this along.
gentleman who drew this is Joe Castillo.
He went to Asbury Theological Seminary. He did this during a chapel service. It was fascinating - he told the Gospel story - each part of Jesus' life – and he was drawing the story as he told the story.
didn't realize until the end what the entire picture was.
A rare talent!!!
The rolled away stone of the empty tomb corresponds nicely to where the ear would be, and the stars in the eyes provide a sense of scale for the Star of Bethlehem, which is tucked into the shadow of the nose. I think my favorite touch is using the Sea of Galilee and its mountain backdrop for the right eyebrow.
Here’s a key to the events depicted, along with each corresponding Bible verse (which I verified separately). I found the information on this tribute site .
Mr. Castillo is known principally as a sand artist. The term
conjures up visions of large sculptures at a beach, but what Mr. Castillo
does is very different: using his hands, he draws pictures in sand spread on
a light table. The images are projected on a screen for the audience. Sound
intriguing? You might want to check out some video clips of Joe Castillo creating sand story art.
What do you think? Has Joe Castillo crafted something special?
Does The Face of Christ speak to you on an artistic or spiritual
level? Hope you’ll leave a comment.
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